Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

The nurse came in and went straight to check the things around me. I was guessing she was checking to make sure everything was okay and that I was still alive. She turned and realized that I was awake.

“Oh, Miss. Gwen. You’re awake. You were asleep for quite a while. How about some breakfast?” She smiled a sweet smile, but I knew it was a cover up; just to be nice.

I nodded, “Sure. I could use some food. What can I have?” I smiled back, but just like her smile; mine was fake.

“Anything you want, sweetie. How about some jell-o to start?” The nurse glanced over at Samuel’s hand in mine and quickly looked back at me. I saw something in her eyes. It looked like…jealousy. Wonder if she has someone special. I know I do.

“Sure. That’s fine.” She gave me a quick little nod and left.

Stephen watched her leave and smiled the slightest bit. Hmmm? Maybe I could set them up?

I was in pain. I didn’t want to complain and I didn’t want to show it; for Samuel’s sake. But, I knew he saw the pain inside me-and not just because of the surgery. He knew I was also in pain because of the news he gave me yesterday-right before my surgery-and because my father (after twelve years) came back to our family. I had a lot of pain inside me. Mental, emotional, and physical. But, I’ve had this pain inside me or a long while now, so I know how to hide it pretty well. Except against Samuel, that is.

The nurse came back in about ten minutes later with jell-o and a glass of orange juice. I smiled and said thanks. She was mid-size and had long, light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had this small, pretty face; sea, blue eyes. She definitely covered her face with make-up. As she was walking around the room, Stephen was watching her every move; like a puppy dog. What was going on here? Was he fascinated by her? Attracted to her? Wonder if he would ask her out. Only one way to find out.

“Ma’am?” I waited until the lady stopped what she was doing and turned to me. “Mind me asking,” I said; trying to be polite as I can, “how old are you?”

The lady gave me a look that was uncomfortable, but she answered anyway. “I don’t mind. A lot of people ask because they think I’m pretty old to be a nurse. I am actually. I’m 41.”

I nodded, but she didn’t notice. “Oh, that’s cool. Do you like being a nurse?” To get information you need, you have to ask questions you don’t need the answers to; only to make them think that you’re interested. (A little education for you there)

Without turning toward me she replied, “Why, yes. I have always wanted to be one since I was little.” I could see a little smile from where I was sitting. She was-again-checking all the medical stuff in the room while answering my questions.

“Oh. How long have you been a nurse?” I really didn’t want to know that answer; but desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Only ten years.” She still didn’t look at me. But as I was about to ask my next question, she turned to me; obviously done checking the things around me.

“Sorry for asking; just curious, but do you have a boyfriend.” She hesitated. She probably was wondering why I was asking this question. The others were at least understandable, but a personal question? Not the best.

“I…No. I do not.” She then smiled at me and walked out the door. Yes, that was a very awkward conversation; but it was worth it.

After a while, I finally got the right time to talk to Stephen about the nurse. She came in another time before and I was able to catch her name. June. Pretty name; or a pretty girl. “So, Stephen? What do you think of June? Do you think she’s a good nurse for only being on or a year and a half?” Both Tom and Samuel looked at me; confused looks on their faces.

“I don’t know. She seems okay; I guess.” I nodded. I can’t believe I was hooking my father up with a cute nurse. I might be dying if I’m doing this. I just came out and said it, though. “She’s pretty, huh?” Now, Stephen looked at me with fear in his eyes. I guess he was scared to see where this was going.

Samuel got what I was trying to do, though, so he just let me go. Probably thinking it was a good thing to do. “I-I-I don’t know.” He stuttered a bit and I knew that it must mean he’s nervous. I’m thinking that’s a yes.

I was on a roll. I knew I was going to get somewhere. “How about asking her out?” That question had got Stephens attention completely. He avoided the question by saying he had to use the bathroom. I think I knew what that meant.