Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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Everything has to be Perfect

This is another classic negative belief. Facebook marketers think that they have to create perfect content every time. Perfectionism is a real success killer. There is no such thing as perfect Facebook content.

Perfectionism will just hold you back. It is better to put content out there that is not quite perfect than to agonize over that “perfect post”. You will end up posting nothing with this belief. Just add regular posts and then use Facebook Insights to test your engagement levels.

Not having the right amount of Proof

You should always go for a proof strategy with your content. But what if you don’t have enough proof?

This is another negative belief that will hold you back. Obviously it is better to have more than one source of proof – but if that is all you have then go with it anyway.

A single source of proof will be enough to hook people into your Facebook content. After that it is down to your personality. When people know, like and trust you on Facebook they will not be at all concerned that you do not have enough proof. There will always be some people that don’t like your style – that’s OK you don’t want them anyway.

My Website and Branding isn’t good enough

A lot of marketers believe that they need the fanciest website and branding to succeed with Facebook marketing. The truth is that you don’t. We are not saying that you shouldn’t pay attention to your

website and make it the best it can be, but it really doesn’t have to win any design awards to be effective.

As before, if people know, like and trust you then they will not care about how fancy your website is.

You have put yourself out there on Facebook and provided valuable content to your audience and they really appreciate that.

You can eradicate all of these limiting beliefs. If you have any fears about marketing on Facebook then you need to work on these to overcome them. It will take time for you to totally eradicate them but you must do this.

Post regularly and focus on Value

The most important thing that you need to remember is that the quality and consistency of your content is your chief concern. You do not need to post content several times a day like some large organizations do. But you do need a regular posting schedule and the value that you provide is everything.

It is still possible to drive a lot of traffic from Facebook to increase your leads and sales but you need to accept that your exposure will not be as great as it would have been a couple of years ago. This makes it even more essential to provide value to your audience so they will start looking for your posts.

In the next chapter we will discuss how to optimize your Facebook Page so that you get the maximum amount of free traffic…

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As you probably already know, you need a Facebook Page to perform successful Facebook marketing.

It is very easy to setup a new Facebook Page and there are many out there that are not well optimized for free traffic.

Have a Great Profile Cover Photo

All businesses that have Facebook Pages should use their cover photo as a way to getting users into their sales funnel. This is very valuable real estate that you must use wisely. It’s the first thing that a new visitor will see on your Facebook Page.

You need to use a photo that is really eye catching here. If you need help with this then there are some good sellers on Fiverr.com that can help. Add text to your cover photo that your audience will resonate with.

In the text tell them what you can do for them – the results that you can help them to achieve. Add the link to your sales funnel on the cover photo as well. Do not waste the opportunity you have here.

Sure it is nice to have a picture of you and your partner on the beach but that will not drive more free traffic.

Add a strong Call to Action in your Intro

Your Facebook Page intro is another area that really stands out so make good use of this. Add a benefit here and then your website URL so that they can find out more. As an example your intro could say:

“How To Make $10k A Month From Facebook And Your Website – Learn More At yourdomain.com”

You do not want your visitors to spend too much time on your Facebook Page. Your goal is to drive them to your website so that they can really get involved. So use your intro to the best effect.