Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

I looked inside. No one in the first bed and the curtain is closed. Do I have the right room? Then, a head poked out from behind the curtain. Tom. “Samuel. Come on in.” I hesitated, but eventually walked over to him. He put his hand on my shoulder for a second and then, I saw her.  Charlotte looked do bad. She had scars everywhere.

Blood here and there. I felt like I was going to cry. I didn’t just feel like I was, I was crying. Charlotte must have had a really bad accident. She looked helpless and hopeless. Two things I didn’t want to see of her. Not again. I haven’t seen her like this since July. It scared me just as much as it did several months ago. I couldn’t help but look at her and feel pain myself. I went over to her side and held her hand in mine. Seeing her like this made me die inside. I hated it. And the last conversation we had was basically a fight. Yelling about how she almost died and… Then I broke up with her, too. I’m such a horrible person. This is all my fault. I can’t believe all this. She deserves someone else. Someone who knows how to treat her. Someone better.

Twenty minutes later, Charlotte woke up. She had to focus her eye sight a little, but then she looked at me. “Char…” She didn’t say anything for a moment. She sighed and closed her eyes again. I thought she fell back asleep. Without opening her eyes she said, “Where am I? Why are you here?” I sniffled my nose from all my crying, but I couldn’t say anything. She’s still mad at me.

I can tell by the tone of her voice. She didn’t want me here. She didn’t want to see me. Not after everything that’s happened between us. I just wish I could explain, but I can’t. “Well?” I realized that she was sitting up a bit, looking at me. “I-I came to see if you were okay. Tom called me and said you were in the hospital after an accident…”

I trailed off, not knowing how to explain how I was feeling. But, the tears rolling down my cheeks gave it all away. Well, some of it. She didn’t say anything again. I could tell she was thinking. Then she asked, “Am I dead? Did I live that…accident?” My eyes went wide with the questions she just asked. I didn’t understand why she was asking them. It scared me. But I just nodded my head, “You’re not dead.”

(Charlotte’s POV)

Okay, so I was in the water and everything went black. After that I woke up to see Tom and Samuel. I looked around for a minute. It looked like I was in the hospital. But, I couldn’t have lived through that. Could I? Samuel was staring at me and said, “Char…“I closed my eyes again, having an extreme migraine. I had to ask. I couldn’t resist.

“Where am I? Why are you here?” I knew the answers, but I wanted to hear them from someone else. I wanted to be certain that I did live. But, there was still this feeling that I didn’t. Its possible that I’m a ghost. Waking up from dying. I can see them, but they can’t see me. They could just be looking at my dead body in the hospital… Whoa. Am I really thinking all this? Okay, push it back. I might be dead, because neither Samuel nor Tom answered me.

“Well?” I asked, sitting up and looking at Samuel. To my surprise, Samuel spoke. “I-I came to see if you were okay. Tom called me and said you were in the hospital after an accident…” Did he just answer me? No. He couldn’t. He could just be pretending to talk to me. He could just be talking to me like I was alive only because he knows I’m not. So, to confirm that I’m dead (or alive) I asked, “Am I dead? Did I live that…accident?”

Samuel said nothing. Neither did Tom. So, I am dead. Oh my god! But, that wasn’t why I was freaking out. After a minute or so, Samuel nodded and said, “You’re not dead.” My heart skipped a beat and I lied back down. I was breathing heavily. I’m…ALIVE! I can’t believe I lived. Samuel then started to rub my forehead. I felt pain, and I didn’t know why.

Samuel was staring at me. Staring deep into my eyes. I felt love in that look. I haven’t seen that look in a while. Not since Samuel has been acting strange. I wanted to talk to him, and yell at him, and ask a bunch of questions, and cry to him; all at the same time. But, I didn’t. I couldn’t think of any of that right now. I was so exhausted.

I just wanted to sleep for days and days without end. I felt my eyelids start to close. I opened them quickly to try and stay awake, but it didn’t help. They just started closing again. Samuel smiled his beautiful, heartfelt smile. I couldn’t help but smile; knowing that him and Tom were both here to comfort me in this horrible time.

Knowing that Samuel was himself at least a little to come see me in the hospital, even though we’re not together anymore. That makes me feel better. Just to know that he still loves me just the same as he did before. Samuel interrupted my thoughts with a command. “Get some sleep,” he said quietly but lovingly, “you need some rest. You’ll see me here in the exact spot when you wake up.”  That really made me feel better. I smiled again, but frowned. Not really knowing why.

Mostly because of everything that’s going on. Everything that’s happened in the past several months; and now. But, my eyes closed, absent-mindlessly; making me give in to the sleepless taunting of my body, I fell asleep. The last thing I saw was Samuel’s smiling beautiful face. That was the perfect thing to fall asleep to; especially at this time. So, I sleep peacefully with the memory of Samuel and Tom right beside me. And knowing they will both be there when I wake up; waiting for me.