Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

“Damn it!” I think I said that a little too loud. Louder than I wanted it to be. Yup, louder, because when the cop came up to my window (as I already had it rolled down) the woman gave me a glare. “Excuse me, sir?” I shook my head, “No-nothing, ma’am.” She nodded with her eyes still narrowed. She held out her hand and asked to see my license.

I got out my wallet and took out my DL. She looked it over about ten times before giving it back. I don’t think she likes me. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I didn’t have any time for this. “Am I good to go, o-officer?” She looked at me again with an unpleasant look. She didn’t say anything for a minute, then she sighed. “Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?” I didn’t say anything for a minute. I was going to say Ma’am I don’t have time for this, but I knew that would waste more time.

“No, ma’am.” I looked at my steering wheel so I didn’t have to meet her eyes. Those eyes that held anger and control. They hold power and I didn’t want to see them. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and it was pitch black. She had a blue police uniform on with black heels. She didn’t have a hat on, though. “I pulled you over because you were going over the speed limit. Would you like to tell me why?” I sighed and hesitated. That was a wrong move.

The woman got offended by the sigh and hesitation. She glared at me again. I was going to tell her the truth or she’d never let me leave. So, I finally looked up and straight at her. Confidence ran through me. I was proud of how well I started handling this situation, especially since I never got pulled over before, but this was an emergency. “I was trying to get to the hospital. My…best friend go into an accident. I wanted to be there for her.”

The lady looked up with surprise written on her face. When I looked in her eyes I saw something totally opposite of what I expected. I saw compassion. “Her? Your best friend is a girl? And she’s is the hospital? Oh, how nice and thoughtful.” She paused and it looked like she was thinking. I guess she decided. “I’ll let you off with a warning this time. Only because you’re trying to get to your friend. You are so sweet.” She gave me a little hint of a smile then walked back to her car. I thought that actually went well. Okay, now to the hospital. Hold on, Char. I’m on my way!

I got to the hospital fifteen minutes later. I immediately ran inside to the front desk. The man there looked up a little startled.  His eyes were wide, but settled to normal in a few seconds. The man had a long face and real light blonde hair. He looked pretty small, too. He didn’t look too young and had a beard. “Sir, may I help you with something? Is there an emergency?” I waited to catch my breath before I spoke. I wanted to calm down instead of talking and breathing heavy. “No, but do you know where Charlotte Gwen is?”

He started typing on his computer and clicking away before answering. “Yes. She is in room 189. Second floor and to the left.” I still couldn’t speak.  And I bet the man was debating on if he should go get someone. Go get some help. “Are you okay, sir?” I didn’t get to answer or say thank you. I just started jogging toward the elevators. I don’t care about me right now-even though I really shouldn’t be running-I only cared about getting to Char. As soon as the elevator doors opened on the second floor, I debated on which way to go. I didn’t know and I wouldn’t unless I just picked a way and started walking. And, so I did. I picked right for some reason.

At first I was jogging, but then I slowed down. About half way down the hall, I stopped; out of breath. My heart was pounding and was burning up like a pig over a fire on a stick at camp (A little southern talk for y’all) I knew all this running wasn’t good for me. If I didn’t feel it now (which I do) I would definitely feel it tonight (and I will) But I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the pain.

I don’t care about what will happen to me. All I care about at this time is: what will happen to Charlotte? She had an accident, she’s in the hospital, she got hurt. That’s all that matters. When I looked at the room numbers beside me, I realized I was at the wrong end. Ah! I don’t have time for this! Run… Breathe… Faster… Deeper… Okay. Here we are. 189.