Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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Narcotics Club

David lay back on his bed, chewing on chocolate coated pretzels. He grabbed a can of chocolate syrup and gulped it all down in one go. His aim was to grab his homemade salmon, spinach and cheese sandwich and begin demolishing it like a beast that had not been fed in years. Then an idea suddenly clicked to his mind. He had read through all the profile pages filled out by the seven new members. Perhaps he could ask them if they wanted to fly over to spend the rest of their vacation in California. From what David had read so far, they all seemed pretty well-off to get themselves over to his. He could throw a party and call it an opening for their new narcotics club.

The name narcotics club had been decided after David had read through the various profiles on the six members that had eagerly joined his international online escape club. After going through the profiles, David had realized that most of them were clearly addicted to something or other. He could not think of a better name to replace the Escape club name with.

David was quite excited to find out a bit more about the members. He had never met any children of politicians, cleaners, chefs, car sales men or five star hotel executives. These members seemed to be quite intriguing characters. They not only had different lifestyles but they were all from different parts of the world. David was quite keen to meet them all. He had spent most of his life within a private circle of friends clearly associated with the private school he attended and relations to his father’s business associates or business partners.

Now, David felt it was time to break away and meet people outside his usual circle that originated from different parts of the world. David quickly picked up his computing device. It was Monday afternoon in California but the times deferred in various parts of the world. Perhaps Danny from London might be online. It would soon be nightfall in London, Amsterdam, Hamburg and Beirut.

The other member in Caracas did not differ vastly when it came to time. David suddenly frowned peculiarly – the very person that he had assumed would not be online was online – it was Rencis. The time in Sydney was so many hours ahead, David had assumed Rencis might be fast asleep at such a time.

David quickly turned on his web camera. He wanted to find out as to how his members looked before arranging the final meet up plan for the new club. He quickly sent a message to Rencis to accept the video chat invitation. Rencis gladly accepted and so did another unexpected member that had just joined the new narcotics online club chat room. That member was Tanya. David’s heart begun to beat rapidly. He suddenly felt kind of insecure as to a Venezuelan girl seeing his messy massive room in which he mostly slept in. He took a deep breath in and tapped on a start video chat tab on his computing device.

The first image that grabbed David’s attention was clearly Tanya, the Venezuelan member that had spoken of running away from home at a tender age of early teens. Now, she was clearly in her late teens looking incredibly gorgeous in David Field’s eyes with her long shimmering brown hair. A subconscious whistle flew from David’s lips but before he could continue gaping at the Venezuelan stunner and even decide to attempt conversing with her, Rencis broke the silence.

“You sure are loaded. Your room seems really massive. I hope you’ve not come up with this club to dally about with us all,” Rencis spoke out confidently from his end of the web camera. David quickly snapped out of a state of disbelief and stopped ogling the Venezuelan beauty. He apologized for his first reaction and informed them both as to his meeting up plan.

The two online members agreed to David’s idea and suggested David sent a message to the other members about the travel plans to meet at Las Vegas.

David owned a massive penthouse in Las Vegas and finally thought it best that his club members stayed there on vacation with him instead. David suddenly felt slightly hesitant about having strangers sleeping over at his father’s Californian mansion. He decided, it would not take long to get some security men down to his fabulous penthouse for his own security. Not that David sensed that his club members might try to attack him but some of the profiles did seem pretty unstable.

David was just about to send a message to the other members about the travel plans when Tanya begun to complain as to not having enough money to get to Vegas. This made David feel rather annoyed, however Rencis decided to be a sport and inevitably consented to willingly pay for Tanya’s travel ticket and any other expenditure required. Cold sweat suddenly trickled down David’s neck and he let out a sigh of relief. He was glad to have a member like Rencis, whom was clearly from a well-off family.

Before they could all switch off their web cameras, two other members suddenly joined – it was Danny and Anna. They had both seen the messages on David’s travel plans and they had complaints to make.

David again lost his concentration at the sight of the members that had joined. Danny looked like an absolute mug and Anna was astounding with her medium length golden hair and sparkling eyes.

Rencis spoke again, to bring David back to his senses. He suggested they all grouped into pairs for the travel expenditures, just in case some people could not afford it due to certain reasons or situations they might be facing. David thought deeply and finally agreed with Rencis. He asked Anna if she would like to pair up with Danny for travel expenditures and she happily agreed.

It was clear that she was skint and spent most of her money from work on bills. Danny appeared to look quite reluctant as to the whole travel arrangement. He mentioned an issue with flying, as to how he suffered from vertigo and would need assistance and support if he wanted to get to Vegas. David’s heart begun to beat rapidly – was Danny trying to say he needed funds for the trip? Before David could think any further, Danny asked if Anna could travel from Hamburg to London to meet up with him. He would pay for a hotel for her for two days before they both left from London for their trip to Vegas. David let out a sigh of relief again, Danny was clearly another well-off member. David hoped the other members would not have any issues in getting to Vegas. He was about to tell them all to turn off their web cameras, when another member’s image appeared on his computing device – it was Liselotte.

Liselotte had a massive frown on her face and looked quite Victorian with her pretty black hair all tied back in a bun with a tiara sitting in front of her sleeked back hair. She clearly had a huge disliking to the travel arrangements. Liselotte yelled out that there was no way she was going to be staying at a complete stranger’s penthouse. It was best they all got to know each other better, before attempting to spend a vacation at the owner of the club’s penthouse. She was a daughter of a hotel executive. She would find a suitable hotel in Vegas to stay at and if any other member felt uncomfortable they were all welcome to join her free of charge at a hotel in Vegas.

Before David could reply to Liselotte’s outstanding offer, all the other members online decided Liselotte’s offer was legit and they would gladly join her.

Liselotte then asked David if he would care to also join them at whichever suitable hotel her father found for them all to stay at. David suddenly felt insulted, Liselotte was offering him a free stay at some random hotel at her own father’s expense. Perhaps he should remind them all that he David, was the son of a wealthy businessman.

Then it suddenly clicked to him that he had forgotten to tell his members that he was really the son of a multibillionaire. Were all his members so ignorant, even the surname Field was quite a known name. David thought it best not to cause any excitement amongst his members. He would keep his super rich life a secret for a while from his members. He would quietly find out a bit more about his members before telling them who he really was. He quickly accepted Liselotte’s hotel offer and told them he would send a message to the other members that had not been available to join them in the video chat.