Shadow Rising


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Published: 3 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Theia Foxglove is mad. Whisked away from her mountain home by her mother's surprise engagement, she's forced to spend senior year with the stuck-up Faes and Celestials of New York City's elite academy, Zenith High. With her pointed Elkie ears and sacred bow and arrow, she couldn't be more out of place. But worse than the stares and whispers of her snooty new classmates, Theia can't shake the feeling that something bad is brewing...In her attempts to get to the bottom of it, Theia gets a whole lot more than she bargained for. Magic. Murder. A bunch of new besties. A crush on a broodingly handsome yet infuriatingly mysterious Vanpari. And a plot to reignite the Shadow Wars...Book 1 of the SHADOW WARS SAGA. Book 2, Shadow Rebellion is now available on Amazon.

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Charlie Soul

Shadow Rebellion (SHADOW WARS SAGA BOOK 2) is out now on Amazon!

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