Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 1


 I took a deep breath. It was as if I was  free falling because once I made this decision  to go, there was no turning back. Adam and  Carmen, also known as Komodo Dragon and  the Jade Magician ran beside me. We were  heading towards the battle that everyone was  dreading. With the decision to fight against an  unknown opponent, going by the name 'God  of Wind', and his small battalion of demons,  the lives of hundreds rested on our shoulders. The responsibility weighed heavily on me. I  felt as if an anvil had fallen from the sky and  landed on my chest. Fear was Wile E. Coyote,  and I had turned into the Road Runner. Only  this time, I wasn’t too sure if the Road Runner  could escape its fate.


 “Once the dimension doorway appears,  I, and the other witches, will attempt to seal it  back up,” said Carmen. This job made  Carmen the primary target for annihilation.  She would be in the most danger. “If  something goes wrong, will Lynashia be able  to take over?” I asked her. Lynashia is a witch  trapped inside of Carmen’s necklace.  Lynashia’s job was to guide the Jade  Magicians. You see, Carmen is not the first  Jade Magician to exist. I am not the first  Goldenflame, Adam is not the first Komodo  Dragon, and Liz was not the first Illusionist.  Like all of the Chosen Angels, if Carmen were  to die in this battle, her soul would be  reincarnated into the next Jade Magician.  Lynashia would then go to Carmen’s  reincarnation: the future Jade Magician.  Lynashia was much stronger than Carmen, so  it really drained Carmen’s energy when  Lynashia took over her body. “I can hold Lyn  for up to an hour, but I am only using her as a  last resort,” replied Carmen. The remaining  Fighters’ job was to protect the witches. We  had various Fighters of all shapes and sizes  stationed throughout the city prepared to face  whatever came out of that doorway. The  Chosen Angels consisted of Adam, Carmen,  myself, and our beloved friend Liz, who had  died in a previous fight. The three of us felt  anguish over the fact that we were unable to  protect her. The wound of her death was still  fresh in our hearts. In a way, this fight was for  her. We would avenge her short life.


 Based on the information we received  from Ulrica, also known as Wolvina when in  her wolf form, the dimension doorway would  appear right above our heads, but for the  moment we simply stared into empty air. I  supposed this must be the calm before the  storm. It was eerie that tonight was such a  beautiful night, and it killed me to think that it  would be ruined soon. Somehow the Reciliux  was able to evacuate the city, so all we had to  do was contain the battle to within city limits.  “Here it comes,” said Adam. The night air  began to feel warmer, and into the empty sky  a small bright light emerged. Slowly it got  wider and wider, and I realized the light was  actually fire. It looked as if the portal to hell  had just awakened.


 The small amount of troops we  managed to gather, including Adam and  myself, dove towards the swarm of invading  demons. Some demons died simply by the fall  to Earth, since the dimension doorway was in  the middle of the air. I sliced and diced flipped  and flew. For the moment, our side was on the  offensive. The smaller demons were defeated  quickly; the bigger demons were a bit more  difficult. I found myself fighting head on with  what looked like a rock demon. No matter  what attack I used, I could not pierce through  his external defense. I realized the monster  was toying with me. This made me angry. I  held my staff in front of me for protection and  braced myself for the creature's attack. The  sound of its blows against my staff rang like a  bell. A gravely noise escaped what I assumed  was its mouth. Was it laughing at me? My  eyes widened in revelation. That was it! I  could pierce through its mouth! It was the only  part of the monster that was not covered in  stone. How do I get close enough and could I  make him laugh again? He may be covered in  rock, but I was encased in armor. After his  next strike against my staff, I took advantage  of the monster’s slow speed and lunged for  his vulnerable spot. Good fortune must be on  my side because as I did this, its mouth  widened in shock. I grinned to myself as my  staff impaled its skull. My rejoice in victory  was short lived for a great explosion landed  mere feet from where I stood. Fireballs of  immense proportion were falling from the sky,  destroying buildings and taking the lives of our  allies. The screams of pain made me shake  with…fear? Sadness? Anger? I wasn’t quite  sure. The only truth I knew was that I had to  concentrate on my goal to protect Carmen  and the other witches. They hovered above  the chaos, their arms stretched out with palms  open facing the portal. They released their  magic and hit the edges of the doorway. Their  magic looked like blue lightening. This kept  the doorway from growing, but was it strong  enough to close it altogether? Then I saw it. A  creature with wings was headed straight  towards the witches. I quickly leapt into the  air; landing on my staff with agility and grace,  flying to protect them. I was able to control my  golden staff with my mind and was gifted with  incredible balance making it easy to use my  staff to fly. I was also able to encase myself  with armor. These were the powers given to a  Goldenflame, given to me. I was almost there  when I was whacked off my staff. I hit the  ground hard but felt nothing thanks to my  armor. A groan still escaped my lips due to  having the wind knocked out of me. The  witches were unaware of the danger so near  to them. All of the witches’ attention was being  put into closing the dimension doorway. “Jade  Magician!” I screamed, but my cries were  futile. I was being overwhelmed by demons. I  kicked and punched in what felt like every  direction just to hold them at bay. Even with  the amount of demons surrounding me, I sent  my staff to the witches’ aid. My anxiety was  through the roof. I couldn’t concentrate…so  many demons…I wasn’t going to reach her in  time. I was going to lose another friend.


 I laughed in relief. Wolvina had  somersaulted into the air and destroyed the  winged beast in one fell swoop of her claws.  “Stop worrying about others and focus on  yourself,” said Adam. He had maneuvered his  way into the circle of demons surrounding me.  Adam was a reincarnated Komodo Dragon  skilled in the ninja arts. His most powerful  weapon was his dragon sword. We were now  back to back, fighting for our lives. “You know  better than to just throw your weapon away  like that,” Adam chided. “Call it back so we  can start having some real fun,” he ordered. I  grinned, brimming with confidence. Now that  he was by my side, we could win this I told  myself.


 It had been six hours since this  campaign began and I could feel my body  starting to slow. It rejected my urgency to keep  moving. The swarm of demons just kept  coming. Fighting them and dodging fireballs  called me to rely solely on instinct. I didn’t  have time to think; I could only react. I was  having trouble breathing, also. My helmet was  suffocating me. I evaded the swinging tail of a  snake demon only to back into the flames of a  recently fallen fireball. I noticed I wasn’t the  only one slowing down. Fighters all around me  were succumbing to their pain and fatigue.  Two of the witches had already fainted.  “Komodo Dragon!” I called over my shoulder  to Adam. “Yah?” he grunted. “I think it is time  for the second wave,” I told him. He nodded in  Agreement.


 I managed to get the attention of Tio,  formally known as Master Tio, of the Reciliux.  The Reciliux was an underground  organization dedicated to enforcing  supernatural law. Tio was a tall woman with  blue scaly skin and small white horns  protruding from her forehead. Gliding on my  staff, I reached my hand out to her and  yanked her out of the chaos. I went to the  middle of the city, and Tio shot three white  sparks into the air that looked like fireworks.


 After our troops witnessed the signal,  they fell back and retreated to the  underground tunnel system created by the  Reciliux. The second wave of troops replaced  us which gave us a chance to attend to the  wounded. I noticed that Carmen had not  moved yet, so I flew up to see her. “Carmen,  you need to rest let the other witches take  over,” I told her, however she did not respond.  I waved my hand in front of her face, but got  nothing. I sighed; the only thing keeping this  girl up was shear will power. “Stubborn witch,”  I muttered. As soon as I placed her arms at  her side she collapsed instantaneously. I  carried her on my back to the main base.


 Reciliux underground base was filled  with wounded soldiers. I set Carmen down on  one of the medical benches, and with some  rest she should be fine. She had a bit of a  fever, so I took her green cloak off of her and  placed it under her head for her to use as a  pillow. “Goldenflame, you are wanted in the  conference room,” a saluting foot soldier in a  black cloak and defensive padding reported to  me. I had him lead me to the conference  room. Once there, I found Tio, Adam, Dane,  and three other men I was not yet acquainted  with. Dane was Ulrica’s second in command  and life mate. “Where is Wolvina? Shouldn’t  she be here?” Dane only growled at my  question. “She is in critical condition at the  moment,” answered Tio. “Goldenflame, we  need your input,” continued Tio, changing  subject as if it were nothing. The conference  room was large but dimly lit. The walls were  bare the only thing the room contained was a  large table in the center. On the table was a  large map someone had drawn up of the city  and the dimension doorway. “Our first priority  should be stopping those fireballs. You have a  weather sorcerer, correct?” I asked Tio. “Yes,”  she responded. “Good, ask him to make it  rain. That will extinguish the current fires at  least.” I told her. One of the men I hadn’t met  before began to speak, “The fireballs are  coming from inside the portal,” he pointed to  the map they had laid out. “I suggest sending  a small group of soldiers inside to neutralize  the fireballs,” he said. “If soldiers are sent  inside the dimension doorway, they take the  risk of never returning if the witches manage  to close it,” added Adam. “But if we do not  infiltrate the doorway, this fighting will only  continue,” said Dane. “Are you suggesting we  could stop it from the inside?” asked Tio.  “There must be magic based demons  preventing the witches from closing the  doorway,” another of the men who I did not  know had joined the discussion. “Then it is  decided,” they all looked at me. “The Chosen  Angels will infiltrate the portal and stop  whoever is behind this. The sooner we end  this the more lives will be spared. It is the  Chosen Angels’ duty after all,” I told them.  There was silence for a few minutes, but I got  no arguments. “I will send three Fire Eaters to  assist you,” said Tio. I nodded in thanks. The  remainder of the conference consisted of  contingency plans for if the mission failed and  dispatching quicker medical teams. We must  have been in there over an hour, but I only  heard half of it. As I was leaving, Dane shoved  his way past me in a rush. He must be going  to check on Ulrica, I thought to myself. I  should go, too.


 Since we were underground, the stone  walls were cold, making me shiver. Dane must  have been going pretty fast because I had  already lost track of what direction he was  going. I stopped a medical ninja passing by.  “Hey, can you tell me where those in critical  condition are being kept?” I asked him.  “Straight down the hall, and take the first left,”  he replied, not even looking at me. He was too  busy reading a medical chart to bother. When  he looked up he immediately looked  frightened. I raised an eye brow at him in  confusion. “I’m sorry for my rudeness,  Madame Goldenflame,” the medical ninja  bowed. “Forget it,” I mumbled. I kept walking  and sure enough there was another corridor  on my left. I found Dane leaning against the  wall, smoking a cigarette beside a closed  door. Only Dane would be blowing out toxic  fumes in a medical ward. I inwardly rolled my  eyes. “You love her, don’t you?” I inquired to  Dane. He stood and glared at me, then went  back to leaning against the stone wall  exhaling the cigarette smoke as if defeated. I  wondered what he would look like if I could  see past his glamour to look human. Would he  have sharp claws, a tail, ears, fangs, and  would his eyes change like Ulrica’s did?  Maybe he would be hairier since he was male.  His arms were folded across his chest. His  brown leather jacket made his arms look  strong and powerful. Dane was highly  attractive. He was tall, broad shouldered, with  light blond shoulder length wavy hair and an  Australian accent. “I’ve only been with Ulrica  for a few hundred years, but I never want to  leave her side. For as long as I have known  her, she has been cold and withdrawn. An icy  fortress enraptured her heart, but I accepted  that it was impenetrable. I didn’t care that she  was cold and unfeeling. I told myself that as  long as she allowed me to stay with her that  was all I needed.” There was a sadness in his  eyes as he told me the story of him and Ulrica.  Then he turned to me, “One look at you, and  that fortress shattered,” he spoke bitterly, “Her  heart began to beat again.” He stepped closer  to me using his height to appear imposing.  “Love is not a game, Goldenflame. You don’t  love her, so don’t lead her on,” a low growl  escaped his lips and with that he walked  Away.


 Dane was right. I do not love Ulrica, but  she is my friend and I needed to thank her for  saving Carmen’s life. I knocked, and then  smacked myself on the forehead. She is  probably unconscious. Why was I knocking? I  pushed the door open and entered a small  room full of monitors. There was Ulrica; she  was laid out in the center of the tiny room in a  rolling bed. Ulrica once told me that she  preferred to fight naked. A wolf’s fur was like  their armor but Ulrica relied more on speed so  in order to increase her speed she wore very  little of it; just enough to cover her chest and  rear end. When she wakes up, I’m going to tell  her if she’s not fast enough to dodge shit, then  she needs more fur, I told myself. Her left side  was bandaged up and her forearm had third  degree burns that would probably scar. At the  moment she was unconscious. I wasn’t  worried though because she looked at peace.  I scooted a chair to her bedside between  Ulrica and the monitors. I had read  somewhere once that even when a person is  unable to respond, they can still hear  everything that is going on around them, so I  started to talk. I stared at my feet twiddling my  thumbs, “I am sorry you are in this mess.” I  shook my head, “I am sorry all of us are in this  mess.” I was so tired of my friends getting hurt  around me, and me being unable to stop it. I  felt helpless. “I wish I was stronger, Ulrica,” I  said to the air. I glanced up; Ulrica’s breathing  was steady. I noticed that stitches ran across  her forehead. I had the sudden urge to touch  them. I reached my arm out. My fingers were  inches from her face, but I stopped myself  short. She must be incredibly sore it would be  mean to poke her stitches. Her face was  battered, and yet her beauty had not  diminished. I could not help but think about  the day we had first met. She had walked into  the Teen Center looking for a job. The Teen  Center was a club that Carmen owned and  where we spent most of our time. Ulrica had  such poise, and I hated her instantly. She was  so beautiful that all the guys could not help but  stare. I was envious. Then she bought me ice  cream and we became friends. I smiled at the  memory. The fastest way to my heart had  always been through my stomach. My  thoughts wandered to a not so distant past  away from this hell hole.


 “Emma, is that you?” Ulrica’s wolf like

 eyes blinked up at me.


 “Silly wolf, don’t you know better than to

 get yourself hurt,” I teased.


 “Am I dead?” she asked.


 I could not help but giggle at her  question, “I sure hope heaven doesn’t look  like this dump,” I told her.


 She smiled, “The view is not so bad.”


 “You are in the recovery room of the  Reciliux underground base. We just sent out  the second wave of attacks. I wanted to thank  you for saving Carmen.” I stood ready to leave  now that I had said what I came here for.  “Now do what this room is meant for and  recover,” I ordered.


 “Wait, stay,” her weak body tried to sit  up, but it only managed to re-open the wound  on her side. I placed my hand on her shoulder  to prevent her from getting up. “By the way,  Dane came to see you, but you were asleep  so he left,” I told her.


 “Why did you come?” she asked me.


 “Adam,” I said thinking out loud. She  looked at me confused. “Adam’s sword has  the power to heal. I’ll go find him, and we will  have you fixed up in no time,” I was almost out  the door but stopped at an afterthought. “Don’t  move till I get back,” I instructed as she had  already started trying to sit up. Adam was  currently in the medical wing using his sword  to heal the injured soldiers. Unfortunately  there were so many injured that I had no clue  where to start looking.


 “Ow,” said Carmen as she sat up.  “Where am I?” she wondered. “You are in the  medical wing of the Reciliux underground  base,” Lynashia spoke from inside Carmen’s  head. “You have been out for a good hour,”  said Lynashia. Carmen was surrounded by  rows upon rows of medical benches with  people and magical beings scurrying like rats  in a cage. Cries of pain surrounded her along  with doctors barking orders. “I should give this  bench to someone who really needs it,”


 Carmen thought to herself. She tried to stand  but her legs wobbled and her head spun  forcing her to sit back down.


 Carmen spotted me from across the  room. I was turning my head in every direction  hoping to find Adam.


 “Looks like she’s looking for something,”  Carmen thought to herself. “Goldenflame!”  Carmen screamed across the roar of noise  and waved her arm at me frantically.


 “Was that Carmen’s voice?” I turned  towards the direction in which I thought it  came from and smiled. Yup there was  Carmen, she was awake and waving her  spastic arm at me. I began weaving my way  into the crowd to her.


 “It still amazes me,” said Lynashia to  Carmen. “What does?” Carmen questioned.  “Emma’s soul.” “Wait…wait…you can see  souls, and didn’t tell me!” Carmen was yelling  in her head. She was hurt that Lynashia had  held back information. “It is not something that  can be taught. I was born with it,” Explained  Lynashia. “And what is so great about  Emma’s?” Carmen asked. “It is a bright white  light full of fierce determination; so great it  radiates off of her like her body can not  contain it. Adam’s is a fiery red. He is filled  with warmth and kindness. His nonchalant  apathetic attitude is a miserable front. It is his  soul that makes me believe he is the strongest  Komodo Dragon yet because the Komodo  Dragon’s power comes from the heart. And  Adam and Emma’s souls are drawn to each  other like moths to a flame,” said Lynashia.  “You mean like… soul mates?” asked  Carmen. “Yes,” answered Lynashia. “I had  always thought a soul mate was just a nice  concept. I never thought it was real,” admitted  Carmen. “It is rare, but it happens, so when it  does, I feel privileged to see such a sight. I  think souls are like puzzle pieces. People get  aggravated when they can’t find the right  piece so they pick one that almost fits and are  content with that,” said Lynashia. “But Adam  and Emma are not puzzle pieces they’re soul  mates, so that means they will end up  together, right?” Carmen knew it was a  rhetorical question, but she decided to ask  anyway. Lynashia’s response surprised her.  “Fate may be pre-existing, but it’s the choices  a person makes that decides the future, just  because souls gravitate towards one another  doesn’t make it certain that they will live  happily ever after,” said Lynashia. “Well that  just sounds depressing,” grumbled Carmen.


 “You have an awful pondering  expression on your face,” I told Carmen  when I reached her. “What are you  thinking about?” I asked. Carmen smiled at me, “Nothing. Lyn was just explaining  some things to me,” she said. “Wanna  go for a walk?” she asked. “Sure, but I  have to find Komodo Dragon. I was  hoping he could heal Ulrica,” I scanned  the room for him one last time before we  left the medical wing. I think walking  helped to ease Carmen out of her  nauseous state. “Goldenflame, I am  really worried,” Carmen had a serious  look on her face. “We are ignorant,” she  told me. “Information is power and we  have zip. We don’t know what abilities  this enemy has, what he looks like, if  there are more than one, what  resources he has at his  disposal…NOTHING!” Carmen was  really freaking out her face was a  canvas of worrisome thoughts. “We are  fighting blind and we are going to lose,”  she told me.


 I took a deep breath and closed my  eyes, “Ok, I am the reincarnation of a warrior  through many generations; I just need to tap  into my warrior instincts and listen to what  they are telling me,” I thought to myself out  loud. I opened my eyes. I poked my head into  the room across from us; it looked to be set up  as a research area. “Perfect,” I walked in and  grabbed a large scroll of paper and found a  black marker. “We need to start with what little  information we do have,” I told Carmen. I  wrote “Flame Guy” at the top of the page.  'Flame Guy' was a demon we had caught a  few days ago that we interrogated for  information. We had stopped him from burning  downtown Pleasantville, New Jersey. After  interrogating Flame Guy, he started talking  about the 'God of Wind' and how he had been  under orders to attack our town, so I wrote  “God of Wind” beside Flame Guy. “Yeah, but  Tio had told us that the God of Wind was  dead, so this guy must just be imitating the  real God of Wind,” interrupted Carmen. “Don’t  forget about the lizard demons that kidnapped  your brother,” Carmen told me. I wrote them  on the paper, but I wasn’t sure how they were  connected. “How did they know who I was?” I  questioned out loud. “The lizard demons also  mentioned that they were under orders,” I  reminded Carmen. “What about that creepy  hobo that knew about our past lives before we  did?” asked Carmen. “I don’t think he has  anything to do with this. Honestly, it doesn’t fit  the profile,” I thought out loud. “Tio seemed to  know about it. We should go ask her more  questions,” I picked up the scroll and headed  towards the conference room where I knew I  would find Tio. We found her huddled over a  desk going through some papers. Carmen  and I sat down across from her. “What is it?”  she asked without looking up at us. “We want  some information. What do you know about  the God of Wind?” asked Carmen. Tio looked  up at us, “History says he was killed in a battle  with Orion the Fierce. This happened long  before the Chosen Angels were even created.  In his human form he would be about six foot  with dark skin and a strange accent. The  history books don’t have a description of his  true form,” she told us. “Why did he and Orion  fight?” I asked. “Oh, something about the  Wind God wanting to have his own planet, but  Orion thought he was childish and wouldn’t  take care of it. You see the Wind God was  known for cruelty, and Orion was known for  his wisdom and would not let the Wind God’s  cruelty spread to an entire planet,” explained  Chosen  Tio. “Didn’t you kids ever go to school?” she  chided us. “Um yeah, we go to a human  school and learn about human history,” I told  her. Then something occurred to me, “Did the  God of Wind ever go by a different name?” I  asked her. She leaned back in her chair to  think, “Yes he did, it’s on the tip of my  tongue... hmmmm... what was it?” She  snapped her fingers in triumph, “Fugin, his  name was Fugin,” she told us. “Does that  name sound familiar to you?” asked Carmen.  “You don’t think...?” I asked. “Oh, I think,” she  responded. “I think the God of Wind is alive  and that we are not dealing with an imitation. I  think that he was masquerading as “Fu,” Liz’s  boyfriend. Think about it, Goldenflame. That’s  Chosen  how the Lizard Demons knew that Brody was  your brother and that is how they were able to  kill Liz because she had her guard down!”  Carmen was so furious she couldn’t sit still  she started to pace around the room. To think  the enemy had been so close to us made my  skin crawl.


 Tio’s face had grown pale, “Are you all  right?” I asked her. “If this really is the true  God of Wind, then we are doomed,” she told  us. “If we fight we die, if we surrender he will  just kill us, and there is no negotiating with  Fugin,” in one moment of realization, Tio had  resigned herself, so I slapped her. “Are you a  General of the Reciliux armed forces or not!” I  screamed in her face. “You are pathetic,  giving up before even trying,” I scoffed at her  in disgust. “We are not dead yet,” I glared.  The fire in Tio’s eyes had not returned, but  there was a slight spark and she wanted  nothing more than to slug me. “Fugin is after  the entire world, and yet all of his attacks have  been centered in New Jersey where the  Chosen Angels just happen to live. Fugin is  after the Chosen Angels, he is after us,” I  looked at Carmen. “Yeah, one down three to  go,” she mumbled. “Right now we are the only  chance Earth has in preventing human  genocide. We can’t give up,” I told them. “And  what do you suggest we do?” questioned Tio,  who was still seething from my earlier  comment. “I need you to tell me  EVERYTHING you know about Fugin. I want  abilities, fighting strategies, personality,  weaknesses, anything you can think of,” I  ordered her. “History class was a long time  ago,” she told us. I didn’t respond. I just  looked at her, waiting. Tio stared in return then  let out a sigh, “Just as his name states he can  control the wind, he can fly, create cyclones,  tornadoes, you name it. He does not have any  known weaknesses. He is famous for being  merciless, and in his arrogance has never  turned down a challenge. Also, of course, he  hates humans,” said Tio. “How was Orion able  to defeat him?” asked Carmen. “Good  question,” answered Tio. “You mean you don’t  know?” I asked. “History was vague on the  details, but Orion the Fierce was the King of  the Gods. His strength is self explanatory,”  she told us. “But why is he after the Chosen  Angels?” wondered Carmen. “My guess is  revenge. After all you were created by the  sons of the God who nearly killed him,” said  Tio. “If he wants revenge, why doesn’t he just  go after Bishamon, Chokaro, and  Fukurokuju?” I countered. Those are the  names of the three Gods that created  Carmen, Liz and I. They are the sons of Orion  the Fierce. Adam was created by a Servant  God. “Lyn and I have a theory,” said Carmen.  “Orion nearly killed Fugin, yet Fugin is just  now showing himself after all these years. I  am assuming he was recuperating from the  fight with Orion. If he is going after the Chosen  Angels instead of Orion’s three sons, maybe  that means he is still not yet strong enough to  take them on,” said Carmen. “You have a  point,” I told Carmen. We looked at Tio to see  if she had anything else to add. “If this is true,  do we have a chance?” I asked her. Tio  looked down, “No,” she told me. “You have  been Chosen Angels for less than a year and  have already lost one member. No matter how  much Fugin has weakened, you are still no  match,” said Tio. I stood to leave the room, but  before exiting I stopped to turn and face them,  “I am not giving up,” I declared.