Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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2. Optimize your Facebook Page

You need to make your Facebook Page as appealing as possible. This starts with a great cover photo that clearly communicates your message and benefits to your audience. Create a compelling intro with a good call to action. Complete the About section and the others and add links to your website in each of them.

3. Create a Great Back Story

The more that you can connect with your audience, the more likely you are to drive free traffic from Facebook. You need a good back story that tells your audience how you went from “zero to hero”.

Your story needs to inspire them to believe that they can be successful as well with your help of course.

4. Give your Audience what they want By giving your audience what they want you will maximize your chances of driving free Facebook traffic. Do everything you can to find out what your audience wants. What problems do they have that you can help them with? Join relevant groups to find out what kind of content is the most popular and use Facebook Insights to check your own posts.

5. Post the right Content for Facebook Traffic

You want your posts to receive a lot of engagement (likes, comments and shares). Getting your posts shared is great as it will help to grow your audience and extend your reach. Use tactics to increase the

“share-worthiness” of your posts. Create posts that include contributions from well respected people in your niche.