Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon by Chris Farrell - HTML preview

PLEASE NOTE: This is an HTML preview only and some elements such as links or page numbers may be incorrect.
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I want to show something else that can make your web page come even more alive.


And this is putting some text in a box – or a table as it is correctly called.


Let’s use one of my websites as an example. Here is a bit of text from one of my sites.


00169.jpgNow let’s assume I want to put the following into a table so it stands out a bit more.


Page 114 It is very easy to do.


Firstly put your cursor at the start of the word Don’t and hit Enter a few times. This is just to give you a bit of space to work with.


00170.jpgNow Click on Insert and then in the drop down menu that appear click on Table. You will see the following.


00171.jpgPage 115

As you can see it is asking for the details of the table we are about to insert. 99% of the time you will want a simple table to ‘box’ around your text. Therefore your table will consist of 1 Row and 1 Column.

Change the Row and Column field so they both say ‘1’.


For the width – let’s go for 50% of the cell. So add 50 to the Width field.


00172.jpgClick OK.


And look what happens!


00173.jpgA table has appeared in your webpage.


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It’s currently towards the left hand side however – and we want it in the centre. So double click anywhere in the table and the Table Properties window will appear.

Make sure the Table tab is selected.


00174.jpgNote the Table Alignment is by default saying Left.


Click on the drop down menu to select Center (or ‘Centre’ if you’re from the UK!)


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Now your table has aligned itself into the centre of your page.


00176.jpgNow simply highlight the text you want to put in the table. Once you have – you can click and drag it into the table. Page 118 00177.jpgOnce the text is over the table let go of your mouse, and the text will appear in the table.


00178.jpgLet’s put a bit of color in the table.


Right click on the table and select Table or Cell Color


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Double click on the color you want. And suddenly...



The Table Properties window allows you to change the alignment, the dimensions, even the size of the border of the table. Have a play around and experiment with it.

Now you know how to put text into a table.


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