Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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Liselotte’s Tale

Hi. My name is Liselotte Hague. I’m fifteen years old and I live in Amsterdam, Netherlands. When I was very young I was adopted by my two lovely parents that I now live with. My father is a five star hotel executive and my mother is just a housewife.

I am actually an introvert and usually like to keep to myself. However I feel as if perhaps I could open up a bit more by joining this online cyber escape club. There are secrets in my past that I like to keep as skeletons in my closet.

My boyfriend Alex likes to sniff glue and got me addicted to sniffing solvents since age fourteen. I don’t know how to stop but I want to stop, but I can’t.

Liselotte scrolled down her profile page to edit a few comments she had left on her page. She accidentally clicked on another member’s profile page and viewed that member’s brief life story. Liselotte burst out into fits of laughter as to the slacker and the insecure wimp that had labeled himself as some sort of teenage outcast. His name was Rencis.