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Part 2: SEO-Search Engine Optimization

00033.jpgLet’s start with basics.What is Search Engine Optimization?

All people using internet searches information on the internet via Search Engines like
Google,Yahoo,Msn,Bing etc.There are lots of search engines but the most important,most common and most used one is of course Google.We will be targeting Google as well.Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing organic traffic (free traffic) coming from search engines.In other words,we can describe seo ‘’The Things To Do’’ in order to rank well in Search Engines,attracting many visitors and providing quality of free Traffic to our website.

The higher your site appears in search results,the more visitors and traffic you get from Search Engines.
What is the point of making SEO,Do i have to?

What is your aim by creating a website?Is not it attracting many visitors to your website and making money from your Traffic?Of course it is.So making SEO is a crucial part for you if you want to be successful on the web and make money.

By the way there is paid traffic suppliers like Google Adwords,Msn Ad Center,Yahoo Sponsored Search etc.But as i said these are ‘’paid’’ ones,so you have to pay some value for every visitor that comes your website.We call this as ppc advertising,it means Pay Per Click.

Tip: You can use your ad credits if you signed up with Justhost using ppc advertising.


Basically you prepare your advertise,publish it and every click to these ads goes to your website,and you pay for every click.


So i want to ask you here,what kind of traffic would you like to have?Organic(Free) that comes from search engines or paid ones?


If you would like to have free organic traffic to your website from Search Engines,it’s the answer of my question,Yes you have to make SEO!


How to make SEO I will tell how to make Seo in 2 parts.Both Parts are essential,be sure to read and put into practice all tactics i told for you.


Part 1: First Optimize Your Web Page For Search Engines:

Optimizing your web page is very helpfull for ranking well in Search Engines,especially in Google.What does ‘’Optimizing a web page’’ mean?In this part you will learn to target your website with related titles,descriptions and keywords.

Eg. You have made a website about ‘’Weight Loss’’.What would be your target?Your Target is the people who search on Google for Weight loss,weight loss tips,weight loss products etc.You must say google my website is about for example weight loss,cars,real estate,whatever your website’s topic is.By this way you will make easy to make people to find your website who makes searches related the content of your website.Let’s get in detail how to do that;

1.Log in your wp admin panel.( if you have forgotten how to log in.)


2.Go to ‘’General’’ tab under Settings Menu in your dashboard.Look at the Picture below if you can not find it.



You will select here you website’s Title and Description.Before doing this ,would you like to know which keywords are performing well in your area,which keywords has a good search rate,what do people search in Google about your topic?I strongly advise you do this ‘’Keyword Analyze’’ before you decide your website’s Title,Description etc.

3.Go to> Google Keyword Suggestion Tool,Click Here


Then write into the box a few keywords related to your website.For example let’s say you have made a website about weight loss:



In search Results you will see what people look for and monthly search rates of keywords.You should select the keywords for your website which both have a good search rate and have ‘a long tail’.What does that mean?Eg. This keyword ‘Weight Loss’’ always has the best search rate,but it is very competitive because too many webmasters target for this keyword,but the keyword ‘’Tips on weight loss’’ has a good search rate and the possibility of your website’s ranking well in search engines much more higher.Look at the picture below;


After you decide which keywords you will target, note them somewhere and include these keywords in your Title,Description and Keywords,in a logical way as well.

Eg; A fine title could be so;


Weight Loss Tips | Best Ways To Lose Weight | Healthy Weight Loss Tips


A fine Description would be so;


In this website you can find tips on weight loss,healthy ways to lose weight and special tips how to lose weight quick and healthy.


This looks as if a normal sentence but i have targeted many keywords,you got the point?


So if you have decided your keywords,return your wp admin panel and Settings>General Tab.


Define your title and description like below;


00037.jpgSave the settings and you are done.


Second and a very important point to do is; Change your permalinks as % postname%.


Here’s How;


When you click on write a new post you will see ‘Change Permalinks’ button,click on it; 00038.jpgMake the same thing i do in the Picture below;Write %postname% for custom structure.


00039.jpgWithout this your posts or pages would be like this By this way it will look like :


This is important,because by this way you will be able to attract visitors not just via your home page but with your pages and posts.


*Are you aware how valuable information about seo i am giving to you?
Special Tip:
Try to use the keyword groups that you used in Title and Description parts in the posts as well.By this way you are more likely to appear higher in search results.

Wordpress Seo Plugins:

I really like Wordpress.It’s an exellent source for everyone.As i mentioned above wordpress plugins make wordpress very special.Here i advise you strongly 2 Plugins for Seo.I told you how to install a plugin above,if you are not comfortable with installing the plugins i advise,take a look at the plugin installation part again.

Here are the Plugins for Seo which i advise you to install:
1. Platinum Seo Pack: It does everything for website optimization.By this plugin you can define your title,description,meta keywords and much more when you create pages or posts.

You can install it by searching in Plugins: Platinum Seo Pack If you want to download and upload it here’s the download link:

2. Google Sitemaps are to help google to index your web page.Google robots visit your website and look if you have a sitemap.A sitemap basically shows to people,especially robots all the pages,posts links in your website.If you help google to index your web page easily,it will help you to get higher search results in return!

You can install it by searching in Plugins as i told: Google Or you can manually download,upload and install it,here’s the link:

A quick note: Google 00040.jpgSo that’s all for website optimization for Search Engines.Now comes a very important part.

Part 2 :Getting Backlinks,Link Popularity,External SEO (a very important part)

Now here we come second and most important part for SEO.Although this part is the most important part for seo,i am telling you this as secondly.You may think why?Because doing this part of SEO without first part is a kind of pointless.

2-3 years ago it was much more easier to rank well in Search Engines.Actually website optimization part was enough by itself,doing this part was an extra for those who want to have more visitors to his website than he has.But since last 2-3 years,ranking well in Google have been much more harder.In other Languages it’s still easy to get listed in high search results but English.If your aim is creating a website in English,you must deal with SEO more and more.Because you know English is an international language and a very very competitive area for webmasters.

So if you are planning to create a website in English,this part is much more important than any others for you!To be more clear,forget ranking well in search engines especially in competitive areas without this part of seo!I mean it!

This part of SEO is External Seo:


What is it?No hard-to-understand terms,’’things you must do outside of your website such as getting backlinks,gaining link popularity etc.’’


A few Terms before we get started:

Backlink: The link you get from an external web page that pointing your website.It can be a text link or just your website.A text link means linking your website within a keyword group like this one : Make a Site i gave a text backlink to my home page.

PR: PageRank(PR) is the value of your website for Google.Google has a pointing system 0 to 10.The higher,the beter.


Sandbox: Google’s a kind of ban for new websites growing very fast.(These ones are black hat sites,google accept them as ‘spam’ site and sends to sandbox)


Google Ban: If Google believes your website is a spam one,bans your website and clear all the index of your website.


Google Webmaster Tools: Your Area to check your site’s ratings by the space given by google.Click here to sign up with google webmaster tools.


Getting Backlinks:

Backlinks are very essential for your website.Getting a backlink for your website means to Google; This website advises that website,so it should be a good website.Then Google starts to list your page higher in search results.

Are all the backlinks are the same?

Definetely not!Google decides how quality a backlink to your website by looking to the website’s PageRank which is linking to you.You should always try to get backlinks from the sites that have a good Pagerank.As you can guess PR1 one is beter than PR0,PR2 is beter than PR1.. and so on.But after PR4 google changes its approach to the website.If you can get higher backlinks than PR3,your website is very very likely to get listed in first page of google.

Google also looks the topic-relation of the websites.For example if you have a website about weight loss and you get a one way backlink from an external website related to weight loss as well, the value of the backlink increases dramatically.

So How to Get Backlinks?

Getting backlinks is a long and hard way to go,there are many ways,as well.I will tell here best ways to get backlinks that i use for my websites.Also i will be advising you some softwares that generates backlinks automatically.Keep in mind that you can always do what a software can!What a software does is making this process easier,faster and in some issues automatically.I will tell you both getting backlinks manually and with softwares.You can decide between them of course according to your budget,your time and how much you want to be successful on the web!Let’s get started;

Article Marketing:

Article Marketing is the best way to get quality backlinks to your website.There are thousands of Article Directories on the web to publish your articles.Article Marketing process is like that;

1.You write an article related to your website.
2.Sign up with article directories such as , add your article and publish it.You can see that below;

00041.jpgWhat Benefits do i have by submitting articles to article directories?

Do you know what is the best part of Article Marketing? It’s the author information part,you can see an example below;


You got the point?You share your ideas with people by writing an article and at the bottom of the article you give your website a backlink in Exchange.A win-win situation!

Benefits Of Article Marketing;

1.You can get lots of quality backlinks from Article Directories just by submitting your article.
2.There are many Article Directories that have a high Pagerank.For example has a PR 6. By this way you will be getting backlinks from websites which have high pagerank degrees.
3.Because many Article Directories have high PR, the submitted article indexed by google very fast,and when related search is made,the article might appear in first page of the results.Real humans read these articles and by the link you give at the bottom of the article you can generate a huge traffic from real and ‘targeted’ (interested in your topic) people.
4.It helps you a lot getting higher positions on Google.

How to make article Marketing

• Search on the google for article directories with the keywords such as ‘’article directories,best article directories,submit article,article submission etc.’’.
• Find at least 150 article directories and sign up with them.
• Submit your article for each of them.

Option 2 :

There are softwares make this process very easy and automatically.There are article submitters on the web that has hundreds of article directory database,auto sign up and auto submit.

So you may want to use Article Marketing Software which maket his process easier.Search on the Google if you are interested in that.

Submitting Your URL to Blog/Site Directories:

Another great way to get one way backlinks to your website is Directories.There are many directories on the web to submit your url like , .

How it works?


You give some information about you(such as email,name etc) and your
website(url,title,description etc.) and submit your website.You can see an example sign up form above.

By submitting your website to directories you will have such benefits:

1.One way backlink from websites with high PR.
2.There are many people looking for information and using Directories instead of Search Engines.By this way you can attract many real visitors your website and by doing so you can generate free traffic to your website.
3.Helps increasing your website’s PR.

Find as many directories as you can to submit your blog/site searching on Google with such keywords;

Blog directories
Website directories
Directories to submit blog/site Submit url
Submitting url etc.

Again there are automatic Directory Submitter Softwares that make this for you.

Social Bookmarking:

This Part is a very very important part.I told you 2 ways of getting backlinks till now and it’s third.You may think the importance of them as 1,2,3.Not at all!I wanted to tell you my secret weapon in the end: Social Bookmarking!

What is Social Bookmarking?


Social Bookmarking websites are generally sites that categorize and store bookmark links. Millions of visitors flood these Social Bookmarking sites to search for information.

So the idea of bookmarking is to post links back to your website from these Social Bookmarking websites. You need to specify some keywords (we call them TAGS) which categorize your bookmark.And then when a person looks for the keywords you specified before finds your website and clicks on it.He directly goes to your website.

Because of the power of Bookmarking Sites;

1.You can get daily tons of traffic flooding your website.
2.These Bookmarking sites have a high PR desgree,so you can get tons of quality backlinks to your site.
*3.The more your website get bookmarks(in bookmarking sites),the higher it is showed in these sites.
I wish you understood what i mean in *3. point. If your website becomes popular in these Bookmarking Sites you can not imagine how many visitors you attract daily!

How Social Bookmarking Works?


Actually you do nothing but joining these bookmarking sites.Who pings,bookmarks your website is the others.


But knowing the power of these bookmarking sites,internet marketers found easy ways to benefit from them.There is 2 way for that;


1.Creating your profile and pinging your own website. 2.Adding your url to be bookmarked.

Social sites have become people’s main interested on the web lately.For example since facebook entered our lifes moste people’s main interest have been posting something,sharing photos videos etc.I want you to understand the power of social sites.Why don’t you share your websites,post with your facebook friends?Even you create a group about your website’s topic and invite people to join.

Do not forget, Social sites are very good sites for having quality traffic.

So these are the tips on Search Engine Optimization and getting free traffic for your website.If you follow the tips properly,your website will be very likely to be listed high in search results and get tons of free Traffic.

More Traffic means more money for you!In part 3 you will find out how to make money with your website.