Create Your Own Website In 30 Minutes and Succeed In Google by John Walker - HTML preview

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Part 3: Make Money With Your Website

There are many ways on the web to make money.Especially if you have a website getting good traffic,your earnings with your website can be much more than you can imagine. As i said there are many ways to make money,i will tell you here two and best of them:

Google Adsense:

Google adsense is the Ads Publishing platform owned by google.After applying and being accepted by google,you add the codes into your website specified for you,and whenever a visitor clicks on the advertises you get paid for every click.

Why would my visitors click my google ads?

This is because Google shows in your website ‘related ads with your content’.For example you created a website about dog training,google shows ‘dog training related’ ads within your website.Why does a visitor come to your page?He must be looking for information about dog training,ads are dog training related,too.

00044.jpgA visitor can click the ads for 2 reasons;


1. Ads attract visitors attention and clicks on it.


2. Visitor can think the ads as a part of your website and clicks on it.


Either way,they click on the ads and you get paid for every click:


How much can i earn for each click?

This is the most discussed topic of all times.You can not know!That’s that simple,Google does not tell you how much you can earn.You can earn 15-20 $ for a single click!But you can earn 0,30,too.(supposing you made a website in English,in other languages it can be far more less.)

You don’t have to worry about how much you get for each click.You can see this in your Adsense panel how much you earn for clicks.

If you have a website with good traffic it’s not that hard to make 1000-5000 $ with Adsense.I have given you all the things you need for creating a website and getting good traffic.If you follow my tips you can earn very good with adsense.

So if you want to make money with adsense,you must apply it first,do not forget you have to have a website before you can apply to adsense.


Click on the link below to appyl Google Adsense: And Fill out the form; 00045.jpg

2.Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is a very popular make-money system on the Internet.There are products of every type you can imagine such as e-books,training e
books,services,softwares,memberships etc.You can be an affiliate whicever you want and get the commission up to % 75.

For example let’s say i sell a software and its price 100 $.You become an affiliate for my product and get your special affiliate link,and the commission rate % 75.You get paid for each customer coming from your link 75 $.

All you have to do is sending referalls to the product owners sales page.


You can do this by putting a banner related to the topic of your website.Or you can write an article about the product you want to promote or give a link in somewhere of your website.


If you are the one want to make 10.000-15.000 monthy on the web Affiliate Marketing is the key!


How to find products to be an affiliate?

There are Affiliate Networks where these kind of products category by category published and sold.You can search among the categories,become an affiliate the products you like and then make money.

I advise you to choose the products related to your content!


Here’s some affiliate Networks(best ones) that you can find products to promote:

Affiliate Marketing is a very good way making money online.I believe it’s the best way of making Money online.You can start making money with the tips i gave you,but if you would like to make 5.000-15.000 $/month and want to be Professional you should learn about this much more.

Search on the internet for affiliate marketing tips,you will be sometimes directed to e-books which promise you to make 20-50.000/month.Most of them are scams,don’t believe them.I bought a lot of Pdfs and got nothing!

You may would like to know much about Affiliate Marketing.You can find good free e-books about that on ,best free e-book source on the web.

Also if your search on the internet you may come across with E-books that promise you a lifetime 10.000-15.000 income,Be very careful with them!And make many searches before you make any purchase.