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3.5 Deciding the Font and Layout of Your Mini E-Book

Deciding the font and layout of your mini E-Book actually is a crucial aspect of appearing professional. In addition to optimizing any images you use, you will want to make sure that the rest of your mini E-Book looks clean.

Don't believe me? Then consider the following example: you purchase a 25-page Mini E-Book on how to build professional mini E-Books. The sales page is great and you can't wait for the mini E-Book to arrive, so you can get working on your first mini E-Book. But when the mini E-Book arrives, you notice that the font is point 70, is bright yellow, and is in some sort of ridiculous, unreadable symbol font, where the letter R is represented by a cactus. After scrolling down three inches, you notice that the first graphic is a giant box with a red x through it. You then find out that the next page is completely blank.

Now, do you want to learn about creating professional mini E-Books from the person who created this travesty? Probably not. Of course, this is an extreme example, but it is also an important one to consider if you are producing Internet marketing products.

When deciding the font and layout of your mini E-Book, you will want to consider the tone of your mini E-Book. Is it relaxed? Maybe you'll want to use comic sans. Is it professional? Maybe you'll want to use verdana. Is it somewhere in between? Try Georgia font. Additionally, use a reasonable size font. In most cases, size 12 or 14 will do.

When deciding the font and layout of your mini E-Book, the last thing you will also want to consider is the layout. Do you want to have an index? Should you have a glossary? Should you have some sort of an introduction? Should you include graphs and charts? Should you include pictures? All of these components are important considerations.

Once you have finished deciding on the font and layout of your mini E-Book, there are only two tasks remaining: you will need to compile your mini E-Book – which you can usually do by exporting your document into PDF format – and you will need to market it through JV partners, search engine optimization, solo mailings, and pay per click advertisements.