Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Why are wings so beautiful? Are they  just perceived that way because they can soar  to the sky where only mere humans can  dream? It was so bright. Where did all this  light come from? I felt overwhelmed with a  white radiance. I was about to cover my eyes  to shield myself, but I found that I couldn’t  move. I had no idea where I was or how I had  got here. Even squinting seemed impossible. I  could not feel my body. I could not feel  anything, but I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I felt at  peace. “Remember,” echoed a voice. Was the  voice somewhere nearby, or was it merely in  my head? “REMEMBER,” it was definitely in  my head and all around me. Remember?  That’s right! I had to remember who I was,  and how I got here; quickly before I faded into  nothing.