How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch by Van Miller - HTML preview

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Add and configure contact form

For your Contact Us page, you are going to insert your company contact information, secure contact form and interactive map showing your business location.

To add a contact form to the Contact Us page, you are going to download and install a plugin called

Fast Secure Contact Form

Go to Plugins /Add New/ Search: “Fast Secure Contact Form”/ Install Now/OK/Activate


Now from the list of installed plugins find the “ Fast Secure Contact Form” plugin and click on settings.


Under the Basic Settings, for the Form-1 label type in “Secure Contact Form”. For the welcome introduction you can either leave the default text “Comments or questions are welcome.” or change it to something else. You can also delete the code and leave that field blank. Then click Save Changes for this section.


Under the section Email Settings, in the Email To: filed, you want to insert the email address, which you created earlier, because it is under the same domain as your web site.

That way you will avoid mail delivery fails, which is common issue when you use Yahoo, Gmail, or other external email address. Also it is recommended to use a separate email address for the option Return-path address.

Simply repeat the steps you learned earlier to create your first email address. Once you have your second email, just paste it in the field for the Return-path address option.

Than check the box next to “Enable when web host requires "Mail From" strictly tied to site.” and click Save Changes.


Scroll back up to the Basic Settings. Select and copy the code under “Shortcode for this form:”


After that, under Appearance go to the Widgets section. From the list of available widgets find the Visual Editor widget and drag it on top of the box named Right Sidebar For the title put Contact Us, and paste the code into the visual editor, then click Save, than Close the Visual Editor.


While you still in the widgets section, you can also insert AddThis Follow into the Right Sidebar. Use the technique you learned earlier to insert the AddThis Follow widget into the Left Sidebar.


Now when you go back to your website and click on the Contact Us page you will see the contact form on the right, which also comes with captcha. That way all of the potential unwanted spam messages, from bots for example, will be eliminated.

Congratulations! You competed building your website. The last thing you need to do is some basic search engine optimization, which will help you increase the amount of traffic to your website in the future.