Get Busy With Writing a Collection of 31 Daily Prompts to Spark Your Inspiration and Get Creativity Flowing by Maja S. Todorovic - HTML preview

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Prompt 8: Find a color contrast that appeals to you


"Nature always wears the colors of the spirit."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

For this exercise, let's play with colors. Observing patterns and how colors interlay can help us train our focus and flexibility.

Look around you and find a pair of colors - any two colors will do. It could be just that you spotted yellow-green pattern on your blanket or the book near you have black-white cover. It doesn't matter. Look in that contrast and then close your eyes. Write about what you 'see', what you feel. How does it appeal to you? Let it inspire your writing and focus on pictures coming to your mind.

Colors passing through us (an excerpt)

Purple as tulips in May, mauve

into lush velvet, purple

as the stain blackberries leave

on the lips, on the hands,

the purple of ripe grapes

sunlit and warm as flesh.

Blue as cornflowers, delphiniums,

bachelors’ buttons. Blue as Roquefort,

blue as Saga. Blue as still water.

Blue as the eyes of a Siamese cat.

Blue as shadows on new snow, as a spring

azure sipping from a puddle on the blacktop.

Cobalt as the midnight sky

when day has gone without a trace

and we lie in each other’s arms

eyes shut and fingers open

and all the colors of the world

pass through our bodies like strings of fire.

Marge Piercy