I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Eight Search for Angels


St Williams Orphanage overran with Police, Detectives, Marshals and FBI Agents. They search 44 Acres of barren land that surrounded the Orphanage from all sides in small groups. Father Finnegan handed him a Map of the Property which is filled with lots and lot's of rundown buildings. We had horses we have barns tool sheds underground drain ditches that hold rainwater. We have a serenade of buildings both small and large over the Property Detective. If I were you I would come back first thing in the morning. I would not search at 10 PM at night for deadly criminals. This is not how it works Father. We have a dead Detective by the time were done with St Williams, Father. We would have searched the entire 44-Acres and every building on the Property besides the Orphanage, again. Father Finnegan knew what it meant. They would have to wake Children while walking through the Orphanage to look for criminals. I better tell my Sisters what to expect from Police from this moment forth. I would do that Father. I have a Dead Detective from what I remember. He is not the only one missing neither. Yes, Detective Bowles I understand. I will tell Sisters that work at the Orphanage to expect you sometime, tonight. As a matter of fact, tell them I will be coming Father because, I would like to see a live angel in person too. Watch it Detective this is an Orphanage not a playground for non-believers of Faith or atheists. Detective Bowles yells at his Men. I think you should get started on that search. I don't want anyone standing next around or listening to me okay. Talk to a Father Finnegan, understood. Policemen that wait for a direct order finally get one from Detective Bowles after he got shot down by a Priest.

He noticed several Policeman smoking cigarettes. Again, he yells at them to move it gentlemen. We do not have a direction much less a destination which is what we’re waiting for Captain. He noticed one Detective had the map of the place. He needed to break it into pieces so everyone had a place to search. Detective Bowles could not stand his Men standing around or acting like they were looking at a map of a place with a flashlight. It took too long from what he noticed. He had to get the hell away from them before he snaps. Father Finnegan I need a cup of coffee, tea a glass of warm milk, anything to take my mind off this mess. I sure do we have hot cocoa it is what we give Children on a cold night like tonight. Follow me Detective I will have a hot cup with you. I know you need one for yourself. Father, I have another question for you. I have pictures I think you saw. What if it is a bad angel? Do you have pictures of bad angels? I have some in my own chambers where it is nice and quiet.

Both Males disappear into the dark after he took another quick glance back at his Men that watch him walk away. Both Detective just follow me. Will talk over a hot cup of cocoa. I saw something today is it an angel. I do not know Detective? I have no idea what you did see. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I will tell you this much, I can show you what an Angel looks like. You tell me what you think it should look like.

One Detective noticed something on a roof that looked like it had wings. Something opened up that resembled 2 massive wings that look like a small plane that rises into the skies. He could not stop looking. He had to know what he saw on that roof. First, he waited a little longer before he made a move toward the warehouse entrance. Before he walked away he turned to his Partner. I am taking a walk to the warehouse. I think I saw someone or something. I am going with '' he replied. They have enough Police already searching the grounds. Okay Puder I think it is best that you follow me up to the roof in case you find something. Both Detectives step back into the warehouse. He found several Agents that work in Forensics. They were still taking samples of wall particle dust from the ceiling in case they find blood droplets instead. I am looking for a staircase that will take me to the roof. I think I saw something up there. Both Detectives Puder and Shoes climb up a set of steps that led them to the roof. Which from the ground looked like it is a 3 to 5 story building that could not be too difficult to search '' Shoes thought.

He could see the Orphanage which had to be 5 maybe 6 stories high from what he sees from the ground. The warehouse or storage unit is only 4 stories high from the ground up maybe 2 and a half stories if there is such a thing. Both Men climb up the stairs one step after another. Puder decided to follow Shoes.

 They reach a door that appeared to be stuck at the moment. Both Males slam their bodies up against the door in an attempt to open it from an enclosed staircase. Both Males slam against it one more time before they’re bodies hit the ground, covered in black tar and layers of roofing materials. Both Detectives raise their head to look up at the dark that hovered over the rooftop.

 Detective Puder a short male with a solid body mostly muscle climbed to his feet. Reached for a flashlight that he kept hidden underneath his overcoat. Flicked a tiny rubber button on that handle so he could see around him. Nothing at first then he noticed several large vents that protrude from the rooftop. You go that way Puder. I will go that way. He stepped forward into the dark. Detective Puder reached for his weapon. He realizes that anything could happen at this point. If I were you Partner. I would keep my eyes on anything that moves in the dark.

 Both Detectives step into the dark to look for anything that hid on the roof. Detective Puder stepped to the left. He bumped into an iron grate of some kind and stumbled forward toward an air vent 3 feet high. He stopped a few feet after he bumped into that air vent to take a look around. A massive black object knelt down or clumped over on the ground slowly moved. He aimed a 44 magnum besides his flashlight down at that block of darkness. It looked like a massive human size pigeon surrounded in black wings that knelt down on both knees. He started with the rooftop. He raised his flashlight one inch at a time. He watched each and every crevice and what looked like black thin bird feathers. He cannot make it out. It resembled a massive bird of some kind. He bent forward, he touched the wing that he believed belonged to a bird and pokes it hard. It erupted like a volcano Two massive black wings open like retractable wings. Expose a tall 6-foot solid black being with the coldest blackest eyes that he has ever seen. What in God's Name is it '' he mumbled. He stepped back after he took one glance. He opened fire he started shooting at a dark being. Now that it moves it walked toward him. Bullet after bullet hit it. Detective Puder realizes it's not moving in any direction. It’s not budging, bullets sail into its body and head like traveling through a thin layer of bark. Both wings explode, he stepped back another foot. This time he started yelling Partner. He turned his head to the side. He searches for his Partner to come running and screams again Partner! This time that dark being is standing 8 inches from his face. He returned his stare, he found himself rubbing noses with his. He realized it did not have any eyes just 2 black holes in its head that look like they were filled with blackness. One tiny black beam protruded from the center of each eye. It was far from Human. It had to be that angel that Priests talked about. Because there isn't a Human on Planet Earth that believed in angels that come from Hell. Detective Puder laid his gun down on top of the air vent before he raised his hands. What do you want from me '' he whispered. That thing in black wings that disappeared somehow behind, grabbed him. It raised him up over its head like a doll. Tossed him over the roof down at ground while he screamed. His Partner came running after he heard gunfire. He could not quite get there. He dropped his weapon on the ground somewhere? He had to look for it before he could run, anywhere. His Partner's Body hit the barn. His head slammed into what is left of the roof before hitting solid ground. Policemen search for a rooftop that he fell from unless something threw him down on the ground on purpose?

 Detective Shoes finally found his weapon on the ground. It fell standing up against a stairwell that they took to reach the rooftop. He ran toward the other side of the roof to search for his Partner Puder which disappeared. He heard his name over the radio. I have a dead Detective that has fallen or thrown down from the roof to the ground. What is his name '' he yelled. He waited until he heard his Partner's Badge Number. Then, he reached for his weapon. He knew something killed his Partner. It is still up there on the roof with him. I know you’re up here! I know you killed my Partner. You better give yourself up you hear me! Detective Shoes heard the sound of wings flap in the wind. It hid in the dark. He raised his head to search for that sound that came from somewhere overhead. Oh my God '' he mumbled. He stared into several dark clouds overhead at what resembled an angel in wings. He lowered his head down to the ground. You pissed off the wrong kind of angel, partner. Whoever or whatever that thing is it does not play nice. He remembered hearing bullets minutes ago.

 He tried to kill an angel. He got killed instead. He stepped away from the rooftop edge. He searched for that stairwell that they use to reach the rooftop so he could get down. Detective Shoes descended one step after another to the bottom. He slipped his weapon into his holster on his way down the stairs while listening to his radio. That black angel in the cloud flew upward like he is headed for Heaven which really puzzled him. He doesn’t know what to believe at this point. He does know that thing in the skies has wings like an angel.

 He reached the bottom step he slammed the door wide open. He then stepped into the dark. There had to be 100 flashlights in the distant. He could not make out what he did see at this point. They look like giant lightning bugs that kept him looking for a face that he knew. Nothing, he did not recognize one face what he did recognize that the ground is full of Badges and Policemen. The barn is covered in lights that sail from the rooftop to the ground where a dead body now lied. His Partner's which he presumed! Partner '' he yelled '' he picked up a little speed on his way to the barn. He screamed Partner! He lowered his flashlight so he would not blind anybody on his way there. Detective Bowles found himself sitting in a chair across from Father Finnegan. He ordered 2 hot cups of cocoa with tiny white marshmallows besides 2 oatmeal cookies fresh from the oven. Detective Bowles sat himself down. He waited for Father Finnegan to bring him a Book that had pictures and photos of demons with wings. Father Finnegan disappeared to find a Book that no one is supposed to see. He disappeared into a small room where the Church hid Books that the Public should see. IN a wall to the right a small box made of solid wood lied deep inside behind a door that resembled a picture. He reached for that one picture. He pulled it toward the room to allow access to a wooden box that hid since it is built. Once he removed the Book. He opened it to a page written in blood red that resembled an Ancient Bible. His fingertips felt warm enough to tell him that he recognized the book is pure EVIL! It is the sign of the devil. A book about demons and very bad angels. He Made the Sign of the Cross. He walked toward the entrance. He exited a small 10 X 10 room filled with the dark that somehow remained full of darkness. Every time stronger light bulbs were replaced the room always returned to the dark. Father Finnegan carried that book into that same open room where Detective Bowles sat, waiting.

 Detective Bowles sat in a seat. He sipped on a cup of hot chocolate. Nibbled on oatmeal cookies while he waited. Three Sisters remain in the same room Reading from a Bible in the rear. Father Finnegan entered that room with an upside down smile on his face. It had the look of fear written across it. Detective Bowles sees it immediately on his face besides the color of the book that resembled blood. I will show you something Detective that I believe is here looking for one of us. I heard it is here looking for a child. A young boy that supposed to have visions of things to come. I read somewhere. I am not sure where or if it is a child. Maybe he is a Priest or a Sister. I never imagined it would be a young boy from what they're saying down at the Department. I will open the book to page 47 it is the leviathan of angels. An angel with no feeling, whatsoever. Its only purpose in life is to kill anything that stood in Hell's Way. It included Humans, anything that is in its way or that Satan wanted dead. If you ever come across one of these things. There is no turning back. There is nothing that can save you from certain death not even a Prayer. He stared into 2 tiny beams of black light that glisten from deep inside. It does not have eyes like any human. Its eyes were like those that belong to lost Souls. They're usually black in color. They're skin is thick and it is rubbery looking. Then, there is this dark beast. His skin is the color of sand. He is the one that mimics the Devil. A cold heartless creature like the leviathan yet smarter than any leviathan that Satan will ever send. He is more like Satan. He turned the page to the following number 46. He is god to demons, the arch which is their chain of command. The Bible says he can take anything apart that included a good portion of a Human Race. He handed the book to Detective Bowles that he could steal a glimpse of what sounded like an anti-Christ. A tall being with long shoulder length dark hair, royal blue eyes an oval face maybe 6 feet tall with a stare that immediately gave him, chills. He followed it from its dark hair to its feet than stopped at his fingertips where it finds daggers. Its fingernails look more like 3 inch daggers in a deep red blood color. Detective Bowles felt his eyes watch him from the page. His eyes had also changed color. They went from royal blue to a deep blood red in color. Damn '' he whispered '' he shook his head from left to right and back again. He closed his eyes he reopened them to find that beast's eyes changed back to royal blue. Again, he whispers damn! He didn't want to look anymore. He had seen enough. I think we would have a problem if we saw that one especially that big black angel. That one really scared him. It had more meat on its body than a 2000-pound bull. I would rather go up against that sand colored angel the one that doesn’t look that mean or tough. Don't let his looks fool you. The other angels were afraid of him. No one really knew why. For some reason or another Satan made him an angel that angels take orders from. I do not know his name! I do know no one knew his name from what the book of Satan told us. He claimed to be an angel in this book. It also says that angels from Hell follow him like he is Satan. They say he is Satan's Disciple. The angel that will take Satan's place if he should ever die. Detective Bowles noticed his eyes were like a leviathan angel except his skin is light. It is like the color of sand maybe cream. Then, again it doesn't say anything else about him. I call him the beast with no name until he is again reborn! Since Satan is in a prison where God had him placed after a rebellious act. He needed a replacement to take his place. Not just on hell on Earth too.

Wait a minute take one more glance at this creature. I found in a nightmare when I was kid a long, long time ago. It has a tail like a lizard, 2 massive wings that protrude from its back like a dragon that kind of flew. It is an angel named Lazarus. It has scaly dark green colored skin. His eyes were like an alligator and it spit acid in its saliva. I have a book of angels that were really bad angels. Angels that don't have any meaning to do well on Earth. I call them demons. They have wings that expand to the size of a small plane. I don't care to see any angels, demons or creatures Father Finnegan. I would like to finish my hot cocoa and another oatmeal cookie. I would like to hear your stories of angels and that beast Father. Not now! I have another problem. I have to figure out who killed my Detectives.

 Detective Bowles finishes his hot cup of cocoa. Motioned for another oatmeal cookie, afterward. Reached for his radio which sat on his utility belt. Then he radioed his Men who were supposed to be standing in the yard either waiting for someone to yell if and when they find anything. He decided to remain with Father Finnegan until someone radioed him from the Orphanage.

 Captain Bowles I found the Detective's handgun. It is completely empty and it is still smoking. Whatever or whoever he hit he unloaded his entire clip into that person or persons. I did not find any blood. I did not see a sign of anything other than that smoking gun. Did you ask his Partner Shoes or did you wait to tell me, first! I already talk to him he did not see anything. He says he did see something in the skies. He saw wings, 2 big massive wings that open like a giant bat. Tell him to meet me at the Orphanage. I would like to have a word with him. I am talking with Father Finnegan right now. He can find us in his Quarters at the Orphanage. Yes Captain, I will tell him he is right here waiting for another ambulance to take his Partner to the Morgue. I will be waiting Officer. He releases a button on the radio to relay the Captain's Orders. The Captain wanted to see you. He wants to know about that angel in the skies that you claim to have seen. Where is he John? He pointed to the rear door that entered the Orphanage from behind. You will find him in the Orphanage having coffee with Father Finnegan. Detective Shoes followed his finger to the back door that led into the Orphanage. Let me know if you find that thing flying in the skies or if it kills another Cop. I will do that Detective. I will contact you immediately the second that I hear anything. Detective Shoes a single male with the Police Force for the last 5 years, walked into the dark that surrounded him. His eyes search the black skies in case that thing up there with wings attacked like an Eagle of prey. His hand remained close to his weapon. His eyes focused on the dark that waited to engulf his entire body. His dead Partner lied on the ground. His entire head is caved in from the fall that his body endured from the building. He reached for a brass doorknob a few feet from him and twisted it to the right then left. It opened almost too easy at first '' he thought. He hesitated once his feet touch the floor tile, inside. He stopped yells Father Finnegan it is Detective Shoes. I am here to talk to you. He stared down an endless corridor that look like its 3500 feet if not more from what it looks like. A dark, tall, man in black attire that resembled a Priest's Clothes yells back. Over here Detective were here. He remained in the hall but waved him toward his Quarters. He disappeared back into his Quarters. He waited for Detective Shoes to reach the entrance before he would invite him inside. Both Males that sat at a table underneath a lamp, continued to enjoy St Williams Sisters read from the Bible while sipping on hot cocoa. Captain Bowles waited to talk with Detective Shoes so he could take a look at the book that the Priest showed him. Detective Shoes reached the halfway mark. He stopped to tie his loose shoelaces that he just noticed. He bent down he grabbed both laces so he could tie them when he noticed a figure on a wall of an Angel. Two words near the bottom of the picture by his feet read Guardian Angel. It told him to believe in something if nothing else. A Guardian Angel. I Pray to God there is such an Angel for Man’s sake if no one else. It is almost 2 PM Detective. I have to get some sleep! I have a Class early in the Morning. I have work to do myself Father. I think it is best I join my Men in search of that killer. Detective Bowles climbed to his feet. He wanted to show Shoes that book. Except Father Finnegan had other plans. He had to get some sleep before Class in the Morning. Detective Shoes noticed a book in a deep red color with a picture of an Angel in black that looked like it is engraved in the cover. He reached down he turned the page to an uncertain page and reads. Only God can kill an Angel whether it is good or bad. Only God has that Power to have him taken away by another Angel. He got a kick out of both words at the bottom of the book before he read several other words that belong to some kind of Prayer. It resembled a chant of some kind. The kind that made him close the book for the sake of fear. He remembered several words before he closes the book. Detective Shoes reopened the book. He shoved it in Captain Bowles face so he could read it for himself. Look Captain I have something that I want you to read before I put it back on top of the table. He also read several words at the bottom of a page. It looked like Satan left Heaven. A trail of blood led to the edge of the page. The book of demons finally closes. Both Detectives head for the door. I will see you Father! I have other things to do myself. I have not heard anything. My Officers did not find anything or I would hear it on the radio Father. Both Officers head for the door but Detective Shoes reaches it first. He twisted it to the right, left before he pulled it inward toward the sitting room. He waved goodbye to both Sisters.

 I will see you later Father because I have work to do too. Both Officers step into a corridor, turn toward the doorway that led back into a backyard. One look around, they don't find a person in sight or anywhere, near. The barn that collapsed underneath a Detective's Dead Body is completely empty. Where did they go '' he asked? I better use the radio instead “ he thought. He removed his radio from his utility belt. He pressed a button inward so he could talk with Officers. This is Captain Bowles! I need to know did anyone find anything or take anyone into custody.

 He waited a minute, another followed before he tried to make contact with Officers. He tries it again except no one answers. He started to run toward the barn through the dark in search of Officers. His radio exploded in multiple voices. I did not hear anything Captain. I tried to contact you several times for some reason or another, I could not get through.

 Several Policemen searched through 44 Acres that the Orphanage sits on. I found nothing after I searched through approximately 5-Acres, Captain. I am headed for the Orphanage. I think Officers were having the same trouble with their radios. I am near the barn. I need everyone to rendezvous at the barn where it started. Yes Captain, I will be there in 45 minutes. He releases the button on the radio and headed back. Another team of Officers head back after contacting the Captain then still one more. Another team headed back after telling Captain Bowles that they found nothing on the grounds. He relayed that same message to everyone that worked on the case of the dead. Detective named Puder besides several others that remain, missing.

 He headed for the barn after he heard Police searched the grounds for a killer. Captain Bowles walked toward the barn along with Detective Shoes through the dark Both Officers continued to search the skies for angels that fly or something with wings. Neither Detective sees anything in the skies before they reach the barn and wait for fellow Policemen. A serenade of Police Cars Remain parked on the grass behind the building besides in front of the Orphanage, waiting.

 Captain Bowles looked around but he does not find anything out of place other than a Detective that fell or was thrown from the roof that was missing. I believe Paramedics took him away in a white van Captain. I don't think will find anything other than a trail of blood on the ground.

 Look at what is left of the barn. There is not anything left except for a quarter of the place. Captain Bowles searched what is left of the barn by using a flashlight from top to bottom. A thin piece of something black, resembled a bat's wing. It hung from what remained on the roof. I want that Detective to find me a ladder! I want that in my possession. What is it Captain! He continued to stare up at the rooftop at something hanging from an edge. Just go get it Detective! I need a ladder to climb up there to get it. The Detective disappeared into the dark to look for a ladder to climb to the rooftop.

Captain Bowles continued to wait for a ladder until Detective Shoes reappeared. His hands could not remain still. He had to keep moving and looking for clues. Then, he noticed something awfully dark like a portal into another world or just a black spot in the barn. He stepped forward toward a black spot that appeared to be darker than anywhere else in the barn. Then something stepped out of that black spot that looked like a doorway. He stepped back, he stared into the door at something that moved in the dark. Although he is dark himself. Hey you '' he called out '' he reached for his weapon rather slow. He aimed his flashlight into a dark doorway at something that looked almost Human. Captain Bowles almost too terrified to look into his face, lowered his flashlight toward the ground, whispers, okay. Slowly, he raised the flashlight. He stared at what resembled feet in a pair of black dull shoes. He passed both knees he reached his waistband. Now he sees what resembled a miniature pitchfork stuck inside in dull silver. It had tiny overlapping lips that probably made it bigger or shrunk it to a specific size. It had to be 8 inches from what he protruded from his waistband? He could hear something that resembled 2 wings that opened and closed. Quickly, he raised his eyes besides flashlight. He stared into 2 eyes that were impossible to miss. His mouth dropped open. He stared into the face of a monster in black clothes than at 2 massive black wings that open up. Both wings knocked down 2 remaining walls that held the barn up from inside. The barn collapsed on top of Captain Bowles. That thing that he stared at flew into flying debris than into the darkness overhead where it disappeared into the black skies. The Captain reached for his flashlight which fell close by after it collapsed on him. He also noticed a piece of rubbery skin that lied inches away from him. He reached forward he removed a piece of graphite colored skin of some kind. That had to be from its wings '' he thought. It looked just like it from what he remembered seconds ago. He slipped it into his suit coat right pocket and tries to crawl out from underneath a large piece of solid wood 8 X 8 feet square.

 Once Detective Shoes noticed the barn collapsed. He ran toward Captain Bowles, yelling. He dropped an 8-foot ladder on the ground. He started to run toward the barn to find the Captain. He continued to yell while he searched the ground on his way just in case he lied on the ground in the dark. Finally, he screamed here I am Shoes! Here I am! I made it out of the barn, and I am still alive! He ran to his side to help him to his feet. He tries to talk, he can’t. I saw it up close Detective it is big. He is a monster! He is as big as a barn. It had 2 massive graphite colored wings with some kind of engravings in its skin. It had a mouthful of teeth like a lioness or some kind of wild animal. I cannot explain it he opened his mouth before he fell unconscious. Captain '' he yelled '' he reached for his radio which is attached to his utility belt. He continued to yell into the voice box Officer down! Officer down! I need an ambulance immediately! He placed the radio back in its place. He tries to revive the Captain in case he is only wounded. Or died on the ground in the dark. He raised his head he stared up at the black skies just before a raindrop fell and splashed on his face. Two black figures dance around in the skies like they were flying in some kind of circle. Just then a bolt of lightning struck the skies. It exposed a flash of light that exposes both flying objects. It looked like full grown vultures.

 Finally, a handful of Police show up. They search for the Officer who is down! Instead, they find Detective Shoes on his knees, talking to another Officer on his back, unconscious They take him away '' he shouted. He saw a doorway a portal he believed would take him to hell! Officers remain in shock after an ambulance drove away with his lifeless body.

Detective Shoes watched the ambulance drive away with the Captain inside. He wondered what really happened in there. One Officer noticed there isn't any barn left to search. I really doubt will find any portal inside '' he said. Detective Shoes realized no one found anything by the way it sounds. Besides, he knew it is almost 3-AM in the morning. There isn't any time left to look unless we create some. After the Captain fell. He knew they would have to come back tomorrow to finish that search from the way things stand. Then again, he wanted to visit his Captain in a Hospital Room tomorrow.

He followed Officers to the Police Cars. He took a quick look around first before he followed. That thing that flew around in the dark now that is something '' he thought. He waited one minute before he lowered his stare down to the ground. Another raindrop fell it slapped him on the back of his head. He turned around he faced the barn. Something moved in the dark like a shadow. Maybe there is a portal or doorway that led directly into hell from what the Captain tried to tell him in mumbles. Another raindrop fell this time it slapped him across his face. It told him to run toward his vehicle parked in front of the Orphanage. There had to be another clue waiting “ he thought!

 Police Cars leave the backyard one by one. They drive off beeping at him from a distant. He remained another minute. He kept both eyes on shadows that walk through the heavily wooded forest behind a pole barn. He started to think he must be seeing things '' he thought. Then again tomorrow would be another day so I better get going. I better check on Captain Bowles. He may have something to tell me before he is sedated.