Mr Choy's Tome by Athena Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Beach and Arcade Investigates



Mr Choy was in a funny old mood today; he appeared very light and happy.  At least he seemed that way to Penny Black.  Penny is nine years old and has been coming to listen to Mr Choy’s stories for quite some time.  She enjoyed them and found them to be very up lifting.  It was a place she could forget about her own problems for a while at least.  All the children made fun of her constantly because of her name Penny Black.  She always hated the fact that her parents had given her such a ridiculous name.  Didn’t they realise the heartache it was causing her?  She vowed she would change her name as soon as she was old enough.  Penny was in deep thought when Mr Choy suddenly caught everyone’s attention

Mr Choy certainly was on form today; first he produced flying pink spheres which darted about the bookshop.  Next there was flying flowers the children was all fighting to catch.  One bunch headed straight towards Penny and she was proud when she managed to pluck the pretty pink carnations from out of the air.  Mr Choy winked approvingly at her.

Eventually, Mr Choy settled down and opened his tome.  “Today our story is Very light hearted and fun, but don’t let that fool you children there is still a moral behind it if you look for it.  So pay attention, now this story is called Beach and Arcade Investigates.”  He said while winking once again at Penny.



Sandy Beach sighed as she sat at her desk in the office of the detective agency she shared with her life long friend Penny Arcade.  They had met at school and they became the very best of friends.  They always stuck together through thick and thin.  Sandy is a pretty girl, now at twenty-seven she had always hoped to get married.  However, somehow this had never happened.  She sighed again and tossed her long dark wavy hair away from her eyes.  She had tears in her deep brown eyes when she thought back to the one and only true love in her life and that was her faithful dog Brandy.  Brandy was an Alsatian with a big heart, he’d passed away last year and Sandy missed him very much.  Sometimes she thought she’d just glimpses of him lying under the office desk, but she convinced her self it was all in her imagination.   Just then Penny stepped through the door she was fuming.  “That man,” she said.  “I could cheerfully strangle him sometimes.”

“Good morning to you Penny.”  Said Sandy placing a cup of coffee  down on the desk in front of Penny who’d just placed her coat on the hanger and plonked her self down behind the desk.

“Oh yea morning Sandy, I’m sorry it’s just Mr Carr again with that flashy Porsche of his. Do you know he nearly run me down Sand?”

“Oh you know Ivor, he doesn’t mean anything by it.  He’s harmless really so don’t let him wind you up Penny.”

“Yes I know you’re right and I won’t.”  Said Penny who is also twenty-seven and single, though only recently.  Her divorce became final only a few weeks ago.  She felt quite depressed about it.  She hadn’t had any children, but there again hadn’t intended to.  Still after five years of marriage to Arthur Crown life seemed difficult now she was free and single again.  Penny has gone back to her maiden name, because she was proud of it.  She remains on good terms with Arthur even though he is a Prosecuting Barrister.  Penny always said that is why they had split, because Arthur was too ambitious, too ruthless and at times showed his ruthless domineering side to her.  She didn’t like that side of him has she too has a strong personality, hence they always clashed.

Penny looked up from the letters she was reading and asked.  “So what’s happening?  Any new cases on the horizon?”

“No not really.”  Replied Sandy.

“No new cases?”  Penny said while flashing her big blue eyes and giving Sandy an anxious look.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m sure something will turn up soon Pen.”

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the telephone ringing.  Penny lifted the receiver.  “Hello Beach and Arcade Investigations, can I help you?”

“Huh yes I’d like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible please?”

“Fine I’ll just get the diary, when was you thinking of coming Mrs huh…?”

“Mrs Force.”

“Mrs Force I can fit you in at a push this afternoon at  Is that okay for you?”

“Yes that will be great thank you.  See you then goodbye.”

“Goodbye.”  Replied Penny replacing the receiver down and almost jumping with joy.  “Brilliant Sand, we have a new client.”  She announced happily.

The pair kept themselves busy throughout the morning and then they grabbed a bite to eat at their local pub. Returning back to the office to wait for their new client.  Soon arrived and there was a knock on the door, a thin mousy looking woman peeped her head around the door.

“Mrs Force?”  Sandy enquired

“Yes.”  Replied the woman.

“I’m Sandy Beach please do come in.”

The woman stepped inside

“Please take a seat Mrs Force, this is my partner Penny Arcade.  It was Penny who you spoke with on the phone this morning.  Would you like a drink before we start?”  Asked Sandy.

“No I’m fine thank you.”  Replied Mrs Force who looked very nervous.

“Now then tell us how we can help you Mrs Force?”

“Gail, my name is Gail.”  She said and then she continued.  “You see my best friend has gone missing and I want you to find her for me.  This is her photograph and her name is Coral Reef.”

“I see,” said Sandy taking the photograph from Gail.  “When did you last see your friend?”

“Well we go to a DIY class together every Tuesday night, but Coral has seemed somewhat distant to me lately, almost distressed.  She wouldn’t tell me why and she’d never kept anything from me before.  I couldn’t understand it; it really isn’t like her you see.  Anyway she phoned me last Monday afternoon and said she was in terrible trouble and didn’t know what to do.  She asked me to meet her as usual on Tuesday night, she said she would tell me all about it then.  I waited for her, but she didn’t show up and I haven’t heard from her since then.  I’m terribly worried as it’s been six days.”

“I see.”  Said Sandy.

“So you have no idea what’s been on her mind?”  Penny asked.

“No.”  Answered Gail.

“Have you tried her home?”  Penny questioned.

“Yes, there was no answer at her flat and her neighbour Mrs Normal hasn’t seen her since Monday evening.”

“Okay,” said Sandy.  “Leave it to us, we’ll have a nosy around and see what we can find out for you.”

“Thank you, how much do you want?”

“Huh fifty pounds a day plus any expenses we may incur.”  Answered Penny rather sternly.  “Oh and we would like fifty pounds up front please.”

Gail paid the money, left a contact number and promptly left the office.

“Oh brilliant a case at last and it sounds like a interesting one doesn’t it Pen?”

“Yes very.”  She replied.

“Well where do we start?”  Asked Sandy.

“We’ll split up, you go to her home address which I see is written on the back of this photograph and I shall go to the DIY class.  We’ll meet back here at okay?”

Sandy nodded in agreement; they both split and went their separate ways.

Penny took a taxi to Crystal Ball’s Arts, Crafts and DIY classroom.  She found herself entering the classroom, which resembled a workshop more than a classroom.  She was nosing around, picking up tools having picked up a long piece of wood with a liquid centre that contained a bubble inside.  Suddenly she heard a voice from behind saying.  “Can I help you?”

Penny swung around quickly dropping the tool, she asked.  “Are you Crystal Ball?”

“Yes, are you interested in DIY?”

“Huh maybe, can you tell me what is that?”  She said while pointing down at the wood thing with the bubble in.

“It’s a spirit level of course.”

“Oh I see, I suppose you measure spirits with it then?  It goes well with your name Crystal Ball.”  Laughed Penny.

Crystal however, wasn’t amused.  “What do you want?”  She asked abruptly.

“Do you have a student called Coral Reef?”

“What’s it to you?”

“She has gone missing, when did you last see her?”

“Are you with the police?”

“No just investigating.”  Replied Penny.

“I do know Coral yes, though I haven’t seen her for two weeks.  So I can’t really help you.  Have you tried her friend Gail Force?  They seem close.”  Remarked Crystal.

“Yes it’s Gail who hired me to find her.”

“Oh I see, what about Gail’s husband?”

“Gail’s husband?  What’s he got to do with it?”  Penny asked with a confused expression on her face.

“Well I bumped into Coral a few weeks back and she was with Gail’s husband.  They looked rather cosy together if you know what I mean?”

“Oh I see thanks very much I’ll look into it.”

Meanwhile Sandy had arrived in her car outside Coral’s flat.  She knocked on the door, but there was no answer.  She turned the door handle and was amazed to find that it actually opened.  She cautiously entered and suddenly heard a noise coming from the bedroom.  She headed towards the noise, but was hit on the back of her head from behind.  Sandy passed out.

Sandy came around ten minutes later with a large bump on her head.  She was being fussed over by an elderly lady.

“Oh thank goodness are you alright dear?” asked the lady.

“Erm yes what happened?”

“You were hit on the head dear don’t try to move just yet wait until you come around properly.”

“Did you see who did it?” mumbled Sandy while holding her head in her hands.

“Yes it was Ricky Pedlar I was just telling that police-man, I saw Ricky running out of the flat. I knew he was up to no good especially when I saw you lying on the floor. Are you a friend of Coral’s?”

“What police-man?” Sandy shouted while clambering to her feet.

“Ah good you’ve come around then the ambulance is on its way,” said the officer who had just appeared in the doorway.

“I don’t need an ambulance and who is Ricky Pedlar?” Sandy replied angrily.

“I’m Inspector Calls and this is P C World we need to ask you a few questions miss.”

Just at that moment the Paramedics arrived on the scene. The police directed them over to where Sandy was protesting loudly that see did not need them at all. Still protesting she was led away to the ambulance.

Once in the hospital Sandy was examined and eventually released. The police were still waiting to question her. She told them she was looking for her friend Coral and saw the door was open. This seemed to satisfy them so they departed.

Sandy headed back to the office it was almost 6 pm. Penny was awaiting her arrival they exchanged stories.

“So what do we have?” asked Sandy.

“We have Mr G Force Gail’s husband he’s very friendly with Coral and who is Ricky Pedlar? We need to find out who he is

”Yes I think I will go back to Coral’s flat tomorrow. I have to pick up my car it is left out side. I’ll pay the old woman a visit see what I can find out.”

“A good idea I’ll pay our informers a visit see if any of them knows anything of this Ricky Pedlar or Grey Force. We’ll meet back here tomorrow lunch-time to catch up with each other okay?”

“Yes fine see you tomorrow bye.”

As dawn broke Sandy was awakened by the sunshine streaming in through the bedroom window.  She gazed at the time it was  She sat up feeling her head, which was still soar from yesterday’s events.  She showered and dressed, then calling a taxi that arrived in minutes she headed for Coral’s apartment.  Has she approached Coral’s flat she noticed the old lady from next door was looking out of the window.  Sandy decided to take the opportunity to talk to the old lady realising she was a nosy neighbour, hence she probably knew a thing or two.  The old lady opened the door to Sandy.  “Oh dear how are you feeling today?  Won’t you come in and I’ll put the kettle on.”

“Oh thank you.”  Sandy replied politely.

“Now then dear have you had breakfast this morning?  I bet you haven’t, I’m right aren’t I?”

“Yes you are, I didn’t have time.”

“Well then I’ll make you some. What would you like?”

“Just toast please and my name’s Sandy.”

“Please to meet you Sandy, my name is Mrs Dapter, but you can call me Anne.”  She headed off towards the kitchen.  Sandy noticed that Anne kept a tidy flat and she observed many photographs of young people on the antiquated sideboard.  Anne looked in her seventies, though she looked aged she certainly had a twinkle in her eyes and an acute mind.  Anne brought in a large tray laden with toast and coffee and after placing it down in front of Sandy they began to tuck in.“I was just admiring all your photographs. Are they your family?”

“Oh yes dear they are my grandchildren, mostly all grown up now and they all have good jobs so I don’t see them very often.   Are you a friend of Corals dear?”

“Yes, but not a close friend.  I met her very recently and she said if I was ever in the area to look her up.  So I did yesterday.  Can I ask you Mrs Dapter?”

“Anne.”  She interrupted.

“Anne can I ask you how long have you known Coral?  You see I’m very worried for her safety.”

“I’ve been Corals neighbour for about two years now.  I’ve been in this flat for fifteen years, though Coral moved in two years back.  I always thought she’d come to no good.”


“Pardon?”  Anne piped up.

“Why did you always think Coral would come to no good?”

“Ah well that boyfriend of hers, what’s his name?  Ah yes Ricky Pedlar, well he moved in with her last year.  He’s a wrong ‘em you know, he does drugs.  I see all sorts of weird people coming to the flat to see him.  I once mentioned it to Coral you know.”

“What did she say?”  Interrupted Sandy rather eagerly.

“What did who say dear?”  Questioned Anne.

“Coral, what did Coral say when you mentioned the comings and goings?”

“Oh yes she told me to mind my own business.  She was very rude to me that day and that wasn’t like her at all.”

“Oh I see, you’ve been a great help Anne thank you, but I must be going now.  If you see Coral or Ricky Pedlar will you give me a call here’s my number?”

“Oh yes dear I will and you’re welcome anytime.  Goodbye dear safe journey.”

“Goodbye Anne and thanks.”

“Don’t be a stranger dear I’m always in, so please call again.”  Anne said whilst stood at the door waving Sandy off.

Meanwhile Penny had taken a bus into the city.  She knew where to find her informers Chris and George Cross.  She walked into the snooker hall and sure enough they were there as usual playing pool.  “George, Chris I need your help lads.”  She announced.

“Hi Penny what’s up?”  Enquired George. George is a stiffly built man and totally unlike his twin brother in every way.  Chris is slim built and much quieter by nature. “Hiya Penny, have you met our sister Vicky?” Chris said pointing to a young girl perched on a stool with a drink watching her brothers playing pool.

“No pleased to meet you Vicky.” Replied Penny holding out her hand.

“Oh hello my name's Victoria.” She said whilst moving off the bar stool and shaking Penny by the hand.

“Now then down to business ,I want you to find out all you can about a man called Ricky Pedlar and a woman named Coral Reef.”

“Okay no problem.”  George answered whilst taking a shot at pool.

“Give me a ring when you can.”  She added.  “Oh can you check out a man named Grey Force while you’re at it.  Usual price boys?”

“Yes okay.”  Replied Chris.

Penny left and headed back to the office to meet Sandy.

As lunchtime approached Sandy was the first to arrive back at the office.  She slipped off her coat, bent down and patted her dog 

Brandy.  Then she made herself a coffee and sat down to read through some paperwork.  Then it suddenly hit her Brandy was dead, so how could she have just patted him!  She shook her head, how strange she thought, but every time she was on an important case she should see Brandy.  Perhaps he was protecting her, she really didn’t know, however it was comforting to her.

Penny arrived bursting through the door in her usual manner and soon the pair had exchanged information or lack of it.  “Well we haven’t really learned much have we Sandy?”

“Well let’s look at what we actually do have, firstly Coral Reef is Gail Force’s best friend right?”

“Right!”  Replied Penny.

Sandy continued.  “Coral Reef has a boyfriend called Ricky Pedlar who has moved into her flat with her last year.  He is an unsavoury character who is known to deal drugs from Coral’s apartment.  Now Coral has also been seen with Gail’s husband Grey Force, the question is are they having an affair?”

“Ah good question.”  Remarked Penny.

“Coral has something on her mind and she tells Gail she will meet her at the DIY class, but never turns up and promptly disappears.  So these are the known facts so far correct!”

“Yes correct.”

“Then I visited Coral’s flat and got hit on the head and Ricky Pedlar was seen running away from the flat.”

“So we have Ricky Pedlar and Grey Force as suspects so far.”  Stated Penny quite proudly.

“Aren’t you forgetting Gail herself?”

“Gail, why Gail?  She wouldn’t have come to us for help if she had done away with her best friend.”  Concluded Penny.

“Don’t you see, she is a suspect because she may have found out that her husband was having an affair with her best friend and what better way to throw us and the police off track by playing the concerned friend.”

“Oh good point Sandy, so we have three suspects.”  She announced.

“Well yes, but we don’t even know if there is a crime.  Coral may have gone away to think things through.”  Replied Sandy.

“Then why did Ricky attack you?”  Penny asked.

“Perhaps he thought I was an intruder or the police and was afraid I’d find his drugs.”

“Maybe.”  Said Penny nodding in agreement and now deep in thought she added.  “I think perhaps Sandy we have come to a dead end until our informers can come up with anything at least.”

“Maybe not,” came the reply.  “I think we should pay Grey Force a visit this afternoon.”

“Great idea where can we find him?”  Penny asked.

“Ah good question Pen.”

“Why don’t we call in Gail just to bring her up to speed and casually ask about Grey?  What do you think Sandy?”

“Yes good idea, though we must not mention that Coral was seen with Grey, not just yet anyway.”

So the girls made contact with Gail and arranged to meet with her in the coffee shop around the corner from their office that afternoon. 

Gail was already ordering coffee when the girls arrived for their meeting.  Penny enlightened Gail about the case and about Sandy being attacked by Ricky Pedlar.  “So Gail do you know Ricky Pedlar, Coral’s live in boyfriend?”

“Yes I knew Coral had a live in boyfriend, though I’d never met him.  Coral wasn’t too keen on introducing him to me and she avoided talking about him too.”  Answered Gail.

“Didn’t you think that was rather odd?”  Sandy enquired.

“No not really Coral was always a private person, she always wanted to know my business, but only told me what she wanted me to know.”

“I see.”  Said Penny.  “That isn’t what you told us the other day.  You stated Coral always told you everything and that is why you were worried about her.”

Gail blushed and did not comment any further, she simply said.  “I’m in a rush so please let me know if anything else comes up.”  Gail got up to leave.

“Wait.”  Demanded Sandy.

Gail paused.  “Yes what is it?”

“You mentioned you have an husband, Grey I believe?”  Muttered Sandy.

“Yes what has that got to do with Coral?”

“Nothing, but we must explore every avenue and leave no stone unturned.  Where does your husband work?”  Asked Sandy.

“He works for Harvey and Lloyds, he’s an architect, but I really don’t see what this has to do with Coral’s disappearance unless there’s something you’re not telling me?”  She stated indignantly.

“No of course there isn’t.”  Penny answered reassuringly whilst kicking Sandy under the table.  Sandy who had a drink in her hand at the time felt the hard blow on her leg, which jolted her and she dropped the cup, which landed, in her lap.  The hot coffee was a shock to Sandy’s system made her react by jumping to her feet and  flinging her arms out in distress.  Sandy’s arm hit poor Gail in the eye and she fell backward falling over the chair behind and finally coming to rest on an elderly gentleman’s lap.  Finally when all the commotion had died down and Gail had departed, Sandy turned to Penny and asked.  “What did you kick me for?”

“I kicked you because of that stupid question, what does your husband do?”  She mocked.

“I asked where her husband worked actually, we needed to know.”

“You tipped her off and we didn’t want to do that, she is a suspect.  Anyway what was all that rubbish about leaving no stone unturned?”  She remarked sarcastically “Oh forget it Penny, we got what we wanted.  Now let’s go and pay Mr Grey Force a visit.”

The duo set off in a taxi and headed to the garage to pick up Penny's car, then they headed into the city.  They entered the multi- storey car park and eventually found an empty parking space.  However, it was rather a tight spot and after many attempts to park Penny finally managed it.  They stepped from the vehicle to be greeted by a crowd who had gathered to watch Penny's  attempts at parking.  The crowd applauded and Penny blushed;  Sandy on the other hand showed her anger she muttered.  “It’s a good job we are not working under cover isn’t it?” 

Penny  did not comment.

They found the office block where Grey Force works and on stepping inside the enormous building Penny couldn’t help noticing how impressive the foyer looked.  “Wow it’s a bit posh.”  She said whilst nudging her friend. 

They stepped up to the reception desk and an efficient looking woman asked.  “Can I help you?”

“Yes we are looking for Mr Greg Force.”  Said Sandy. 

“Do you have an appointment?”  The receptionist asked.

“Yes of course we do.”  Penny jumped in very quickly before Sandy had time to speak.

“Your name please?”  Said the receptionist.

“Sandy Beach and Penny Arcade.”  Penny said calmly.

“What time is your appointment?”


“No appointment here for a Ms Beach and Ms Arcade, I am sorry.”  She replied.

“There must have been a mistake, please will you check again for us?”  Penny asked calmly.

“No mistake, but I can make you another appointment, though I’m afraid it won’t be this week.”

“No that will not do, this is urgent.”  Penny shouted at the top of her voice.  “I made the appointment myself and someone here has messed up and I demand to see Mr Force now.  Do you understand?”

People in the reception area began to look and Sandy felt very embarrassed, especially when she knew they had not made an appointment.  The receptionist looked flustered, but a man appeared behind the desk and said.  “What’s the problem ladies?”

Penny explained that she had an appointment and demanded to see Mr Force immediately, as she wasn’t prepared to wait another week.  The man behind the desk checked the computer and shook his head, but he could see Penny had dug her heels in and ordered the receptionist to ring Grey Force to see if he could see the duo.  Grey Force was intrigued and agreed to see the pair.

“Mr Force has agreed to give you a moment of his time.  Just take the lift to the fourth floor and turn right, go down to the end of the corridor and it is on your left.”

The girls took the lift to the fourth floor and then argued about the  direction that the receptionist had told them to take from there.  After walking around the fourth floor for a while they finally found the door with Mr G Force written on it.  They knocked and entered.  “Mr Grey Force?”  Sandy enquired.

“Yes and you are?”

“Sandy Beach and this is Penny Arcade.”

“Ah yes come in and sit down ladies, can I get you both a cup of tea?”

“Yes please.”  Piped up Penny.

“Good I’m having one myself.”  He said.  “I won’t be long.”

Sandy noticed how surprisingly shabby Grey’s room looked, especially after seeing that magnificent reception area down stairs.  It was extremely small with just a few old chairs.  Penny was thinking how good looking Grey was, she could certainly see why Coral would want to have an affair with him and why Gail would want to hang on to him.  Grey reappeared holding a tray of tea; he placed it down on the old battered table and said.  “Help yourselves ladies.”

Penny and Sandy did so has Grey sat down and smiled making his handsome face light up.  Penny looked deep into his sparkly sea green eyes. “Right ladies what can I do for you?”  He asked whilst running his hands through his thick black wavy hair.

Penny opened her mouth to speak, but nothing would come out.  Eventually Sandy piped up.  “My name’s Sandy has I said before Mr Force and we are private investigators.  We are looking for a missing person.”

“What’s that got to do with me?”  He quickly interrupted.

“Do you know this girl?”  She asked whilst throwing a photograph of Coral across the desk to him.  “The girl is called Coral Reef, do you know her?”

Grey’s face turned pale and he hesitated before answering.  “No I don’t know her, what makes you think I do?”

“Well,” spluttered Penny finally finding her voice.  “Well it’s just someone spotted you talking to her in the city a week or two ago.”

“Excuse me,” interrupted Sandy.  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really need to use the ladies, where is it?”

“Oh the ladies, let me see, ah yes it’s down on the third floor I’m afraid.  Take the lift down one floor and then turn left and the third right and right again I think, anyway you’ll find it after all you are a private investigator.”  He said smugly.

“Thanks, I won’t be long.”  She stated whilst rising to leave the office.

Sandy went to the lift and pressed to go down, she waited and waited, but it never arrived.  Eventually she decided to walk down thinking this would be quicker.  She found the stairs and descended them and finally entered the third floor.  Now she had the problem of trying to remember those directions Grey had given her and even if she could remember they probably were no use now has she had come in from a different direction totally.  She wondered around the third floor for quiet some time, she was conscious of the time she  had spent looking and wondered if she would ever find her way out of this maze.  Having walked around and around and ending back where she had started on several occasions, she decided she would have to knock on a door and ask someone.  She knocked twice at the nearest door and entered only to see a young couple kissing and cuddling, she felt embarrassed and promptly left closing the door behind her quickly.  She knocked on the next door and an obese nasty looking man yelled.  “Yes what do you want?  I told you lot that I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

“Sorry.”  She said blushing.  “I was looking for the ladies.”

“Well you won’t find it here.”  Came the reply, then the door was slammed in poor Sandy’s face.  Sandy then spotted a young woman

coming down the corridor and she was desperate by this time, so she took her chance and asked her.  “Can you tell me where the ladies is?”

“Yes it’s right in front of you.”

It was the very next door.

Meanwhile back in the office Penny had finished her tea and her conversation with Grey.  He had told Penny in Sandy’s absence that he was stopped by Coral has she had wanted directions from him.

“What directions did she ask for?”

“I really can’t remember.”  He replied.

“Try please it is very important.”  She quizzed him again.

“I don’t know, now excuse me I am very busy.”

So Penny was waiting outside Grey’s office when Sandy finally arrived back.

“Where have you been Sandy?”

“The toilet I couldn’t find it.”

“Trust you, couldn’t you have waited?”  Penny said angrily.

“No I was desperat

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