I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Seventeen Billy


Billy Seals continues to lie down on a steel bed in an infirmary handcuffed to a steel bar. His heartbeat beat at a normal rate his brain is still alive. He sent electro waves through the machine. He must be either dreaming because the pattern kept changing. Doctor, is he okay for now. He could be having a bad dream from what I see. You can leave him alone for now. I have a Nurse that checks up on him every 4 hours. His hand tightens into a hard fist. Before, she finally decided to leave Recovery. It must be a bad dream if he made a fist '' she thought. She had to change his IV bag of solution. She stared into Recovery one more time. She wondered what happened to him. Where did he go wrong? Sally grabbed his chart which told her what is wrong with him and why he is there! He got beaten up by three black males on the main gallery while sweeping the floor. He is in for drugs but he is not considered dangerous. Then again anything is possible. He is delusional maybe even psychotic yet it isn't a proven fact. He did not take any prescription medicine for an illness or any disease. She reached over she touched his wrist if just once. She felt a cold chill rise from his arm up through her body like a cold. She whispers his name Billy before letting go of his wrist. Again, his hand turned into a fist. She raises her head for some reason or another but she found nothing except a ceiling overhead. What Billy what are you trying to tell me! Doctor Zhiff calls her name over the intercom. I need your assistance Sally. She lowered his chart before she hung it on the edge of his bed. But before letting go, she read his ID number to herself #A83445.

 That same notion that Billy was in trouble sent his Mind into overdrive. Thoughts of yesterday came back to haunt me! I remembers seeing him in a nightmare. But for some reason or another. It did not make any sense to me then but it does now. I must find a way to break through this dream unless it is a maze of some kind. I must find Billy before that thing I saw in a nightmare finds him.

 His mind remained locked in his bed handcuffed to a metal bar along with his body. But a part of his mind and a layer of his body climbed to his feet. He stared back at his body still lying on his bed. He turned like he waved goodbye. Before walking away in a thin cloud of light almost too thin to see like a mist. His body slammed back into his bed like he was having a convulsion. Both eyeballs disappeared into the back of his head. Two white eyeballs remain in their place like he had no color to either eyeball. All of a sudden it is like the breath in his lungs, vanquished. A deep sigh of relief followed his body remained on his bed but he is still unconscious, in a coma. His Heart monitor returned to its normal beat. His mind drifts off to another time and place where he remembered seeing his Son Billy. His Wife whom he loved dearly before she died that fateful day. He opened his eyes he found himself in a Cemetery standing in front of a statue of an angel in a dirty white robe. It looked like a drape that someone tossed over his head and let it hang down. His eyes were painted a royal blue color. And they were solid white around both eyeballs. They did look Heavenly like an Angel's Eyes that you might expect. He noticed in his cloak something else. Something that he did not expect to see. He was not just an Angel. An Avenging Angel. An Angel of Death. His hands were buried deep in his Robe. His Wings clung to his back like in the Bible. He walked around the Statue, watching. He looked at each and every crevice in his clothes. At his face at each and every line on his Robe. And a few words at the very bottom of the Statue that caught his attention. Guardian Angel!

 He got down on both knees. He started to Pray that such Angels do exist. He made the Sign of the Cross he placed both hands together. I have a Prayer that my Father left me before he died. He told me that each and every Child good or bad had a Guardian Angel of his own. I never had the Honor of meeting mine but if my time should come I Pray that I meet him in Heaven. This Prayer is for thee that you find me on the day I need you most Guardian. I did not come here to ask for myself. I came to here to ask for my Son.

 I had a bad dream one night. I saw the Devil, his Disciple and his brood and they were coming for blood, mine. I Pray you find him in time before he reaches his goal. If I should die in the process. I Pray that I to become a Guardian. So, I like you can watch over others in their time of need. He rises to his feet before he made the Sign of the Cross. I have to say my goodbyes to my Wife. I did not have the chance to do it before the way I wanted too.

 He stepped into the Cemetery just on the other side of the Angel. All of a sudden his Heart Monitor flat lined. A thin steady green light shot across the screen. Both Doctors followed by a Nurse. They both shoot into Recovery to see what happened. Nurse '' he shouted ‘‘I need the paddles! He is dying on us! Stand ready Nurse he placed both paddles on his chest. He pressed a button that sent an electric shock to his Heart. He is still flat lining '' she shouted. He tries again and again this time he returns. He is okay he is stable for now Nurse. I want him watched for the next 20 minutes. If he goes back under I want him looked after until I return to Recovery. I will call in another Nurse if you need help. All clear Doctor, I will call you as soon as something happens. Billy Senior Seals can see himself. He stepped into St Williams Cemetery to say goodbye to his Wife. Since he did not have the chance to say it before she died. He smiles after he remembered her saying Billy you better clean up your room. Billy ran into his room to clean up his mess. That is when I saw him or shall I say it. A black man hiding on the fire escape. I believe he was trying to steal something from us unless he was waiting until we left so he could rob our place. I’m not sure but I do know he was different. He looked like a cartoon character. Something in a black cape I think they were wings from hell. A Hell's Angel! I always had that one question in the back of my mind why me? What did I do that an angel from hell would come looking for me or mine? He would have to leave hell in the first place to come looking! Then again why would he come for me and who would send him to find me? There is only creature that lives down in the deep darkness that could command a beast from hell to find me. That would be the Devil! He would need a reason to come looking for me! And I could not think of one reason why until I saw that monster in my dreams. This is when I knew, it was much more than I could expect. It is something unholy something that God did not want any part of, probably the Devil, himself. I had to believe in something or turn to the Devil for a slice of life whatever he offered!

 I continued to walk into the Cemetery to look for my Wife's Grave. I had to say goodbye or something inside would continue to eat away at me until I did. I walked into the Cemetery. I knew her grave was somewhere in here. I saw people walk around like they were dead. I think they were ghosts. I’m not sure but something told me. I was also a ghost as well. I watched thin layers of what look like Humans that were once living kneel down by their loved ones graves to Pray. I stopped to watch the dead return from their grave to find their loved ones. To say goodbye to their Family or Spouses so they could return to their Home. It was kind of sad but it did not say anything, other than if there is another World after this why didn't someone preach it! I did not feel sorry for anyone who left other than to say I will see you again if not in this World then of course the next. If the Bible says there is such a place after life then who are we to say otherwise.

 He continues to walk through the Cemetery. He thinks of a tree that sat over her grave. Branches that were once filled with birds that sung over the Cemetery besides her grave. It filled my ears with music but before I left the Cemetery that day I remember Billy stopping to listen. She is in Heaven now. I think we have to go before demons find us. Why, I remember asking him. He turned his head to face a Statue of an Angel. He told me she is in Heaven.

He is telling me to prepare for War that it is coming soon. They will find me. They will find you first, until then Angels in Heaven will watch over us Humans. The black angel they call Will! I never heard of him until that day. I forgot to look for him. He has to be in the Book of Demons that relate to the Devil. I will find him I have a second chance to track down this Beast that lurks in the Shadows. I will find you '' he whispered '' and if God allows it. I will send you back to Hell. The Cemetery shook with that in mind if only in his own thoughts. He found his Wife's Grave which lay right underneath his feet. He got down on both knees, whispers several words in his language. I will see you again. I Pray you are safe and in God's Hands. For me I have other plans. I will Pray for you from down on Earth. I Pray that you wait for me at the gates. If you can hear my Prayer. I know you will be waiting for me. I know that much Goodbye!

 He rises to his feet he faced the Cemetery with a solid stare. He knew right there and then that they were ghosts. They disappeared into the ground like a staircase took them deep into the earth where they disappeared. I just did not know if they we're good or bad ghosts. I just watched them disappear into the ground like they were watching a gopher or a family of gophers play in the black dirt. I got to my feet I stared into the Cemetery with just one thing on my mind, Billy. I see something in the Cemetery rise. It stared back at me from underneath a massive tree that dripped with branches and touched the ground like a weeping willow. That has to be that Beast that Billy was talking about, Eurynome. There is only way to find out. I have to confront this thing that Billy sees in his nightmares. I remember filling my chest with a deep breath probably my last '' I thought. One deep breath is all I need. I remember hearing that somewhere. That is all it takes to drive my hands into your chest to kill you Eurynome!

I turned my head he disappeared from sight after I returned my stare. A deep dark voice whispers from somewhere overhead. Tell me your thoughts of God! I remember turning around awfully slow just in case it was my turn to die! I stared into a pair of eyes that resembled a hyena. They were the darkest, blackest and scariest eyes that I had ever seen. You must be Eurynome '' I mumbled. I stared into the Cemetery for an army of dark creatures. There wasn't anyone else in that Cemetery not even a ghost hung out anymore. I knew now that he was truly the Beast name Eurynome that Satan sent to find and kill me but why. I raised my head I searched for an Angel but there wasn't anything in sight not even a white cloud. You must be the angel of death! The angel that hunted down my boy in the Orphanage. I will ask you again. Tell me your thoughts of God! I do not have any at the moment. I cannot stop looking into your eyes.

 His long black coat swayed in a cool breeze like he waited to kill me or waits for me to faint. His hands were thick, big, his fingernails were black alright and sharp. Other than that his eyes were pitch black but only the center of his eyeball. They're carnivorous eyes alright.

He is almost 6 feet tall 180 pounds as far as humans go. His skin is perfect his hair long and clean looking. By the time I got to his pants two black wings burst from his back. This might help you Billy. He reached into his chest he ripped it apart. All of a sudden the Nurse in Recovery screamed that he is bleeding from everywhere, help! Damn '' he mumbled '' his entire chest opened up. Blood poured out from his open wounds. I can kill you in either World.

You will need more than a deep breath. His ghost fell to the ground near his dead Wife's grave but whispers Till Then! It flew into the cemetery where it disappeared behind several massive headstones.

 Billy felt his body sink one inch into the ground then another. His body is in the infirmary but he continued to drift off into never land where he lost sense of reality. His Mind drifted off to a place between Life and Death. Several words fell from his lips first that, it isn't over. He tries to catch his breath but he falls unconscious. One long deep breath is all I need '' he whispered. He climbed to his feet but realizes his body is still lying in bed, handcuffed to a steel bar. I have to get to the Orphanage. I have to find Billy before it is too late. Death '' he whispered ' this is the way out of this mess. I cannot get out any other way. It is time to go Father! I have a job to do and it is getting late.

He turned his head he stared into a Recovery Room at several machines that kept him alive. He walked over he turned off several buttons that kept his internal Organs besides Heart alive. I cannot break out without taking several Guards with me. I will take this with me instead, click, and click!

 Both Doctors rush into Recovery to see what happened. They do not understand what happened to his body. Why did it explode like that? It looked like someone or something ripped his chest wide open with scalpels.

Both Doctors do not see any animals in Recovery other than two inmates that were unconscious. Billy stopped at the entrance. He stared back at both inmates that lay in bed handcuffed to steel bars. He smiled back he says come with me if you want to live. Both inmates crawl off their bed. They follow him into the hall and vanish.

 Nurse what happened to the three inmates that died. Do you have any idea what is going to happen? Someone or something killed these inmates Nurse '' he yelled. Who did you see in here before you came to Recovery? I did not see anyone, Doctor!