Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

So much for talking to Samuel. I didn’t even get to see him. All I did was make it awkward between Lucy and me. Great… (sarcasm). Now, how do I talk to Samuel? He hardly talked to me yesterday, and I don’t know what to say after my conversation with Lucy. Hopefully, she doesn’t tell Samuel about our conversation. That will just make things worse. I wonder if he hates me. If so, why? Did I do something? Was it something I said? Why won’t he just talk to me?

Standing a block away from Samuel’s house, I thought all about his attitude and actions for the past couple of days. It was yesterday morning when he started acting strange. The ride to school was quite. Strange. We didn’t talk about it at lunch. Stranger. And then, he tried to avoid the conversation. Worst yet,  he was trying to avoid me. Strangest. Well, if he’s not talking to me, it must mean he’s thinking about something. Something import. But what? And why doesn’t he trust me with it. What could be so important that he can’t trust me with knowing? Now I feel really bad about yelling at him.

If there’s something bothering him, of course I want to know about it, but it was wrong of me to yell at him. I really shouldn’t have swore about him. He’s he best person I know. If he’s having trouble with something I shouldn’t be mad, I should be upset. I should be comforting him. But I wasn’t. I am a terrible girlfriend. The worst ever I was being selfish when all this time he was thinking of me more. No wonder he broke up with me.

If I was him, I would too. I need to make it up to him. But how? Should I just leave him alone, or try to talk to him again? I walked another three blocks or so and stopped again. Ahh! It’ll be a long way back home. I wonder if I can get a cab. I had about 84 cents in change, so I took the town bus.

There was a creepy, smelly old man sitting beside me on the way home. That is why I don’t ever take the bus. Either Samuel or Tom drives me until I get my license in May. The scariest part about the ride home is that the bus broke down on 5th street. On the bridge. I live about 12 miles from the 5th street bridge, so I didn’t feel like walking. No one could figure out why the bus suddenly stopped. The driver came back and told us, “I lost control. Half the bus is over the side. Everyone out!” Over the side? He means the bus is going to fall over the bride. So, I’m stuck on a broken bus that is over the side of the bridge with an old dude who smells really bad; and I’m pretty sure he’s trying to feel me up. Creepy. You can imagine how scary this is for me. If you can’t: it’s scaring the shit out of me.