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3.4 Setting Up Your Own Mailing List to Build Leads

Setting up your own mailing list to build leads is a crucial part of any far-reaching, long run Internet business plan. This is because conversion rates for direct sales are dismally low – on the order of 1-5% per targeted visitor. But as the amount of contacts increase, so does the conversion rate. In some instances, you could increase your conversion rate to as high as 30% simply by using follow-up emails, rather than direct sales techniques.

You can begin setting up your own mailing list to build leads by developing some material. You will want to find some crucial topics related to your niche – and you will then want to build a short e-course along with a mini E-Book. If you want to same some time, you could even outsource both of these projects to ghostwriters. Just make sure you provide them with enough information to ensure that their work will contain complete, useful information.

Now that you've developed your product, you will want to begin setting up your own mailing list to build leads. You should first purchase a subscription to an autoresponder service, such as

Next, browse the interface and help section until you have a rough idea how to setup a newsletter using whichever autoresponder service you selected. After you have done that, begin loading all of the components of your e-course into the autoresponder; additionally, make sure you use powerful, enticing subject lines and curiosity-building lines at the bottom of each lesson to entice the reader into reading the following day's letter.

The last part you will want to complete is your sales page and opt-in form. With opt-in form pages, you will usually want to provide a short description and then immediately give the visitor the chance to opt-in. Additionally, you will want to explain that opting-in entitles them to a free copy of your mini E-Book.

And there you have it: a step-by-step system for setting up your own mailing list to build leads.