I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen Satan Retreats


 Billy knelt down by his bunk, Praying. He imagined music in the background as if Angels in Heaven Played Harps or William the Minstrel Angel, singing. It was similar to Opera music. He could hear harps stuff that he believed Angels would use to create music. Things, I remember seeing in Books. He hummed along to a tune that sounded like music. Music that I have never heard before yet I knew the melody to and the sound.

 Another Agent entered the Dorm to look for two missing Officers that disappeared earlier. I was ordered to look for them. I do not know if they’re in here or not which is why I came. They were in the cellar ask Father Jotts. I think he let them inside. Where can I find this Priest '' he replied. He waited in the Dorm until Sister Alaida told him what he needed to know. He walked back into the hall but Sister Alaida saw something else, she sees Billy. He stared in at the doorway like he expected a Devil or something. She crept up on him '' she whispered '' what were you thinking about. He is coming Sister there isn't anywhere to hide from that Beast. The entire Orphanage is surrounded by 35 Police. God knows how many Agents. This is not enough Sister. He has to be the Devil's Disciple. Where he comes from. An army will follow him back from hell with an order and 1 command to find and kill! Or he will not be allowed back into hell by his father or a world of demons that wait. There is only one Devil and he does not take no for an answer. I believe you Billy. You have been reading too much from the Bible. I think you should read a comic book every now and then. His eyes stared into hers you don't understand do you he cannot be stopped!

 She climbed to her feet. She rushed over to a desk where Security sat to watch them sleep. Reached forward for a button on a desktop. I would like to know what is going on inside the Orphanage. She released a button a voice returned. I think you should stay put Sister. Okay does that mean nothing is going on or that the Devil is outside eating bad little boys. Children in the Orphanage stopped what they were doing to listen to her answer. I cannot tell you anything else! Sister, I have my hands full with work. Billy reached for a pocket Bible that he is allowed to keep. He remembered Father Finnegan left him a much bigger one. He felt safe already he crawled back up on his bunk to read it. I will be alright Sister it's you that I am worried about and the other Orphans. I have a Guardian and he is on his way here to stop him from reaching me or you. I think you should Pray because no one is supposed to be listening unless I say so remember that! It is a game we used to play when I first got to the Orphanage. I remember it like we played it yesterday. Why, I do not remember Billy. Why not tell me so I remember too. Sister Alaida I think we should Pray. They cannot stop him from coming. They say that beast cannot be found! She just stared back she could not believe what she heard. They hear gunfire outside the Orphanage. She yelled “ children hit the floor! I have a new game that we will play from now on. It has a new name. I want everyone to crawl down on the ground. Several Children hit the floor. They knew what that meant this is gunfire. Sister Alaida grabbed a Bible from the desktop so she could read to Children already terrified of the sound of gunfire. Okay, I want you to place your hands together so we can Pray that God and Angels keep us safe. Okay Sister I will Pray with you. Several Orphans place their hands together to Pray.

 Agent Goldblatt ordered everyone from now on to carry an automatic weapon besides that to wear a bullet proof vest. I have a funny feeling Men that this is not going to be the end but just the beginning. One Agent raised his head to look up at the clouds overhead. He sees something in black wings flying up in the skies. Goldblatt '' he yelled '' I think trouble is about to arrive. Take a look! I see something drawing closer and closer to the ground. It is coming toward the Orphanage. I think it is coming for that Sister or that Kid? Does it matter which one it is that came? Our job is to stop it from reaching that door to the Orphanage. I want two Police Officers standing at that door at all times. I do not want anyone in that door without my consent or without a Badge. He raised his head yet again this time it is gone whatever it is that flew in the clouds, it disappeared. Purvis, I want you in charge of that door. Send two Officers to that entrance, now. What, about the basement. You told me to search the cellars. I did not know we were going to fight with black creatures that fly in the skies, covered in massive wings. We're going to need bigger guns “ Purvis shouted. I have something I hope will do the trick. He rushed toward a massive SWAT Truck parked right outside the Orphanage.

 Agent Goldblatt remained in the fields, outside. He watched the Orphanage and warehouse from that same place outside. Police unaware what Agent Goldblatt expected rushed outside to look for clues and an angel in long dark hair? And there he was looking back at me from the rooftop like an eagle ready to zoom in on its prey. I could feel his eyes burn a hole in my chest. Probably because he wanted to rip a hole in it. He removed his handgun whispers into his radio. Just before a SWAT Officer hit the ground face first. Another came flying down at the ground behind him seconds after. Still, another followed him until the entire SWAT team landed at his feet. Agent Goldblatt knew this is not a man or some kind of revenge thing. This is the Devil and he is looking for revenge on humans or a certain Soul in particular, Billy? I think I know what you want whatever your name is Will or the Devil. I got something you might like better. It is a grenade launcher. It should take you back Home to Hell in first class. Agent Purvis bring back the grenade launcher with you. I think it might make the difference. Police Officers came running toward the Orphanage after hearing bodies hit the ground. They find the entire SWAT Team face first on the ground like a sick drawing covered with dead bodies. They face Agent Goldblatt now what? I say we better kill an angel on that roof before it kills again. I will be waiting for a grenade launcher. I will kill it if it can be killed! We're not going to wait for you to find a launcher. I will go up there right now to kill it myself Agent. What do you think those guys were trying to do? Play tidily winks with that beast that an angel. That thing is no ordinary being it is a devil or demon of some kind. It kills for a living this is how it receives its orders from the Devil or commanders in Hell he added. This is what they're trying to do Officer. I think you better wait until l try. That thing that God created is not going quietly. It is going to take a lot of men with it back to into hell where it lives. I’m going '' he yelled '' who is going with me to kill an angel. Several Police Officers follow him back into the warehouse. We're not going to wait for Agent Goldblatt to kill it. He looks like he might be more scared of it than us. Several Officers rush into the warehouse to look for an angel. It is not an angel Officer it is Eurynome! A prince that commands a part of Hell! It fed on the Devil's commands to kill. I warned you I told you that you were an idiot. Agent Goldblatt waited outside. He watched the Sky grow darker by the minute. By now the Sun set and it is getting darker. I better call him, he probably ran into an angel except the wrong kind the kind that killed and eats Humans.

 He reached for his radio to radio Purvis. I’m waiting for that launcher. I need to stop that thing hiding in the clouds overhead before it kills another Cop. He listened for a sound from the team of Police that decided to take the Law into their own hands. He waited awhile he knew it would not be long before they would follow SWAT down to their demise to the ground. If they could not stop that thing. What in God's Name do you think you would do to stop that Beast? It is a force that God Created, something that only He or something from that World could stop or send back to Hell. I need Father whatever his name is to tell me something about these things that live in the World with us. Can we kill these things that without a doubt cannot wait to kill us! I want to know immediately Father if you can meet me by the back door. I can tell you over the radio Agent that angels cannot be killed. Only God Can Kill An Angel. Either Good or bad. I think I told you that before didn't I Agent or I told a Policeman. Where do we find an Angel? We need to distinguish an angel. Can we do it through Prayer or do you send Him a Signal like Batman. If Heaven does not stop him. I will at any cost including at the cost of Human Life, Father. Do you have a way to contact God or do we have to tear St Williams apart with bazookas and grenade launchers! I will get right on it Agent. I will try what we always try Prayer, sometimes he listens to us mere earthlings. He better be or I will level your Orphanage in a matter of minutes. He released a button on his radio. He slid it back on his utility belt. He Lowered his head low enough to take a glance at his wristwatch. He realizes it is almost 5 PM in the evening. It is going to be awfully dark soon. I better find it or stop that thing before it rips us apart.

 Agent Goldblatt noticed something crawl up from the black dirt. They could not be any more than 18 inches tall from the way it looked. One creature leaped into the dark from the ground before it turned into a massive black rat. It disappeared into the Earth after it spit up tiny handfuls of black dirt. Another followed it, into the ground like a chain gang one after another that follows and disappears. Agent Goldblatt aimed downward at numerous massive rodent sized people that turned into rats. He started shooting at them one by one like target practice. What is it '' he shouted '' he started walking back toward the Orphanage to take a better look. His Partner Purvis returned with a launcher besides several grenades.

 I think this will do the trick Partner. I brought you several grenades. Look at what I just found. He pointed down at several large black rats that ran through the fields to that escaped into the Earth. Then, at small people that turned into massive black rats that escaped into fields as rodents. Shoot one of them things Partner so we have a good idea what they are or what were up against. And what they really look like unless you’re feeling a little sorry for them. If I could kill an 18 inch demon that looks like a rat believes me I would! I just cannot keep up with it because it ran to fast.

 That angel that hid or remained on the roof. He threw Cops down at the ground one after another like a landlord tossed out squatters. I better take aim Partner. We might not have another good shot like this so hurry. He raised a launcher he placed a grenade inside. He aimed it up at Will! If God is with me, you will die today. If he is on the side of angels you will live another. He aimed the grenade up at a dark tall figure that dropped bodies from the roof down at the ground like he tosses bags of garbage out. Agent Goldblatt released a grenade. It sizzles through the air all the way up to the roof. He hoped it is a hit in a matter of seconds. He found himself whispering what have I done. It remained on top of the building with his missile in his right hand. It tilted its head backward like it screamed up at Heaven. His arms were wide open but that missile that he held tight in his grip. He squeezed it in his right hand and it exploded. Agent Goldblatt turned to face his Partner'' he mumbled. God help us were going to need it. Father '' he replied '' you better keep Praying! I think we’re going to need that too.

I think someone pissed God Off or why would he unleash a Beast like that on us Humans. I have no idea Partner but I think we’re going to need an arsenal of grenades and weapons. If I'm not mistaken I think I remember reading that God did not make anything that for the right reason could not be stopped. If you’re right I am buying. Go get the arsenal Purvis were going to need it. I will meet you near the entrance to the warehouse. If we cannot stop it will call in the Military with tanks.

 Police were radioed back to the Orphanage to take a stand against Eurynome. From what the Bible says he is a Legion. I ordered the entire Church of Priests to Pray that we win this fight against an angel that came here from Hell. I Heard Only God Made Angels. Go get the Truck never mind an Arsenal will need everything inside that Truck to kill that dark angel. Whose side are you on anyway because now would be the time to show us. We have an angel and he cannot be ours. That thing turned the ground red with our dead Men and women. Where is the Good Angels Father? Do not tell me that they're on strike. We need an angel that isn't sent here to kill us for whatever reason. Did someone on Earth say something to offend The Heavens? Tell us so we can kill him instead because we cannot stop that angel from killing us. We lost half the Department to an angel name Will. We need an angel of our own. I ask if you could talk to us or send us a message. Maybe even a lightning bolt. Or better yet an Angel that can stop this king demon from hell! I do not know how to Pray God. I will learn if I have too. Before it is too late, I would like to say that I think we should let Angels fight against angels! I think there a bit too much for us the Human Race. I would like you to think of that if you can hear me, talking. A massive Truck that SWAT used to take criminals down, drove on the grass, into the back behind the Orphanage over dead bodies until it reached the back door to the warehouse and stopped dead in its tracks.

Agent Purvis a young Male with blond hair jumped into the tall grass with a flame torch. I have this Partner. I will burn it to a crisp if I can. He walked toward the entrance he is stopped after Police or what is left of them, intervene. We have 15 Police Officers left Agent. We would like to take part in crucifying of a black angel. He raises his head, his of course. I say we should do it. Agent Goldblatt grabbed an RK47 an automatic weapon with a built-in grenade launcher. I will send it back to its own kingdom come with your help of course Partner. I say kill that creature before it kills another Cop.

Police charge the entrance like they rallied for a cause. Agent Goldblatt walked in last. He followed his Partner into the warehouse. The door slammed behind them neither Officer heard that on the way inside. I want 2 lines of defense first Police then us we have high powered weapons, right? Billy screamed he is coming Sister! He is on his way here to kill us! She jumped to her feet. She stared into the dark outside a window to look for the Beast. Where Billy? Where is he ''she shouted'' her Mind is on the Orphanage filled with Children instead. He looked at her somehow he read her mind. He ran toward the door, into the hall and continued, running. Just then a loud thump appeared right outside the Dorm window. She sees something standing in the dark outside. It blocked the entire window with both massive shoulders unless they we're wings. Children start to yell. She remembered Billy ran into the Orphanage to hide from a demon. I Pray you will be alright. I Pray your Guardian finds you in time! She chased Children into the bathroom, which is big enough for 20 Kids if not more. It sounded like several windows burst throughout the Orphanage. A sound of glass crashed to the ground or burst everywhere and echoed in her ears. Then, what resembled a monster yelling at its prey sent her into a state of fear.

 Billy, I told you it would be time to die! They listen to steel beds slide from left to right. They rise into the Dorm, slam into walls and fall to the ground. That monster is looking for Billy '' she whispered. I Pray you will be alright! She ordered Orphans to Pray with Billy. I hope your Guardian Angel Finds you! Sister Alaida slid a bench up against the door after locking it from inside. It slammed things into the door then stopped. She could hear it just on the other side, breathing, sniffing the air like a dog searches for a scent. Children continue to Pray for Billy's Safe Return. Sister Alaida remained paralyzed with fear just on the other side of that bathroom door. She came to believe that she listened to Hell's Angel Grunt. It pressed its ear up against the door before a massive hand crashed through the wood into the bathroom. It had to be the size of two large Men covered in a thick leathery rubbery skin that look like it stretched. Its hand retreated from the Dorm then a nose appeared in the opening like an animal sniffs. It knew what he smelled like he must have. She raised her head she stared up at the ceiling like she looked for a Sign from Heaven. She whispered “ is it here Father. An angel of death! He has found us? Please help him before it is too late. Before Eurynome kills one of Your Children.

The sound of thunder from The Heavens sent Sister Alaida's Head Rising. She made the Sign of the Cross she reached over to turn off a light to Pray. Agent Goldblatt reach the rooftop with a handful of Cops. Agent Purvis is the first Agent to step on the roof with a flame thrower. Agent Goldblatt followed he walked on the roof like a hit man on Valentine's Day Massacre. He heard his radio burst into screams Agent Goldblatt. He is in the Orphanage. He has to be here looking for a kid name Billy. He reached for his radio he returned with. I am on my way down to the Orphanage. Sister Alaida heard something crawl into the Dorm from the field outside. It knocked furniture over like it looked underneath beds. The sound of 2 vicious males echo throughout the Dorm. She could hear voices talk in whispers. They sniffed the Dorm for someone or something. I know what they want '' she whispered. They we're here looking for Billy or one of our friends. I think we should Pray a little harder so they do not find him. One Orphan stepped into the opening in the doorway to steal a glance in at the Dorm. He whispered '' I think they're black angels from hell Sister. You should call Police instead because Prayer will not be enough. They we're getting closer and closer to us one of them has long black hair. It is ugly as hell. He has a face like a monkey. It has eyes that were completely black like the rest of him. Wait Sister he has a weapon that looks like a long spear. I think it is a pitchfork! Sister Alaida read something somewhere about the number three. It says a three headed Beast that lives in Hell will find its way to Earth. They will be sent by the Devil to seek a Child that will fight against Evil when the time comes. He will take sides against evil. Satan will continue a quest until he succeeds or loses to Mankind! Until, the end of time or until this Messenger's Death. You will find these words. It is not over until Satan Retreats into his dark Hell! Hide Billy or he will find you! Satan's Disciple is here looking for you! He will be sent by Satan to stop him from succeeding in his Mission in the future!

 Police reach the bottom floor, the only entrance into the field or back into a warehouse. One Officer realizes it is locked from the outside or it is jammed in a door frame. Police Officers try to body slam the door open. It does not budge whatsoever it just remained shut.

 Billy continued to run through the Orphanage to look for a place to hide. His tiny Heart beat so fast that he looks for a Sign of a Guardian. Especially a Guardian that he Prayed too. A Priest stepped into the Hall after he heard Sister Alaida say that Billy's Hiding. I think he is scared to death! He is running from a man in dark clothes. Someone, that resembled the Devil. Do not let his good looks fool you. He is the Devil in disguise Father. Oh my God '' he whispered. He reached for a Bible in his pocket and held it tight. Father in Heaven Give me strength I need to find this boy before that Creature name Will Does. He sees something ahead and it is coming straight at him like a freight train. Father Grissom made the Sign of the Cross. Before, he came face to face with something that walked out of the dark straight at him. His long black coat swayed in a breeze that moved behind him from moving to fast down a Hall. Tell me Father do you ever dream of me late at Night. Do you believe in Prayers that Book in your hand holds. Yes, I do Will! This is your name, right. I have seen you before in the Book of Demons. Today is not your lucky day Priest! I am in such a hurry to find someone. A Child name Billy. Hold this for me Father. It will be your Heart. I can see it pound in your chest in my hand. Father Grissom lowered his head unaware what he meant. It did startle him. He raised his head he stared into a set of black eyes that were the purest of evil. He had the look of a Carnivore written across his face. His eyes were so mesmerizing that his stare alone frightened him. He reached into his chest, ripped his Heart out before he could say another word h-u-h-h-h. He placed his Heart in his hand after he extended it forward. I will see you in Hell Father. Do not be late god does not like imposters to be tardy. The Beast continued to walk the Halls of St Williams Orphanage in search of Billy. I am coming Billy. I will not disappoint you! I will find you boy. You will see. I know you can hear me! You can do much I know! I brought two friends of mine. You have seen them before. We're waiting for you Billy! Where oh where can you be in a dark deep echoing sound that sounded like it came from somewhere far like Mars.

 His tiny Heart is filled with a constant fear. He hid in the Priest's Library underneath a desk because he is the only one who liked to Read from the Bible. I am safe in here '' he thought. I am surrounded by God's Words. Words, that will stop Eurynome from finding me!

 Billy raised his head he stared into a dim light that Priest leave on after they leave the Library. I’m in here '' Billy whispered. He placed both hands together to Pray. A Prayer his Father did share with him a long, long time ago. He started to whisper a Prayer in case Will Listened. Maybe that would stop him.

 Sister Alaida peeked into the Dorm through a fist size hole in the door. She could hear two creatures talking in the background in a language she did not know. They smelled the air like they searched for meat or rotted bodies. They found his bed because it flew up against a wall and split down the middle. Numerous pieces of metal fell from his bed frame. One demon lifted it off the ground. She sees a thin coat of black hair on both arms this is all she sees from a round hole in the door. Slowly, she turned her head she stared into the bathroom at a number of Children. I think it is coming in here to look for Billy Kids. Help me block the door with our weight. They shove a wood bench six feet long three feet wide up against the door to keep it in place. Something solid hit the door then it hit it again. She whispered “ Do not move Children. She heard another crashing sound like a car drove in through a wall in the Dorm. Again, she peeked into the Dorm through that same hole in the wall to search for another beast. Oh my God '' she whispered. It looked like an Angel in a White Satin Robe. He looked like he dragged a beast by his long black coat toward the window by using brute force! He slammed him into a wall before it fell to the floor, grunting. It withdrew a pitchfork from its black coat, somewhere. It opened it to almost six feet long before it turned its attention to that White Robe. This is the same man I saw earlier that saved Chucky Chipps from hitting the ground. She remembered Billy saying look Sister. He is an Angel! He has been here watching from everywhere. Remember Guardians are everywhere Sister Alaida. They're scattered all over the World to watch over Humans like you and me. All I need to do is save Billy '' she thought '' from a monster that continues to hunt him down like an animal.

She peeked out through that hole in the wall again. She sees them in the window. They're outside like two gladiators beating each other up. Another voice yells from outside the window. I can still see him in my vision he is alive. She watched him withdraw a Sword from somewhere in his clothing. It looked like it had a dim glow, a light that I once saw in a dream that I believe could come from Heaven. She realized both creatures that followed Will back from hell lied on the ground. The Guardian is on his way to find Will known as Eurynome before it finds him.

 Children hurry follow me into the field before they wake. A Small Army of Children rush into the Dorm in an attempt to escape 2 demons that lurk in the dark. Where is the Priest Sister one Orphan asks? He climbed in through a window into the field outside. They we're locked in their Quarters by some unknown force. I do not know why they we're not free to roam the Orphanage. I do know that we have to escape before that angel tracks us down. Children “ she yelled!

Once on the other side she sees both black hideous beast on the ground. They tried to recover from a beating that a Man in White Cloth Gave Them. One creature whispers that he cannot beat Will. He is to powerful for a Guardian. He should have sent an army of them to stop him. His body slowly seeped into the ground like 200 pounds of soft butter in a hot pot. The other creature rises to its feet. This fight is for Eurynome. He has what he does want in his sight. Sister Alaida if I were you, I would run for my life. Before it is too late and he finds you. She stared into the eyes of a beast yet for some reason or another. It allowed her to leave alive. She watched him leap into the Dorm to finish what he is sent here to do. My first instincts were Orphans. I had to let Billy go I could not watch him.

 An awful smell rises from the ground where that creature's body slowly seeped into the black Earth. A thin layer of black smoke rises from the ground, into the air afterward. A loud sound like someone that tried to escape through a door sent her eyes in that direction. It has to be Agent Goldblatt. Men who tried to leave a warehouse could not open the door inside. Is that you Agent Goldblatt followed by a small group of Children? Stay away from the door Sister. I’m going to blow a hole in it as big as the Grand Canyon so watch out. Police Officers step to the rear in the warehouse away from the door. Agent Goldblatt releases a missile. It shot across the floor into the entrance. It exploded within a second of contact. He ordered his Men into the Orphanage to find Billy before that thing finds him. Will or Eurynome whatever its name is came here to Earth to find him. If he does not live. We will not know what would happen. Climb into that SWAT Truck Sister. I think you would be safe in there until it is over. I think it is time to kick some black angel butt. He waited until every child disappeared into the rear. Lock and load Gentlemen. I see an enemy in a window at 12 o’clock. Agent Goldblatt and 12 Police Officers with automatic weapons charge an enemy that stood in a window. Agents and Officers take aim and light up the Dorm in Gunfire. A four foot window exploded, bricks collapse, pieces of wood and debris fly in every direction. What in God's Name is it '' he shouted. Officers stop long enough to take a long look. Something in that window exploded, into a world of blackness like a small flock of black bats stuck in a net that tried to find an escape route. It screeched like it remained in excruciating pain. It raised both arms and hands to expose its long black fingernails. Both massive black wings cover its back like a giant blackbird. It continued to rip the window frame apart, piece by piece before a chunk of the Orphanage brick wall collapsed to the ground. It is still standing Agent Goldblatt. Now what shall we try, Praying. It will rip our heads off and eats us. I say it is time to kill that angel name Will. I say open fire and finish this love affair before it happens. It crawled back into the Dorm and disappeared from the window. Now we have to find it. You five go through that door, the rest of us will follow him in through the window. Come on we better get going. Agent Goldblatt is the first Man to crawl in through that window. Another Officer passed him his weapon. He waited until he is on the other side before he attempted that. Another Officer followed him in through that same window from a field outside. Yet one more from the backyard followed the Officer into the Dorm in through the dark.

Billy remained underneath a wooden desk waiting, hiding from an angel. His hands were pressed together in Prayer in hope that a Guardian would be there to stop that beast from reaching him. From ripping his tiny world apart. He continued to Pray he finds him, instead. A voice rang in his head B-i-l-l-y. Where are you? I know you’re in here hiding from me! He started to Pray even harder, his alligator teardrops start to fall from his tiny face. I see you '' he whispered. He is right outside the door. His hand twisted the doorknob to the right then left. He could hear the lock brake on the door. He knew I was in the Library. He could smell the air that I breathe in here! He Uses his sense to find my smell or breath. One dim reading light turned on, one after the other. He broke them with a hand movement as they appear on like it’s a game. I can hear you Billy? Your Praying to your Guardian. I can see what you were doing a minute ago. You should ask for an army of them Billy. Because one is never enough! One Guardian is never enough. I am what they call an angel of death. I usually do not miss. I am sorry Billy. It has to be this way. If you come out now. I will make it quick I promise! Scout's Honor! I will even let you Pray one last time. All you have to say is YES! His large head rises as if he enjoyed every thought that an 8 year old boy had when it came to fear. Shadows fill the Library inside. His hope slowly faded away. Come out! Come out wherever you are? Do not make me mad, the madder I get the more hideous I look! Do you want me to scare you instead? He could hear his tiny heartbeat echo throughout the Library. Are you still Praying Billy? I can hear your tiny heartbeat. I am coming boy. Billy heard another set of words this time from inside the Library. There is nothing to fear for I am always at your side. Billy turned his head to the right. He stared down at a solid White Robe that hung down on the floor. A silvery white sword's edge. A man with long silvery hair and almost white eyes. Its tip almost touched the floor like he hid it in his Robe. Billy remained out of sight after he heard him say one Guardian is never enough. Eurynome dug an inch deep into a wood desktop. He lifted it with his right hand. I see you Guardian. I think they sent a boy to do a man's job. I told you that you should have ordered an army of them boy. It is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. I brought something back with me a Sword with your blood on it. He turned his head he stared down at the blade if just for a second. It cannot be a Guardian’s Sword. I am glad he sent that and you too. With that same arrogant, attitude. that made him Who He is Today. He yelled “ I am still a Prince in Hell. I do not fear whose Sword it belonged to Guardian. As soon as it is over, it will be mine anyway. You hear me Earth Angel. He raises his large head he faces the ceiling! Do not worry Guardian he heard me! He raised his head he stared up at the ceiling and laughs in a dark deep laughter that came from his stomach. Eurynome reached deep into his inside pocket. He withdrew an 8 inch pitchfork that exploded into 6 feet of solid steel. Made of pure evil of some kind. A sharp spear like weapon lied on the other side of his. Today you will feel the pain that I feel every tim