Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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Rencis’s Tale

Hi. My name is Rencis Dean. I am originally from Polynesia but currently live in Sydney, Australia. I am eighteen years old and the son of a great innovator and business entrepreneur. My parents recently got divorced which has left me quite shattered. I always thought we’d play happy families for eternity. The reason I want to join this online escape cyber club is just as a breakaway from my boring friends that do nothing but smoke hashish all day long.

I want a big change in my life. Don’t get me wrong but I do sometimes join them in smoking but personally I would like to make some new friends online, maybe travel a bit and sooner or later pursue my acting career. I always wanted to be an actor but was a slacker in school. At the age of twelve when the only friend I had in school left, I just couldn’t concentrate anymore. I felt like an outcast in school and had to switch to various schools to try to fit in. I went through a period of depression from the age of fifteen.

My best friend became the hashish that I smoked. Then one day I met a group of guys that also smoked the same thing. They were all planning on auditioning for a part in a new television series.

It was clearly evening and many people had made their way to grand central studios to audition. I was only fifteen back then but I already had double piercings in both my ears and tattoos going down to my spine. It was right outside the studios by some palm trees that I caught two guys smoking a little bud of hashish in their mouths. I asked them why they weren’t afraid of getting caught. One of them told me that his father was a well known lawyer so there was nothing to fear.

Rencis took a deep breath in as he continued to fill in more information about himself and his past. He thought back as to the first time he went to audition to act in a television series and as to the two guys he had mentioned. He was only fifteen back then but he had a lot of guts.

Nightfall was nearing and a lot of people were anxiously awaiting to audition. Rencis felt calm, cool and collected. He had improvised the planned audition with the guys he had just met, whiles smoking outside the studio. They were going to audition together. Rencis had asked the two guys for their names. They told him they were called Sam and Leonard. The three new friends stood back awaiting for their cue to audition.

Rencis was quite anxious and hoped all three of them made it. He noticed the guy called Sam was trembling uncontrollably. Rencis suggested Sam took a deep breath in before letting their group down. Suddenly Rencis heard his name being called to audition. He quickly informed one of the producers there that he had improvised his audition with two other guys.

The producer seemed slightly dismayed but allowed the three boys to audition together anyway. Sam tripped in the middle of the audition but luckily they were allowed to start over again.

Rencis and his two new friends succeeded. All three of them got parts in the brand new series. Two years later the television series was suddenly drawing to a final end. Sam had insisted they all went surfing and partying on a ship. He had a couple of friends he wanted Rencis to meet. Rencis was quite keen at the time to make new friends.

“This is a party or what! I can’t believe the series is already coming to an end. We haven’t even reached fame yet. Bummer huh?” Rencis screeched out trying to sound as devastated as possible but his voice just didn’t seem that way – he actually seemed more cheerful than Sam. Sam looked pretty lean and pretty drained. He had put a lot of effort into his character over the years.

“Hey Rencis, this is Erick, Tia and Mia. They are good friends of mine. I would introduce you to other people here but I don’t think I have the energy to. I just feel too tired these days,” Sam informed Rencis. Rencis shook his head sympathetically in agreement. He knew how hard Sam had worked on his television role. Leonard suddenly appeared out of nowhere to join them, he had a sparkle in his left eye and he grinned ecstatically at Sam and Rencis.

“Guess what! I just got a call from my agent. I got the part in this brand new American series I auditioned for, a couple of months back. I guess I won’t be staying in Sydney after all. I’m set to leave by the end of this week. Rhode Island here I come! Adieus amigos,” Leonard yelled out excitedly. Rencis tried not to laugh as a tear rolled down Sam’s left eye. It was just going to be the two of them staying behind, with no further acting career for them to pursue. Rencis shook hands with Leonard and congratulated him.

“All the best. You will be famous one day. Don’t forget us Leonard,” Rencis said hopefully but respectfully to Leonard. Sam drew closer to Leonard and patted him on the back.

“Adieus amigo. You are the best friend I ever had and the best actor I ever knew since childhood, Leonard. I will never forget you,” Sam said with a slight sense of agony in his manner of speaking.

The party on the ship was soon over. A few weeks flew by and Leonard was gone. Rencis was stuck with Sam and his boring friends that just smoked hashish all day long and spoke of dreams they had but thought could never be accomplished. A year later Rencis took up surfing the web and one day stumbled across the international online cyber escape club. He hoped the club members would help him achieve his dream in becoming an actor.

Rencis took a deep breath in. The owner of the club had sent him a message.