Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 4


 “Everyone hold on to each other!” I  heard Carmen yell through the wind. By now I  could feel the storm it was right on us. We  were all huddled together as close to the  ground as possible clutching one another  tightly. I knew all we could do was wait, but  the sand was covering us quickly. What if we  couldn’t breathe? Then I thought of something  which I was sure had already occurred to  Carmen. Could this sand storm be caused by  the God of Wind? Did he already know we  were here and he was trying to kill us before  we even reached him? The group was  squished so close together that we could have  been mistaken for one large circular monster. I  started to get light headed as our oxygen  supply was slowly depleted. I spat sand out of  my mouth. It had gotten in my eyes too. Was  this it? Was I going to die like everyone  predicted? I’m sure they already have a nice  epithet ready for me at home.


 “We are not through yet!” screamed  Carmen. Suddenly I was surrounded by heat  and blinded by brightness. My eyes must hate  me, first pitch black, then too bright to see, not  to mention the sand. I mentally apologized to  my eyes for putting them through such  torment. I'll buy some nice goggles for them  when... if... I get back. Carmen had  encompassed us in flames. The sand was  unable to penetrate the heat. Carmen’s  immense amount of fire worked as a shield for  us. Our breathing became less shallow, and  when we realized we were safe from the wind  and sand we untangled ourselves from one  another and stood up. Carmen’s eyes had  turned red, and no one dared touch her.  “Ulrica,” said Adam. “Use your super hearing  to let us know when the wind has stopped.”  Ulrica nodded in response. Surrounded by fire  Ulrica returned to being human, well a human  with wolf eyes and claws.


 “How long do these things usually last?”  I asked to no one in particular. “It varies,”  answered Adam. “You would know that if you  paid attention in Geography,” he added. I  stuck my tongue out in response. Ulrica sat  across from me completely content with  relaxing. Adam took a seat next to her and  began complimenting her looks. I rolled my  eyes; he was such a bad flirt. Ulrica glanced  at me before talking to him. 'He’s not my  boyfriend. I don’t care if you talk to him', was  the face I gave her. So she provoked his lame  antics and smiled at him pretending to be  interested. At least, I thought she was  pretending. I lay in the sand and twirled my  staff around lazily. I loved my staff. I could  maneuver it gracefully and with ease. It was  heavy so it packed a punch, but in my hands it  was as light as a feather. I could also make  blades come out of either end; however, I tried  not to resort to that trick too often. I twirled it  round and round in a hypnotizing fashion.  Randomly, I stopped the spinning and gripped  it tightly in my hand. The cold metal was solid  and reliable, but I dropped it instantly and it  landed heavily in the sand. That cold grip had  reminded me of my dream. The dream where  I pierced Liz through the stomach and was  covered in blood. Stupidly I inspected my  hand to make sure there was no blood on it. It  passed my inspection, but that dream and the  feeling of my staff in my hands had felt so  real. I felt bad for dropping my staff so  carelessly. It wasn’t its fault that I couldn’t  sleep. When holding the golden staff I felt as if  I were holding a rapidly beating heart as it  hummed in my grip.


 “The wind has stopped,” announced  Ulrica. Carmen extinguished the flames that  had protected us but something else had  taken its place. “Its glass,” I said, touching the  wall that surrounded us. “The heat must have  turned the sand into glass,” said Ulrica. It  looked beautiful, but I easily punched through  it. The glass shattered to the ground at my  touch. I had gotten very good at destroying  things I liked. It was nighttime so we started  our journey once more. Adam tried to grab my  hand to lead me, but I shrugged him off and  held on to Carmen instead. “Ooof,” Carmen  and I had tripped over something, and  whatever it was it roared at us. “Oh my  goodness, it’s a bear!” exclaimed Carmen  sounding excited. “What is a bear doing in the  middle of a desert?” I was confused. “Who  cares? It’s so adorable,” said Carmen. She  had that note in her voice whenever we  encountered a stray animal. “Whatever you do  don’t…” I started. She was already petting it,  and it rolled on its back in submission.  Carmen held it tightly “I’m naming you Bubba,”  she told it. “Name it,” I finished, slapping my  forehead in defeat. Carmen held a fireball in  her hand so that I could see it. The bear was  huge with light brown fur that camouflaged it  with the desert. Carmen was on its back  scratching it behind the ear. “Let’s keep him,”  she smiled. I shook my head. “Carmen we are  on a mission. We do not have time for pets,” I  told her. This was received with a pouty face  that the little brat knew I was unable to resist. I  turned around and crossed my arms over my  chest, “If it dies don’t come crying to me,” I  told her. Gleefully she left the bear and ran to  give me a hug. “Sap,” said Adam. I only glared  at him. Suddenly, I felt like Dorothy in the  Wizard of Oz. A werewolf, a witch, a ninja, and  the least frightening bear on the planet all  headed to a palace…oh the irony.


 The bear instantly latched onto Carmen  like a lost dog. “Come on Bubba, this way,”  she would tell it. The bear’s presence,  however, only seemed to irritate me. It roared  and hobbled after us. Why did Carmen have  to have such a soft spot for stray animals?  And what is a bear doing in a desert?


 “We are close to the palace now.  Another days walk, and we should be there.  We should just keep walking when the suns  come up,” said Carmen. No one protested  against this plan. I wondered what awaited us  at the palace. I knew it wasn’t good, and to be  honest I was scared. It wasn’t long before  sunrise came, and I was able to walk without  holding onto Carmen and her new pet. We  had run out of water but kept the coyote jug  just in case we were lucky enough to stumble  across a stream. My throat was dry and it hurt  to speak. Carmen was right I could see the  palace just ahead of us along with a  welcoming party. This was perfect. It would  give me a chance to stretch my muscles. “Let  me take ‘em, I could use a warm up,” I told the  group. There were about twenty bad guys that  I could see. I wasn’t sure what they were, but  they looked to be all the same species at  least. They stood upright like men and had  arms and legs, but they looked like vultures.  They had small red heads with sharp beaks.  Their bodies were covered in black feathers. I  wasn’t sure if they were just feathery or if they  had wings as well. A few of the more confident  ones came straight at me; however, I knocked  them out quickly. It was as though they  weren’t even trying. They were so slow that I  dodged them easily and their bodies were  weak. A few managed to fly above me, but I  didn’t even bother to fly up to them. I simply  did an air kick and they were out. I flipped,  dodged, and punched. In a matter of seconds,  I had beat up twenty vulture faces.


 “That was rude. He could have at least  sent out a more entertaining welcome party,” I  pouted. In truth, I was severely dehydrated  and was glad Fugin hadn’t pulled out his big  guns yet. Walking for so long had made me  dizzy and the loss of water made me feel like  a dried up sponge; kicking butt always put me  in a better mood.


 Carmen patted Bubba, “Let’s go,” she  told him. Ulrica rolled her eyes, “Why did you  name that thing Bubba, it’s ridiculous,” she  told her.


 “Well it certainly looks ridiculous, so I  guess it fits,” I answered her before Carmen  could. Carmen only ignored us, and said we  were mean for picking on “Our new friend.”  We left Bubba outside; he was kind of  pointless anyway.


 I’m not sure what I was expecting when  I walked into that palace, but it sure as hell  wasn’t this. It was magnificent. Adam whistled,  “You have to admit he’s got style,” he said and  his voice echoed in the large chamber. We  were still in the entry way, but slowly we dared  to inch farther inside. The entry hall was full of  statues that looked like armed guards. This  lead to a large domed room with a giant  fountain in the middle and several diamond  chandeliers surrounded it. When I looked up, I  realized the entire ceiling was painted with  various designs. “Stereotypically, aren’t evil  lairs supposed to be dark and creepy?” I  wondered out loud. I couldn’t help but run my  hand against the wall, for it was covered in  intricate designs as well. On the far side of the  large room was the entrance to a hallway. “It  is far too quiet in here,” observed Carmen. I  agreed, “Yeah you’d think he would have sent  more of his minions after us. Especially since  the vulture faces were so pathetic.” We all  understood that this was a trap, and we all  looked at Carmen for her orders. I can’t keep  having her make all the decisions. We put far  too much pressure on her, I thought to myself.  Did she have a plan? I sure hoped she did  because I have no idea how to stop a God  that can control the wind. In fact, what was  keeping him from killing us right now? And it  was my idea to jump into the portal! I was  horrified at myself. All that talk with Ulrica  about how I had to try and fight Fugin no  matter what, and I didn’t even have a plan. I  also dragged everyone else with me. If we die,  it will be my stupid fault! My stupid pride! I  quickly tried to gain control back over my  emotions. I will win this fight, and no one will  die…not again. My mind was set I took a deep  breath and let my entire determination course  through my veins, overpowering my doubt.


 “Goldenflame is ready,” Lynashia said to  Carmen. “Huh?” Carmen responded in her  head. “Her soul is blinding me with its white  light,” responded Lynashia. “I wish I could say  the same for me,” Carmen told Lynashia.  “Lyn?” asked Carmen. “Yes, dear,” said  Lynashia. “If I can’t handle this, promise me  you will take over my body for as long as is  necessary. Make sure they make it, ok.” Both  Carmen and Lynashia knew that Carmen’s  body could not take the power that Lynashia  possessed. If Lynashia stayed too long  Carmen would die. “Understood, Jade  Magician,” replied Lynashia. “Even combined I  doubt we have the power to confront him head  on. We will have to outsmart him,” thought  Carmen.


 “Listen up everyone,” said Carmen as  we all gathered around her. “Fugin is telling us  to walk down that hallway, and that is exactly  what we are going to do.” We all kind of  looked at her in surprise. This was her great  plan? “Komodo, I want you to hang back since  you are our healer. Goldenflame, you are to  walk in first since your armor should be able to  deflect any attack. Wolvina, I need you to be  faster than any wind he throws at us,”  demanded Carmen. We all nodded silently  then Carmen stretched her hand out to us. I  saw a twitch at the corner of Adam’s mouth  that I knew to be his version of a grin when he  put his hand on top of Carmen’s. Ulrica rolled  her eyes but added her slender clawed hand.  Then there was just me, and I soon joined  them. “Angels…,” began Carmen until she  heard Ulrica cough. “Plus wolf…time to fly,”  she told us.


 The hallway was layered with thin silver  curtains and the walls were lined with giant  urns. Soon enough we were face to face with  a giant door the size of a house. I was  preparing to throw myself against it, when  slowly it opened on its own producing a large  CREAAAAAK sound. The door led to steps  and up the steps was a throne. It was large  with gold lining and green velvety cushions.  Someone was sitting in it, but I couldn’t quite  tell who it was. From this distance all I could  tell was that the figure was small in size. I held  my staff in an offensive position preparing  myself for a fight. “Hello,” said the figure. My  heart skipped a beat. I’d know that voice  anywhere. “Illusionist!” I screamed and ran  towards the figure without hesitation. As I got  closer the figure became clearer. It was really  her! It was my Liz! I let the armor covering my  head disappear so I could see her better. I  knew she couldn’t be dead, I just knew. I was  about to hug her when I stopped. “Is it really  you?” I asked the figure. She nodded, “It’s  really me,” and with that smile I was  reassured. I held her and didn’t want to let go  because I was afraid it was a dream. “I’m so  sorry. I never should have left you that day,” I  told her. “You were kidnapped by Fugin,  weren’t you? Did he hurt you? Where is he?” I  asked her. “You killed me, Goldenflame.” I let  her go and took a step back. This was another  dream, and in a minute I would wake up.  Adam, Carmen, and Ulrica were soon  standing by my side equally happy to see Liz.  Adam and Carmen went to give her a hug  asking the same questions I had. “It is great to  see all of you,” she smiled at us. Liz was in  her Illusionist uniform. Tattoos swirled their  way up her arms. She wore blue gloves that  had the fingers cut off, black boots, blue  tights, and a black halter top that hung to her  knees and clung to her tightly with a blue  sash. On her left hand she wore the ring of  endless light. The ring is a sign that she is the  Illusionist, even though it is just a glow in the  dark ring she found in a cereal box. The other  signs for the Chosen Angels were: the “wrist  of roses,” “shard of two moons,” and the  “Dragon sword.” Carmen had cut her wrist  when walking through a rose bush. I wear a  necklace with a shard and two beads beside it  while Adam, of course, possessed the Dragon  Sword.


 Liz had short black hair with blue  streaks in it and deep brown eyes. She was  about three or four inches shorter than me  and paler than the moon. She was just a little  kid. A kid I had promised to protect, and I  failed. I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but Liz  seemed different to me. There was something  in her expression that irked me. “I wish we  could have met on better circumstances,”  frowned Liz. She sat down comfortably on the  thrown, “I am with Fu,” she told us. We simply  stared at her in confusion. “Illusionist, you  have been brainwashed,” Carmen told her  giving her a sympathetic look. “I love Fu more  than anything in this world, and our love has  granted me an enormous amount of power,”  said Liz. As if to prove this she snapped her  fingers and we were surrounded by…well I  wasn’t sure what they were, but they looked  like robots. Ulrica scoffed, “You are the  weakest Illusionist I have ever met,” she told  Liz. I jerked my head at Ulrica and gritted my  teeth, “Not helping,” I growled. Ulrica ignored  my warning. “You are not a very good liar, are  you, Illusionist?” Ulrica was addressing Liz  who merely raised an eyebrow. “Liz never lies.


 It’s against her nature,” I responded. “Well  that’s it then,” Said Ulrica. “An Illusionist is all  about deception if you can’t lie then you  cannot use your powers to their full potential,”  said Ulrica matter of fact. “That and you let  Fugin sink his grimy hands around your  power. He is not granting you power he is  holding you back these pathetic minions are  just an example of how low you have come,”  said Ulrica. Then why in the world would Liz  have been the reincarnation of an Illusionist? I  thought to myself. My eyes widened, Liz was  lying right now. That is why I felt she looked  different. I always wondered what Liz would  look like if she lied, and now I know. This gave  me hope that the real Liz was still in there.


 “I have enough power to kill you mutt,”  Said Liz. She stood up and I was prepared to  jump in front of Ulrica if Liz was going to  attack, but a voice stopped her. “Now sweet  heart, you can’t hurt our guest,” It was Fugin’s  voice, and the sound of it made me seethe  with anger. “Give Liz back!” I yelled to it  though I had no idea where it had come from.  “You can have her,” Fugin replied. “After all  she is not the one I want,” he told us. “What  do you mean?” asked Carmen. “You, Emma  Carter, Goldenflame, possessor of the shard  of two moons, you are the one I am after,”  Fugin’s voice echoed.


 My blood ran cold, but I turned my face  into a stone mask, “Why,” I asked Fugin. “You  and I are a bit alike. You are strong and you  hate humans almost as much as I do. Don’t  try and hide it, Goldenflame. I’ve been  watching you. Every person you have saved  you did it because you thought it your duty,  but in the back of your mind you only saw  them as a nuisance and a necessary  annoyance for being granted the power of a  fully fledged warrior. You live to fight and that  is all,” answered Fugin. “Don’t you dare talk to  her like that! She is nothing like you!” Adam  raised his fist as if challenging Fugin to show  his face. “Even when saving your own  teammate, you treated her as dead weight.


 When the Jade Magician fell from the cliff she  was nothing but a burden to you. You once  saved a little girl from a burning building and  as I recall you referred to her as a “Damn kid,”  Continued Fugin. “Join me, and you will be  free of these burdens.”


 Adam hid his emotions very well but  from the slight twitch of his brow I could tell he  was angry. “Join me, Goldenflame,” said  Fugin. Amazingly I found my voice, “Will you  let Liz go?” I asked him. Fugin laughed and it  echoed across the room once more, “Still  playing the hero, eh? Of course, I’ll let her go.  As I said earlier, she is not the one I wanted.  The only reason I took her is because the  young are so easily influenced while I would  have had to try a bit harder for you, my dear,  especially since you are already in love with  someone else. I want you being by my side to  be your decision,” answered Fugin. “However,  I do believe the best punishment for the  Angels would be to be killed by their youngest  member. Don’t you agree? Tell you what, let  us play a game,” Proposed Fugin. “If you can  reach Ms. Elizabeth within an hour I will take  Goldenflame and release Elizabeth. If you fail  to reach Elizabeth within this time frame, she  will be ordered to execute all of you. Well, all  except Goldenflame. Goldenflame, you and I  are kindred spirits. I look forward to working  with you. You can be free around me. You can  shed your disguise of a selfless human for I  will not look down upon you, and we can rule  this world together,” said Fugin. “You are the  monster here, not Emma,” yelled Adam.  “Never mind that; is it a deal or what?” asked  Liz. None of this appeared to have fazed her a  bit in fact she looked happy. “I do love  games,” said Liz.


 Carmen took a step forward, “You’ve got  a deal,” she told Liz. As soon as the words left  Carmen’s lips, I felt the ground disappear from  under my feet. “Why am I always falling into  darkness?” I whined, it was times like these  where I hated gravity, but before I could land  my feet against my staff to fly back up, we had  hit the ground, and I could see that the hole  that we fell through already closed up. I heard  someone land on their feet where I of course  landed on my bum. Someone grabbed my  hand, “This way,” it was Ulrica’s voice and she  yanked me to my feet. “Where is everyone  else?” I asked after we had entered a corridor  with lighting. “Fugin split us up and had us fall  into two separate holes,” answered Ulrica.  “Erm... you can let go of my hand now,” I told  her. Ulrica smiled at me, “I know.” For some  reason this brought a blush to my face. I  hoped Ulrica didn’t notice. Despite her grin,  she let me go. The corridors were small so I  felt suffocated in the small space. We quickly  began running. I was worried about the time  limit, and whenever we encountered a second  path to follow I let Ulrica sniff out the best  direction. I felt as if we were going nowhere  when suddenly Ulrica came to a halt. She  turned to look at me, “Stop,” she ordered. I  was standing still, “I did,” I said, stating the  obvious. “Stop thinking that Fugin was right  about you,” she told me. I started to say  something but stopped. Fugin was right about  me. I hated people and loved fighting more  than anything. I tend to think a lot about what  kind of person I am, and the kind of person I  want to be. “We don’t have time for this,” I  Argued.


 Ulrica was taller than me with long  platinum blond hair, silver wolf ears and  stunning eyes. She removed my hair tie so  that my hair fell to my shoulders. She ran her  fingers through it and pulled me close to her, “I  know you, Emma, even if you don’t know  yourself.” Ulrica, as always did not know the  meaning of personal space. Tears stung my  eyes, and I blinked several times in an attempt  to keep them at bay. No, no I refuse to let  them drop. Suddenly, I gripped Ulrica tightly  and fell to my knees sobbing. All my emotions  just burst. I was so tired of being strong…just  so tired. “How do you know? How do you  know I’m not some awful person? Everything  Fugin said was right. I hate people. I hate  them so much,” I sobbed. I buried my face in  her chest hoping it would stop the tears from  running down my face. Ulrica tilted my chin up  so that I looked her straight in the eyes. She  wiped the tears from my face. “You are the  most beautiful person I have ever met, inside  and out,” she told me. She laid her forehead  against mine, and somehow it managed to  calm me. My body stopped shaking, and my  breathing returned to normal. A shock ran  through me, and I felt as if I had woken up. I  was able to gain back control over myself. I  stood and pretended like nothing happened,  “We are wasting time we have to find Liz,” I  told her. Ulrica stood up and invaded my  personal space once again. I took a step back  but only found the wall. Ulrica saw my  movement. Regretfully, she stepped away  from me. “I need you to be you when we face  this guy. There cannot be a single thread of  doubt, got it?” she told me. There was steel in  her voice this time, and I wondered if  everything she had just said was a lie. I  nodded and motioned for Ulrica to lead the  way. At a last minute thought, I stopped her.  “That right there, never happened,” I told her.  “Of course; just like this never happened,” she  gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wiped it off and  frowned, “Dane told me you like to play with  people’s emotions. I want you to know, that  won’t work on me because I don’t like you like  that.” A smirk appeared across Ulrica’s face.


 “Then why is it, Goldenflame, that whenever I  enter a room your heart beats faster?” she  asked. “That’s not true!” I said, angry at her  accusation. She crossed her arms then  pointed to her silver wolf ears. “I have  incredible hearing,” she said. I felt as if she  were mocking me and was about to protest  some more when I saw her ear twitch. Ulrica  turned to look ahead of us with a now serious  expression on her face, and in a moment she  was running full speed. I wasn’t as fast as  Ulrica, but I tried desperately to keep up.


 The end of the corridor split into two  separate ones in opposite directions. I was  about to take the one on the right when a hard  blow to my chest pushed me back. Ulrica had  kicked me, and where I had been standing  there was now a pile of rubble. I got back on  my feet and started to claw away at the  chunks of rock, “Wolvina! Wolvina, can you  hear me!” I screamed. She couldn’t have been  crushed, I reassured myself. She is too fast  for that. “I’m ok, just take that hallway and find  Liz,” the voice was faint, but I heard it. “I’ll  come back for you, I promise,” I told her. With  that said I sprinted down the hallway leaving  Ulrica behind.


 I would bump into walls when a sharp  turn popped up, but I continued my fast pace.  This maze felt endless and everything looked  the same. Another sharp turn was ahead, and  I was about to collide with the wall then push  off and move forward like I had done so many  times before only instead of pushing off of the  wall, I fell into it. I did a quick spin to keep  myself from falling. Once I hit the wall, it  sounded like shattered glass. I was  surrounded by Goldenflames, wait no, I was in  a room full of mirrors. I crashed through all of  them hoping to find an exit. Instead, I found a  set of stairs leading up. Unfortunately, waiting  for me at the top of the stairs was a present.  “Hi there,” I greeted an ugly Giant. It was like  one big blob of blubber. The fist itself was  larger than my entire body, and he was a pale  green color. He moved to slam his fist down  on me; with both hands I caught it and hurled  him backwards. “Can’t hang out right now,  maybe later,” I told it after landing on its head.  I hopped into a hole in the wall, leaving the  giant behind. Entering through the hole, my  feet were quickly knocked out from  underneath me causing me to do a complete  three sixty where I landed upside down,  holding myself up with one hand on my staff.  Their ploy to throw me off balance failed. I  saw that there were two creatures this time,  but they were nowhere near the size of the  giant. I forced one of the creatures against the  wall and pressed against his neck nearly  suffocating it. “Where is Liz!?” I ordered it to  tell me. Its partner came at me, but I knocked  him out with one blow. I put more pressure  against the first creature’s neck to the point  that it started crying. “Where?” I repeated. The  creature pointed to its left. If it had not pointed  it out to me, I would have missed it. There was  a small lever a few feet from me. I left the  creature unconscious by its friend and pulled  the lever. I was put in a glass box that shot  daggers at me. It was useless of course. The  sharp daggers were nothing but bubbles  against a Goldenflame’s armor. The glass box  rose upward like an elevator, and I was  standing beside the throne where we had  started out. I broke out of the glass box. Here  was the throne, but where was Liz? In my  anger, I threw the beautiful chair against a wall  and watched it smash into tiny pieces.


 “Now what did my throne ever do to  you?” It was Liz. I turned around to see her  standing before me with her arms crossed  over her chest and that stupid smirk that never  left her face. “I win,” I declared. “I expected  nothing less from my new accomplice,”  echoed Fugin’s voice. His voice irritated me  why couldn’t he just show his face? And why  did he want me? I know he thinks I’m evil, but  Carmen has far more power than me.  Unconsciously I frowned…was that why Fugin  wanted me, because I wasn’t as strong as the  Jade Magician? He wanted someone strong  but not strong enough to resist him? “Where is  the rest of my team?” I asked him. Suddenly a  platform rose up from the floor carrying Adam  and Carmen. Adam had his sword drawn  ready for anything while Carmen stood looking  calm and collected. “Where are we?” Liz  asked me. She gave me the same face she  makes when realizing we had something due  in class and she had forgot about it. “How  much do you remember?” I asked her.  “Ummmm…we were training. After you and  Wolvina fought some giant spider, and Gonzo  yelled at Jade Magician?” said Liz. Wow, that  feels like forever ago. “Carmen and Adam will  catch you up,” I went to give her a hug, when  a wall of wind prevented me from getting  nearer. Carmen and Adam were at Liz’s side  in a second. I’m sure they wanted to make  sure Fugin didn’t take her back. The wall of  wind disappeared and Fugin spoke, “Do not  get any ideas now. The deal was you join me,  and I let Elizabeth go. I still have control over  her. If I want her back, all I have to do is say  so,” said Fugin. As an example Liz started  talking all brain washy again about how she  was so in love with Fu and wanted to destroy  the world. Then she was back to normal. “Go  back to Earth. I will buy you guys some time.  He only wants me,” I called out to them.  Maybe by turning myself in I can save Earth.  Fugin circled me in wind once more. I think  he’s just showing off. “I’m not leaving you!”  called Adam over the wind. Adam looked  earnestly at Carmen expecting her to have an  answer. Carmen had heard what Tio said,  there was no way for us to defeat Fugin. He is  a God, and he is merciless. We are not strong  enough to face him, and by letting him think  he had a new evil accomplice, I was at least  able to keep Earth safe for a little while longer.  Carmen knew this was the only option. She  knew she had to take the team and leave. I  turned away from them, my family, letting  them know that I wanted them to leave and  that this was my choice. I couldn’t hear what  they were saying to each other, but it looked  like Adam was yelling at Carmen and that she  was ignoring him. Liz simply stood there  confused. Give it up Adam, I thought to  myself. “I challenge you!” screamed Carmen  over the howling wind. I turned around in  surprise. What was that idiot doing?! She is  going to get everyone killed! Did she not listen  to Tio at all?! Wait…Tio…Tio said that Fugin  never turned down a challenge. What did  Carmen have up her sleeve? It got quiet until  Fugin finally spoke, “I’m listening.”


 “Lyn, any ideas?” Carmen thought. “No,  but you better think of something fast,”  answered Lynashia. “You are zero help!”  Carmen’s mind was racing, but her face  showed nothing but composure. “What good  is taking over the world without enjoying  yourself first? How about a wager to liven  things up?” suggested Carmen. “I propose a  tournament. Four of any demons you choose  against the four of us,” said Carmen. “And  what does the winner get?” asked Fugin. This  was good if Fugin is asking questions. It  means he must be interested. “If you win you  get me,” said Carmen. “You already have  Goldenflame and Illusionist. With me you get  the three creations of the Gods you hate.”  Since Adam was created by a servant God  Fugin had no reason to be interested in him.  “True,” commented Fugin, “B