How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch by Van Miller - HTML preview

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Create and Upload a Logo

To create a logo, we will use a free online tool that has no copyright restrictions of your final creation, and also has a decent variety of choices which will allow you to create a unique and nice looking logo for your business. Open a new tab in your browser and type in:

Now you can see a list of designs, which could all be modified and customized. Find the one you like and click on it.


I decided to go with the one called "Skate".


In the Logo Text field replace the text with your company name. To find the font you like, click

on the default font underneath. You will see a list of Fonts organized by categories.


I decided to go with the font called "Rock Salt" under the “Handwriting” category. So find the Font you like and click on it.


For the Text Size put 65, than either select your Start and End colors by clicking on the default color boxes, or check the option Use Gradient and click on the gradient box underneath. You will see a list of available gradients. Choose the one that fits your needs and click on it.

I decided to use the one called "Blue Green". If you want to have your gradient horizontal, check the box next to the option "Horizontal Gradient". Next you can select the Outline Color, and set the Outline Width. I decided to leave the color black, and changed the outline to 4. In the next section you can choose the Shadow Type. I selected Medium Blur. For the Shadow Offset, I put 1 for the X and 5 for the Y axis, and I left the Shadow Color black and changed the Opacity to 70.

Next section will let you set the Alignment, Image Width, Image Height and File Format. I left this section as is. When you are done click on the Create Logo button.


On the next page click the Download Image link.


The image will be saved in your default Downloads folder on your computer, and the name will consist of cool text and a number.


You want to make sure you change that name to your company name before you upload it to your website.

When you are ready to upload the logo go back to your Dashboard and under Appearance, Nirvana Settings open the HEADER SETTINGS section, change the SITE HEADER option to

Custom Logo and then click on SELECT / UPLOAD IMAGE button under the CUSTOM LOGO UPLOAD section.


You will be sent to your Media Library, where you should be able to see a thumbnail of your header image.


Click on the link Upload Files located above the thumbnail of your header image. Than you can either drag and drop your logo image, or click on SELECT FILES, than find and select your logo image on your computer and click Open.


Than make sure your logo is selected, and if you look to the right you will see some information about the selected image. Also you can change the Title of your image, add Caption, Alt Text, and Description. It is important to have your company name in the title of your image, and also you should describe with few words the main idea of the business in the Alt Text field. For example “ Surfboard Sales and Rentals in South Beach Miami “. Also put couple sentences for the description. That will help the search engines to rank your image when someone is using the key words “Surfboard Rentals Miami” in Google Images.

You can also choose the Alignment, of the image, where to Link To and the Size. Leave those options, and click the INSERT INTO POST button.


In the HEADER SETTINGS section change the SITE HEADER option to Custom Logo than scroll down and click SAVE CHANGES


When you go and refresh your site you can see that your logo appears over your header image.

In the next step, you are going to find and upload a favicon for your website.