Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Samuel had just broke up with me. He said he was doing it to save me? From what? That lying, conniving bastard! “Who the fuck does he think he is?! Who the hell is he? I don’t even know who the hell he is anymore.” He has finally pissed me off. No, I am way passed pissed now. I will fucking kill that asshole. I knew that I had to go to his house and talk to him. I had to find out what the hell he is doing. And why. Why is he acting like such an ass? He is one of the nicest guys I know. Not now, that is. But, I know I have to calm down first.

I don’t know what time it was, but mid evening, Tom dropped me off at Sam’s house. Even though I had no way of getting home (Samuel wouldn’t drive me), I told Tom not to wait. I still couldn’t drive for another ten freaking months. I just hope I can keep my anger and not yell at him. But, I have to find out what the hell he’s doing. He isn’t the Sam I used to know. Screw him, now. I went up to the door and knocked about four times until Lucy (remember she is Samuel’s mother) opened it with surprise.

“Charlotte? Oh, what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in a while. Come in, come in.” When she says ‘a while’ she means a day or two (which is weird since I’m over everyday). I stepped inside just a little, but didn’t want to go any further. For now. Maybe Lucy might know something about Samuel and how he’s acting. As soon as she closed the door and turned around, there was a confused look on her face. “Oh, honey. Sam’s in his room.” I nodded but didn’t say anything. What was I supposed to say? How do I ask her about what’s going on?

She still had that look on her soft, curved face. Her nice, warm eyes holding so much emotion. Flipping her dark blonde hair back over her shoulders. She towers over me almost two feet. She’s pretty tall (6”10). While I thought of how to talk to her, I told Lucy, “I wanted to talk to you first.” My voice was low and a little shaky. Why was my voice shaky? I chose my words carefully, not knowing exactly why. She led me into the kitchen and we sat down at the table.

“What’s going on Is there something wrong? You know I think of you as my own daughter. Hopefully, you will be someday.” I shook my head while looking down, saying nothing. Over the years, I’ve learned that Lucy talks a lot in awkward situations., especially when she’s confused.

She stopped and I waited to hear if Jimmy or Samuel knew I was hear. I looked up and saw disappointment in Lucy’s eyes. “Lucy,” I stopped, not knowing what to say next. I went on anyway. Choosing my words, again. I knew I had to get through this conversation and not back down. “Has Samuel been acting strange lately?” I stared fiddling with my fingers to avoid looking at her. She didn’t say anything for a minute, which scared me.

Finally, she said, “What do you mean by ‘strange’ honey?” I didn’t look up. I just couldn’t bare to see her face. That is one thing I have a problem with. Talking to adults openly. Especially when its personal, like boys. It didn’t help that this was Samuel’s mother and not my own. But, she is the closest thing to a mom I have now. She’s been like a mother to me since I was six and she’s the only thing I have left to feel like I have a mom.

I shrugged, buying some time to answer that question and how to keep the conversation going. ”Like, not himself,” I said finally, “The opposite of how he usually is.” I kept talking quietly and carefully, taking my time to say what I need to say. I looked up just a tad. Enough to see Lucy shake her head, “No.” I nodded to show her that I understood.

She put a hand on my shoulder and started rubbing my back. “IS everything okay, Charlotte? Between you and Samuel?” I nodded again. I probably seemed upset to her. Of course I was, but I didn’t want her to know. I didn’t want to get her into it too much. Lucy got up out of her seat and gave me a hug. At first, I wondered why, but when she wiped my cheek and I felt something wet, I realized a few tears rolled from my eyes. I wiped them quickly and stood up, knocking the chair down and almost falling over. I helped Lucy set the chair back up, but as she started to talk, I left.