Kanelis Explores Athens by Dimitrios Kanellopoulos - HTML preview

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2. The joy of the first flight and the encounter with Flat, the road roller


- Wake up, Kanelis, wake up.


I opened my eyes and saw a young swallow which had my martaki in its beak.


- Are you ready, Kanelis? I’m waiting for your wish.


- Hey, just a moment, give me a moment please to wake up. Yes, yes, if it is possible, I would like to fly over the city and see it. If…if this is possible, of course.


I don’t know why, but I was a little embarrassed for asking so much from the little swallow. I looked down and waited.


It touched me with its wing and flew away.


That’s it, I said, it must have found my wish exaggerated and left me, what a Pity…


How? What? But is it possible? I feel so light, as if I ‘m not in the flower -bed of my dear Mrs. Koralia. And yet, my dear friends, I can fly…


Hurray, what a great feeling is this! What an unimaginable joy! I’m already over the fifth floor of the building where I live and I can see the whole street with the wonderful olive trees. I fly higher and see the parks of Holargos and, of course,Hymettus Mountain, rising high and imposing at the edge of the municipality.


The modern motorway caught my eye immediately and, as I can remember, Mr. Mimis uses it often when travelling away from Athens; it is called Hymettus Ring Road and it is part of Attiki Motorway. I’m heading there at great speed, wow; many cars big and small go in and out of the tunnels.


Come on, Kanelis, I shout to myself, let’s explore this motorway and see whereit leads. Well, what is this white thing that looks like a white elephant? I want to gocloser and see it. I go nearer and land on its roof. The white elephant I imaginedwas nothing but a great road roller painted white and installed at the side of theroad as a symbol of the effort for the construction of this wonderful motorway.


- Good morning, mister white road roller, you know I am…


- Good morning, good morning, Kanelis, I’m glad I’m the first one to meet you today.


- Huh, how do you know my name?


- Your wish has made you famous all over the world, you know. Everyone is talkingabout you today and especially the little swallows that sat on my windshield a littlewhile ago and talked to me about a horse which can fly.


- Oh, yes, I’m very happy that my wish came true. I want to explore Athens as long as I can. Where do you suggest I should go?


- Hmm, there are many interesting places, I think, but first and foremost is theAcropolis citadel. If I were you, first I would visit Lycabettus and the little church atthe top, which has the best view of the city, and there I would begin myacquaintance with the city. There you can choose which places you want to visit.


- This sounds like a very good idea, my dearest road roller. I must leave, in order tomake it on time. But, I’m so rude; we have been talking for so long and I don’tknow your name.


- Ha,ha,ha, the road roller laughed kindly, my name is Flat!


- Goodbye my friend Flat, Kanelis shouted loudly and rose up in the air.