Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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Develop a Growth Mindset

The most important thing that you can do first is develop a growth mindset when it comes to Facebook. Without this you are very unlikely to succeed. It is very tempting to try and find the latest tips and tricks for free Facebook traffic, but these are usually very temporary and will not help you to become a true influencer on the platform.

Being a true influencer is your aim. With the reduced amount of visibility of your content forced by Facebook, you want to ensure that the content that does appear in the news feeds of your target audience will be consumed passionately.

Changing your mindset is not easy to do but it is definitely possible. You are going to have some limiting beliefs which will hold you back as far as growing your Facebook profile is concerned. You need to address these on a regular basis to eradicate them.

It’s all been said before

Do you believe that you have nothing interesting to contribute on a consistent basis? After all it’s all been said before right? Most unsuccessful Facebook marketers suffer from this limiting belief. You can certainly eliminate this belief fairly easily and quickly.

A lot of Facebook marketers make the mistake that their audience really cares about their opinion.

The harsh reality is that they don’t and they never will (unless you are some kind of global superstar).

So what do you do? You need to share the facts with your audience. Provide data and evidence that what you are saying in your posts really works. This is a lot easier to do than you may think.

Yes it will take a little more work – but going to your audience with a proven idea is always going to trump your opinion about something. Your audience wants to achieve a specific result so show them that you are the person to help them do this.