Get Busy With Writing a Collection of 31 Daily Prompts to Spark Your Inspiration and Get Creativity Flowing by Maja S. Todorovic - HTML preview

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Prompt 9: Tip - toe through your bag


"Touch seem essential as sunlight."

- Diane Ackerman

Touch is one of the most essential senses we have. It translates everything that happens around us through our largest organ - skin. If we are cold, warm, if something is soft or sharp, we can feel it. Our sensors for touch give us that information. So today, simply grab your bag and dig your hand in it: your task is to describe the first object you find (no matter if you know what it is). How does it feel, what's the color you imagine, is it cold or warm, how does it fit in your hand?

To make it more interesting, ask for assistance. Let someone else pick random objects and fill the bag that you will later explore and use for exercising your creative mussels. Now this is interesting, right?

Go and do it, what are you waiting for?

At the Touch of You

At the touch of you,

As if you were an archer with your swift hand at the bow,

The arrows of delight shot through my body.

You were spring,

And I the edge of a cliff,

And a shining waterfall rushed over me.

Witter Bynner