The Embellisher by E.C. Garcia - HTML preview

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Lukas insists I take the time to eat something before we continue our journey.

“You will need all your strength,” he says.

Only after he tells me he’s going to reveal information about my brother I have no appetite.

We end up sitting in the outside patio of a Bountiful Burger joint two blocks away from my house. I order my favorite Western Fiesta Party burger; double bacon, extra cheddar cheese, fried mushroom, chili, and onion. I’m not hungry but the smell of it convinces my taste buds to not let it go to waste. I open my mouth wide enough to jam in the packed burger and just as I’m about to take a bite I see Lukas staring at me with an uneasy look on his face.

“What now?” I ask.

“You are going to eat that?” he asks.

“I was planning on it. You told me I needed to eat something.”

“Well yes. But I must admit I thought you would choose a nice plate of fresh greens with smoked salmon. Or perhaps a bowl of assorted nuts and seeds with a side of celery stalks and grapes.”

I look at him like he’s crazy. “Yeaaahh. I don’t know how to tell you this but… I’m an American,” I declare, “and if there’s one thing we know how to do it’s eat.”

He looks confused. “Do what you must. Your diet will surely change soon.”

I’m not sure what he means by this but if he’s telling me I’ll have to give up greasy food then I’m going to enjoy every last piece of this burger. I go in for a bite again.

“You know that is most likely not real meat you are consuming?” he interrupts.

“Oh geez!” I shout and drop the burger down on its wrapper. “C’mon Lukas!”

“What?” he asks innocently.

“You just ruined a Party Burger for me, for life. I hope you’re happy.”

“Well I am pleased that you are not going to attempt to eat that,” he admits.

I look at Lukas and forget about the burger. “So are you going to tell me about Nathan?”


Lukas has me drive him to the local farmer’s market where he asks me to purchase grapes, fresh bread, and wild honey. We pull off to the side of a road that offers an opening to a trail that leads into the woods.

We hike far enough to be secluded and out of sight from any people. Then Lukas finds two large boulders sitting in the middle of an open area of trees and he decides I should sit and eat.

“Come, enjoy,” he says.

He picks up a jagged rock from the ground, pulls out the bread, and easily cuts through the loaf to make slices. He uses the same rock to dip into the jar of honey and spreads a small amount lightly across the top of the bread.

“It is important for you to remember how to survive off of the land. Humans have become so spoiled by convenience that they have forgotten it is possible to live without luxuries.” says Lukas. “This lifestyle they have chosen to live will only work to their disadvantage when everything disappears.”

He hands me the bread slice and then reaches for the bag of grapes to pass them to me. Before I eat he says a prayer giving thanks for the meal before us.

“You’re not going to eat?” I ask him.

“I do not get hungry,” he states.

He looks around us and takes in a deep breath of the fresh air. “This is much more pleasant,” he smiles. “Zenny, many things will need to change in your life if you want to continue to see the truth.”

“Like what?”

“Several things. Your diet, the media you expose yourself to, and no more self-inhibiting substances,” he says.

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“I believe humans call them “drugs”. When you consume them you lose control of your mind. You lose yourself. And when you lose yourself there is a good chance something else will find you. Do you understand?” he asks.

I instantly recall the night at the party. I had looked into the mirror and saw something I’ve been trying to forget. My own reflection had become something wicked, I was no longer myself. I know exactly what he’s talking about because I’ve experienced the moment where evil looks you straight in the eye and knows it has you wrapped around its finger.

“Yes,” I say, “I understand.”


I bite into the bread with honey and as I chew I pop a grape into my mouth. It’s actually quite tasty; nothing like my Party burger but it will satisfy me.

“Zenny,” says Lukas as I finish chewing, “you are aware of the occupation Nathan held in New York City, am I correct?”

“Yeah,” I say wiping a dot of honey off my mouth, “he was a stock broker’s assistant, but once he graduated he was going to work for one of the largest banks in the city.”

“And do you know of the people he was involved with?” he asks.

“He didn’t talk about his colleagues very often. He did mention that they had connections to some powerful people. Last time I spoke to him he said some of his friends were going to initiate him into their exclusive society. The whole thing seemed really weird. I told him it sounded like a cult, but he was excited about it.”

“Your brother was working with the heirs of some of the richest magnates in America,” he says. “Their fathers are men with great involvement in government or they have influence over major industries like finance, oil, technology, entertainment and commerce. Nathan was among some of the most privileged men that can claim their families have had some effect on the shaping of this world’s history.”

I consider this for a moment.

“Nathan wasn’t raised like any of those men,” I say. “He used to despise pretentious men like that.”

“You also know that your brother was quite brilliant and well aware of his knowledgeable worth. These men knew this as well. Your brother was mindful of his abilities and knew he could contribute to their group. Although he never had any intentions of attaining their characteristics he knew that assisting them could be very profitable,” says Lukas.

“Are you saying he was a sell-out?” I ask. I realize this conversation that I’ve longed for is quickly turning into one I might dread.

“One thing to remember as I tell you the truth is that throughout his time in New York your brother’s most obvious fear was that you and your mother would not be taken care of while he was away. God knew this and now I have been given this awareness as well. Nathan and his actions were always inspired by the love and concern he had for his family.”

“Yeah,” I say, “that sounds like Nathan.”

“At first Nathan saw these men as young, innovative moguls and was intrigued by their fearlessness. And in the beginning these men saw the opportunity, strategy, and ideas Nathan could bring them. It seemed that it would have been a promising relationship for both sides. That is until your brother discovered the true intentions of their society.”

Lukas stands to his feet and starts pacing around me. His expressions are somber.

“Listen carefully. These men, his colleagues,” he starts, “they report to their fathers with information of world developments and opportunities that arise in this generation. They can act as investigators and report back to their leaders. Then their leaders go on to pursue a plan for an unseen chief commander, our biggest adversary. They use their money, authority, and information they have been given to develop a plan of action to gain world dominance; all stimulated by the Beast. The enemy’s minions are ones you may know by name; they are hungry for power and consumed by greed. Several of them are aware that they are doing the work for a higher malignant authority. But many of them have been so blinded that they believe the idea of conquering transpired from their skill awareness. Through pride and arrogance they have actually convinced themselves that the world would be in a better state if they had complete control. Now hear this; God has claimed His dominion over Earth from the beginning, and any craving for world authority by any other force besides the Lord is provoked by the devil himself.”

I have to interrupt Lukas. All of this information is overwhelming and kind of scary. I’m not sure I completely understand it.

“So what are you saying,” I ask, “that soon rich men are going to take over the world?”

“Has that not happened already?” he asks. “Oh Zenny, it is so much more than that. Everything happening on your planet right now was prophesied by God. He knew humans would sin against Him and He knew that His first fallen angel would stop at nothing to gain supremacy; his grand attempt will happen soon. It is in the making right now. You will be a witness to the rise of the beast and it is he who will turn the world into something it has never been before. So far all the destruction and chaos the enemy has caused has only been in preparation for what is to come. A new world order is in the making.”

“And Nathan knew this was going to happen?” I ask.

“Your brother was wise but did not know the danger of what he was exploring. Nathan was exposed to information and people that tried to disguise their objective, but eventually he discovered that something was not right. Let me show you,” says Lukas.

He walks over to me and places his hand over my eyes to cover them, and slowly but surely a picture appears.  

I can see a boardroom filled with people in matching black suits. On each of their breast pockets there is an emblem of a small pinecone sewn in gold thread. At least twenty men sit in leather cushioned chairs around a long table. I look around the area and among the crowded room I see Nathan sitting in the far corner.

I freeze and stop breathing for a moment. I’m immediately tempted to call out for him, then I hear Lukas’s voice, “He cannot see you Zenny. This is only a recollection.”

It takes everything inside of me to hold myself back and not scream. I remain silent and still. I watch him carefully as he takes a sip from the glass of water sitting in front of him. I haven’t seen my brother close-up in so long; all I want to do is run to give him a hug.

“This idea of collaboration,” says a young man standing at the front of the room. I’m startled by his booming voice and it seems I have come into the picture right in the middle of one of their meetings.

The man continues, “Connection between advanced technology and identity protection would not only serve the people who have been victims of this invasive theft, but it would also benefit businesses that have lost millions trying to repair the damage caused by such intrusion.”

Everyone in the room begins to clap and cheer once this man stops talking. His blonde hair is slicked back by greasy hair product and he has sparkling blue eyes that shine as he smiles at the crowd. The men who sit next to him pat him on the back as he sits down to join the rest of the members.

All of the men seem thrilled by this recent idea, all except Nathan who sits quietly in the corner. With his elbow rested on the table he rubs his forehead with his hand as if he is trying to suppress a headache. No one seems to notice but then the young man who was speaking sees his discomfort.

“Something wrong brother Nathan?” he asks.

Nathan looks up quickly; unaware he was now the center of attention. He takes in a deep breath and lets out a slow sigh.

“It all seems great Trent, really it does,” says Nathan, “but I’m having a hard time understanding why you’ve decided that this is the most effective way to end identity theft?”

“And why is that?” asks Trent.

“Your suggestion would require international transition; it would affect billions of people. If what you’re saying is true…”

“Do you think I’m lying?” Trent interrupts.

“Of course not. Although from my understanding we now have the technology that is radical enough to provide a summarized breakdown of a person’s life history, medical records, and finances by simply scanning the microchip that will be embedded under their skin. And you’re suggesting it’s time to make a push for everyone to have this installed.”

“Indeed,” says Trent. He looks away and begins to gather his paperwork from the tabletop, making his disinterest in Nathan’s comment obvious.

“However,” Nathan carries on, “I’m having a hard time believing we’re not capable of a less drastic approach. If we do have access to the finest technology and its creators then surely we can find at least a few IT prodigies that can develop anti-malware software efficient enough to withhold the attacks of any computer hacker trying to retrieve private information. If there are people willing to fund the installation of microchips into the skin of a human then I think they’ll consider the less invasive alternative of an exceptional computer software defense that can be sold to companies worldwide for a generous profit.” 

“Well, you didn’t let me finish,” says Trent. “The microchips are more efficient and will always ensure successful protection. People may also be given the choice to have a customized permanent imprint that will be coded with their assigned identity number. It will be the tattoo trend of the century!” he exclaims.

Soft laughter spreads throughout the room. It appears the man speaking is the President or the one in charge and they all look nervous when Nathan questions him.

“Like a barcode?” asks Nathan. “You think people, human beings, should be scanned like a cup of fruit yogurt?”

“I would much rather compare myself to the likes of the beefiest turkey jerky,” says Trent. He starts to laugh and when the other men see this they join in.

 “The objective, Nathaniel, is to protect the people and businesses so their assets remain safe. These attacks are becoming more frequent and we may need to take an extreme approach in order to stop them completely. With this marking people will be able to live comfortably knowing that they’re safe.”

“It just doesn’t seem feasible to me,” says Nathan. “What if some people refuse to have the chip installed?”

“They’ll do it if they have no other choice,” says Trent loudly and defiantly.

Nathan stares at Trent and doesn’t blink. Trent glares at him from across the room and smiles mischievously. All the other men look down at the table and the room stays silent.

“Awkward,” I whisper out loud.

No one budges. As soon as I mumble Nathan breaks his glare from Trent and looks directly in the corner where I’m standing. He looks disturbed and gazes around the area like he is looking for something. Can he hear me?


“I think he heard me,” I say to Lukas.

As soon as he removes his hand from my eyes the picture of Nathan disappears.

“That is unlikely,” says Lukas, “that was one of Nathan’s memories from a long time ago. In fact it was the moment Nathan decided to probe into the society and their history. He began asking questions to elder members and they detected his curiosity; this made the members tense and hostile towards him. Then after certain discoveries your brother decided to try to end his ties with them. Nathan had come to me for advice on what to do and I told him to get as far away from them as possible. Your brother had no idea how dangerous these men are and from my own experience of challenging those that have been given dark authority I know they have ways of destroying a person and their life. They can turn people against you. They will tell lies about you and make you seem crazy or vindictive. They will threaten to murder your entire family if you do not stay silenced and do as they say.”

Lukas turns to have his back towards me. “And in a situation where they sense someone is a volatile threat,” he pauses, “they will find a way to end the life of the human completely… and they have ways of making it look like an accident.

Lukas stares ahead into the distance and whispers, “At least they could never take my soul.”

I’ve stopped breathing. Suddenly I’m grateful Lukas made me eat something. The energy from the food inside me is the only thing keeping me from fainting right now.

“Zenny, your brother did not kill himself, he was murdered,” Lukas continues. “Nathan knew these men would come after you and your mother if he did not surrender, but he also knew they would not believe him if he said he would remain silent. Your brother, in an act of courage, confronted these men and told him everything he had discovered about their operations. He knew that they would kill him after this and hoped that his demise would end any of their urges to hurt his family.”

“Lukas we have to stop them! They killed Nathan!” I yell riotously. “That’s what you’re saying, right? That is what you’re trying to tell me isn’t it? What do we do? We have to stop them!”

“We cannot stop them Zenny,” he says calmly. “Only God can stop them. And He has declared these things shall pass. Everything He has prophesied will surely come true.”

“Why? Why would He let these things happen? People are dying!”

I’m angry. Infuriated with Lukas for his honesty and upset with God for allowing my brother to be killed.

“When we fall and cut ourselves could He heal our bleeding wound in an instant? Of course he could. But when it slowly heals and then leaves a deep scar each time we look at it we are reminded of the pain we endured when we fell into danger. We learn from this and we do everything in our power to evade the things that have caused us such pain. I do not question His resolutions but that is what I make of this.”

I want to scream as he finishes with another riddle. Lukas wraps his arms around me to hug me and I begin to cry.

“You must trust Him,” he says.

“Trust Him? My brother is dead! Nathan didn’t have a chance to learn from any mistake. He was murdered before he ever had a chance.”

Lukas slowly lets me go. “And you blame God for this?” he asks.

Now I seem to have upset him.

“Humans invited sin into their world, Zenny. As a result they now live in a place that holds pain and sorrow. And still they blame God for their mistakes and ask why He does not clean up the mess they have made.”

I stay quiet because deep down I know Lukas is right. I was one of those people who blamed God for the world’s pain because it is easier than putting the blame on ourselves.

“Many humans refuse to embrace His reign of goodness because they do not want to face judgment but many have forgotten that it is inevitable.” says Lukas. “If they only knew that the reign of terror is what they have welcomed. It has already begun and the world is getting worse. More violence, hate, and anguish are emerging each day. In the end all people will see what they have done; there will be more horror than anyone has ever seen before. People will run to God and cry for Him when they realize they were wrong and some will remain stubborn and trapped in their ways.”

“Then why did He let us make these mistakes in the first place?” I ask curiously. “Why doesn’t He just choose for us? That way we would’ve never had the chance to ruin what He had planned for us,” I say.

“Free will is a magnificent gift, Zenny. Would you rather be like a robot without the ability to experience life, happiness, and most importantly…love?” he asks.

“No.” I sniffle and look down to the ground. Tear drops fall from my eyes onto the dirt beneath me, forming small mud clumps along the ground.

“Couldn’t he at least get rid of all temptations? If we are sinful by nature then why doesn’t he get rid of all the traps?” I ask.

Lukas is silent for a moment. He walks over to me and lifts my head with his fingertip.

“Zenny, I believe that this temporary life is a test. He wants to find the ones that are strong enough to find their way around the traps, because it is very possible to avoid them as long as He is with you and you are with Him. To the devoted ones He promises victory and an everlasting life of pure bliss. A life without sin, death, and sorrow, the life He wanted us to have. He does not want any more fallen angels. Through the tragic events He has predicted the unleashed evil will cause, He will turn it into a chance to filter out all unfit souls so that only the most faithful and purest hearts will join Him in His Kingdom after He conquers all evil.”

Finally this is starting to make sense. I stare at Lukas hoping he won’t stop speaking.

“This battle of good and evil is going on all around you and it has been going on since the beginning of time.” Lukas continues, “The great deceiver has heard of some of God’s plans and has many tricks he will use to cause doubt; taking God’s gift of Christ and making it his own, revising His words and turning His story into a mockery. He uses supposed men of God to lead people astray. Evil has even created conflicting beliefs but there is only one God.”

“Then how do you explain that to all the other religions?” I ask anxiously.

“We do not know religion; this ideology was created by our adversary to divide, deceive, and conquer. The enemy wants to claim souls and he will do whatever it takes. God wants His people to return home and will also do what is necessary”

“There are so many people Lukas, so many who don’t believe,” I cry.

“Pray for the ones who think they have outwitted God. They are victims of the enemy’s plan. Pray for the ones who simply don’t know Him. Each of us is born with a sense of our Creator but many have lost this link because they trust the world instead of trusting Him. They will need more faith than any to be saved. Once they have become blinded they will never see Him. Pray for a miracle, that if they refuse to open their eyes, then instead let them feel His presence through an open heart. It may be the only way to bring them back. You think this life is all you have and once you expire then everything ends, but it is only the beginning. Zenny, you must decide where you will spend your eternity.”

My entire body starts to tremble. The discovery that Nathan was murdered trying to protect us is enough to cause me to collapse. I want to know where my brother’s soul has ended up. I want to know everything he discovered. I want to know the truth.

“Lukas I’m ready,” I say with the most courage I’ve had since I met him. “I’m ready to see everything He wants to show me.”