How to Lose Weight with the Right Food! by julien cendre - HTML preview

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Finding The Beauty Within While Dieting

Our culture is characterized with an excessive concern for external appearances. No one enjoys the process of dieting, yet everybody waits eagerly for the results--a perfect, slim, and beautiful body. The focus on dieting, exercise, and perfection of external appearances is so great that most people do not realize that there is something called inner beauty.

Dieting should be done more for health than for external beauty. You do not need to fit into the popularly accepted idea of what is beautiful. If everybody looks like the models in the fashion world do, we would be bored stiff with life.

Secret to Successful Dieting

You can achieve great success with dieting only if you focus on accepting yourself as you are. This in no way means that you should stop perfecting yourself and working for better health. It simply indicates a shift of focus from merely attempting to create a person who would fit into somebody else's ideal to accepting yourself as who you are.

Many people diet in order to be somebody else--a person you once were or another person whose looks you admire. Until you accept yourself as who you are, you will not be able to be happy at any weight. Sometimes, accepting oneself can be very difficult, but worth it.

Importance of Self-acceptance

The major reason for weight gain is emotional eating in which people eat to fill an emptiness within themselves. People eat to fill the void caused by depression, uncertainty, loneliness, and many more factors.

Depressed people find it very difficult to lose weight. Such people can find contentment only in self-acceptance. Once people are free from depression and self-condemnation, they find that they have rapidly lost weight.

Stop framing definitions of yourself on the basis of what you weigh. When you have reached a point in your life where you can accept yourself as you are and you feel that your diet and exercise regime is within your control, talk to your doctor and find out what he or she says.

The nation does not require women sized five. On the contrary, it requires women of confidence who are not afraid of who and what they are irrespective of their external appearances.

To achieve success with dieting, therefore, you have to find the beauty within yourself. In the process of dieting and exercising, perform a simple mental exercise. Get to know yourself better and introduce yourself to the person you aspire to be.

The two will soon merge into one personality, an image that is perfectly acceptable to you irrespective of the ideas bombarded onto your brain by advertisers of cosmetic products.