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1.3 The Role of Mini E-Books in Internet Marketing

What is the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing? In Internet marketing, mini E-Books serve almost exclusively as a viral tool that generates traffic and opt-in list subscriber growth.
In many cases, the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing is to generate viral and explosive growth through word of mouth promotion. But before you attempt to integrate mini E-Books into your marketing campaigns, there are a number of important things you should first consider.

The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that your product must have a target market. If you have no list to promote to and no idea whether or not anyone is actively looking for the solution you present in your mini E-Book, do not write it. Start with market research and determine what people really want to know about your specific niche. You can do this by searching forums for hot topics that have received a significant amount of replies. Take one of these topics and generate a quick report about it, using a controversial angle – something that will grab someone's attention and compel them to buy.

Next, determine how you will market your mini E-Book. You can start by looking for joint venture partners. Find webmasters who have lists related to your topic. And then approach them quietly with your offer. But make sure it is compelling. Webmasters with big sites get offers like yours every single day. Yours must stand apart and provide a compelling incentive, such as a large affiliate commission.

Again, the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing is to generate viral traffic. If you don't have people promoting your E-Book through word of mouth, then you might as well not write it.

So start with the market research. Find out if anyone will actually buy your product. Once you do that and develop a good product, start contacting your potential JV partners with a good, compelling offer.