The Forest of Evergreen: Lost in the Wilderness by Teresa May B. Bandiola - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

Struck With His Eyes

It was, by now, early dawn.

Still, Philippe and the cops could not find any traces of human beings in the forest. In need of reinforcement, they temporarily stopped, knowing that Grandma Lucy and Elizabeth might have a dispute.

Submerged into feelings of frustration and sorrow, Grandma Lucy and Elizabeth, encouraged themselves not to lose hope, upon hearing the preliminary news from the cops.

“Don’t worry, I’ll call for more back-up,” Sheriff Murry said, making sure that the family would not feel so neglected. 

Philippe thanked everyone and continued planning for the next search. For this, he called some of his friends, back in high school, and pleaded for their help.

“We will find her, Eliz.” Grandma Lucy allowed Elizabeth to sink into her arms. “We will find her,” she repeated, sniveling.

In Kravena, Abanir noticed how Sophia pressed her stomach, in hunger. So at once, he went to offer her water and sinapoy. 

Sophia looked at the strange food. She was reluctant to eat it but she was extremely hungry, so she forced herself to chomp it all down.

Abanir enjoyed watching her but Sophia didn’t mind him. To fill her empty stomach was all that mattered to her, at that time. 

A minute passed and then Sophia unintentionally looked at him; she was astonished to see his blue eyes turn green. 

“Your eyes!” she voiced out, awestruck, but Abanir could not understand her.

Sophia incessantly stared at his eyes, silently asking herself why he had the capability to do such a thing. 

Is my sense of sight deceiving me now? she asked herself. I’m probably hallucinating now….

Feeling bashful, Abanir ended up blinking.

Sophia stopped eating sinapoy, and instead, looked for some water to wash her hands with. 

Abanir determined her needs and carefully led her outside the palasyon, where water was abundant.

Tilting her head to follow the light, Sophia was amazed to see the Kravena houses. They were all made up of bamboos, and large, dried grasses served as rooftops. 

What an extraordinary world!

In a flash, the wind blew mightily, sending some coldness down her spine.

Abanir easily noticed her chill, and straight away flew to his dulsabang for the fabric he got from the lake house. He did not know that it actually belonged to the human he was with. Then, he returned to Sophia, in a tick. 

Sophia looked startled, upon seeing the familiar shawl, and wondered why it looked so different from the clothes Abanir was wearing.

At once, Abanir wrapped it around her shoulders, a gesture so intimate, that it caused Sophia a flare of uncertain bewilderment. In spite of it, she coped. Breathing in, she realized that the scent coming from the textile was quite familiar. It was hers!

The moment he was done covering her shoulders, Abanir stepped back and waited for her next move.

She, too, waited for his succeeding moves, but then other things began to jumble her thoughts. Looking up to clutch for more air, in hopes of mollifying her muddled thoughts, the brightening sky caught Sophia’s unsteady eyes. It was heavenly, filled with beautiful flocks of small birds that never lost their assemble. In time, she could see those green grasses and blooming flowers all around. The scent coming from them was exceptional. She looked farther on and saw the wide field of sinapoy, its grasses dancing along with the early zephyr.

Paradise! It was all paradise! 

Captivated by the view, she wished it was tattooed into her eyes and would never, ever fade.

Under her beauty’s spell, Abanir himself, lingered also, to gawk at her, and oh, how he wished to ascend with her, up in the air, to help her glimpse the larger view of dreamland. The entire land.

Sophia closed her eyes and then soothed herself, with a long and deep sigh.

Watching her, and watching her face in pleasure was, by far, the best form of entertainment Abanir ever had. She appeared to be encircled with an all-pervading splendor; such beauty was beyond description!

Sophia was a magnet to him, draining all of his energy, as they both shared a riveting look at each other, now.

Turning weak, Abanir fought for self-possession.

After that, he led her back to the palasyon, before anyone in the tribe could see her, something that should never, ever happen!

She was walking with him now, when, suddenly, Sophia remembered Jericho. She felt the sudden impulse to run away, to run far, far away, to find Jericho, but she couldn’t. Her painful wounds were hampering her. 

“What am I doing here? Where is Jericho?” she wailed, to the utmost.

Abanir did not know what to do next. Seeing her in turmoil plunged him straight into despondency, then to uncertainty and panic.

Sophia, desperate to see Jericho, boldly faced Abanir. 

“I have to leave!” she explained, in the supreme hope of being understood. “Please, I need to go!” she repeated, more loudly.

“Raha, what does she want?” Rabel ran to Abanir. He was nerve-wracked to think that she might be overheard by everyone in the tribe.

Sesa Sanaya was disturbed by the chaotic sounds and wondered where they were coming from. She arose from the bed and followed the noise.

Rabel heard Sesa Sanaya’s footsteps and informed Abanir right away.

“Rabel, watch her and I will sidetrack Sanaya,” Abanir promptly ordered Rabel.

Rabel followed him and approached Sophia. Unfortunately for him, Sophia finally saw an escaping hole and fled fast, without thoughts of causing a further panic.

Rabel, afraid to create further noise, was not able to stop her. He thought that if he chased her, Sophia’s scream would completely disturb the entire tribe.

But Sophia’s panic grew worse.

Jericho needs me! She said to herself, and she ran on and on until she felt she was far enough from the hinterland of Kravena.

Successful in sidetracking Sesa Sanaya, Abanir went back to Rabel. To his tremendous shock, the human was no longer there! 

“Rabel!” he shouted.

“Raha, I’m afraid she had escaped!” Rabel trembled, while explaining.

“What? How?”

Rabel tried to speak further. “Raha, I think we can still track her. She headed for the falls.”

Upon hearing it, Abanir hastily flew, and Rabel followed him.

Sophia kept on running, ignoring the pain of her wounds. All she had in mind was to see Jericho again. Catching her breath, she slowed down for a while. 

Without her knowing it, a strange, medium-sized black animal, resembling a wild pig, was roaming around. When she finally sensed it, her chest heaved, with a sudden alarm. She turned and ran off, but the animal already saw her. 

She was about to be attacked, but out of the blue, Abanir came and carried her off, away from danger.

Her vision waned, as Abanir carried her up, in his arms.

They landed near Harem Falls.

Abanir laid Sophia on the ground, beneath the blackberry tree, and checked on her wounds. Then, Rabel volunteered to make a plain kubot, to shelter them.

The sun elevated and the rays were already hurting Jericho’s eyes. He immediately stood up and discovered that Sophia was not with him, anymore. He panicked and summoned her name, ceaselessly, until he realized that there were no traces of Sophia’s whereabouts. Discovering a high cliff ahead of him, he almost died, frantic with worry. 

“Sophia!” He cried out, over and over. One more emotional blow, and he felt that his sanity was about to fall into pieces. He panicked as he vacillated between belief and disbelief… regarding Sophia’s possible fall into the cliff. A flashback of last night reminded him that she was a few steps ahead of him. “No!” he cried out harder. “No! Oh God, no!”

The daylight lingered. Philippe and his company were now heading to the forest, in search of Sophia. Now, more cops were with them, including K-9s. They divided themselves into three and thoroughly searched the forest.

Nightfall was already approaching. Sophia was still unconscious but Abanir never got tired of looking after her. And he never got tired of staring at her. 

As for Rabel, he was almost done making a kubot. Exhausted, he went to his raha.

“She looks quiet, for now,” Rabel spoke in an undertone, as he and Abanir stood before her.

Nodding, Abanir knelt down and leaned closer to her. Gingerly, he touched her upper back, wondering how it felt like, to have no pair of wings.

Rabel watched him.

Not long after, Sophia’s consciousness returned. 

“Ouch,” she groaned as she began to move.

“No, please, your foot!” Abanir said, shouting.

Sophia halted. She looked around and noticed the deepening darkness, along with the sounds of the night... crickets, frogs, and other animals that dominated the place.

Struggling to stand up straight, Sophia’s worry came back.

“Raha, she’s already hungry and thirsty,” Rabel assumed.

Abanir agreed, giving his utmost efforts to help her up.

“Raha, you think humans eat fish?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Abanir faced Rabel nearer. “I’ll catch a fish and you can start creating a fire. It’s getting dark now,” he ordered, and led Sophia to the plain kubot.

Drained and still terrified, Sophia prayed. She yearned to escape but she couldn’t. And the surrounding was now almost devoid of sunlight. Staying was, by far, the best choice she had.

Entering the plain kubot, Abanir bade her to sit down and wait.

Though she could only guess, Sophia thought that maybe, he wanted her to sit down. With a heavy heart, she tried to sit down, and gingerly observed the wood she just sat on. It was made up of a fallen tree trunk.

Abanir left her and went to catch some fish.

Rabel, on the other hand, collected pieces of wood and started rubbing two stones together, to ignite a fire. 

From the plain kubot, Sophia watched them in motion, pondering over their wings and peculiar garments. They appeared ethnic yet still very mannish. 

A rush of wind plucked at Sophia’s hair, carrying a strong scent of flowers. The sweetness was soothing—but beyond human description.

“Um, the smell of dama-dama is visiting us,” Rabel told Sophia. “Dama-dama,” he repeated.

“Dama-dama?” Sophia whispered unconsciously, and noticed Rabel’s pleasure at sniffing the air all around him.

“Yes! Dama-dama!” Rabel agreed, still doing the same gesture, of inhaling.

Sophia put on a smile, and unintentionally locked eyes with Abanir. Watching him, watching those hard muscles as he stabbed fish after fish, Sophia was astounded that his heavenly wings spread out like perfect clouds on a clean day. In a breath-taking moment, she sensed she had fallen for his charm, like the falling waters of Harem Falls. Her musings stopped the moment Abanir came back to them. With him was a dozen catch... big fishes that hung on a bamboo stick, something that he had found, floating on the water.

Sophia immediately tried to clear her head. What am I doing? Stop it!

Abanir handed the fishes to Rabel and ordered him to quickly toast them.

Sophia froze, feeling confused from where she was sitting, but the aromatic smell from the smoke triggered her hunger pongs. 

Before long, Rabel let out a noise. “Raha, three fishes are done! I think she should eat now!”

Abanir nodded and approached him. 

Carefully, Rabel handed him a whole fish which was still pierced by a bamboo stick. 

Abanir hurriedly went to offer it to Sophia. 

Sophia was motionless, struggling to decide what to do next, as she saw Abanir coming towards her. 

Abanir stared at her, drinking in her eyes that seemed blank yet suddenly, very magnetic. Then, he handed her the fish.

In time, she accepted it, then sat on the edge, for he tried to sit down next to her. 

Abanir put on a smile, a narrow one (yet silently stretching wide from the inside, for he felt like truly smiling).

Sophia returned a shy smile. “Thank you.” 

And though they couldn’t understand each other’s words, their smiles lingered, stretching their lips, until Abanir’s eyes began changing into different colors again, noticeable even in the absence of clear daylight.

Sophia’s eyes widened, and her mouth hung open. What is he? she asked, silently, unbelieving.

Witnessing her amazement, Abanir cleared his throat to lessen his own tension.

“Ahem!” Rabel intentionally distracted them, noticing the sparks blazing between them. “Raha, are you not going to join her and eat?” Rabel shouted, like he was itching to tease them.

“Ah! Yes, Rabel. I think I… I mean, we should join her,” Abanir yelled back.

“Good, Raha!” Rabel reacted more blissful and turned the fire bigger, to further brighten up the place.

Still awkward in her coyness, Sophia began eating.

“Raha, you don’t know her name yet!” Rabel pitched a flaring jest as he neared them. 

“Ah, yes…”

In her cluelessness at their dialect, Sophia just tried to listen in.

“If you won’t ask her name, I will.” Rabel set forth, joking his raha, and started making signs, so as to introduce themselves to Sophia. 

Sophia got it. She knew the two were trying to introduce themselves to her. But at the back of her mind, she was amazed that creatures like them also had names.

“Me Rabel!” Rabel pointed to himself as he continuously mentioned his name to Sophia. “Rabel,” he repeated.

“You are… Rabel?” Sophia guessed as she pointed her finger to him.

Rabel nodded, and they were astounded by her quick guess.

“Your turn,” Rabel told Abanir, with a dare.

Abanir accepted the challenge and began introducing himself, too. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he faced Sophia with a determined gesture. After that, he pointed to himself and said, “I’m Abanir.” He repeated, “Abanir.”

Abanir? His name’s Abanir?!

Abanir said his name again, with a shaft of light coming out of his face.

“You are… Abanir?” Sophia asked, interested.

“Yes, I’m Abanir!” Abanir’s enormous chest, heaved, in glee.

Sophia realized she had learned their names! She felt awestruck!

To keep it rolling, Rabel pointed to Sophia. “Your name?”

Right away, Sophia guessed that he was asking for her name. “I’m Sophia.” Sophia pointed to herself. “Sophia,” she repeated.

“Oh, Sophia!” Simultaneously, Abanir and Rabel reacted, in amusement.

Sophia simpered, perhaps carried away by the two’s humor, as they spoke her name again and again.

As the moon brightened the dark shadows, Sophia could feel the growing chill of the forest, while she was still seated beside Abanir, inside the plain kubot. The shawl that still hung around her shoulders was not enough to warm her. She clutched her hands together and then hugged herself, awkwardly, in an attempt to warm herself.

Abanir saw it, sensing her need of warmth. Straight away, he made signs, for Sophia to come close to the fire, but the suggestion wasn’t helpful. Imagining her slowly freezing to death, he volunteered to wrap his body around her, close enough, and that caused her some goose bumps.

“Oh, God!” Sophia spoke to herself quietly, fighting the escalating tension.

Controlling himself, he tightened his clasp, and that made Sophia’s cheek press hard against his lean and broad torso. Yet finally, he was giving her the heat she longed for.

While her thoughts were in chaos, Sophia felt him more, as his wings suddenly flapped, and she looked at them. 

With profound tenseness, Abanir hid his wings, flapping it down to the limit. He suddenly felt shy.

Sophia closely scrutinized him, over and over, until Abanir was completely subdued. 

To abscond from getting more pushed to the edge, Abanir concentrated his eyes on Rabel who was now resting at the tree branches, nearby.

As they stood together before the fire, they watched its flames grow bigger, but Rabel suddenly broke out in a song:

Well, there is this shy yet brave Kravena;

A Kravena who never learned to smile;

But the night grows and the 

moon shines on her face;

And his gloomy face turns bright;

As the owls chant, so is his heart;

Oh, what does this human have 

that sweetened his bitter heart?

Oh lalalala lalalala!

“Rabel!” Abanir shouted, embarrassed, with his eyes blazing like the fire. Still, his warm body remained wrapped around Sophia.

Sophia gave the two an earnest smile, getting the hint that they were making fun of each other.

Rabel laughed out loud, turning Abanir’s infuriation into something much worse.

Sophia tilted her head up, staring at Abanir, eye-to-eye. Then, she gradually brought up her hands to touch his back, bit by bit, until they reached the core of his wings. 

It gave Abanir an electrical current that triggered his wings to spread to their utmost, and so magnificent was the sight, that he appeared like a god of beauty, to Sophia. 

So splendid!

Now, mutual adoration rushed in between them and bonded them together.

“You saved my life,” softly, Sophia spoke. 

Vaguely, Abanir listened to her, trying to understand each word that came out of her tiny, bloodshot lips. 

“You saved me not just once but twice,” she whispered again, and leisurely laid her head on his chest, once more. “Thank you.”

Abanir carefully rested his chin on her head and compressed her further.

Along with the flickers of the fire, another strong scent of dama-dama howled through the night, sending more quickening impulses to Sophia.

“It’s dama-dama,” Abanir said, facing Sophia again, to tell her of the flowering shrub. “Dama-dama,” he repeated.

“Dama-dama,” Sophia agreed, beaming.

The night carried on, and drowsiness now invited Sophia.

Abanir carefully led her back to the kubot and offered his chest as her pillow, until they both finally closed their eyes.