I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Nine Billy leaves E-block


A constant thump like a Male in heavy black boots walked down the gallery. Stopped in front of Billy Seal's cell, he ordered him to pack his things that he would be moving to another cell. He woke up he climbed to his feet to listen to an Officer that gave him his walking papers. I have mail besides a form for you to fill out or I could fill them out for you in the hole. I will fill them out instead, I don't have a problem. I can fill them out in the hole too. I don't give a shit which way you do it. I want it done one-way or the other. He noticed a letter from the Orphanage. He grabbed the form he flung it into the gallery yells who gives a shit! He grabbed the letter he opened it as fast as he could before he lied down on his bunk to read it. Okay kid I want you to pack your stuff anyway because I am coming back with a team of guards. You’re going to the hole '' he shouted. You better be ready to go punk. I got your punk, you punk ass guard now go get the form. I could not hold on to them fruitcake. I am too busy reading my letter. I think you remember, on your way back please be so kind to return the form. He heard inmates pack their stuff. He knew they were moving the entire cell block to another house for some reason. If I am not mistaken '' he thought. I think there might be a riot by the sound of things. Inmates were talking I knew it had something to do with that fight in chow. He lied down he started reading what Father Finnegan sent him in the mail. I have good yet troubling news for you Mister Seals. I had a break-in, in the Orphanage. Someone broke in last night. I think they were looking for your Son. I don't know what that might mean to you! I don't know if you owe anyone money but if you do. They might be here for that reason. Billy sat down, he found himself in the center of his bunk, looking back at a guard that walked across a steel walkway 40 feet from his cell. The entire time he read from the letter but he kept an eye on the guard across from his cell that he believed watched him from the way he looked back all the time. I need to get out of here before I end up in a big mess, if I am right. Whatever is about to happen will happen. I always tell myself from past experiences. I remember saying that it always will. I better find a way to freedom '' he thought ''or I might find myself in another world of shit.

 He raised his head he stared back at that same guard that he felt watched him. He turned his head to the right he focused on that particular place on the walkway where he always stopped to take a look. Before he reopened his eyes. He stared across the gallery at something that resembled someone beastly and black with 2 massive claws instead of guns. Two red eyelids which look like they we're peeled back or bleeding like the skin on their face slowly peeled away. Billy closed his eyes he reopened them as quick as he could. He found that same guard holding a gun this time he smiled back like he was told to watch him. It is like someone told him, I would receive some bad news. Maybe he thinks I would be looking for a way out of Prison. Maybe even killing a guard if I must, if I could escape from this place that inmates call a hole in the dark. Then again if I had too. I would kill the Warden and his entire army of guards if there is no other way out of solitary, confinement. One way or the other. I am leaving here even if it is in a pine-box but I will not be leaving here in that box alone. At least I can say I tried for some reason or the other. It isn't meant to be kid. I guess if there is a Heaven and it waits. I will see you again someday. He really did not believe it after he told himself that stuff multiple times. There would not be any Heaven for people like me especially if I kill many, right well wrong. I went to Church to Repent to tell the Priest About my Sins. Ten Hail Mary’s, 5 Our Fathers and I will be even with God! I am leaving here no matter what, even if I have to kill every guard that watches, me.

 Two guards walk down the gallery toward his cell. Yell let's go kid. You better have your shit packed or you’re going to be sorry, alright. He just was not in the mood to hear that kind of stuff. Instead, he shoved that letter into his pocket and stands. He places both hands behind his back. You’re going to the hole for a week maybe two. He knew there is no way to freedom from the hole. There isn't anything there except a steel cage filled with concrete.

He knew there is no way out of that hole so he would have to wait until he got out. Before he could even think of freedom or prison '' he thought. Then again he had nothing except time left to do anyway. They take Billy away while one guard tosses his personal things into a cardboard box 2 feet square. They walk him down the gallery toward the stairs. Order him to step down one step at a time. He remembered seeing something that resembled a dark beast in a nightmare. It was over in a flash. He knew it the second it disappeared from sight. That thing stayed with him. He could not take his mind off the creature or that letter that he did not finish reading. Suddenly, both pieces of paper fall to the concrete floor. He stopped to yell before he closes both eyes to take another look. I dropped my letter on the ground. I need that before I go any further '' he shouted. If you can bend down to lift it with both hands behind your back, go ahead kid. I am going to see you again guard. When I do you better Pray you’re behind a steel gate. Go ahead kid pick that letter up or I will leave it for the sweeper so he can read it when he has nothing else to do. He sat down on the concrete gallery ground. He reached over for the letter. He lifted it with his right hand. Before he climbed to his feet. He reached over he grabbed an iron bar from a jail cell that he used to pull himself up with after he retrieved that piece of paper.

 This way Kid I do not have all day. He waited until his boots touch the concrete on the main floor. He pointed with his right index finger to the right. We're taking you to B-Block where you will spend the rest of the time while you’re here in my prison! He followed his finger to the right. He found inmates hanging from the bars. Where are you headed kid another inmate yells. I will see you in the real world. A large black male that resembled his cellmate yells back. That guard is no good. He will take you to the other side of the Block and leave you in a hole. You better watch him! He isn't any good! He will stab you in the back just like a backstabber.

He walked toward the other side. He left E-Block behind after several steps. Found himself in B-Block unaware of his new surroundings or inmates he would meet. New faces, new cell guards and everything that you would expect from a new home. He could hear several voices yell from jail cells overhead. New meat! New meat then another followed hey cellie what’s up. I am up on the fourth gallery in cell 46. If they send you up here it is because I am here. He walked by, he never searched for his voice or cell 46. He just kept walking in that same direction of that guard's finger.

 A small Office maybe the size of a 1 car garage stopped him. Several stacks of food trays line up behind the Office. It told him he would be working. He would hand out food on foam trays to inmates. Leave your stuff on the ground. I need you to pass food out to inmates before it grows too cold. You would not want inmates to be pissed at you, would you. Then grab a tray of food and start passing it out. He opened his eyes he remembered reading a sentence on a wall. I have a life sentence. I will never leave here alive so if I were you I would watch out for me! Because before l am done with my sentence. I will beg for an electric chair. After thinking about it. He mentioned the words No I would not Officer. He removed his cuffs from his hands and wrists before he warned him one last time. Do not make me come looking for you! He stopped after he released him from his handcuffs. He yells at other inmates on the main floor. I need another 5 inmates to pass out food. He waited until he heard several inmates yell back right here Officer! He unlocked locks on several cells that face him after he ordered Billy Seals to take the tenth gallery. If you want '' he replied '' I will let you go outside after your done passing out food. Several inmates yell they want nothing except an extra plate of food. Other helpers quickly agree. Inmates grab several plastic trays that held 12 trays of food that fed 6 cells. Ten inmates altogether grab trays. They start to walk up flights of stairs to the tenth gallery while Billy carried his up to the fourth gallery. He wanted to know why did that chow hall exploded into a fight. After thinking about it. He really did not want to know why they fought. He just wanted to reach his cell so he could finish reading his letter.

 Finally, after he climbed 4 flights of stairs. He reached the fourth gallery where his ex cellie lives. He did not want to know why he started a fight. Over what gangs, food, sitting at the wrong table what exactly '' he thought. Hey cellie, I am on my way down to cell 46. He stopped at cell 4 to pass out their trays. He handed a male inside 2 trays of food. He is ready to walk away when a shank became visible. He stepped back he dropped the tray that he carried like a vendor over his right shoulder down a gallery concrete walkway. He is ready to yell than stops, instead. He turned to face the inmate with a shank and asks. Why me, I do not know you. He stepped back out of reach just in case he tries that again. Billy, I know you! We want your Son! He needs to be stopped from his destiny. What would that be? He reached for food trays on that gallery floor. He lifted several trays from the ground. He started to throw open food trays at him. A Black Male inside blocked as much food from hitting him by raising his arms then his open hands. Billy noticed he started to look more and more like that demon that he dreamt about. His hair shrunk from an Afro to a thin nappy hairdo. Two black sharp horns 3 inches long protrude from his forehead one from each side of his temple. His facial skin looks like someone peeled a thin layer of skin back on his face. A thin layer of black hair grew over his body's skin. Will get him he is destined to die. We will not fail he growled back! Guard '' he yelled '' I dropped the food on the ground. I need another tray so I can pass it out. You better hurry before those inmates start looking for your cell so they can eat your commissary. He leaned inward he knew he had to walk back downstairs to the main floor for another tray of food. Billy headed back down the stairs toward the main level where food waited. He passed the third gallery second followed then finally the main level. Before both feet touch the ground he looked both ways for some reason or another. Just then 2 inmates that were released to feed B-Block. Rush a prison guard that bad mouthed them by yelling. Get to work or get back into your cell. Billy did not know what to do. He wanted to run back up the stairs to another gallery but hesitates, instead. He waited until the guard started yelling for help. Guards, I need help! Help me! I am being attacked by inmates with shanks! Before he went down. They slam him up against jail cell bars head first. He yelled “ help Me! Guards from E-Block rush toward B-Block. They find 2 large black males stabbing one guard to death. They start to yell into their radio, I need backup. I need the doom squad! We have a guard on the ground. He has been stabbed multiple times. Both Guards rush toward one guard. Knelt down on both knees he hugged several bars like he held on for dear life. Both arms held bars in their grasp. They try to drag him into a dark corner so they could finish killing him. Both Guards reach for belly clubs. They remove them in seconds from their utility belts. Yell at both inmates you better drop that shank or you’re going to find yourself in a lot of trouble.

 Both inmates step back after their threatened by Guards. An inmate who held a shank, dripped with blood. He tried to run back into B-Block to escape. The much shorter inmate stepped toward numerous jail cell bars. He locked both hands together, yells I give up. One guard locked him to an iron bar. He chased after another inmate along with the other guard. Both Guards run up several stairs toward galleries to search for him. First they search each gallery from the stairwell in case. He might be hiding in between two cells.

 Within minutes B-Block is engulfed with Guards. One after another they fill the main floor with yells. That male that stabbed the guard. He is now hanging from gallery bars. He tries to slip into the seventh gallery by hanging from the bars. His right foot misses the banister. He screams before his body loses its grip and falls to the hard ground. Guards rush toward an inmate’s side yelling and screaming that he better be dead or else he will be!

An ambulance rushed to the prison to take an Officer to a Hospital. They take the inmate to the morgue after he is declared dead by Paramedics. They find Billy Seals hiding by the Officer's Office with a plastic tray in both hands, trembling. I found another inmate. I want him questioned before he is taken back to his cell. I want to know what he knows. Am I understood, Officer. Yes, Captain I understand if you like. I can take him to your Office, instead. I want him questioned. I want him in your Office where we can keep an eye on him. Yes, Captain, I will take him to my Office where I can question him before you.

 Prison Guards separate into small groups to search for inmates that pass out food. He ordered any inmate on either gallery to return to their cell or to the Officer's Office before we take count. If you’re not where you’re supposed to be! You will be declared missing and an escapee. I want you downstairs in my Office in 10 minutes before I start counting!

 Captain Blaggs gave his Men 10-minutes before they start to count and search for any missing inmates! Captain Blaggs noticed a trail of blood on the concrete ground. He found two inmates sitting on their bunk, watching. He turned his attention to both inmates. He started yell at them both. What are you looking at If I find out that you touch that guard or stole anything from him? I am going to send you to the hole for the rest of your natural life! Do I make myself clear! As a matter of fact, Officers. I want that cell searched. Then I want you to search it, again. Several Officers stood close, waited for an Order. Then they rush that cell with keys dangling in their hands. They unlock the lock, yell at both inmates to undress before their undressed by Male Officers. Both inmates drop their clothes then they were forced into the gallery naked. Officers search them again then again. One Officer searches through their clothes then butt holes. He tosses them back at them one piece at a time after they search them.

Several Guards rush into their cell. Grab blankets, mattresses and pillows. Toss them on the ground, one piece after another, thoroughly search through their personal belongings. Find magazines of naked girls that they toss into the gallery. Followed by dirty white sheets. Clothes follow than Officers rip down several wall posters that cover the walls. Again, they find nothing then they find a shank two inches long encased in electrical tape, taped to the bed underneath. I found a knife, I want them both in the hole. Tell them they can have their stuff after they leave. Give them two weeks in the hole each until someone confesses to my guard's stabbing. The male turned to face Captain Blaggs. I will tell you nothing! Nothing at all! I will never tell a guard anything. He spit on the floor near his boots. Take both inmates away. I do not want to see they're fucking faces for the next two weeks. Both inmates are handcuffed and taken to another cell that represents the hole. A place where they will spend time alone to think about things that they did wrong. Like we would give a shit! Why do you think they're in jail in the first place. Not because they’re victims that, I doubt!

 They take them to the hole after they're gone. They continue that search. I want to know what happened to that guard. I want to know if he dies. Who will be responsible. If he does I want that inmate to receive the electric chair for what he has done. Captain Blaggs noticed several inmates descend from galleries, overhead. Before he sent them away. He realizes there is plenty of food left to pass out to inmates. I want your names and your numbers. I want that food passed out before you return to your cells.

Numerous Inmates pass out each and every tray. They carry massive plastic containers that held numerous plates to finish their job. Again, inmates return to upper galleries to finish passing out the food. Captain Blaggs remembered he had an inmate under questioning which he had to tend too. Officer, what do we have. He marched toward the entrance to have a word with the inmate. He found Billy sitting in a wooden seat. He faced a guard that questioned him. I need to know who did this. Who stabbed that guard until he could not kneel anymore? He passed out from pain that he endured by taking 10 to 12 stab wounds. I want to know if that inmate stabbed him or did he work alone when he stabs. Answer me! Nothing, I did not do anything. I did not stab that Guard. I watch from the gallery. I did not take any part in that crime of a prison guard being attacked. I want you to show me both hands so I can look for bloodstains. He hesitated which made Captain Blaggs want to see his hands now. He yelled '' Guards, I want his hands on the table this second. He slammed his hands open handed on top of the table so he could see his palms. Open both hands spread out your fingers so he could look in between just in case he hid something. I do not see any blood Captain. Both Guards remain, standing behind Billy Seals. He looked down at his hands. Take this prisoner back to his cell. First give him a tray of food. Make that two trays Officer. Billy slid his seat forward he climbed to his feet. He turned to face the entrance to the Officer's Office. I do not have a cell yet. He stopped right outside the doorway. He turned side way to face the Office inside like he waited for Captain Blaggs to personally take him to one. I do not do that I will send a guard to take you to a cell if there is any available. Officer find him a cell before I find you both one. Yes, Captain I can do that. He reached for a notepad filled with cell numbers on a wall near. I have one cell left which is 66. It is on the main floor. I think you will be comfortable they’re kid. This way will know where to find you just in case we find out you did have something to do with that guard getting his ass kicked. Take him to his cell. I want to know which cell so I can keep an eye on him, myself. Why” he asked. He could be an angel. Yes, Captain he wrote it down on a thick plastic tablet that kept track of B-Block Cell house inmates. Come on kid, I will take you to your cell. He pointed at Billy Seals. Walk down the gallery toward cell 66 which is the last cell on the gallery. Billy stared at every cell to his right where inmates live and some will probably die. He also watched inmates cook food on a hot plate, some in a hotpot yet others the old fashioned way right out of a can. Darkness seeped into the cell house from outside. He felt the cold air follow while he stared at inmates. They look like they have been there forever. Pictures of naked women were everywhere. He sees photos of what could be Family or friends. An enormous amount of magazines lied stacked up against bars like the floor is a stand. Televisions, radios, hotpots and computers faced the gallery because bunks were also faced in that direction.

 Billy reached his cell before the guard unlocked a lock and allowed him into 66, his new home. He found no one inside like he is in a hole for a different crime that he committed. Placed in the care of the Penal System after committing a crime earlier in life.

He stepped into his new home before the door behind him slammed shut. He placed both trays of food down on his bunk. Wondered where are my things. I need to make my bed and take a shower. I will bring your things later after I am done with count, do you understand. No should I, he turned away he faced his cell. His new home for the time being. The guard he remembered watched him from the fourth gallery came to mind. Then again if he wanted to escape. He could not do it from the fourth gallery. Not from the main floor. He could do just about anything that included escape through a doorway or even with the help of a prison guard. I know this time when I leave, I will not be able to come back. I will be charged with escape. Maybe even murder! If I get out at all and, alive!

 You better watch it kid, those are some real bad men that almost killed that guard. If I were you I would keep an eye on inmates that I affiliate myself with. Or you could end up on death-row like a bunch of other inmates stuck in prison. I will do that '' he called out '' he turned away. He allowed that guard to finish counting.

Billy sat down on top of a bottom bunk. He remembered he had a letter from his Son’s Orphanage. He slipped it out, he unfolded it before he could read it. He had to straighten it out first. A thin piece of white paper so he could read. He found it where he left off. He read it from there to the bottom of the page. I just want to ask you Mister Seals. Does your Son see things? Could he psychotic? Or suicidal? We had a break-in the other day. We had reason to believe this person broke into the Orphanage to look for someone. Maybe a Child at St Williams. I am not sure he came close to attacking your Child’s Dorm. I do not know if it is him or if it is another Child. Whoever it is they are after, I want to ask you. Do you know something about person that would break into an Orphanage?

If you have reason to believe your Son could be in danger. Write and tell us what we should look for or whom? He lowered the paper, he turned it around to read what is on the back page. He told me he sees demons Mister Seals! I do not know what to tell you other than that. I will have a word with him. I will have him talk to a specialist here at the Orphanage. Before I send you another letter Mister Seals. Goodbye Mister Seals for now.

 Billy is still having Nightmares '' he thought. He lay back down on his bunk bed. He felt something inside and it isn't feathers. Maybe it is a small critter of some kind. A family of cockroaches or something that would not die that just squirmed around in a pillow like it is alive. He pounded the pillow with both fists over and over again until it stopped moving. He slid his hand into the pillow to look for a small rodent or something in a nest. Nothing, he sent his hand through the pillow on both sides but he found nada, zilch. Again, that guard on the walkway bothered him. He just could not get his mind off that man that carried a gun in wonder. Even, if I made it out. I would never make it on the outside by myself. I do not have anybody to pick me up. I would have to rob a vehicle or maybe even a business so I could have some money to travel on. I have to see Billy. I have to tell him, everything will be alright. He just has to believe me. He ripped both pages into pieces. He tossed them into the toilet so they could easily dissolve in water before he flushed them down. I will tell you this much. I will leave prison one way or the other before that demon returned to the Orphanage, in case it is coming for my Boy?

 He reached for a notepad of paper that he started to write things that he remembered. Things, like his Son is not psychotic or in need of any Psychological Help. He just needed peace and quiet in a nice Orphanage. That would be sufficient. He will not need anything else Father. I think you should allow him into Church so he is close to God. I think he will be fine after that. I would like to say thanks for doing so Father. I will keep in touch by writing and talking with you on the phone every first of the month just like clockwork. He folded the letter in half before he slid it into an envelope. He sealed it by licking the sticky part. He closed it and slid it in through 2 iron cell bars.