I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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Chapter One Rule


 A Church Name St Williams Worked with Orphan Children. They help Families to survive an ordeal. Children gather together at St Williams Orphanage to listen to a Sister Read from a Bible. One Day Angels will fall from Heaven and Rise from Hell. They will search for an army of demons that Satan will gather here on Earth. Here in search of Messengers that Heaven Unleashes to stop Satan’s Evil! Or too let the Devil know that Heaven knew as well. What the Dastardly Devil has in store for Humans.

 Several Messengers will be sought by the Devil, demons and an army of creatures until that Day comes. The Day they will be found. Earth Angels will try to stop that Demon that Satan will send after a young boy. A child that will see Good and Evil in Humans on Earth. The Devil believes he will make a difference in the lives of Mankind and Many to come.

 By the way Children, my name is Sister Alaida. I am here to tell you another Story that I found in a Book Written about a Devil and Demons. It’s a Story about a Devil who felt he could do what he wanted. We know no one can do anything they want except, GOD. Because Angels Good or bad besides us Humans. We must follow the Laws of The Bible and the Land like were supposed to right? She turned another page to look for that Story.

Children in black and white Uniform sit on a wood floor. Start to ask multiple questions in return. Sister Alaida cannot find that page fast enough to please her flock of Children.

 Several Children immediately raise their hand to ask one question after another. Who won that fight Sister? Did Michael fight with Satan, instead? What about Gabriel did he intervene or did another Angel kick his butt all over the place another child yelled! She laughed at each question one after the other. Children shot them at her one after another. If you are quiet long enough. I will tell you that Story that is of course you are still long enough to listen. Okay, ‘ one Child shouted. Another agreed to be quiet the entire time Children slid forward toward a beige colored cloth arm chair where Sister Alaida sat to read from a thick book about a Devil besides his Mission on Earth. It all started many, many Years ago. Satan an Angel in Heaven. He fell from Heaven after a fight broke out between him and other Angels. Satan is supposed to be the Most Beautiful Angel in all of Heaven. The Bible says he was God's Favorite! It Caused a lot of trouble throughout The Heavens. A silence followed throughout Heaven since.

 Send his flock of beasts into a heaven of their own! Which will be known to every Angel as hell? There he will become god to command others. It will be known to us as the fallen those that fell from Heaven! A dark prince of purgatory, an unholy ruler, filled with nothing except darkness and every impurity.

 Every Angel will know you as Satan’s Fallen. Satan had a few words if not ideas of his own. I will dwell on the misery of those pathetic Humans from this day forth. Messengers will spill Stories to Prophets, Writers will write them throughout Eternity. You will fall from Heaven. You will become an angel unlike any Angel in Heaven. You will have everything that you come across both on Earth and in Hell. Everything that lives on Earth that walks, crawls and slithers your way will be like you. You will leave everything else behind! You will return to a world that I have prepared for you my Son. A heaven of your own. A serenade of loud laughter echoed from Heaven and throughout The Universe. Everything that lives in between will be yours from now on my child ha ha ha!

 As soon as their skin touch the other side of Heaven’s Gate. Wings turn a dark color, faces began to smoke in a hideous form. Eyes went from a Heavenly glow to the color of yellow and gold filled with flames. Each angel looked like it cooked from the inside, out. Satan fell from Heaven. On his way down. They can still hear him yelling up in Heaven’s Direction. That someday he would like to be forgiven! The Sky turned black for 3 Days this is his way of saying that God Parted ways with the most beautiful angel in all of Heaven. From what is written and said. Evil and darkness intertwine. Darkness rode into Hell all alone! He is followed by a coffin that a green man on horseback dragged from behind. They say that the green man will be the one with authority. Alaida raised her head to take a look around. She found half of her Children asleep, the other half still amazed with what she read from a Book that resembled a Bible. She noticed one thing that she forgot a number of sentences? A number of the devil's angels followed Satan out of Heaven.

 I have another Story that I will share with you tomorrow. It will explain Satan and hell's angels much better. Sister, we want to know how it ends. I don't like to know a piece of a story. You will just have to wait Damian. I can't tell you until Tomorrow after we eat breakfast. Tomorrow, I will tell you the rest of that Story which is the way it is Damian. Before, she started to rise from her seat. Damian remained sitting down on a wood floor in the Reading Room. He is slightly upset because he could not bring himself to what Sister Alaida says. He wanted her to finish reading that Story no matter what. She had to read it anyway sooner or later so why later “ he thought. He reached for a Bible instead that lied on top of her seat near the center. I will read it myself '' he mumbled. After, he opened the Book. He realized some words were too big to pronounce and whispers. Maybe later.

 The following Day Sister Alaida waited in the Reading Room to fill with her Students. She opened a Book real slow. She caught Damian smiling at her from the floor. I was going to take your Book yesterday to read it by myself. I know you would know if it is missing. She smiled back at Damian. I think we should begin or we might never finish this Story. She turned to a page that she picked out sometime, yesterday. If anyone should look for you it will be your tail! What tail ” Damian Asked? Something protruded from his butt a long 6- foot whip with a pitchfork at the very tip.

 Children sit down to listen to Sister Alaida talk about Angels and angels that would become hell's angels and belong in hell. When Evil people die they became a ghost before they become anything else. They end up in a place in between the dark and light. That dark demon disciple’s fate will lie undetermined until he musters the strength to crawl up through the dirt. He Will have to decide what he will do, which will determine his direction in the afterlife.

 Earth Angels fight against this god of darkness known to all as the Prince of Purgatory. He will wage wars among Countries and Humans. He will reign, forever in the kingdom of Hell. Known to countless Humans as the Devil’s Domain. Satan is now much smarter, faster and more relentless in his pursuit against Earth's Angels! We must not to break God’s Commandment. Remember Class God's Commandments! They sit down to Read The Ten Commandments for the next hour! They Say a Prayer when they finish, afterward.

Right after lunch we will finish what we studied today. By the way Students will have a new group of Children in class at St Williams Orphanage Early Tomorrow Morning. I will start a new Chapter Tomorrow this time it will be about Angels who ran things in the Bible. After, lunch John Cuss announced that a bus entered the gate with a brand new flock of Children from Family Services. There early Sister I hope you have room to teach tomorrow. I just found out they arrived. Hurry Children finish your lunch this way we can return for a further reading. I have to introduce myself to the New Children, Sister. Children will be confused with their brand new surroundings. I must help them “ she said.