Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 5


 My landing was bumpy thanks to the  atmospheric change that let us know when we  crossed over. The four of us landed on a  rooftop, not gracefully. I heard a roar and the  sound of running which instantly made me  tense. Carmen, Adam, Liz, and I were  surrounded by the Reciliux. They were  cheering our names. I was lifted off my feet  and carried by several warriors. “Hurray for  the Chosen Angels!” screamed an unknown  voice. “Saviors of peace!” screamed another.  “Make way, make way,” other voices in the  crowd cheered. I saw smiling faces all around  me. I had never felt so appreciated. Our fan  club carried us all the way to the underground  base of the Reciliux. Two men set me on my  feet then bowed before me. It was awkward,  being revered. In my mind, I was just a sixteen  year old high school student trying to do the  right thing, but to these people I was an angel.  “It is wonderful to see you all back alive,” said  Master Tio. “And, Illusionist,” she said with  surprise. “Welcome back.” “Um have I met  her?” Liz whispered in my ear. I shook my  head but told her to just go with it. Everyone  here knew who we were. Maybe not our real  names, but they knew we were the chosen  ones. “Tio, Illusionist has no memory of what  has happened in the past few months. We  need to get her caught up,” Carmen told her.


 Tio created a path through the crowd that  surrounded us. Some bowed, some saluted,  while others fist pumped the air in enthusiasm.  I decided to focus on the moment, and for the  moment everyone was alive, so I was happy.  Tio lead us all to the conference room  where the two guys that I didn’t know and  Dane were waiting for us. “I am really  confused,” said Liz. “I got this one,” I told  Carmen, “You two figure out what are next  move is, ok?” I lead Liz to a room across the  hall where I could update her in private. We  didn’t want the Reciliux knowing our identities.  She sat on a table and crossed her arms at  me. It must be like waking up from a dream. I  can’t imagine how confused and frightening  suddenly being in a situation like this must be.  Now how to do this gently? Ugh I’ve never  been good at breaking things easy to people. I  am much better with blunt. “Ok, you have  been brain washed for the past two months.  About a month ago, you faked your own  death, so that is why everyone is so happy to  see you. That voice you heard in the palace  on the other side of the portal was Fugin, the  God of Wind.” “The crack head who wants to  destroy the world?” asked Liz. “Yup, do you  remember Fu?” I asked. Judging from her  expression she knew who I was talking about.  “Fu? He’s the crack head?” asked Liz. I  nodded, “He is too powerful for us to handle,  which is why Carmen set up that whole  tournament deal. I don’t know if she really  wants to do it, or if it was a way to buy time for  a better plan.” I told her. Liz shook her head,  “That’s what I get for falling for a pretty face.  How did he brain wash me?” asked Liz. “Well,  I really don’t know how that works I’m just glad  he let you go. Unfortunately, if we piss him off  he says he can get you back and will force  you to kill us,” I shuddered at what might have  happened if I hadn’t found Liz in time. “I would  never hurt you guys!” Liz jumped off the table  from her sitting position in outrage. “Brain  washed or not. It is just not possible,” said Liz.  I wasn’t too sure about that, but I let it go.


 “You all caught up now?” I asked her. “I was  brainwashed, Fugin is the bad guy who we  have no clue how to beat, but if we don’t the  world will go to hell. Am I forgetting anything?”  she asked. “Nope sounds about right,” I told  her. “Alright let’s go see what the new plan is  then,” said Liz. So we went back to the  conference room which appeared to have  entered silence. Liz and I met eyes,  confirming confusion. “Plan? Anyone?” I  spoke first. “Yes, but you are not going to like  it,” said Carmen. “We are going to use a  human and have that tournament with Fugin.  The human we are using is Cicero,” Adam told  me. “Are you crazy? He won’t stand a chance!  He’ll die! This was your idea wasn’t it,  Komodo? You never liked Cicero so now you  want to send him to his grave? Are you  kidding me? We can’t really do this  tournament; any normal human wouldn’t even  be able to see what was going on because of  the glamour.” I was ranting like a mad woman.  “Goldenflame, I agree with Komodo Dragon.  Cicero is our best bet, with his glasses he can  see past glamour, and we will fight hard  enough that he won’t even have to lift a finger.  He is just for show we won’t let him die, ok?”  Carmen reassured me. Suddenly I felt bad for  yelling at Adam. I looked at him, but he  wouldn’t look at me it made my heart hurt.  Why did I feel this way? I wanted to apologize,  but I would do it when we were alone and  weren’t in the middle of a meeting. Liz sighed,  “Who is Cicero?” she asked. She hated  feeling out of the loop. “He is the Reciliux  chef,” answered Tio. All I wanted was for him  to meet my gaze and let me know that I was  forgiven with the roll of his eyes or the slight  twitch of his eyebrow that only I always  managed to notice. I didn’t get my wish  though. Adam and I spent the rest of the  meeting in isolated silence. A knock at the  door interrupted the discussion. “Enter,”  commanded Tio. Entering the room were two  escorts and Cicero. The two escorts bowed  and left the room leaving Cicero standing  there looking nervous. Cicero was a little bit  shorter than Adam with a larger torso. He had  short curly brown hair and thick black glasses  given to him by the Reciliux. He no longer had  on an apron but black slacks and a grey  sweater. Cicero spotted me which seemed to  have settled his nerves a bit. “Cicero we need  your help,” announced Tio. “I’ll do anything in  my power, ma’am,” answered Cicero. “I’m  glad to hear it. We need you to go on a very  dangerous mission to represent the humans  of Earth. There is a very good chance you  could die on this mission. Are you still willing  to help?” asked Tio. I noticed Cicero’s eyes  dart to me, “What do I have to do?” he asked  her. “Basically, you are a mascot. We will be  doing all the fighting,” answered Liz. “Who are  you?” wondered Cicero. “I am the Illusionist,  fourth member of the Chosen Angels,” replied  Liz proudly. Cicero looked shocked which is  understandable since we told him she was  dead. “It’s a pleasure,” Cicero bowed his  head. “Illusionist is right. If all goes as  planned you will not have to fight. We have  struck a deal with Fugin. We five against  seven of his allies we still need to find two  more fighters and when we win, we will have  saved Earth,” Carmen told him. “Use me  however you deem necessary,” said Cicero in  his thick southern accent. “Meeting  adjourned,” said Tio, and the room began to  scatter. I took Liz by her shoulders and used  her as a shield against Cicero. “Cowboy, Liz.  Liz, cowboy,” now that the introductions were  over, I left them standing together awkwardly  and went in search of Adam. I looked both  ways after entering the hallway, but I didn’t  see him. On instinct, I chose left and started  running. Where could he be? I stopped my  running and thought for a minute. The roof! He  could be there, right? At least that’s where I  would go. So I ran to the roof dodging crowds  of people in the corridors in the process I  managed to knock several down in my rush. I  thrust open the door to the roof of one of the  city buildings that the Reciliux underground  base was connected to. “Adam Francis  Decker!” I screamed. “What?” Adam was at  the edge of the roof it was still raining, so the  mists around him made it look like he was  sparkling. He turned around slowly his hair  sticking to his face with such sad eyes behind  his black mask that was part of his Komodo  uniform. I joined him at the edge of the roof  and was close enough that I could feel his  warmth. Don’t make me say it, Adam; you  know I’m not very good at this. He was going  to make me say it. I groaned and took a deep  breath clenching my fists. “I’m so…,” I started,  but Adam interrupted. “I’m sorry,” he told me. I  was shocked. What did he have to be sorry  about? He took me in his arms and we just  stood there. I let my armor fall off of me like  dandelion seeds in a summer breeze.  Wrapped in Adam’s embrace, I realized I  didn’t need my armor because I was safe with  him. We stood there isolated from the world.  My helmet had disintegrated allowing my hair  to run down my back turning wet from the rain.  Staring into his eyes, I felt warm in the cold  storm. I felt so safe yet completely helpless at  the same time. We stood on that rooftop for  what felt like hours. The battle that lay before  us was forgotten, and we were all that  mattered in the world. I nuzzled my head into  his shoulder then jerked myself back. What  was I doing!? This was Adam, my best  friend…that’s all we were. I couldn’t let myself  believe there was more, even if maybe…just  maybe…I wanted more. Adam felt me jerk  back but didn’t let go. Adam was scared. I  looked up at him and placed a hand on his  cheek. “I will never leave you, I promise.” I  willed him to hear my silent scream and the  importance of these words. I needed him to  believe in me. “No matter what,” I told him.  “It’s ok to be scared, Adam. In fact, I was  relieved to know I wasn’t the only one. I could  care less about the world. I just want to make  sure my friends and family are safe,” It may be  selfish, but that’s how I feel. Adam was  different. He cares about the whole world, and  is scared that he might fail in protecting it.


 The city below us was not in ruins, but  remnants of the battle could be seen  everywhere. Dead bodies had been removed  and fires put out but rubble and blood lay  strewn through the streets. To the left of us  was a pin set up for demons that had been  taken prisoner. “Meet me back here tomorrow  night, just before the portal reopens,” said  Adam. “Sure,” I told him. I escaped his arms  and jumped into the air landing on my staff. I  gave Adam a wave and flew off. I was going  home.


 “What are you drinking?” Adam asked  Dane who was leaning against a stone wall in  the conference room. Dane took another swig  of his drink and handed it to Adam, “Liquid  courage,” he answered. Adam took a sip; it  was instantly followed by coughing. “Its  whiskey,” said Liz, “I can tell by the smell.”


 “You are not old enough to drink. How do you  know what it smells like?” Adam looked at her  still trying to get the burn of the alcohol from  his throat. Liz shrugged, “I once lived with a  family of alcoholics. They made me mix drinks  for them and stuff.” Liz didn’t talk about her  past much she always said the future was all  that mattered. “Knowing how to mix drinks is  always a good skill,” said Dane. “Was that a  compliment, mutt?” asked Liz. Dane grinned,  wanting to show his fangs, and took another  drink. “No,” he replied.


 My family’s apartment lay just on the  outskirts of Pleasantville, so they hadn’t been  evacuated. It didn’t take long for me to fly there. I landed silently on the roof then  climbed in through the bathroom window. I  lived in a three bedroom apartment with my  five brothers, dad, and dad’s girlfriend. I  actually have seven brothers but two were  already on their own. The twins age nine,  Zach and Damian, shared a room. Al and  Joey, the youngest of us at ages six and four,  shared a room. On the rare occasion that I  was actually home, I stayed in the room with  Al and Joey. When they couldn’t sleep I would  tell them bed time stories. Brody, who is  fourteen, slept on the couch but shared a  closet with the twins. Brody and I tended to  butt heads a lot. The place is always crowded  and noisy which is why I enjoy my isolation so  Much.


 Carmen stood outside of a spa in Tahiti  where she knew her mother would be.  Carmen had returned to wearing civilian  clothes. The Reciliux had done a good job of  transporting everyone wherever they wanted  to go before the upcoming tournament arrived.  It was around 7:00pm in New Jersey which  made it approximately 1:00pm in Tahiti,  figured Carmen. Carmen walked into the spa  and normally would not have had to say a  word. With her dark brown straight hair and  thick glasses, it was obvious she was the  daughter of a Jockolva, but in Tahiti she fit  right in. The official language of Tahiti was  French, but the locals spoke Reo Tahiti. In  perfect French, Carmen asked the woman at  the front desk where to find her mother. “  puis-je trouver Mme Jockolva?” A short dark  skinned woman with dark hair offered to show  her around the spa. “Merci,” replied Carmen.  She was led to a woman wrapped in foil with  cucumbers over her eyes. Carmen plucked a  cucumber from one of her eye lids and  crunched on it, “Hello, mother.” “You’ve  interrupted my Zen cycle,” replied Mrs.  Jockolva. “What are you doing here? You  know you are not allowed to borrow the jet on  weekdays,” she reproached. “I just wanted to  see you,” said Carmen, taking a seat beside  Her.


 “Adam!” squealed his younger brother  Logan. Adam had the biggest smile on his  face. The Reciliux was able to teleport him to  Texas to see the only family he had left.  Leaving Logan was the hardest thing Adam  had ever done, but it was for the best. He  threw Logan into the air up and down. “How’s  my little buddy? Have you been good for Aunt  Peggy?” crooned Adam. Peg wasn’t actually  their aunt, but an old friend of their family that  Adam entrusted Logan too. Adam chased  Logan through the front yard of the little house  while Logan screamed in delight.


 “Read ‘em and weep, cowboy! Royal

 flush!” declared Liz. “How do I know you’re not  cheating,” grumbled Cicero. “And my name  isn’t cowboy, it is Cicero.” The two were  playing poker in the conference room of the  Reciliux underground base using sugary  sweets as cash. Liz scooped up a bunch of  candy towards her as her prize. Liz, being an  orphan, saw no point in wasting resources to  be sent to some random place on the planet  when she could be kicking butt at poker. The  rest of the table was filled with soldiers who  groaned in defeat. “Oh, don’t be such sore  losers,” she told them with a twizzler clenched  between her teeth.


 My dad sure knew how to talk my ears  off, but he avoided looking at me at all costs.  For the longest time I wondered if I had done  something wrong, but in recent years I learned  it was because I looked just like my mother, so  he couldn’t stand the sight of me. The  apartment was rowdy as usual so I didn’t  know what to do. Should I leave everyone and  everything just like it is or should I tell them  how much I love them and what was going  on? After dinner the boys lay around the TV  entranced by some babble about people  eating bugs to survive while dad remained in  the kitchen to clean. I sat at the counter  waiting for something to come to mind. I  watched him scrub away at the counter tops.


 “How have you been sweetie? Did you enjoy  dinner?” he smiled but didn’t look up. “It was  great dad,” I told him, when honestly I hadn’t  ate. There hadn’t been enough for all of us as  there rarely was. “Dad, I’m going out soon and  I’m not sure when I’ll be back,” I told him. “All  right honey just be careful out there,”  answered my dad. I sighed, “Before I go, I  want you to look at me.” “Oh I have to get the  kitchen clean maybe another time, ok  sweetie?” he replied. I stood up, pulled his  face up and forced him to look at me, “I love  you, dad.” His eyes grew wide and started to  swell with tears as he took in the sight of me.  He placed a hand on my cheek, “You’ve  grown so much,” he smiled. Oh crap, I don’t  do tears. I smiled back, “Yeah dad,” then ran  out the door as quick as I could.


 Carmen’s mom was in the middle of one  of her lectures, but Carmen didn’t mind. She  wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to her  mother, but was perfectly content to just sit  with her. Carmen stood to leave her time there  was almost up. Then Carmen’s mother did  something out of the ordinary…she stopped  lecturing. “I know it’s a school night, but you  are welcome to join me if you like,” said her  mother. Carmen just smiled, “I can’t, mother,  maybe next time,” replied Carmen. She was  about to leave but paused. She turned around  and hugged her mother. Carmen’s mother  shifted in her foil wrap and resumed her stuffy  high class attitude as Carmen exited the spa.


 “You know Adam there is more than  enough room here for the both of you,” said  Peg. “You could live here with me and your  brother just go to school and not worry about  a thing,” she told him. “I may take you up on  that if I ever finish some business I have in  New Jersey,” said Adam. Logan was taking a  nap after being chased all day by Adam the  little guy was tuckered out. “Let him do  whatever he wants tonight Peg, just for  tonight,” said Adam. “And thank you so much  for everything you have done for him,” Adam  gave her a strong hug good bye. There is no  way I could ever thank her, he thought to  Himself.


 By now, half the Reciliux had given up  trying to play cards with Liz. “Oh come on,  best two out of three?” she urged. “Give it up  they obviously know when you’ve got them  beat,” I told Liz as I pulled up a chair. “You  know you want to share some of that candy  right?” Added Adam. “What do you want  candy for when we have ourselves a personal  chef,” said Carmen entering the room. “Looks  like the gang is all here,” noted Cicero. I lay  my head on the table listening to the sound of  Liz play with bubbles she had created with her  illusions. Pop…pop…pop…one by one each  bubble she created would disappear just as  quickly for her amusement. All here, I thought  to myself…what was that feeling then?  Nagging at the back of my mind; like I was  forgetting something. “I’m going for a walk,”  said Adam as he left the room. “We are  heading back into the portal in a few hours”  Carmen called after him. Adam simply waved  her off.


 Adam made it to the roof and out of  habit began to survey the area for signs of  trouble. To his right, were Reciliux soldiers  setting up below where the portal was to  appear. Master Tio thought it would be a good  idea to have soldiers ready for battle in case  Fugin tried to pull a fast one on us. To his left  was the pen of battle prisoners and farther  down was left over rubble that has yet to be  cleared away. Adam would wait on the roof for  Emma to show up. He wasn’t quite sure what  he wanted to say to her yet. The palms of his  hands were drenched in a nervous sweat.


 “I’m going to go stretch,” I told everyone  as I stood up. In the hallway I ran into a sentry  soldier. The soldier saluted, “Goldenflame, sir,  ma’am I have a message for you from  Komodo Dragon.” I stared him down. These  Reciliux soldiers sure were scared of me,  “Shoot,” I told him. “Komodo Dragon wishes  for you to meet him on the roof of the left wing  rather than the right as previously planned,”  said the soldier. I nodded, “Thanks,” then  walked off. There was a roof exit near here I  could just fly across to the left wing. Above me  was a latch so I jumped to the ceiling and flew  through it. My guess is I was now above  ground and that the staircase that the latch led  to would take me to one of the cities  skyscrapers. I ignored the stairs and flew  upward on my staff. The city was still empty  from the evacuation, so I didn’t need to worry  about bumping into any civilians. I was now on  the tenth floor of whatever building this was  that the underground base just happened to  lead to. “Found you,” I spoke out loud when I  saw a sign that said Roof Access. I flung the  door open eager for the sky. The cold air was  welcoming but once I made my helmet appear  I could no longer feel it. I was supposed to  meet Adam across the street from where I  stood. I wonder what he wants to talk to me  about. With this in mind I shot off the roof in a  blur of speed and soared into the sky.  Straight ahead was the right wing where I was  to meet Adam. Below me there appeared to  be some sort of commotion in the prison pens.  It came out of nowhere, a fireball the size of  my head. Traveling at the speed of light it  crashed into my chest, shattering my armor. I  cried out as fire scorched my skin. Falling  from the sky, I could hear Carmen calling out  to me in the distance.


 The moment Carmen stepped outside  she witnessed the horror of a fireball striking  Emma. As she fell to the ground, her armor  disappeared before she hit the concrete  rooftop. “Crap she must be unconscious,”  Carmen thought to herself. Her heart skipped  a beat as the image of her friend falling from  the sky reentered her mind. When Carmen  finally reached Emma she found her hurt and  unconscious. The skin on her chest was  charred. The melted skin looked like raw  hamburger meat. Her legs were broken and  there was blood pooling from somewhere.  “That’s a lot of blood, Lyn,” Carmen thought to  Lynashia. Emma’s breathing was ragged and  her body limp. “Lyn, tell me we can do  something. I can’t do this, Lyn, take over,”  Carmen urged, but Lynashia refused. “Wake  up, wake up,” demanded Carmen. Illusionist  had gone down to the prison pens to handle  the outbreak, but where was Adam? I don’t  know what to do! She thought to herself.  Slowly Emma’s eyelids began to flutter open.  Through blurred vision I was able to  make out Carmen. “Carmen?” I questioned  with a raspy voice. Carmen nodded and  smiled at me, holding my hand. It hurt to  breathe and I was so cold.


 In the mists of battle, approximately one  hundred yards from where Carmen and  Emma lay, Adam fought war prisoners that  had escaped their confinement. Adam had  heard Carmen cry out to Emma, he watched  her fall and land on a rooftop. He no longer  saw demons before him, only obstacles. He  lashed out violently in a blur of chaos. Slicing  and hacking at everything in his path. It wasn’t  long before he found himself standing at the  base of his destination. What was Emma even  doing over here? We were supposed to meet  at the other building, he thought. Adam looked  from side to side in search of a way up. Adam  was in luck, for to his right was a fire escape.  In the eyes of another it was nothing special, a  simple fire escape just like any other with  rusty bolts and clanging metal. To Adam,  however, it was the like the stairway to  heaven, seemingly endless with the  nightmares of the unknown. Step by step he  made his way to the top, mentally preparing  himself for what was to come. The rain began  to die down to a light mist that brushed  against his skin along with a cool breeze that  ruffled his hair. As he stepped onto the hard  rooftop of the abandoned apartment his eyes  met nothing. At first glance he was completely  alone until a soft sound reached his ears.  Reaching for his sword he turned slowly then  let out a breath of relief. Standing in front of  him was Carmen. Adam released his sword  and rushed over to her. He grabbed hold of  her shoulders looking up and down for any  sign that she was hurt. Her head was bent  towards the ground and her face held a  faraway look in it. Adam tilted her chin upward  to look into her eyes searching for the  reasoning behind her behavior. He began  shaking her shoulders desperately trying to  pull her out of her trance. “Carmen! Carmen!  Wake up,” suddenly Adam’s eyes grew wide  as a realization came over him. Adam brushed  Carmen to the side, lying behind her was  Emma. In one fluid motion Adam was placing  his sword against Emma. “Why isn’t it  working,” Adam turned angrily to Carmen.


 “The sword can’t heal the dead,”  Carmen stated matter of fact. Time seemed to  stand still. Rain drops hung in the air and the  world was quiet. Adam held his breath, not  wanting to make a sound. He was convinced  that every sound he made, every breath he  took would start time again. Emma was taking  her last breaths. Gently he touched her, afraid  that his very touch would cause her to  disappear into thin air. Tears flowed freely  now, he tried to speak but was at a loss for  words. “It’s going to be ok, I’m here now,”  Adam crooned. He cradled her in his arms as  if she were a child.


 I had gone in and out of consciousness  several times and now saw that Adam held  me in his arms. With what little strength I had  left I stroked his cheek. I leaned into kiss him.


 Slowly Emma leaned into Adam and as  their lips were about to touch she sank into his  arms, entering an eternal sleep. Adam held  her in his gaze, forever a sleeping beauty lost  to the world. Adam cried out in pain. His heart  was tearing at him from within. He stood and  tilted his head towards the clouds declaring  vengeance upon the world. Adam fell to his  knees as a pulse unlike his own coursed  through him. He clutched his stomach and  groaned. He screamed in pain. His eyes rolled  to the back of his skull and took over a lizard  like form. From his back sprang wings. In a  matter of minutes, Carmen saw not her best  friend Adam, but soon beheld a mighty red  dragon. His boots exploded and revealed  large claws so heavy it weighed down the  building and broke the concrete roof. The  dragon reared up and let out a mournful roar.  One flap of its giant wings had him soaring  through the sky.