Emma Brown's Big Move to a Little Town by Nicole La Capria, Jenna Farmer, Ana Ferrer - HTML preview

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Mommy & Daddy’s Big News

There was a little yellow house in a small, quiet town, surrounded by big green hedges and red rose bushes. Living there with her Mommy and Daddy was a little girl named Emma Brown, who had just turned eight.

She didn't mind her small, quiet town, though, because Emma had her own room, a big backyard with a swing set, lots of friends at school, and a black-and-white dog named Sammy.

Emma was very happy in her little yellow house where she had her own room, which was decorated in Emma's favorite color-blue.

Emma was sitting in her room one day with her favorite doll, Olivia. She was pulling a green plastic hairbrush through Olivia's soft blonde curls, sitting cross-legged on her frilly, powder-blue bed. Emma heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Emma? It's Mommy and Daddy."

"Come in," Emma called back cheerfully, continuing to brush Olivia's hair.

Her bedroom door opened and Emma's Mommy and Daddy came inside her room. Mommy sat down next to her on her powder-blue bed. Her blue eyes looked concerned behind her black-rimmed glasses.

"Emma, honey, we have something to tell you," she said gently.
