The Embellisher by E.C. Garcia - HTML preview

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The Ugly Truth and a Mission

Over the next several hours God allows Lukas to show me the world without its veil and He takes me to different places around the world. Each time I close my eyes and then slowly open them I’m effortlessly transported to another destination; giving more than enough indication of how He can do anything. To Him nothing is impossible. 

Our first stop is Phoenix, then Orlando, followed by Sydney and then Venice. In each place I notice a haunting pattern even though they rest in different areas around the globe.

“You will see the evil humans have welcomed because it now roams the earth,” whispers Lukas.

Hundreds to thousands of people fill the cities and they stride around living their lives, unaware of the unseen realm around them.

I watch as black hazes hover near the crowds. At first they look like a small swarm of bees moving wildly around different people. But as Lukas walks me closer to the dark mists time slows down, and I see the frightening creatures that plague every city.

The cloud appearance is only made by the swift movements of the creatures who are moving so quickly they seem like a blur. But now I see that they are actually small, beast-like animals. They have the body of a bat with the face of a demon. Their skin is badly wrinkled and covered in sores while their mouths are stained with blood. They have teeth like a bear that have started to decay and are a mix of brown and yellow colors. Their eyes are small but I can see from where I stand that they are blood-red.

“What is that?” I ask Lukas.

“It’s a Venopar. Demons sent to earth by the enemy. They influence the thoughts of humans. They are small but they have been given a lot of dark power.” 

I watch as these creatures fly to different people in the crowd and stop near their heads to whisper something in their ear. I see one stop near a man who has just been accidently bumped into by another pedestrian. At first he does not seem bothered, but as the Venopar whispers to him I see the man quickly become angered. He confronts the man who bumped him and they begin arguing.

Another Venopar targets a teenager sitting on a bench. As soon as he flies away from the young boys head the boy stands up from his seat and makes his way towards and elderly woman standing near a stoplight. I watch as he sneakily reaches his hand into her purse and swipes her wallet. Each time the creature succeeds in persuading a human a small pool of blood appears on the ground. The Venopar quickly dives to the puddle and extends its long snake-like tongue to lap up every last drop.

The next Venopar targets a woman pushing a stroller with a child in it. I worry about what they could influence her to do. The creature whispers and then leaves her side. I see her pause in her tracks. She looks around for a moment but then keeps walking.

The creature seems to have noticed her resistance because it flies back towards her and has brought two other Venopars with it to surround her. All three of them whisper to her simultaneously, yet she continues to walk without being affected. Their ugly faces look livid and just as another set of Venopars come to join the attack against the woman a bright light comes beaming down from the sky. Whatever it is has managed to strike all the Venopars surrounding her, squashing them like bugs. I watch as the creatures lay lifeless on the ground. One of them twitches and lets out a loud hiss before it stops moving. Then their bodies begin to dissolve and turn to ash.

I watch as the bright light takes form into a human silhouette. As the light fades I see what looks to be a regular woman dressed in normal attire standing right in front of us. No one in the entire city seems to notice what has just happened.

The woman begins to walk across the street towards me and Lukas and just before she passes by she smiles at the both of us and winks.

“Nice shot,” says Lukas as she walks by and disappears into the crowd of people.

“What the heck was that?” I ask excitedly.

“Angels drop in from time to time. Some have better timing than others.”

“How come that lady was able to resist the Venopars?” I ask.

“God is with her. Even though she is more susceptible to attacks she also has a very strong support system,” says Lukas while smiling.

Our next stops are Paris, Los Angeles, and then New York City. Lukas tells me how these major cities developed the standards of beauty and success; standards created by man but influenced by the enemy.

“The emphasis on things that are superficial leads to the outpour of vanity, greed, and the feeling of inferiority among the individuals who feel incapable of achieving that standard,” he says. “Then the enemies plan took off as people became distracted by striving for these things instead of seeking a relationship with God. People now want beauty, glamour, power, and wealth. He uses his puppets to help entice people into this lifestyle.”

I’m shown Leila O’Hare singing in a studio recording songs for her next album. The smell of death lingers in the room. It’s making me feel sick. Circling around her head are three Venopars and they all look pleased with themselves.

 Lukas tells me that inside the lyrics of her songs lay hidden messages.

“Dark forces have overwhelmed the entertainment industry for many years,” says Lukas. “The puppets that lure people to the enemy will sometimes be discreet in their conversion from light into darkness. They disguise themselves as different characters so they will be adored. Sadly they have sold their soul for worldly riches. They are vain and convinced of their significance. They think they are God, but in Paradise they are forgotten.”

Lukas looks sad as he speaks these next words. “The gift God has given them has been compromised when they left Him. Now if they try to leave the enemy's side they will see their talent disappear, because they promised to worship the Beast. They think they have been found worthy by this world but they are his slaves now. Demons whisper into their ear through the day and every night. The voices in their head tell them what to do, what to say, and how to act. Only some of them will notice themselves changing. The darkness will slowly consume them and the light inside them will no longer shine. It is these puppets who will mourn the loudest when they discover the truth. All their treasures will be taken away in the blink of an eye as will the promises the enemy has made them, because they do not realize he is the great deceiver.”

As I glance at Leila one more time I see her differently. The beautiful starlet that I had found captivating now has dark shadows across her face and there is something dull in her demeanor. Her eyes have lost their sparkle. The smile spread across her face is being worn like a mask to hide her misery.

Then Lukas takes me into a discreet meeting between unknown executives. They are discussing plans to increase their profits by using the talented ones however they pleased. They will mold them and shape them into lucrative figures that produce lust, vulgarity, and envy. The room is completely dark and the smell is overwhelming. I wonder how they see or breathe but they don’t seem to notice.

Suddenly another figure walks into the room. I recognize this man; he’s the popular R&B artist named Katrelic. The executives rise to shake his hand and they all look pleased to see him. Katrelic looks different from the others in the room. I see that he glows radiantly.

“What is he doing with these people?” I ask.

“God has His own plans for us. He places His followers where He needs them even if it is among the malicious ones. This artist is a man of God and he has been chosen to battle the wicked from the inside. Katrelic will use his talent for good rather than evil.”

“Isn’t that a little risky?”

“It is one of the most difficult tasks to not lose sight of who you are in his type of lifestyle. It will always be a challenge for him. But if he survives by faith, regardless of his surroundings, he will be graciously welcomed into the Kingdom.”

I listen as the executives try to convince Katrelic to record a duet with Leila. They offer him an amount of money that is more than I will likely make in a lifetime. He shakes his head and respectfully declines their offer as he excuses himself from the room. 

Our next stop is Tokyo where a private meeting has commenced. Rulers and religious leaders from around the world have come together. The entire room is dark with black smog and I can’t breathe due to the devastating stench. No one else in the room seems to be bothered. 

Representatives of different countries sit in one room for a formal discussion. There are also people in the room who do not look to be government officials, yet still hold a sense of power.

I watch closely and try to make sense of what they’re saying.

They are speaking of plans that will affect the entire world. Tactics to unite every nation and encourage disarmament seem to be a continued discussion. One nation in particular stresses the desire to develop a world with only one government, one religion, and one ruler. But determining the power that will be left in charge is the strongest debate and causes tension between the people in the room.     

“What is this Lukas?” I ask.

Lukas speaks, “Do not worry. For He knew this would happen and says these things shall pass. You cannot stop them, do not attempt to try, for they have killed all who try to interrupt their schemes. Stay away from those who push for a new world order. You will know them by the things they say and by the symbols and colors that they use. They have many minions and even work subtly to conquer. They keep many secrets from the people but they are always watching and listening so that no secrets are kept from them. They have ways to manipulate for desired results. Tragedies occur that humans see as accidents. However, the spiritual world sees all premeditated evil. They have purposely caused sickness, attacks of terror, and destruction throughout history to create fear among humans so that they will run to them when the worst horror strikes. Watch as they use religious leaders to betray the masses because people believe these “Holy” ones should be trusted, yet they have been a part of their plan all along. Beware of these men.” 

Then Lukas proceeds to cover my eyes once again as God shows me in a flash of images all the disturbing events that will soon transpire and the trials that will change the world forever.

Lukas narrates as the fate of the world is shown before my eyes.

“There will be global changes,” says Lukas.

I watch as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes strike continuously and begin to destroy the earth. 


People filled with hate continue to slay thousands of innocent people. They bring out their guns and any weapon they have to attack them by surprise.

I see a war break out; thousands of soldiers fighting and men in green uniforms attempt to dominate God’s Holy land of Israel.

“World War III has erupted,” he explains.

Another flash and I see thousands of people rise into the sky and then rest upon the clouds away from the terror that has stricken the earth. 

“God will save His people that have endured some of the great tribulation.”

I then see many people claiming to be the Messiah.

“False prophets,” says Lukas. They perform miracles and heal wounded or sick people. But as I look at their hands I see that they have the claws of a dragon.

Then I see a man. He hails from a land in Europe. He’s handsome, powerful, and speaks promises of redemption and peace to the world, claiming he can do what God cannot.

“The rise of the antichrist will turn people against each other, even away from their own families.”

Then this man sits on a throne in front of a crowd of thousands of people and they all begin to cheer.

“His evil will be released among the planet for forty-two months and it will be a type of evil we’ve never seen before,” says Lukas.

I watch as the entire world starts to become dark. The sun fades away and we are left in blackness without a single star to shine above us. Fire shoots into the air from all directions and then everything becomes silent.

Lukas removes his hands from my eyes and we are now standing near a cliff that rests above a beautiful ocean.

I struggle to catch my breath. For a second I feel dazed and I wonder if this is all a dream. I pinch myself hard enough that the pain lingers for a few minutes.

 “When exactly is this going to happen?” I ask quietly still in shock from everything I have just seen.

“Only He knows that. He has already given humans the signs that the time is near. Look into the sky where He communicates with His people through the stars, the sun, and the moon. Observe the changes in the earth and be mindful of alterations at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.”

 “What am I supposed to do now?” I ask helplessly. “He’s shown me all these revelations, but there’s obviously nothing I can do to stop it from happening.”

 “Soon He will speak to you. He will show you a glimpse of your paradise where departed saints now rest,” says Lukas. “Study His words carefully and pray for understanding. Just as evil uses symbols the good of the universe has a language of their own, and those who do not know Him will not understand it. The events that He prophesied that would warn of the end of the age have already begun. We are running out of time and must move quickly. I must reveal your mission.”

I slowly sit down on the grass that covers the cliff. I'm prepared to listen but shivering from the thought of what he might say next. 

“They call you “The Embellisher,” and He has given you the gift of telling stories,” says Lukas. “Over the next several years that is what you will do for Him. You are to travel the world and share your story. You are to tell everyone of everything He has told you and everything He will show you. Share it with all His people so that they can be reminded of why they are here. Help us save them and bring them home.”

I stare at Lukas with a baffled look.

“Lukas,” I stutter, “I’m not sure if you know this but my reputation as a storyteller isn’t exactly noble. People call me a liar because I tend to exaggerate the truth.”

“And what part of this story requires exaggeration?” he asks.

He’s right. My story, the one I’m living right now, requires no embellishment. It is incredible enough as it is.

“What if they don’t believe me?” I ask.

“You have been chosen Zenny,” he says. “Do not lie or embellish from here on out. It does not please Him and it is not necessary. But you must know that when He gives you a mission to start He will be with you until the finale. Trust Him. If He chose you then He knows you will do good things for Him.”

I stay quiet and try to make sense of everything.

“I know this may be a lot for you to understand,” says Lukas, “but there is one more thing you must know.”

I look up at him amazed that the news just keeps on coming.

 “When the time comes for God to take His people away from the horror that will strike the earth…you will not be taken with the rest,” he says.

I feel a wave of nausea pass over me.

“What? Why?” I shout in confusion. “God is going to leave me here? I thought He chose me? Why won’t I be saved with the others?”

“Think about it Zenny,” he says. “If He had not intervened you would have given up. You were about to end your life without even considering Him for help. You were blessed to have Him interrupt your plans but because you did not make an effort to seek Him you will be left in this world to become a witness to the lost souls. You will endure the troubles prophesied. He will use you and your testimony to save many people.”

 “I don’t know if I can do this,” I mutter. I stand up slowly. “Why would I want to live in a world that is destined to be destroyed? And I’ll have to experience everything…”

“Zenny,” starts Lukas, “you of all people should know how to see the beauty that still remains in this world. It is not over yet. Each day is a blessing and I would hope that everything you have seen would encourage you to live life to the fullest and never take another breath for granted.”

“I’m scared Lukas,” I admit.

“Every single human has the strength needed to endure what is to come and you hold the power to stand up for what you believe in. But only you can choose how you will leave this world. You will surrender or you will fight, if not for yourself then for others.”

I don’t know why I keep questioning God’s actions. It seems He has a plan for everything and everyone. He has this remarkable way of turning something bad into something good. I may not always understand His plan for me but it has to be better than one I could come up with on my own.

Instantly I’m urged to ask Lukas the question that still has me puzzled.

“Why did He choose me Lukas? I’m nothing special. I’m not the smartest, or the strongest, or the most beautiful, so why me?”

“He loves you regardless of what the world has led you to believe about yourself,” says Lukas, “and to Him you are very special. Perhaps He wants to show you and everyone that He can use even the simplest ones to do great things. Or perhaps He knows how much you admire and respect His creations. Even if you did not know him you still saw Him through everything you set your eyes on. You have a kind heart that just needs to be renewed. I would not put it past Him to believe all these things come to mind when He thinks of you.”

Lukas pauses for a moment and looks up into the sky. He smiles and looks back at me. “Even with all the stars in the sky He has never lost sight of you.”

Lukas steps towards me and without giving me time to think he asks, “And so, Miss Zenny Moone, will you accept His mission?”

Everything becomes quiet and still. This is a moment where the boundaries of a person’s faith are really tested. I realize that maybe this is what separates the weak believers from the strong ones. Faith should have no boundaries and it should be limitless.

I let go of all my uncertainties and squander my anxiety. I remain silent for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” I start responding to Lukas. His look of hope begins to fade away as I continue and look up to the sky where I believe He is.

“I’m sorry… for my hesitation. I’m sorry I wasn’t listening. I know that you’ve been trying to get my attention for some time now. You tried to stop things from getting worse and I ignored You. Please forgive me…for everything. God, there is no doubt or fear in my mind that will keep me from doing this for You.”

Just as soon as I’m done speaking these words I hear the flutter, the mystical one that only accompanies a Monapun butterfly. As I’m looking towards the clouds it comes into view as if dropping from the Heavens. It glides from side to side and then slowly drifts down and makes its way to land on my shoulder.


Dear God,

After I made contact with the Monapun my mind drifted to another place. I felt myself lift into the air, but as I looked to the ground below I watched as my body remained lying on the grassy cliff near Lukas.

For a moment all I saw was light. Then a rainbow slowly emerged and it glistened like a stone of emerald. I could only look at it for a moment because the light surrounding it was brighter and more blinding than the sun.

That’s when they appeared. They said they were the elders.

They wore white robes and gold crowns on their heads.

I knelt down before them because I could sense their holiness, but they told me to stand. Then they removed their crowns and tossed them into a nearby sea that seemed to be filled with crystals.

They tell me that they speak on behalf of their Lord, the One who saved our souls.

They remind me of the danger I will encounter and tell me that soon I will need to leave my home, because if I stay my mother will no longer be safe.

I accept their warnings and remained content.

I asked them, “Why does the world deceive us?”

They respond with only two words: Lost Souls.

Then they lead me to a large golden door that sat near the side of the rainbow.

“Come and see,” they said synchronously.

As they guided me through the doorway, as soon as I stepped into the other side I found myself standing on the front porch of a small quaint cottage. 

I could hear many birds singing and the soothing sound of tinkling wind chimes blowing in a cool breeze.

The crashing noise of strong ocean waves was near and when I looked ahead of me I saw an open beach with a long coastline. The water was shimmering as if it was filled with diamonds and it glistened under the bright light from the sky, although I saw no sun, only fluffy clouds scattered everywhere.

The water was so clear I could see the bottom of the ocean floor from where I stood. I saw the fish underwater swimming near the shore. They were ones that I’ve never seen before, not even belonging to the kingdom of the peculiar fish found in the deep sea. Their scales were of colors not known to man. I watched as one of the fish jumped high out of the water and then flew away into the distance.

Then as I turned to look behind the cottage I saw that the scenery was filled by a dense forest. Packed with skyscraping pine trees and large bushes filled with colorful berries. Behind the pines I could see in the distance a large mountain that held a gushing waterfall.

As if things couldn’t get any more spectacular and unusual, when I turned to the right I saw the setting of a tropical jungle. Thousands of trees and tropical flora covered the land and in the midst of all of them was a river. Its path stretched downhill and its water trickled into the ocean that was ahead of the cottage.

That’s when I saw Calvin. My pet rabbit that I had when I was a child had passed away after being attacked by a neighborhood cat. He was now only fifty feet away from me clearly alive and well, peacefully nibbling on a tropical flower near the river.

I watched in amazement as he hopped playfully from flower to flower and his black fur shined like he was a newborn. I slowly began to walk towards him until I saw the trees near him start to shake. Something was hiding behind them.

In an instant I saw a large animal jump out towards Calvin. To my dismay it was a leopard. His paw was the size of Calvin’s entire body. His spots were perfectly spaced and his eyes were a bright blue.

As beautiful as the creature was I feared for Calvin’s life. Calvin didn’t seem to fear the large beast at all. He continued munching on the flowers as the leopard slowly walked towards him. The leopard lowered his head towards Calvin’s and sniffed the side of his ear. I expected a swift attack but the large cat continued to walk past the rabbit and made its way to the river to start drinking the running water.

I watched in amazement as Calvin hopped his way close to the leopard and then he casually sat next to him and started drinking the water as well. 

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’m pretty sure I did both.

Then I heard someone calling my name. As I looked towards the coastline I saw a young woman in a beautiful white dress. She was waving and smiling at me.

At first I did not recognize her but something inside of me assured me that it was my grandmother. She had passed away many years ago and was now standing before me as a young woman in perfect health.

Although she stood far away I could hear her speaking to me.

“I miss you my love,” she said, “when you get here there is so much I want to show you.” She then bolted into the air and began flying through the clouds. As I watched her I saw several others also playing in the sky.

Many children along with adults were bouncing from cloud to cloud. Some even rested on top of the white puffs and looked snuggled into their folds.

I noticed flickers of colorful lights were filling the sky.

When I looked out into the horizon I saw a palace floating above the sea, one that looked to be made entirely of gold. It was so far away yet its structure was like a prism that reflected shimmers of light all around us. When I listened closely I could hear music. The most beautiful music I have ever heard and it was coming from inside the walls of the castle.

I wanted to be there.

And in the blink of an eye I found myself standing before the castle surrounded by hundreds of people. It looked like a town square where many angels and saints came together and they were in the middle of some sort of jubilee. Everyone was dancing and singing songs of praise to their Creator.

The children held hands and spun around in circles, even floating into the air together before softly landing on the ground. The adults, who never appeared to be aged older than twenty-five, were dancing together in a classic waltz and were also floating mid-air as they held onto each other. I’ve never seen so many people filled with pure joy.

When I looked passed the crowd towards the entrance of the palace I saw a gigantic golden gate. The rods were decorated with emeralds, diamonds, pearls, rubies, and other jewels I have never seen. It was sealed by a lock that had carvings on it, cryptic writing that was indescribable. No one could enter the Kingdom since the lock was secured. 

“When will the gates open?” I asked a man dancing nearby.

“Soon,” he said, and then he smiled and continued to dance.

And then I heard the elder’s voices again. All the images around me started to fade and everything was white.

The elders told me to prepare my heart so that I may receive a message from the Son of Man.

I shut my eyes and almost immediately heard these words:

“Soon you will be with me as I will be with you, and we will all be together. But for now my friend, know that I will be by your side forevermore.”

When I returned back to my reality on earth I was lying on the ground and I could hear myself repeating these words:  “And to the Lamb forever, and ever.”

I said this three times before I stood up quickly feeling rejuvenated. Full of energy and full of life.

I wanted to find the truth. You have shown me what I asked for.

I have seen paradise; it is more than I imagined it would be.

I received a message from my Savior who called me friend.

A life without a purpose no longer makes sense to me. You are my purpose. I can ask for nothing more.

I am complete.