The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

On the Castle One


When the sun rose on the third day, the Great Rock of Portugal showed up at the distance. By noontime, the children went to lunch with Captain Williansmore and delighted they listened to new stories from the captain. That afternoon, they went up the deck and played with friends. They walked around and ran exploring the Castle-One. Later at dinner time, the Captain went to tell the story of the church of Fatima built on the Rock of Portugal. 

“The story goes like this he said his eyes on the children on his table, "it was the year 711 of our Lord. The king of Morocco decided to invade Spain for he had heard of streets paved with gold stones in Spain. The King of the Moors wanted the gold nuggets for his kingdom!  So, he sent his ships and thousands of his Moorish troops. He wanted the gold nuggets sailors said paved the streets of the old, old kingdom of Spain not too far away from Morocco just across the stretch only miles away.”

"Did the Moorish take the gold from Spain? Asked Peter with curiosity in his voice. 

"Well, not exactly Peter. But hear me finishing the story, "the Captain asked.

"Moorish ships arrived at the Iberian channel, which is now Spain’s Gibraltar stretch. Listen to this well, children, on the Great Rock of Portugal, stood a little girl.  She herded a flock of sheep and she was only seven years old! She saw many ships on the sea and she thought that’s strange for she didn’t see the flags of ships from Portugal.

“Nor she did see the flags of ships from Spain. Her mind worked quickly for she was smart. Those are ships invading us!! She told herself 

“Ahh, but she was brave too. I must run now and tell the king of Portugal about warships! I’m strong. I can run fast. I’m going now to tell our king,” she said to herself and decided to run; then she walked for a day under the sun at a good pace. And then ran again one whole night under the light of the moon too. The next day she arrived in Lisbon the capital of Portugal. 

“She went straight to the king’s castle and brought the news of the Moorish ships. A captain and his troop left on a horse for the king of Portugal. They went to the rock. They saw the ships on their way to Portugal and Spain, upon returning and told the king of Portugal. 

“Many ships are on the ocean, your Majesty. The girl from Fatima is telling us the truth. They look like Moorish warships sailing on the sea. The king sent news to Spain. Their horses trotted day and night. They arrived to tell the Kingdom of Spain of the coming Moorish warships. 

“That same day the king in Spain and his men prepared for the Moorish’s invasion.  From that day on, the girl was named the Brave Girl from Fatima and as she grew older and older Angels came for her when she passed away like an old, old lady. The kings of Portugal and Spain built a church just for her. It’s there, right on the Rock of Portugal for people to remember her always. The Brave Fatima’s Girl is buried there!

“The Captain cleared his throat getting ready and looked at Peter and Sarah and said, "Now, children to answer your question, young lad. No. The Moors never found in Spain the gold nuggets sailors said paved the street. But let me explain. 

“The sun in Spain was so bright and so hot then and its rays turned stones golden and yellow. 

“For golden nuggets, the Moors invaded Spain and stay in there for a thousand years, they say. For many years they look for gold in vain. And it took the Moorish many years to conquer Spain. They lived in

Spain, but the Moorish went home when the brave knight Don Rodrigo-Diaz-de-Vivar won the last battle against the Moors.”

By then, the Castle One has gotten closer to Portugal and the Captain invited the children to go up to the deck and they did. "Ahh....what we’re going see now is the Great Rock of Portugal. From there, on that rock, the little girl from Fatima ran day and night to save the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal,” the Captain said.

Minutes later, the Great Rock of Portugal showed up at the distance. The rock looking out to the sea for Moorish ships came about. 

“Ahh....there it is..! The Great Rock of Portugal where the little girl from Fatima ran and ran, day and night to save the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal..! Peter said looking at the rock getting bigger as they moved closer to the rock. 

When the Great rock of Portugal came into sight rising from the ocean below, both Peter and Sarah stood wide-eyed. 

The ocean waves below crashed against the rocky mountain with big splashes, white foamy waves sprayed up into the air. The sun rays painted the rock with golden yellows on top, and also purples, browns, and bluish colors all around.

"Wow,..! Peter said. I can see the little town of Fatima! Up there in the mountains Sarah…do you…see….it?  “Peter yelled.

"Yeah, I can see the red roofs and little white houses too, "Sarah said.

"If we could only step one day in Portugal tomorrow, "Peter said sharing his wish with Sarah.

Suddenly, the shape of the church of the Rock of Fatima rose against the blue sky. Its only tower the church rose to the air. It looked like saying hello! Or saying goodbye, Sarah said. 

Peter and Sarah waved and waved!  By then, the air was turning from hot to cool. A soft breeze was blowing already.  It was beyond midafternoon of the next day when the ship left the Great Rock of Portugal behind and the children waved goodbye to saying goodbye to the great rock of Fatima’s girl. 

Sometime later the sun had died over them and many stars blinked on the darkened sky. Dinner time came about, and it was time to hear more mariners’ stories from Captain. Their mother took them with her to their cabin to freshen up. At once again they got ready to walk back to the dining room. The table was set and at the corner, the Captain waited for his guests. Peter fidgeted excited next to Sarah for they had a thousand questions for their Captain. 

The Captain for sure knows of the White Camel, he shared with his sister. He was eager to hear from the Captain too about the camel. He was determined to look everywhere and find the White Camel, he said to Sarah. His thoughts came to an end as the Captain welcome all to his table. Speaking again he began telling his guests about the Oldest Kingdom all in Europe. 

The Kingdom of Portugal he began; it was very, very old and its King had fought valiantly too against the Moorish invaders. The king was only twelve years old more than Peter when becoming a king.

"Imagine for one second,” the Captain said, “a child, a brave child and young as Peter Carnerhill. He pointed with one hand to him and went on to say.  “Imagine yourself on a white horse and wielding your sword to defend your family and your country.” 

Peter indeed imagined himself a captain bravely fighting the Moors. He saw himself on top of his beautiful horse. He was wearing a golden armor shining under the bright sun.  On her throne, her sister Sarah, now Queen of England, sat calling his knights to defend the land! His imagination came to an end when the Captain's voice commanded his attention. Peter couldn't wait. He had a million questions to ask their Captain and his hand he pushed into the air.

"Captain Williamsmore, “Peter said a bit shy at first. But then remembering to be brave, and have courage, he spoke like a young prince. He spoke clearly for all to hear him. “Have you Captain Williams more ever heard about the White Talking Camel of the desert?  It’s a camel that walks and runs everywhere. From here to there and everywhere and nobody can see or hear him for only brave children can. That's what Mr. Bernard my friend in London says?

The Captain in his chair said. “Of course, all legends and war stories I have heard. But of course, dear Peter going many times to the desert have heard about the White Camel. I have heard that story too. Oh...a thousand times indeed! 

“However, let me tell you, my dear Peter. Unless you are a child of the brave and kind heart could never find the White Talking Camel. The King of camels indeed! They say it travels from here and there. He travels through an ocean of yellow sands. His coat turns on any color. It matches the sands at day or night time. 

“Dark at night maybe and nobody then can see it when it hides for it takes on any color or anything. All you brave children here in my table today and going to Egypt, think, look around. Even in the middle of a day, the White Camel may be near. Ah, but you cannot see.  A thousand times I heard the story. I tell you of the White Camel. Captains before me also heard of this camel!  Oh, I regret a child I can no longer be, and I would find the White Camel. Be brave like Richard the Lion Heart our King of England past and you shall see it!  

  The Captain said good night to his passengers and to rest all went.  Outside the night had fallen over the Castle-One. The ship headed quietly over the waters towards Morocco. A large and perfectly blue moon shone its pale light over the waters. Its pale silver rays like tinsel spread over the ocean in all directions when the children fell asleep.  By midnight the ship got near the Gibraltar passageway, went through the sea separating the Spaniards from the Moorish.

The Pillars of Hercules people call the strait at one time, but it stands there now like pillars of Spain. While the ship kept on going seeking route on to its final port in Cairo, both Peter and Sarah dreamed the White Camel one more time.