I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Six Sister Alaida's Classroom


Early the next Day Billy is ordered into Sister Alaida's Classroom for Prayer. I don't know what to say other than Father Domino Died on the way to the Hospital. I think we should Pray for him so Angels in Heaven know he's coming. Billy got down on his knees. He began to Pray with Sister Alaida. They start with an Our Father!

 After Praying for the next 10 minutes. They finally stand up inside the Classroom for lunch. My Class doesn’t start until we have lunch Billy. I think we should eat so we have strength to Pray. When will we Bury Father Domino '' he asked. He followed Sister Alaida to the door. I believe we will bury him 2 days from now. I think we better get going before we miss lunch.

Billy followed her into the hall where he turned to her right except right behind her. A small flock of Children stand in line outside Chow. Billy stepped in behind another Child like he waited to eat lunch by himself. A quick look around, he found Chucky Chipps in line just a few kids in front. Chucky '' he called out '' he knew if he got caught talking he would have to get back in line behind several kids that stand behind him. He turned around he noticed his face had several tiny scratches. Probably from broken glass that shattered into the Dorm. I don't know what happened. I think a monster wanted to hurt me! Billy did not say anything else. He knew he should stay to himself from now on. I will see you later Chucky. I better learn to take care of myself '' he thought. He stepped back in line he closes both eyes which is when he sees it move closer. That thing he saw that night that attacked him and his friend, Chucky. It is that same demon that Sister Alaida kept talking about. A black being his name Satan. He came from another World. It will come to Earth in search of Pure Souls. Someone with a pure Soul as clean and white as the driven snow. Billy remained in line he didn't know what it really meant since he is only a child. He felt his line move forward and it is about time '' he mumbled. His stomach started to growl back for a change. Okay Children a Sister in Black started patting kids on the back like she moved them forward toward chow. Another Sister inside split Children into 2 groups since they had 2 lines to eat.

 Billy couldn't forget what happened that night. He kept both eyes on every dark figure that he came across from then on. Finally, it is his turn. He lifted a plastic tray he slid it across 3 metal tubes, toward a steam table that is filled with hot food. He lifted a tray he passed it to a Sister that stood behind a serenade of steam tables. She filled it with a hot hamburger patty, mashed potatoes and brown gravy besides a biscuit. He slid his tray down further toward the end of the line. He removed 2 cartons of milk to go with lunch before he finally reached a dining room big enough to service the entire Orphanage.

 Billy followed a Sister's hand movements that told him this way child this way. He found an empty table just a few yards from the entrance. Sat himself down after he quickly searched the dining room for Chucky one last time. He knew from this day forth that he would be safer without me at his side. He sat down he scooped up large helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy. He shoved them into his mouth, one after another. He uncovered that hamburger patty hiding underneath. He sliced it into several mouth size pieces. He started to shove that into his mouth. One bite from a biscuit covered in butter, he fell in love with a tray of food. He knew he would look forward to that lunch from now on. He also remembered he had 15 minutes to eat lunch. He knew he should hurry before he had to leave chow. Because the other Children from different Dorms where would they eat '' he thought '' if I did not hurry.

 Detectives down at the Police Station find themselves phoning the FBI. They have no clue where to start with something this massive. They have 2 missing Security Guards at St Williams Orphanage that no one found yet.

Besides, they have several dead bodies which they believe a madman committed or some serial killer. Detectives and Police were still searching the grounds at the Orphanage which had to be at least 35 Acres just in land. It is covered with outhouses, sheds, barns, tool rooms Only God Knows.

 Police return to the Orphanage to search for missing People that remain unaccounted for since, it is so massive in size. Detective Guardo and Williams return to the Orphanage to search for 2 missing Guards. Since it is a missing person’s investigation. I think it is related to murders that already took place. This is why they sent Homicide Detectives to the Orphanage Father. Whatever your name may be. It is Father Carlton. I would like you to say my name properly Detective like I use your name Detective Williams. Of course Father Carlton. I will call you by your name from now on since it bothers you so much. How can I help you Detective '' he replied. Because I have a lot of work to do. The Orphanage is missing 2 Employees that I have not found or returned to work yet. No they have not, have you tried contacting their Mothers or Spouses. You’re not being funny are you Father! You know damn well I have tried that. I need to search the Orphanage again. I need your permission to search inside of every basement, cellar and rooftop one more time. As you wish I can have your orders written up by this afternoon. He turned away from Father Carlton after he sees an Angel in a picture with discolored wings that look more like he was dirty. Who is that supposed to be Father? A dirty Angel of some kind. He wore a smirk like he wanted to laugh. No, he is a Guardian Angel the kind that save People like you from Sins and sometimes death when you least expect it Detective. Did that shut you up? I am sure it did. I have work to do will there be anything else. No Father Carlton there will not be. I do have one more question. What time did you say we can start this search? Right after Children leave chow for their Dorms. Where they will sit to watch television from then on. I got it I will be here by 6 PM with a small team of Policemen to search St Williams Orphanage and the grounds. I should be here Detective. I rarely go home as far as I am concerned this is my home. I am always here to watch and guide Children that deserve to Know God Almighty. I Hope Someday, Someone especially a Child from this here Orphanage. That he will follow in my footsteps when I Die. That is nice to know Father. I hope so if this is what you would like. I have a lot of work to do myself. I better get to it. He turned to face the exit then a round doorknob. I will be back in the Evening Father to search the Orphanage from top to bottom.

 Both Detectives step into the hall that connected several Small Offices that the Orphanage needed to keep it running. Detective Williams stopped in front of an Office that read John Cuss. Wait a minute Guardo. I better check this Office out while I am here. You better ask Father Carlton or you might find yourself arrested by Police, Sergeant. Okay, walk over there ask him while I go back inside that is if the door is unlocked. Sure thing Partner! I will be right here in his Office. Something told me to take a look inside. He twisted the doorknob to the right. He pushed the door wide open. Wide enough so he could take a quick glance. I don't see anyone Partner. I will see you in a minute. I am going into the Office to have a peek. If you like ask the Priest if not close the door behind you and let us look around. Detective Guardo turned his head to face Father Carlton's Office. He did not hear anything or see anyone walk down that long corridor from any other Office. Quickly, he dashed inside, he closed the door as quiet as he possibly could behind him.

 The first thing that he noticed were footprints on top of the carpet. He followed the footprints to the window. He stared into the grounds. covered with trees and bushes. He followed those same footsteps about 5 to 10 feet before they vanish. Don't tell me this thing can fly. He opened the window and crawled outside. Several footsteps stop exactly 8 feet from the window. Something gave Detective Williams the chills. I Pray to God this thing cannot fly '' he mumbled. He raised his head he stares up at the skies. A drop of water fell from the Sky that told him that it is going to rain soon. Guardo, prepared for greatness like they say in the movies. I guess will be Spartans this time. Guardo replied ‘‘whatever you say Williams. I think I should go get an umbrella, instead.

Detective Williams crawled back into John Cuss's Office. He noticed what he believed is a chip of some kind. It lied stuck in the wood. He removed a mini flashlight from his back pocket. Flicked it on, aimed it at that certain area where he found a micro-chip that belonged to a computer stuck in a wooden door. He remembered finding a computer on the floor in multiple pieces. He found a chip that he looked for last time he could not find it. How did I miss this '' he thought. It was here all along stuck in a chunk of wood. He slipped it into his back pocket next to his wallet to continue his search. What else did I miss? He turned to face Guardo. I think will know who or what broke into the Orphanage. By the way there is a camera right there so whatever killed him. It had to see it or it had to know what did. Guardo didn't see it neither. He saw a sign of hope in Williams’s Eyes. Maybe we can still solve this case if we find out what is on that computer chip. He lowered his head he looked up at the ceiling just in case something got stuck in a quarter panel. I need a ladder Partner. I will be right back. I think I know where I saw one in the hallway. Guardo, I don't think Father Carlton knew we were here remember. He stopped at the door, he turned to face the Office besides Williams. I will tell him. You can't ask Father Carlton anything Partner. I am already in his Office. Then, what should I do Williams should I just take my chances on my own. I think we know what to do when we come back tonight to search again. This time will search every piece of furniture besides every quarter panel in the ceiling, again. I think we should leave through that window Partner just like that thing that crawled out before us. Or we might be under investigation our self if we get caught in here without the Orphanage's Permission. Follow me Partner he reopened the window. He crawled into a massive backyard covered in grass. He noticed a handful of cows in the pasture eating and walking around. He didn't see them before he wondered maybe they keep them indoors at night. I better remember that or I might get run over by a handful of cows next time I show up in the middle of the night. Detective Guardo followed him into the grounds. He turned back around after his feet touch the earth to close the window behind him.

 Both Detectives stop near the last footsteps that disappeared just like that. Maybe, he got picked up on a 4 wheeler or a spaceship that might be why. I don't think so Partner. I think that thing grew wings and disappeared into the Sky, somewhere. Detective Guardo raised his head rather slow. He felt a drizzle of rain beginning to fall, instead. I am ready Partner I think it is time that we leave. We can always return with a couple of 4 wheelers. This way we can search the grounds much faster in the dark. He started to walk away without Guardo like he is disgusted. Detective Williams walked around the Orphanage from behind to the first, opening. Guardo followed him before it started to rain down on his brand new suit. The Detective found an opening in between the Orphanage and a large building that is used for storage. He stepped in between both buildings. He walked in through a gangway no bigger than that. Before he reached the front of the Orphanage. He sees a 4 door sedan parked right where he left it. Before he reached the Vehicle. Several Children run by wondering where did they come from. Detective Williams chuckled, he allowed Children to cross their path first before he carried on. I think we should grab a large steak, salad and a baked potato. I will tell you what else. I think that we're going to need it Partner. I am all yours Williams. I like your plan already. He followed him to the Car. Both Detectives look around before he slipped his gear into reverse. Before he drove away. He stopped to take a long look at the Orphanage outside. An old rundown building is all that remained from what he sees. Five stories of old dirty brick that needed not just to be cleaned. It needed an overhaul which stared back at him.

Detective Williams felt something or maybe even Heaven itself wanted him here. He had to stay he had to keep in touch with the Orphanage no matter what happened from here forth. Detective Williams backed away from his parking spot. He stares at the Orphanage at every brick, every rock and a name St Williams Orphanage for Children. Guardo did you see any girls “ he asked. I don't remember seeing any girls in the Orphanage did you? I didn't see any girls either now that you mention it Partner. He backed into an empty parking spot so he could turn around and drive away. He stopped after he saw something on a roof, a man maybe a roofer in dark clothes. I better ask Father Carlton when I return later to search the Orphanage again.

 Detective Guardo slid forward so he could take a look at the roof. I do not see anything Partner, maybe you’re seeing things because I don't. He slid forward, he raised his stare up to the roof yet again except he's gone. Unless it is a monster of some kind. I would say it is gone. Okay Partner I think we better get going. I am getting hungry now that you mention steak, salad and a baked potato.

 Detective Williams drove toward the street from the parking lot where visitors park to visit Children. Once he reached the turnoff. He turned to his right. He continued to drive down that road toward Town. Guardo reached for the radio. He turned it to the right so he could hear some music. He noticed a carload of Sisters Drive into the Orphanage from the road. I wonder if it is that Sister that witnessed a Priest Burst into flames after he confronted a Devil or a demon. He stopped to pull toward the shoulder so he could make a u-turn. I have a few questions for that Sister. He made a complete u-turn to face the Orphanage. He chased Sister Alaida down the road toward the Orphanage. His Partner stared at a patch of land across from them. A black cloud or swarm of black bugs were headed toward the Orphanage. Detective Guardo didn't pay much attention to that black cloud other than think it is nothing but a swarm of bugs. He followed his Partner instead. He turned his attention to the Orphanage. He beeped after he gained on their Vehicle. He pulled up next to her Car to ask a handful of questions. She noticed she is being followed by 2 Detectives. She slipped her gear into drive. Exited from the driver side door. She stepped down on the hard ground. I didn't know you were following me Detective . Not until I recognize your face. At first “ I thought ” you were a stalker until I saw your badge in the rear view mirror. I need to ask you some questions Sister. I need to know what happened that day that a Priest Died! I told another Detective what happened. You mean to tell me you guys don't talk to each other. Sister, I need to ask you some questions besides that boy that saw everything. He is in Catechism Class right now. He is in Church Praying along with several other Children. If you can wait an hour then you can talk to that kid that saw everything. What is his name Sister? I think you know each and every kid by name from the way it sounds. I do know every Child Detective and I will tell you this much. You should take the time to know people on a name to name basis. I will think of that after I take everything into consideration Sister. Anyway, I still have you to talk to don't I. And I do have a book full of questions for you. You’re funny Detective this way. I will answer your questions just follow me into an Office.

 Both Detectives follow several Sisters back into the Orphanage. Detective Williams kept both eyes on the rooftop. Something he saw would not let go of him. The door closed so he followed her to the right down a long hall 10 feet wide and 10 high. Several pictures of both Sisters and Priests hung on both walls. Priests from the 1900s hung from both walls in black and white that stare back. If there is such a beast hiding in an Orphanage. Maybe they should Pray along with the living.

 Sisters scatter into the Orphanage into several different directions. Sister Alaida turned to her right she stared into an Office no bigger than a full size bathroom. Both Detectives step into an Office behind Sister Alaida. She held a notepad which is filled with questions and answers. Two wood seats face an old looking desk that looked like it came from the 1700s. She sat down behind a massive desk before both Detectives find a seat of their own. One by one they sit down. Detective Williams the more aggressive Officer started to ask questions. Tell me what does the Devil look like or shall I say that demon that Killed a Priest. I never saw him not really. He was up on that roof from what he looks like he is invisible. I did not see him Officer. I remained in shock after Father Domino Burst into flames. He rolled on the roof down into the courtyard in flames, screaming for God's Mercy. He was in so much pain Detective. I know why he screamed because he could not take the pain. The Devil is up on that roof. He made sure that he left us something to remember him by. Black Ash from the Pitt in Hell where it Rules and Resides. I gave some to a Priest. He had it tested it came back sulfur. If I am not mistaken it is a sign of the Devil because it lives and feeds on sulfur. I read some stuff from the Bible that says that the Pitt of hell is filled and covered in sulfur. I don't know what it really meant Sister because I don't read the Bible. I am what they call a Heathen. I have been a Detective for God knows how long. I do not regret a thing! I believe in everything until that force fades away like the same. Just like Heaven and Hell if there are such places. I can tell you this much. The Planet will not take care of itself if these so called Servants of God or those People that claim to know how to fix things can't fix them anymore and disappear on us. What do you think about that Sister? Do you think that has any meaning, whatsoever? That told me one thing about you Detective that you don't have any Faith in Mankind. Do you '' he asked '' what has he done so far with the knowledge that he already enlightened himself with. He knew he is not killing just his own kind. He is killing the kind that follow us after we die. Faith, I have a shitload of that but this is about the Devil that thing that waits in the dark for some human to mess up in life. I guess he already won by my account if any of that stuff is true. I would rather answer your questions Detective. These questions of mankind are for mankind to answer not me. I am a Catholic Sister. I work in an Orphanage and my job is to take care of Orphans, Detective. Okay Sister I have another question. I think you saw something by the look in your eyes. She hesitated she tries to speak. I think you should talk to that Orphan that I told you about. He sees things maybe he is psychic maybe he just sees things. She reached for an intercom button so she could talk to anyone that she wanted too. Can you send Billy Seals into my Office? I have 2 Police Officers that would like to talk to him. Yes Sister I will send him to your Office in a few minutes. Thank You Sister she released a button on an intercom so she could turn her attention to both Detectives.

 I will tell you this much Detective Guardo. You don’t believe in the human race. You may believe in everything else but you blame mankind for taking an interest in their progress then that of the Planet. There may be other ways to do things. He found the easiest and cheapest so he could benefit. Without the money that he generated. There would be no progress or jobs for others would there. I saw it that way to Sister. Profits determine that answer better then you or I could. I know what you’re really trying to tell me. I saw something that resembled a beast. It is black in color and it is vicious looking. Its face resembled black ash and its eyes look like a hyena. Like carnivores that kill people that were sent to eat. It is sent here for one thing to kill someone maybe even you Guardo. That is a scary thought Sister. I better sleep with my gun underneath my pillow tonight. I don't think that gun will do you any good Officer because it eats bullets for fun. Detective Guardo turned to face his Partner Williams. His eyebrows rise into his forehead. I am not a big believer in good and evil Sister but you think that beast cannot be stopped with bullets. What is it really the Devil himself or is it some kind of entity that tracks down a Priest or Sister. Maybe it is a Holy Thing that takes place Sister. I think it is something like that. I am not sure Detective. I cannot tell you what I don't know or can answer. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. It has to be Billy Seals. Come on in '' she shouted. Detective Williams reached for the door and pulled it open. A young boy that looked 8 or 9 years old remained in the doorway in a school uniform staring up at him. Yes Sister did you call me '' he asked. Officer Williams allowed him inside. Yes I did Billy. I would like you to talk with these Officers. They would like to ask you a couple of questions. You don't mind do you? Of course not Sister. He sat down in a seat next to Sister Alaida. He folded his hands together like he Prayed. Yes Officer what would you like to know. I mean you wanted to ask. I want you to tell me what happened that day that Father Domino died? He turned his head to face Sister Alaida like he waited for her to say yes or no. I saw a man in dark clothes. There were 2 males one man is standing in a dark suit without a tie just a suit and a forest green colored shirt. He had long hair that touched the top of his shoulders. He just watched me. The other one is really mean. He wanted to kill Father Domino if he could. He would kill Sister Alaida and me! He sounded like a real bad man doesn’t he Billy? He is not a bad man Detective. He is a bad angel! A really bad angel! If he killed Father Domino that made him real bad. He then waited for the tall skinny angel to give him an order to kill us too. He just smiled at me like he knew where to find me unless he looked at Sister Alaida next.

 How come no one else saw them Billy just you. I would like to know how that is possible. Can you tell me why? I can see them before they do anything wrong Detective. I don't know how or why that is possible. Maybe, I am supposed to see them Detective. I saw them disappear into thin air. After Father Domino Died that day. I turned to look for them. They were gone within a second. The tall one is special. He is the one that gave the mean angel orders. It’s like he is the smart one unless he is the leader. What are their names Kid? He turned to face Detective Guardo. Billy raised his head. He stared up at a picture of an Angel in a White Robe. Billy lowered his head he stared back into Detective Guardo's Eyes. Do you believe in the Devil Detective? Do you believe in the Pitt or fire where he the Devil Lives? That black stuff on the bottom of their shoes is the ash from the Pitt of fire where he lives. They're trying to stop God from keeping him any longer. They want him free! They want Satan to be free because they want him to run things like before. They're trying to stop everything that God Wants done to stop. No matter who, what or why his mission is to save Souls, the Devil’s mission is to take them. God is making him work until he stopped or until he wages war on us Humans. Why is that kid? I did not think an 11 year old kid would know all that. Detective Guardo wrote down everything that he found hard to believe. Black ash on the bottom of their shoes meant they were from hell. I would like to have a sample of that black ash so I could have it tested. He will be back Officer. I am sure you will have a chance to get a sample before it is over. Both Detectives smile I am really impressed kid on how smart you are. He did not smile he looked away after both Detectives smile like it is amusing. Remember Detective if you see footprints on the ground in black ash. They're signs that the Devil is here or near. My Father told me it meant that he is trapped in hell That God Will Not set him free because he does not trust him.

 Sister Alaida broke into their conversation. I think he is trying to tell you that we do not have to worry about Satan too much. Because if he is free we would be in a much bigger mess than we already are. I will be back in the evening Sister. I have an order from the Priest in charge Father Carlton. I will be here Detective. I spend most of my time in the Orphanage because I have no Family other than Children that I visit every day. I will be back later like I told you. He climbed to his feet he smiles at Billy. If I were you kid, I would stop reading too many comic books before Dinner. I do not have any comic books '' he answered '' which felt like he resented what both Policemen had to say. I do not like you kid? I do not know why I do not? Something already told me that I did not like you.

 Both Detectives reach for the door. Detective Williams turned the doorknob to the right. Twisted it to the left before he pulled the door wide open to allow enough room for his Partner to leave first. Detective Williams stopped in the door. He turned back around to talk to the Sister. It is funny that you want to know if I do believe in God Kid. I would expect that from you Sister not that kid sitting next to you. She turned her head slightly to the right. She looked down at him and smiles. Maybe some good will come from this because of you then again, maybe not. Our job is to fight against the Devil and his sidekick Lucifer not make friends. If your right kid I want you to Pray for me when and if I should die! I can do that Detective. He climbed to his feet he walked toward the door. I need you to stay Billy until I have a word with you, myself. He met the Detective at the door. I must say goodbye Officer until later. I might have some more questions for you Billy. I don't want anything to happen to you either so I will keep an eye on you from now on. Goodbye kid, I will see you later. He stepped back into the hall after he reached into the Office for the knob. He pulled it close he followed Detective Guardo down the hall toward the entrance.

 Billy returned to his seat next to Sister Alaida to sit down. He turned to face her he smiles before he asks what is it that she wanted to know. Where is your Father? Can you tell me where he is because I do not have any record of him, anywhere? I think my Father is in Prison. He did something that he wasn't supposed too. I cannot tell you anything more than that because I am still not sure. What is his name Billy? I have friends that can find him if he is still alive. I know he is still alive Sister. I can hear his voice in my head. He continues to tell me that he will be coming soon. He is on his way so we can be together again. His lawyer is looking into it so it is only a matter of time before he shows up. That is the last thing I remember him saying before he was taken away. Your Mother Died right? I remember reading that in your file Billy. I don't know who would do such a thing. I know she must have been terrified when she died. Someone beat the hell out of her before they tossed her out a third floor window into a street. They found her dead body lying on the concrete ground, dead. They found wounds that only an animal would make on a human's body. They found 2 inch claw marks on her body from head to toe. I cannot believe anyone could hate anyone that much. I think it is that angel that killed Father Domino Sister. He has been with me since the Day I was Born! I can see him sometimes in my dreams. That can easily turn into nightmares. He really doesn’t look mean Sister. He would fool you and me if we just look into his brown eyes. He is actually the Devil. He wants something from one of us either me or my Dad. Because there isn't anyone left alive other than the two of us. Tell me again Billy what did he look like. I would like to know every detail. I cannot tell you what he looks like because he changes his look and his clothes faster than a squirrel climbs a tree. Tell me what he looks like I know you know what he looks like kid. If you seen him. You know what he looks like. He is tall and thin he has long dark hair, sand colored eyes and he looks like he is always straight faced. His right eyebrow rises up into his forehead when he thinks you’re lying to him which is when he smirks. He acts like he doesn’t care who, what, where or why he kills people especially Priests and Sisters. I would never consider killing a Priest or a Sister unless they lost their Faith. Both eyes glisten she knew something that no one else in the Orphanage sees. He is not a regular child. He has to be something either than a human. Tell me Billy do you listen to music, watch movies and play games that little boys play. Yes Sister, I do why do you ask? He walked toward the door after seeing something. Sister, I think you better Pray. I think that angel that we've been talking about is coming back to visit us at St Williams Orphanage. This time he is going to kill somebody else. I think a Detective. One of them turned to face the door besides both seats where they sat. I am not sure Sister. I see a lot of blood and it is going to kill someone, tonight. I better call the Police. I think it is better that they bring back-up just in case. She reached for the phone. She raised it several inches high. She placed it next to her right ear. Dialed a phone number that Detective Williams gave her to call if she needed anything. I am going back to my Dorm Sister. I need to get ready for Dinner or my Dorm Guard is going to be looking for me. Okay '' she whispered '' I am going to call Detective Williams to bring back-up just in case there might be trouble. Billy stepped into the hall he closed the door gentle like before he pulled it closed. He stopped just on the other side of that door to listen to Sister Alaida talk to a Detective for a few seconds. Before he continued to walk down a long corridor to his Dorm. Billy stared at several dark shadows that accumulated across both walls that follow him behind. An over spray of dark matter like some shadow that continued to advance that told him that he is on his way and it is looking for him. That feeling of fear came over his body in a serenade of goose bumps. He felt that fear grow over him like a layer of human skin. Two massive black wings open like a small plane ready for takeoff. He is still in the corridor. He watched shadows rise into the ceiling from the floor. Father '' he shouted '' he does not see anyone in sight. Nothing but walls of solid concrete yard after yard.

 Billy reached the tunnel where it crisscrossed. He turned to his right. His Dorm lied just 55 feet from him and he started to run. That constant sound of something whispering behind him in a cold wind followed him to the front door toward his Dorm. He reached for the doorknob. He twisted it to the right then his left and pushed, inward. He stepped into his Dorm. Before he closed the door. He found a thin black layer of ash in footprints on the floor right behind him that slowly faded away. Then, just like that footprints that left a trail to Dorm B-2 front door disappeared into thin air. He sees thin lines in the footprint like tiny crevices in a person's fingerprints in black ash that follow him behind.

 He turned back around to close th