Emma Brown's Big Move to a Little Town by Nicole La Capria, Jenna Farmer, Ana Ferrer - HTML preview

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"What, Mommy?" Emma asked.

"Daddy got a new job," Mommy said, as Emma's Daddy came and sat down on the other side of Emma.

"That's great, Daddy!" Emma exclaimed with a smile.

"Honey, Daddy's new job is in a different town," said Mommy. "The town is called Mapleton." Emma was confused. "Where is that?" she asked.

"It's very far away, Emma," said Daddy. "We will have to move to a new house soon."

A new house?

But what about my friends at school? And my big yard with my swing set? What about my room with my powder-blue bed? Emma's mind was filled with questions.

"Don't worry, Emma," said Mommy. "You will love our new house and our new town. You'll see."

A move sounded scary. What would her new house be like? Who would she play with after school? What if she didn't like her new teachers? Emma started to feel sad and worried.

"But that means everything will change," Emma said with a pout.

"Yes, it will," said Emma's Mommy. "But sometimes change is good."

Mommy kissed Emma and Olivia gently on the forehead before she and Daddy exited her room -- they had to start planning their big move.
