I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Two Guardian Angels


 A Young Boy 10 to 11 Years Old knelt down alongside his bed to Pray. He placed both hands together until both palms rubbed against each other. A tiny bead of sweat rolled down the center of his forehead down on his nose. He smiled at a small boy that lied on a bunk next to him already in his pajamas. Before he turned away, he closed his eyes and started to pray a Prayer that his Father taught him. This is before he was taken to prison for committing a crime that involved drugs and lies.

 I Pray you watch over my Friends, Family and Chucky. I know you're very busy. You probably have a bunch of kids like me to watch over. All I really need to know when will that Demon that sat on the edge of my bed return. I want him to know that my Guardian Angel will watch over me until he leaves. Until they can catch the Devil in his dastardly dirty deeds against us Humans!

 I place my trust in my Guardian. I know if the Devil should take my Soul in the middle of the night. This is my Prayer to my Guardian, which is all I have. It is all I will need. I pray that he heard my Prayer. To that Angel that Gave an Order to watch over me in Heaven. He raises his tiny head to smile. He Made the Sign of the Cross. Do you know his name Billy or do you just Pray that you have a guardian? I do not know my Father told me everyone has a Guardian including him. He could have lost his when he did something wrong or did evil deeds. Why is he gone? He chuckled before he slipped beneath his blanket. I do not know for sure Chucky? Do you know why he's gone. He climbed to his feet real slow. He crawled back on top of his bunk. He pulled his covers down before he climbed underneath. Good Night Chucky he turned his head in the opposite direction to face a wall besides a small wooden beat up end table. One teardrop rolled down his face that landed on his clean white bed sheet, hmm.

 Finally, he closed his eyes. He visualized his Father somewhere in a jail cell. He whispered “ someday. I will see you again. There is one thing I would like to know. If you see my guardian ask him to warn me when a Demon is on his way. Good Night, Dad!

 Billy closed his eyes. He finally fell asleep after a tall Male in a Police or a Security Officer's Uniform walked down the middle of the Dorm. An aisle filled with single bunks on both sides. Two rows of beds, one bed lied directly across from the other yet together. It had to have 30 to 35 bunks in each Dorm. Lights out ‘' he shouted. He flicked a flashlight on every bunk, afterward. I will be back in 45 minutes. You better not be talking or sitting up in your bunk. I mean it kids or else. Lights went out that same Male Security Officer disappeared behind a door that led into a hallway that led to several other Dorms in the Orphanage.

Minutes after Chucky started to giggle. He woke Billy from his sleep after almost falling asleep, instantly. What do you want Chucky “ he mumbled. He turned around to face Chuckle’s Bunk. It sat to the left of his bunk. Another Orphan had a bunk right across from them. I want you to finish telling me about an angel that chases you around in your Nightmares, Billy. He cannot see me because he has been trying to trick me into telling him where I live. He wanted to kill me Chucky! I do not know what I will do. I told Father Finnegan. He told me I was having a bad dream. Every day he got closer and closer. I keep Praying to my Guardian except there is no Response. Maybe he is asleep. Maybe you should Pray harder. Maybe then he will hear you? I did not try that Chucky. Maybe, I will try that next time instead. He lied back down on top of his bunk. I have a good idea why don't you tell him what I look like instead so you can get a better look at him Billy. I never tried that neither. I will try that next time I see him. I will tell him that you’re Billy. Chucky, I think you better get some sleep before Finch returns with his butt kicking stick. It seemed he really liked to spank Orphans from what it looks like huh, Billy. Someday, he will get what he deserves Chucky. I think we should get to sleep before he comes back. Just then the door opened. Both boys return to sleep just before the door closes. A flashlight lit up the dorm on the right then it lit up on the left. Billy found himself hiding underneath his blanket. Chucky acted like he was asleep just before that same Officer in a dark blue Uniform walks by. He aimed his flashlight down in Chucky’s Face, which he hid underneath his blanket. He stopped in front of Billy's Bed. He aimed it down in his face to look into his eyes. You guys better go to sleep or I will write you up. Do you hear me! He walked back down the aisle. He aimed his flashlight to his right at the other side of the Dorm. He started the same process. He pointed his flashlight down into each Orphan's Eyes to look for a response. I am not going to tell you again. I am warning you. You better get to sleep or else. He reached into his shirt pocket. He started to write something down like he caught someone awake. He stopped at bunk number 33 warned him again before he wrote his name and number down. I will be back in 45 minutes. You better be asleep. Or we will start cleaning the Dorm. I will have you sweep, mop and dust if I catch anyone awake. My name is Finch just in case anyone is new and does not know my name. I will be back in 45 minutes Chucky. Do not let me catch you awake. You will be the first kid that I have scrubbing toilets. You hear me you little troublemaker then the door closes, afterward.

 Billy drifted off to sleep after whispering a few words to his Father that disappeared some time ago. He drifted off to an unusual place. A place where he would meet with his Father in his dreams. A large play lot one block from his Home. He would meet with Schoolmates and his Father too. He remembered swinging on a swing one day. He stared into a playground at his Friends that played with their Parents. Every time his swing reached a certain height. He would see his Dad. He is nowhere in sight. His swing stopped after both feet hit a pile of soft ground. Two massive hands grab him from behind. It’s just me Billy that's all it is. I stopped by to make sure you were okay. What's the matter Dad. Did you visit Mom's grave is that where you were? No Billy, I had other things to do. I have been seeing things that I do not understand. What were they dark creatures or beasts! I thing they we’re black shadows that live in the dark. I’m just kidding I see things sometimes. I do not let them bother me. Because you’re with me, I do not worry. I think it’s a demon of some kind that followed me around. He has been watching me too. He has been hanging around in my dream. I do not know what he wants from me unless he is looking for you? I saw him Billy! I do not know what it is, I could not see his face. All I see is darkness? A dark cloud of smoke that looked like it followed you around. I do not see it any more, I believe it disappeared. When did you see it last or do you see it only in your dreams. I had a bad dream last night. I woke up screaming in the middle of the Night after something grabbed me. Where were you going Dad? He stared into the sunlight. It disappeared in a vision that he had.

 Billy reached for the ceiling except there is nothing there. Nothing or anything except an armful of emptiness. Dad '' he whispered. His friend Chucky pulled his blanket down around his neck after waking from a loud voice in his head. He opened his eyes real slow. He peeked in at the Dorm in Billy's direction. A small round black face stared back from a tall, lanky body that looked like it watched Billy. Two slightly slanted eyes filled with pure evil that Chucky’s never seen before scared him so bad that he hid beneath his blanket. It forced him underneath his covers. He realizes it hid in there with him in his mind too. He pulled his blanket down a few seconds later. He searched for a dark being. He must have disappeared too. The Dorm door opened this time it came from the opposite side of the Door. It’s another Dorm Officer who worked for the Orphanage. He carried the same flashlight that he always carried with him every time he entered. Chucky sees his flashlight. He climbed down from his bunk he ran screaming. I saw a man he hid in the Dorm. A black man with dark almost black animal looking eyes. He had animal looking eyes. He pointed to the rear in the Dorm. This way Officer? He followed him toward Billy's Bunk not before he grabbed the Officer by his hand. He pulled him into the dark. He continued to talk loud that he had eyes like a hyena. They were completely black. He looked back at me and stared with sharp stringy teeth. He hid after you came into the Dorm. I think you scared him away Officer. Where did he go? I do not see anyone or any sign of an intruder. He reached for a radio that is attached to his utility belt just in case.

 He did see someone hide inside the Dorm. He stood right here next to Billy's Bed like he watched him. I think he stared down at me Officer. I am not sure why I think he came here to look for one of us! I could tell by the look in his eyes that he is a crazy man. Really kid how would you know that? He continued to look at him while he continues to look underneath several bunk beds. I watch the News too. I saw a man search for a kid in a school somewhere. For some reason or another he was after him. I do not know why? He believes he looked for his Mother. His Dad is in jail I think. I do not remember why he looked for him. Maybe, he owed him some money. All I remember he ended up with a long sentence. He climbed back to his feet. He looked down at Chucky's Face before he looks into his eyes. I think you better get back into bed Chucky before I write you up for lying! He nodded his head before he walked back to his bed while an Officer watched him. Unaware what it is that Chucky saw? He decided to walk back toward his bed instead before he is written up. He pulled his blanket up around his neck. He stared over at Billy. He lied down on his bunk and pretended to be asleep. The Officer started to whisper back in Chucky's Direction. Get some sleep or you will see the boogieman tonight, instead. Billy lied down on a bunk, he hummed to a tune he remembered. Ya mo be there. He listened to Chucky tremble in bed. Then he hummed send me an Angel. He hummed several words that he remembered from a song that he liked. Then, he remembered he had a mini transistor radio with a built in cassette player in his backpack just underneath his bunk bed. He had a cassette which made it worthwhile by a band that sang several songs that belonged to other artists.

 Billy crawled down on the floor from his bunk bed. He got down on his knees! He crawled down underneath his bed so that guard would not see him move around. Billy turned his head. He looked at 2 feet that look like they were encased in dry mud. They smell awfully bad like something dead or rotted. He wanted to slide forward so he could take a look at that Man inside those black muddy feet. Something inside told him to remain underneath his bunk like a guardian told or ordered him too. Whoever it is, he stepped toward his bunk instead. Billy slid his head outward into the open in between his bed and a wall. He stared up at a window across from his bunk. He stared up at a ceiling at dark skies filled with nothing except Stars and a Moon. He slipped both earplugs one into each ear than listened to a song. Billy could hear Chucky groan like someone or something did grab him. Maybe it even covered his mouth with its hand. Billy help me '' he mumbled. Billy slid out from underneath his bunk. He wanted to make sure that he heard what he hears. Billy saw a shadow that covered the light that came in through a window from the skies overhead. Then, he sees another pair of black feet covered in dried mud. It stood near his bunk bed. Billy raised his head just than something reached underneath his bed. It grabbed him by his pajama top. Billy sees another large figure that fell from the Skies in a light colored cloth like robe with 2 massive wings that came from its back. It opened and closed like a massive bird. That song continued to play in his head. He could feel himself wanting to hum along to that song now. Send me an Angel. Both eyes lit up like 2 roman candles the entire time, his stare never left that window of what, he believed is an Angel. He whispered “ My guardian angel heard my Prayer. Just then the window exploded. Glass burst into the Orphanage. It shot everywhere in every direction. It sent whoever it is that grabbed him by his shirt into a hard surface. Like someone shoved his head into a hardwood wall from the sound of it alone. Sharp pieces of glass protrude from his body, face and skull. He turned his stare to face that same window. He sees it he wondered what is it really. It could not be Human. It has to be something other than the devil. He screamed Dorm Officer! He screamed a few more times. Before that Being Good or bad broke that window that grabbed a dark demon from behind. He pulled him in through the pouring rain, outside. Billy heard it grunt like an animal of some kind or beast. The second being released Chucky after that same Being in a Cream Colored Cloak Grabbed him with every ounce of force. Billy watched him glide across the Dorm like a human size grasshopper. Two black wings open. They protrude from its back seconds before it disappeared into the pouring rain right outside that Dorm broken window. Billy crawled back underneath his bunk and hides.

 The door burst open from the hallway, the entire Dorm filled with screams from the cold that came inside through a broken window. Billy remained hiding underneath his bunk. He tried to maintain his breathing. He heard his radio play somewhere underneath his bunk. After, he found his earplugs. He slipped them into his ear one after the other. He raised his head real slow like. He stared up at the Sky. He started to look for Angels in the pouring rain.

The Dorm Officer rushed in through the Dorm to talk on his radio. I need a broken window, closed immediately. I think the wind broke it with the force of the rainstorm. Okay Children, I think you better grab your blanket and follow me into another Dorm. One by one every Child crawled off the bed. They pulled a blanket and a pillow down on the floor along with them. The Guard noticed footprints in a thin black ash. It is almost everywhere throughout the Dorm Floor. Chucky remained in his bed. He shivered from the cold or something that he saw earlier. Another Dorm Officer name John Sandman noticed something drip from a rear wall behind Chucky and Billy's Single Bunk. Who is bleeding “ he yelled? I see blood drip down that wall behind Billy's Bunk. I am going to ask you again. Who cut them self on a broken glass on the floor. He raised his radio he screamed into the voice box. I need backup like right now. I have a thief I think that might be either running through the Orphanage or hiding from Police?

Where's Billy? He noticed one bed is empty which belonged to a child name Billy Seals. Chucky lowered his stare. He pointed down at his bed. He hid underneath his bunk Officer. Billy '' he yelled '' blood dripped down from a wood paneled wall over his bed. It looked unusually reddish black like charcoal in a barbecue pit. It had a black tint to it, which puzzled him. Then again, no one is bleeding so maybe it is just paint or something in the wood that did that.

 Several Dorm Guards rush into B-2 Dorm after John Sandman claimed, he may need backup. He reached underneath the bed. He pulled Billy out very slow from beneath his bunk. He listened to music because he had earplugs in his ears. One earplug is shoved into each ear. What happened ''he asked. Children move toward the entrance to leave the Dorm for another so they could sleep.

 They drag their blanket and pillow with them into a hall. He stared up at a splotch of blood that dripped down from a wall down on Billy's Bunk. One Officer carried Chucky away in his arms the entire time he moaned. What happened Billy? Can you tell me? I’m here to help you. I do not know what happened. I did see someone hide in the dark. I think he might be after Chucky. He did not have a face like you and me Officer. His face and eyes did not even exist like ours. They look like they were not in his head. I did not see anything except 2 black holes that it used for eyes. The Officer did not believe him. After, he looked back at that splotch of blood. It vanished right before his eyes from sight like it evaporated. He searched the bed for a puddle of blood. Then again, it isn't there it also disappeared into thin air. Not even a stain. He did not see anything, not one sign of blood anywhere. You better grab your blanket and pillow. I think you should follow me into another Dorm. Billy reached for his transistor radio and his earplugs that hung from 2 tiny thin wires. He stared up at the Sky at the rain. It covered the skies, which made him smile. He nodded his head we can go to another Dorm to sleep. Now we can go Officer. The Dorm Officer Hesitated. He listened to the rain pour outside the Orphanage. It slammed into every tree every branch and against the Orphanage's Window Frame. The Officer waited for Billy to leave the Dorm before he walked toward the open window, which he believed broke after a nearby tree branch slammed into the glass. One Officer name John Sandman slid his head forward toward the open window. He stared into the pouring rain in search of anything unusual. He turned his head to his right. He looked as far down as he could through the rain pour. He did not see anything unusual. He turned his head to his left, he does not see anything that did not belong to the Orphanage. Something made a sizzling sound overhead. He turned his head he looked up at in the direction of the rooftop. At what crawled up alongside a solid brick wall overhead. A black being clings to the exterior brick wall. It sizzled like a hot pot that touched cold water. His lower jaw dropped into his neck. He reached for his radio he tries to scream. It grabbed him by his face it opened its eyes. It exposed its own eyes that resembled fire and ash. Tiny streaks of black ash run through both eyelids like veins throughout a Human Body. Tiny streaks of fire run down its neck into its body and disappear. It grabbed John Sandman by his face. It Dragged his lifeless body up along the brick wall toward the rooftop like a spider. Another dark being stepped toward the window. It slid his head into the Dorm in search of Children. A Child that he has been sent here to look for. He realized no one is left inside that Dorm. Everyone has left the Dorm for another. It turned its attention to the rain before it crawled back up the brick wall like a black salamander. Then it disappeared once it reached the rooftop.

Both Dark Beings reach the rooftop. They rip the dead Officer apart in anger. Neither being talked very much they just grunt. Both demons reach into his chest plate and rip him into pieces. They take a handful of raw human flesh out. Bite into his Heart and bloody meat. Blood dripped down from their black hands covered in hair and mouths while his meat sizzles. Every time either beast touched the guard with its hand or mouth it would sizzle. Again, both beasts shove their dark colored clawed hands that resemble something half human and half animal back into his body. Rip another handful of human meat out of his chest.

 Billy found himself in another Dorm. He walked inside to look for Chucky. He does not see him anywhere. Officer, where did you place Chucky. I do not see him anywhere? He is in another Dorm kid. I do not know exactly where he ended up. All I know he is in another Dorm. You belong here kid in Dorm E 2. I will be back later to check up on you after I search the premises. Officer, what happened to John Sandman? He is the nicest Dorm Guard that we have? I do not know kid? I will let you know later. First, I must search Dorm B-2, then I will tell John that you we're looking for him.

Another Male Officer that worked in E-2 walked back toward the door that led into a hall. He stopped at the door. He turned to face the Dorm. My name is Mr. Bibb’s Kid. Yes Mr. Bibbs. I will remember that Officer. He reached for the doorknob. He turned it to the right. He stepped into the hall. He disappeared on the other side of it. Billy slipped an earplug into each ear. He slipped the same cassette into the radio than he pressed play. He tossed a blue color blanket besides a pillow on his bed. He crawled on top of his bed to lie down to sleep. He listened to songs that came from a mini transistor radio that his Father gave him.

Mr. Bibbs a much older Officer disappeared in the hallway in search of John Sandman. Billy remained in a slight state of shock unsure what happened back in his Dorm. He did worry about what did happen to his friend Chucky who mysteriously disappeared in St Williams Orphanage, somewhere.

 Finally, Billy closed both eyes. He looked one more time into the dark in his Dorm E-2 and exhales. He drifted off to sleep after he realized it is already midnight. He could not keep his eyes open any longer or anymore. Billy drifted off to sleep but for some reason or another. His Father always came to mind? He did remember his Father called his name. He remembers running and running. Listen, Billy I have a job for you to do. It is to take care of your Mother while I am gone. He smiled back he nodded okay. He would watch her until he got back from work. Billy raised his head real slow like he could still hear him. He stared up at his face. His Father Bent down to give him a peck on his forehead. You know I have to go outside so take care of Mommy. He smiled back at him before he leaves. I will see you again Billy “ he whispered. He smiled back before he closed the door. He stopped to stare back for a split second. When you need me, I will be there. You can count on that Billy? Again, he nodded his head okay Dad. He closes the door he locked the lock outside. He turned away, he remembered that was the last time he saw his Father. He had a cream colored sweatshirt, sweat clothes, gym shoes and a cigarette in his mouth. He remembered he turned away. He walked into the living room to watch television while his Mother slept. Billy stared at the ceiling if just for a few minutes before he finally fell asleep. The song continued to play in his head the entire time tiny breaths of air fill the Dorm. Billy continued to sleep while Officers search the Orphanage for a Male Thief. He remembered something else. Something that bothered him yet remained confusing. He remembered he was asleep in bed when he dreamt of falling from the 4th floor to a hard concrete, outside. He never hit the concrete or street outside. He never understood for some reason or the other. Did an Angel stop me from hitting the ground or was I having another nightmare? He is not sure which what he did know that someone is there with him before he did. Then Billy's Eyes Opened '' he whispered. I do not need you. I have St William’s Orphanage now. Then, he closed his eyes he fell back to sleep in his new bunk.

An Officer that checked on Children Returned. He searched for Billy who is fast asleep. He smiled down at him after he remembered him ask where is John Sandman his Dorm Guard. I do not know kid. I cannot find him right now. I do not know where he is now. He might be having coffee, taking a nap or grabbing a late lunch at a subway restaurant somewhere. I really do not know where he is at this moment kid.