The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Bedtime Stories 


But later Sarah remembered about the largest band of thieves ever of Ali-Baba and of course she felt a bit scared. 

“Mom, they rode on the fastest Arabian horses, and many go to the streets of Damascus and Bagdad, they ride down from the mountains, dad read that for me Sarah said still worried." Sarah honey-pie, listen to me now. These are stories only to make books fun to read. They are fun and bedtime tales only. You have nothing to fear. Her mother said looking sweetly into her eyes. "Are we going to travel by night mom?  Peter says there are wolves in the deserts at night and they may be around too; is it true? 

"Nonsense at all Sarah, dear. Do not worry anymore. We'll travel only when at day time. Think instead of dolphins we might see in the ocean. Think of whales we'll see jumping from the sea,” her mother said, helping Sarah forget the Ali Baba thieves in her head. 

"I'll get to ride on a camel! I'm sure my father will let me do it. I'm almost a grown-up man. He won't mind me doing that mom! “Peter said cheerfully and hoped a yes would come from his mother too.

"Nonsense, Peter, nonsense at all. I won’t give you permission! Only the people from the desert travel by camels for they know how his mother said firmly.

“Are there wolves in the desert, like Peter says, mom?  Sarah asked again to clear her mind of any worries. 

“There won’t be any in the desert, honey, and your brother knows that too; don’t let Peter scare you, okay? Her mom said with her eyes on Peter’s eyes to stop him from teasing his sister.

"C'mon Sarah lets go...we don't have much time! Before we know it will be the night! Come along quickly, let’s go! Peter shouted and Sarah forgot all about her worries. She left behind her thoughts about thieves or wolves and ran with Peter. 

“It's time to explore the ship,” Peter said to Sarah. 

He could not wait to roam around; he wanted to run from here to there. He stopped by the rail and Sarah trailed behind him to say goodbye to the people below. The people stood with hands up saying goodbye to all the little down at the port. 

“Let’s find our cabin mom! Peter shouted and walk briskly to find it their mother’s cabin and once inside, they counted bunkers. “One and two and three, two bunker beds here. One on top for me! Peter pointed excitedly.  “And this one in the middle is for me,” Sarah said and jumped in there. 

“The one next to the floor it’s for mom! They said.  Peter jumped in a hurry to the highest bunker. Sarah went into the middle. They planned for her mom in the bunker closer to her. The loud hoot of the ship called for their first destination. 

“The ship will do a mail pick up; the Captain will pick mail in France and then in Portugal and then Cairo will be our final destination,” their mom explained the trip from England to Egypt and back. 

Hours later, Plymouth port vanished as the Castle-One sailed away from the port. The sun, before in front of the ship, now shone over the ship and by then, the promenading deck looked busy with many passengers on board. Families and children went walking leisurely, enjoying the warming sun. 

“It's time Sarah to see the deck above, let's go now, run,“ Peter called her.

"Oh…so much fun we’re going to have Sarah! Peter said pulling his sister’s hand and running with her. Peter and Sarah left her mother behind them, then, both came back laughing to say. 

"Look there! See the boats hanging on the side.! Sarah called his brother out this time and they ran again to look at the smokestacks; they smoked heavy darkened puffs of smoke into the air. 

Sarah came after his brother both got to count the puffs. The shorter pipe puffed white steam three times! Sarah shouted while Peter ran away to hide from her.

"Let's go below! Peter said, let's see the boilers. The steam pushes the ship on the waters. We'll see engines bigger than the biggest whales in the sea of Norway. 

“C'mon, we have to see them now,“ Peter said running already.

“We're on our way to Egypt wow! Peter said aloud. “Let's count rivet heads, look here,” he said, and they ran again. 

They looked at the smoke rising from the stack into the blue sky and Peter looked up at the sun squinting his eyes at the sky. He let the sun rays fall on his face. 

“I can’t, it makes my freckles bigger,“ Sarah yelled and both laughed running to the rail again. 

“Yes, we'll find the White Camel and ride on his back, I swear, “Peter said to Sarah.

"I'm scared, Peter. Camels bite when they get angry father says,” Sarah went saying she wouldn't ride on any camel.

"Don't be scared, Sarah. Remember just got to be brave? Just be like Tinker-Bell! We'll see the White Talking Camel, the King of Camels like Mr. Bernard said!! “Peter shouted.

“But our mom won't let us ride on a camel! Sarah shouted back. "I am not afraid of camels! 

“I'll look for the White Camel and ride all alone,” Peter said to his sister promising and crossing his heart not to be afraid and ride with him too.

“I can be his knight and he will be the King of the camels,  I'll keep my eyes open that's what Mr. Bernard,” said he yelling and running.

"But sand will hurt your eyes if you never close them! You can't do that Peter! Sarah shouted too running behind.

"He means to look round for the White Talking Camel. It might be close to us. But we may not see it if we’re scared. Promise me. Please, Sarah, don't ever, ever never say you are afraid of camels. The White Talking Camel could hear you and would never come to us,“ he reminded her sister. 

“I promise on the name of the Queen and the Crown,“ Sarah shouted to show him how brave she too could be and ran behind catching with Peter.

“Ok, cross your heart then. Now let us go see the engines. Don't be afraid. I'll ask our mother to come with us too, “Peter said already walking to face his mom. Mrs. Carnerhill rested under the shade not far from them in her chair reading a book of Egypt.

"Mother we want to see the engines room below. Can you please take us there now? Mother, please ask the Captain to give us permission,” Peter said his blue eyes staring at her mother's eyes. Their mother said no at first. Then, she agreed and smiled. They went to seek the Captain's post and request a visit to the engines room. The Captain had left the helm to this Second in command and they walked away. 

Minutes later the Carnerhill family walked to the dining area. The Captain who had heard Mrs. Carnerhill's request came to them and said, "If your mother says yes, I will personally take you.  And you too Sarah can see the steamers below.  

“Your father is a dear friend of mine. I visit him in Egypt every time I go,” The Captain said to Peter and Sarah. 

Their eyes glowed with pride. When lunch was over, the Captain took both children by their hands. Walking away to see the boilers below they went.

A half-hour later, the Captain towing the Carnerhill children each, on one hand, came back to the deck. He delivered the kids to their mom and left to his post behind the helm. It was early afternoon. The Carnerhill family walked on the upper deck for some time again. 

After dinner time the family went back to their cabin for the rest of the night. The children were tucked in bed. Then, their mother read tales of Egypt for them. 

Outside a full moon followed the ship moving slowly. Its hulls cutting the dark ocean water into white foamy sprays. The children closed their eyes and their mom kissed them good night. 

The next day, the children jumped from their bunker beds. They rubbed their sleepy eyes to see it all through the ship’s portholes.  After breakfast, they quickly went up to the deck. They explored with excitement every inch of it. They met other children aboard and played many games and together they ran from one end of the CastleOne to the other.  

They explored the ship asking questions. Their mother a few feet away sat on a chair and smiled pleased with them. Noontime came soon. The Captain took the children to his post. Once there he let Peter and Sarah get hands-on his "helm".  Peter's head filled with images as the new Captain of the biggest ship of England.  

That night Peter dreamed to be the captain on a ship of the Crown of England. Peter held the Captain's helm and Sarah was his Second in command. 

“Aye, Aye, Sir,” she said and their ship sailed away to Egypt. To the pyramids of Pharaohs of Egypt! Peter ordered and went away.

Once in Egypt, they traveled on the back of the White Talking Camel while they deeply slept cuddled in their bunkers and dreaming and dreaming again.