Kanelis Explores Athens by Dimitrios Kanellopoulos - HTML preview

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3. Clytaemnestra of the Megaron, the Athens Consert Hall


Kanelis was really lucky today, it was a sunny day with a few fluffy clouds in the sky like small strokes painted by children, in their own unique way, when they realywant to.


The city unravels quickly under Kanelis’ feet.


- It is densely populated, he thought. What a pity that they didn’t cater for more parks while designing it, what a pity…


He flew over Papagou and Zografou and headed towards Lycabettus Hill. But when he approached, he noticed the simple white building on Vassilissis SofiasAvenue. With a vertical dive, which looked like the descent of an acrobatic airplane,he landed on the huge sculpture that adorns the forecourt of this magnificentbuilding.


- Welcome to the Athens Consert Hall, Kanelis. I am Clytaemnestra, daughter of the sculptor and painter Chrysa.


- Thank you very much, Kanelis answered, Consert Hall, huh? It sounds like a very significant place. And what kinds of events take place here, please?


- Well, as you can tell from the name, my little Kanelis, music events mostly,concerts by symphony orchestras directed by world renowned conductors, operasthat compete with each other in stage props and singers, theme nights with musicfrom the whole wide world, speeches, painting and sculpture exhibitions and many manymore.


– Well, I would say that this is a unique place, a true jewel in the city and you are very lucky to be here every day to admire all these creative performances.


- Yes, I can’t complain, but most of all I enjoy the musical performances, because I can hear them. How lucky you are, Kanelis, that even for one day you can fly! I envy you, but I’m also happy for your luck.


- Thank you, Clytaemnestra, it is a godly gift that I enjoy every time I’m in the air today! You can’t imagine how nice I feel, when the wind touches my skin. Excuse me but I have to go to Lycabettus Hill, goodbye…