Mr Choy's Tome by Athena Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Westlopian Adventure



Mr Choy was serving a customer.  “I think you will find this book most satisfying Mr Blake.”

“Thank you Mr Choy, I really appreciate your help.  I’m sure you’re right, I think this will help get me started in tracing my family tree.”  Just at that moment Mr Choy turned around quickly and shouted.  “Young Steven Meadows please be kind enough to put the book back where you found it.  That is unless you wish to purchase it?”  Eleven-year-old Steven looked totally embarrassed.  “What book?”  He said.  “I don’t have a book.”

“Yes you do young Steven.”  Steven looked sheepishly; he pulled out a book from under his pullover and begged for forgiveness.  “Don’t apologise young Steven I understand.  I know only too well how those bullies have pressured you into stealing for them.  Please stay and listen to the forthcoming story.”  The boy nodded.

Mr Choy apologised to Mr Blake and then showed him to the door.  While Mr Choy was standing at the shop doorway, he called out to the boys waiting in the street.  “Paul Craig, John Hollings and James Ford come in the shop now please.”  He demanded.  The boys began to run, figuring that Steven had been caught shoplifting and had given their names.  “Wait boys please, if you come inside it’ll be worth your while.”

“How?”  Said Paul the ringleader.

“Trust me, come and listen to my story that is all I ask of you.”  The boys somehow seemed to be compelled to go inside the shop almost like they were hypnotised.

The usual crowd were gathered and Mr Choy began by producing a large bag of sweets out of his hat.  He then proceeded to hand them around.  He waved a crystal wand and an orange orb flew around the shop at high speed.  This made some of the children duck their heads as it flew above them hitting some of the books on a high bookcase knocking about half a dozen down onto the floor.  “Oh dear.”  Said Mr Choy.  “Never mind, I’ll pick them up later.  Now today’s story is called The Westlopian Adventure.”



Christopher Patterson sighed deeply; another school day was dawning.  It held no magic for him, quiet the opposite in fact it made him very afraid.  At the age of thirteen Christopher wasn’t an average boy at all.  He was below average in size and weight, together with a shock of red hair and also the need to wear glasses, a front tooth chipped away.  All made him an easy target for the school bullies.  He had a higher than average I.Q and he was nicknamed brains.  This was one of the better names with which the bullies yelled after him.  It wasn’t so much the names that made Christopher draw further and further inwards.  It was also his home life; this left much to be desired.  His father was all right when he wasn’t drinking, which wasn’t very often these days.  His mother had her hands full with his twin brothers who were at the screaming stage of their development.  The terrible two’s has his mother called it. Guess it’s a phase all two-year-olds go through she had said.  She hadn’t convinced their father who had buried himself in the bottle he was an extremely quiet man, not at all talkative.  He was a slim built man and Christopher were somewhat like his dad in build.    Christopher took solace in his books, his mother had constantly told him it wasn’t healthy, he should go and play football or ride a bike, anything rather than bury his nose in a book.  She on the other hand was a fairly chatty woman tall with short thick brown hair; yes she was a very assertive person. Christopher felt very lonely; feelings of despair were his constant companion these days.  He sighed again. A voice floated up the stairs.  “Come on Christopher, hurry up you’re going to be late if you don’t get a move on.”

“Yes mum, I’m coming.”  Christopher slowly descended the stairs.

Walking along the path Chris spotted Alan and Colin Mathers.  He ducked down behind a hedge until the pair had passed by.  Deciding to take a short cut to school, he climbed over the hedge, heading towards a narrow gap in the wire fencing leading to a field.  If he could squeeze through it would cut ten minutes off his time and he could arrive at the school before the Mathers brothers.  They were twins who were huge in both height and weight, but most of all they were bullies who often waited outside the school gates for Christopher.  They would torment him, throw his books about and pinch his lunch money.

Once Chris had squeezed through the narrow gap, he found himself in a shabby deserted field that used to be the local football teams pitch.  Though now it was just a run down forgotten overgrown field.  He walked across the field to the hedge at the other end.  Once again squeezing himself through he got his jacket caught on the overgrown hawthorn bush.  His jacket torn, Chris felt panic well up inside.  Oh goodness he thought mum would kill me.  Suddenly he was brought back to reality with a shock.  He realised he wasn’t where he had expected to be.  He was inside some long narrow grey corridor.  He was scared, felt a shiver run right through his body.  “Where am I?  What on earth’s going on?”

Christopher reached the end of the corridor; there was a metal door directly in front of him.  Chris was in a total panic, he began to breath heavily, his heart was thumping like a sledge hammer all he could think of is this must be some kind of trick.

Has Christopher approached the door it slid open.  Chris just stood in the doorway with his mouth wide open at the site that stood before him. It was a being, but not a human being.  Chris just stared, this being was like nothing he’d ever seen before.  This thing was not human, what was it?  He was panicking now, his breathing becoming laboured.  The being was watching Christopher; it looked almost as shocked has Christopher.  This being had silver skin, stood about three-foot tall with large oval eyes, which were deep red in colour.  It didn’t appear to have any ears or hair.  The being didn’t wear any form of clothing either.  However, at that moment Chris heard a deep booming voice, it seemed to be inside his head it said.  “Concentrate on your breathing please.  You are having a panic attack.  Breathe deeply and slowly.”  Christopher did and after sometime he finally got his breathing under control and was finally able to speak.  “Who are you? What are you?  I know this is a joke right?  Okay Mathers, you can come out now.  It’s not funny any more.”

“I am Gorian, what is Mathers please?”

Christopher heard the voice in his head, the being did not move his mouth, and in fact he didn’t have a mouth to move.  “Gorian!  Did you say that?”  He said whilst pointing at the being.

“Of course I did, who else is in this room.  I am using what you call telepathy.  This is how you can understand me and I can read your thoughts Christopher.  Oh I see you prefer Chris."

“Wow!”  Chris said just before he fainted.

A few moments later Chris came around finding himself suspended horizontally in mid air.  He let out a piercing scream when he realised this was really happening.  A soothing voice said.  “Please do not fear Chris, we will not hurt you.  Be calm and I shall let you down.”

We, thought Chris, there must be more.  Oh dear, then he suddenly landed in a heap on the floor.  The voice said.  “I apologise, I thought you were ready.  I hope I did not do you any harm?”

“No I’m fine.”  Christopher blurted out.

“Good has I said we do not mean you any harm.  I am Gorian and this Catrian and we come from a planet called Weslop.  We came

here to find information that is all, no other reason.  You would not have ever known we were here.  We look invisible or should I rephrase that.  Our spacecraft has an invisible shield.  You should not be able to see it from the outside.  We chose this field because it is not used by your kind or was not until today.”

“I see.”  Was all Chris could say.

“We have discussed your presence because we are afraid you may expose us.”

“No I won’t.  No one would believe me anyway.  No one ever listens to me.”  He replied.

The beings stared at each other for quiet sometime.  Maybe they were talking to each other Christopher thought.  Then they turned and stared at Chris in silence for what seemed like an eternity to Chris.  He was afraid to move; he didn’t after all know what they were capable of.  They might kill him.  He felt suddenly very sick.   Then once again Chris heard a powerful voice in his head.  “Don’t be afraid young Chris, we have no intention of killing you ever I promise you.  Soon when we have made a repairs to our spacecraft we shall leave.”

“What’s wrong with your spacecraft?  Did you crash it?”

“No young Chris, your atmosphere is very let me see how can I put it so you will understand.  Ah yes is very harsh on the spacecraft.  The protective shield has sustained a little damage.”

“Oh I see, can I help?”

“No.”  Said Catrian rather abruptly. 

Gorian stared back at Catrian and then said to Chris.  “Yes maybe you can Chris, however I see you are late for school.  You must go now and come back when school is finished, but make sure you are not followed.  Do you understand?”

“Yes okay.”  With that Christopher left and headed towards school.

Christopher looked at his watch, oh heck, he thought, first lesson will have already started so I shall have to think fast.  I need an excuse and a good one.  He entered the classroom of his first lesson, which was history.  The class fell silent, the teacher asked.  “Ah good of you to join us young master Patterson, where have you been?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”  Chris announced boldly.

“Try me.”  Said his teacher Mr Johnson.

“Oh well my brother is ill and he may have to go into hospital.  My mum is really worried and she forgot to wake me up.”

“Well I’ve heard many stories in my time boy, but this one takes the biscuit.  Couldn’t you think of something more original?”  The class began to laugh and Chris felt tears welling up in his eyes with such humiliation.  “It’s true sir.”  He managed to blurt out.  The class laughed louder.  “Okay Patterson bring me a note tomorrow from your mother, otherwise you will find yourself in detention.  Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Now sit down and open your book at page twenty, then read the extract to the class please Patterson.”

When the class was over, the children filed out of the classroom.  The Mathers brothers followed Chris into the toilets and dunked his head down the toilet before running out laughing.  Poor Christopher was soaking wet and feeling very lonely and anxious.  Somehow he managed to cope and soon his school day was over.  It was time to go home and has usual there was a rush of excited children filing past him.  Chris decided it would be safer to hide in the toilets until everyone had left.  That way he wouldn’t get way laid on the way home.

When he eventually arrived home, he informed his mother that he wanted to go out tonight.  “Amazing,” she had said.  “At last, where are you going?”

“I’m going to Brad’s house.”

“Brad Daily?”

“Yes, he has invited me round.”

“Good, but do your homework first love.”

“Okay mum.”

Once Christopher had finished his homework he set off once more towards the field.  He kept checking behind all the way just to make sure he wasn’t followed.  Soon he found himself back inside the spacecraft.  "Hello it’s me Chris.”

“Hello Chris.”  Came the voice from Gorian.  Gorian stopped and studied before speaking again.  “You are sad young Chris.  I have seen your day.  Not a good day at all in fact very painful.  I will fix it, tomorrow will be better, I promise you.  Now you can help us.  Come and I will show you.”  Christopher said nothing he just followed Gorian to a control room.  Everything was how he imagined it to be, just like in the films he thought.

“Yes it is like the films Chris, you see the writers are often inspired by us.  They don’t know this, though we inspired all the inventions and progress man has ever made.  We put the thoughts there, we give only what man are ready to receive and sometimes they use it wrongly.”  He sighed.  “Your species Chris has much to learn.”

“Yes I know.”  Chris replied.

“Yes I realise you know, you are different, above the norm.  That is why I feel I can trust you and if you help us, I in return will reward you.  Is that a deal?”

“Of course I will help if I can.”  Chris said excitedly.

“You can help.  Now,” he said pressing a button on the control panel in front of him.  A large screen appeared.  “This is a diagram of the outside of our spacecraft.  Do you see where the heat shield is missing, there on the front left hand side?”  He said pointing at the screen.

“Yes I see, but what can I do to help?”

“Yes, yes I’m coming to that.  You see we need a replacement otherwise we can’t leave, because we would burn up leaving your

atmosphere.  Once we are out of the earth’s atmosphere, we will be fine.  So that’s where you come in Chris, I have found an earthly material that would just about do, but I need you to get it for us.  Obviously we cannot be seen.  Do you understand?”

“Yes what is the material and where can I get it from?”

“The material, you call it stainless steal.”

“Steal!  I don’t understand.  I know I’m not the brightest person in the world, but I know steal wouldn’t work.”  Exclaimed Chris.

“Yes thank you Chris, I realise this too, however I also realise that you cannot go off to NASA and get the material they use.  So I can make the necessary alterations to the steal so it will suffice.  Now do you see?”

“Yes, but are you sure steal will work?”

“In theory yes, in practice, however I personally have never tried it.  I’ve never had to you see.”

“Oh do you know anyone who has?”

“Yes I’ve heard about one of our kind who made it home by using steel.”

“Okay I’ll do it.  How much steal do you need?”  Asked Christopher.

“As much as you can get.”  Came the reply.

“I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you Chris.  Now can you come back tomorrow on your way to school?   Bring some hand written item from your mother.”


“Because you need a note for school and I can copy you’re mothers hand writing.”

“If I come in the morning I may be late again.”  Said Chris frowning.

“Please don’t worry I shall see to it that you are not late.”


“I will explain later, though for now you go home, we have kept you long enough.  See you tomorrow.”

So Christopher tramped across the field heading for home.  He was a little concerned about going back in the morning.  It was alright Gorian telling him not to worry, he wasn’t the one who’d be in trouble again for being late.  Nevertheless he had agreed so he would honour that agreement.  No he wouldn’t go back on a deal he certainly didn’t have any friends, but he had now even if they were from a planet called Westlop.

Christopher awoke to the dawn chorus.  He threw back the sheets and opened the curtains to peer outside.  He spotted a robin sat on the fence singing happily.  He’d almost forgotten it was just another school day, that was until he heard his mum’s voice shouting up the stairs.  “Christopher it’s 8.15. am.  Are you getting up?”

“Coming mum.”  He quickly dressed and dashed into the bathroom.  His mum wouldn’t let him leave without breakfast.  So Chris quickly gulped down his cereal, picked up his bag and ran to the door.  “You’re in a hurry this morning aren’t you?  It’s only and school doesn’t start until”

“I know mum, I’m meeting Brad.”

“I’m glad you’ve got yourself a friend Christopher.  See you later love.”

“Bye mum.”  He answered has he made a quick exit.

Chris jogged down the road and on entering the field he glanced at his watch.  It was  He realised it would take him a good ten minutes to reach school.  He calculated it would only leave him ten minutes to talk to his new-found friends. Chris dashed up the narrow corridor shouting.  “Hello Gorian, it’s me Chris where are you?”

“Hello Chris, why are you shouting with such urgency?”

“Oh hi Catrian, I’m in a hurry, can’t be late for school you understand don’t you?  Now what do you want to see me for?”  He enquired eagerly.  Chris suddenly realised that somehow he knew the difference between Gorian and Catrian, but he didn't know how, because they looked a like to him. Maybe, he thought  it was just an instinct Gorian appeared and after staring at Catrian for a few minutes, Catrian departed leaving Gorian with Christopher.  “Now have you brought some of your mother’s hand writing like I asked?”

“Yes.”  Said Chris handing over a piece of paper.

“Ah yes that will do nicely.  Follow me.”  They entered the control room and Gorian placed the note into a strange looking machine.  The machine was triangular in shape and no bigger than a computer monitor was.  Gorian pressed some buttons and a very small keyboard appeared.  He then typed something and moments later out popped a note.  “There!  This is a note for school, it is an exact copy of your mother’s writing.”

“Wow!  Thanks.”

“Now let’s get down to business shall we?  Have you got any money on you?”

“Yes why?”  Said a puzzled Christopher.

“Show me please.”  Gorian requested.  Chris handed over some loose change.  “No that is no good Chris, it won’t do at all.  Have you got a note?”

Chris searched through his pockets and reached for a five-pound note.  “This is all I have, it’s what mum gave me for my lunches this week.”

“Do not fear Chris, I only want to borrow it.”  He placed the note into the strange machine and seconds later it proceeded to spit out ten duplicates.  Chris eyes widened in disbelief.  “I think this should be enough money to buy steel young Chris.”

“Oh wow!  Can you do that again?  That’s a really handy machine that is.”

“Now go Chris to school and when school is finished can you look for steal?”

“Yes okay.”  Chris replied still wrapped in the idea of a money making machine.

“Now listen Chris, when we have repaired our spacecraft, I will grant you a wish.  Now it can be either the machine or I will give you a special gift, one of our powers.  If you should choose the power, you must promise me you will use it wisely.  I advise you to think about it carefully over the next day or two.  In the meantime you must go to school.”

“School!  Oh goodness I forgot I’m late again.  It’s  I’ll never make it now.”

“Don’t panic Chris, you know what happened last time you panicked.  You will not be late, I promise.”

“I will unless you can fly me there or stop time or something.”  Chris voice trailed off as he looked at Gorian.  “You can, can’t you?  You can stop time?”

“Well only for a brief period, yes I can.”

“How brief?”  Chris asked enquiringly.

“Oh about an hour at a time.”

“What?  You can stop time for up to an hour?”

“Yes, now go please.”

Chris left at 9.15, am precisely and ten minutes later he arrived at school and it was on the dot.  Christopher made it through his school day quite well.  He even coped with the bullying and name calling, because he was thinking about his important mission, but most of all his important decision.  Should he take the money making machine?  He would be rich for the rest of his life.  Rich beyond his wildest dreams.  Set for life, never needing to work.  Also though the power that would be neat.  What power would that be?  He wondered.  Having a power would be cool, he thought to himself on his way home from school.  If I asked for the power, then I could use them to stop the bullies.  Yes everyone would respect me then; still he didn’t know he would have to find out more information about this special power before he could make up his mind once and for all.

Chris entered his home shouting.  “Hi mum I’m home.”

“Hello dear, how was your day?”

“Fine mum, listen Brads invited me over to his house for tea.  Can I go now?”

“Please can I go?”  She corrected him.

“Please mum?”

“Okay, but don’t forget about your homework and don’t be late.”

“Thanks mum.”  He yelled on his way out of the back door.

Christopher knew he didn’t have much time, he wanted to get to the scrap metal merchants before they closed for the day.  He caught the number fifty-seven bus and walked the short distance to the scrap merchants.  Fortunately for him, they were still open.  Chris was quite happy with his purchase and he paid over the fifty pounds.  There was only one problem now, how to get it back to the spacecraft?  It was too heavy for Christopher to carry.  He hadn’t thought about that.  On seeing Christopher’s dilemma the man behind the counter said.  “You’re in luck boy, I’m locking up for the day so I’ll give you a lift in my van.  Jump in.  Where do you live?”  

“Thank you very much sir, I really appreciate your kindness.  I will show you where I live.”

They set off on the road, the man asked.  “What you doing buying scrap metal lad?”

“Well it’s a long story, but to cut it short I’m building a spacecraft, you know for a school project.”

“Oh I see an expensive school project.”

“Well yes I wanted it to be impressive and original at the same time.  So I spent all my savings.  I really want to win the best project award, it means a lot to me you see.”  Chris said feeling quite proud of himself for his quick thinking.

“Good for you lad.”  Said the driver.  “Now where can I drop you?”

“I’ll show you, you see I’m building it in secret.  I have an hide out in the old playing field.”

“The old playing field? I don’t think I know it lad.”  Said the puzzled looking driver.

“You know Baildon Football ground.”

“Ah the old football field, yes I know it.” 

They chatted to each other on the journey.  Just the usual polite conversation about the weather and holidays.  Christopher enjoyed it anyway; he always enjoyed talking to adults.  He found he could get on with them much better than with people his own age.  Soon they had arrived at the edge of the field.  “I can drive up the dirt track and pull in up there if that’s any help to you?”

“Yes that would be great thanks.”  Replied Chris.

“Are you sure you want to leave the steel here?  It may get stolen you know.”

“Yes it’s okay I have a den down there so I can drag it down and cover it up so no one will see it.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to do your school project at home?” Asked the driver.

“No we have a small house and my brothers would only ruin it.”

The man unloaded his van and Chris waved him goodbye.  Now his only problem was dragging this material through the hedge.  Christopher thought for a while and then decided he would drag the steel to the hedge, cover it with old branches and go and inform Gorian.  Chris pushed his through the hedge into the narrow corridor of the spacecraft.  “Gorian, Catrian where are you?  I’ve got the steel.”  He shouted down the corridor.

“Excellent.”  Came a voice.

“I left it the other side of the hedge.  It’s too heavy for me to drag through alone.  What are we going to do?”  Chris asked looking rather worried.

“Do not fear Chris, the problem is solved.”  Said Gorian.

“But how?”

Gorian held up his hand as if to silence Christopher.  Gorian and Catrian stood side by side in silence for a few moments and then miraculously the steel appeared right in front of Christopher’s very eyes.  “Oh I see that’s how.” Was all Chris could manage to blurt out.

“Thank you Chris for all your help.”  Said Gorian.

“Oh it’s okay.”  He replied.

“No it’s not just okay, we are in your debt.  Now go home and think

very carefully about what you would like in return for your good deed, the machine or the power?”

“Thanks yes I will, but can I ask you something please?”

“Yes go ahead.”  Gorian replied.

“What can I do with the power?  I mean what powers would I get?”  Christopher stammered.

“Well I will plant the power inside you, though it depends how quickly you learn to use and control it.  I have to be honest Chris; I have never given any powers to a human before, so I don’t know how it will effect you.  In us, however, it grows stronger and stronger over time.”

“Oh I see.”  Said Chris.  “I shall go now and think it over.  Thanks Gorian, Catrian and goodbye.  I will see you after school tomorrow.”

With a wave Christopher departed and headed for home, with a lot on his mind to think about.

The following morning Chris felt happy, not just because it was Friday at last, but also because he had made his decision.  Even his mum commented at the breakfast table how happy he seemed for a change.  He whistled on his way to school and he did go straight to school, without short cutting across the field.  The Mathers boys were there as usual and they bullied Christopher also as usual.  They pinched his bag, threw his books on the ground and stamped on them.  Somehow Chris survived the torment of the day and it was finally time to go home.  Chris was excited he planned to go home and tell his mum he was going to Brad'’ again.  Then he would go and see Gorian.

He entered his home, slamming the door behind him.  “Hello mum I’m home.”  He yelled into the kitchen.

His mum entered the lounge on hearing his voice.  “Hello dear how was your day?”  She enquired.

“Oh okay, can I go to Brad’s after tea mum please?  I’ll do my homework first and I promise not to be late.”  He said pleadingly.

“Okay dear of course you can.  I say you and Brad are becoming very good friends and you always go to his house, maybe you could invite him around here next time.  What do you think?”  She asked.

“Eh yea maybe, we’ll see.”  He replied.

Christopher gulped down his tea and dashed off running down the road with sheer excitement.  He couldn’t wait to see Gorian, soon he found himself pushing his way through the hedge.  He entered the spacecraft yelling.  “Hello Gorian, Catrian it’s me Chris.”

“Hello Chris, look follow me we have repaired the spacecraft.”  Chris followed Gorian to the control room and saw the completed repair on the screen.  “Brilliant.”  He remarked.

“Now Chris have you made that all important decision?”

“Yes Gorian I thought long and hard and have decided I want the power please.”

“Good choice Chris, however, I hope you will take it seriously and never I repeat never use it for anything bad.  Promise me here and now Chris you will only use it with good intent.”

“Yes I will Gorian I promise to you here and now.”  Chris spoke with emotion.

“Good now follow me.”  Gorian led Chris into a small room with grey walls.  It was square, small and empty.  Then suddenly a bed appeared suspended in mid air.  Chris stared in disbelief, though eventually managing to find his voice.  “How is that bed managing to stay up?”  He spluttered.

“It is too complicated to explain and I have not got the time Chris, please climb on the bed and try to relax.” Chris did what was asked.

“Now Chris you may experience some unusual sensations and also witness some unusual sights, but do not be alarmed.  Now I shall proceed to give you the power.”  Gorian stood above Chris, staring down at him.  Yes he was levitating about three-foot above the ground.  Chris felt a tingling feeling running throughout his entire body.  Then he began to see colours in front of his eyes.  These whirling colours slowly expanded to fill the whole room.  First deep, deep purple and then green, gold and blue it was like a light show so vivid and bright.  After about ten minutes it was over and Chris fell into a deep sleep, waking after about an hour.

“Ah you are back with us young Chris.”  Commented Catrian.

“What happened?”  Chris enquired whilst climbing down from the bed, which promptly disappeared.

“You was given the power and you needed to sleep after so I put you to sleep.”

“Oh!  Where’s Gorian?”

“Gorian is resting now he needs to replace the power he gave to you.”

“Oh no!  Will he be alright?  I haven’t taken away his power have I?”  Chris asked whilst he was in a state of total distress at this point.  The bed suddenly reappeared and flew across the room almost hitting Catrian before disappearing once more.

“Good to see your power is working young Chris, now all you need is to learn to control it.  In answer to your question, Gorian is fine; he still has his powers.  However, he needs to rest to get his strength has it is very draining giving power to another.”

“Are you telling me I made that bed ap