The Forest of Evergreen: Lost in the Wilderness by Teresa May B. Bandiola - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

Confuse Me Not

The first light of the day shone vibrantly, at the forest. 

Sophia woke up and found her face still leaning against Abanir’s chest, as they both laid down inside the plain kubot. 

But he was now fully awake.

“Hi,” she greeted him as she smoothly leaned backwards.

Slanting a fresh look, Abanir unwrapped her and let her move.

Subsequently, Sophia stood up, and detected the return of her strength. She looked at her wounds and they were already healed.

Abanir also stood up and followed her every move.

She eyed everything around her, and was extraordinarily amazed by the beauty of Harem Falls at day. It was a paradise! There were bees, birds, dragonflies, and butterflies freely flying, with hums pleasurable to the ears. A celestial symphony! And there were various flowers nurturing around, completing all the colors of the rainbow. Their daylight scent was divine. It was as if she was hurled straight to heaven in a full blast.

“Wow!” she expressed as she initiated a step outside the kubot and approached the falling water.

Abanir ceaselessly smirked as he trailed her footpath. Such an amused grin of him was witnessed by her, and it brought her to a pause. Then, she began to sink her unwounded foot into the fresh water and indulged herself with its refreshing coldness.

Rabel was also awakened and joined them as Sophia explored more of the Shangri-La right before her eyes.

Subsequently, Abanir signed to Sophia to hold on to him, for he would ascend with her into the air.

Sophia went along with him.

In a flare, Abanir flew her around the vicinity of Harem Falls.

It was an incomparable experience for Sophia to be flying under the wings of a strange creature. And as her skin was embracing the gentle wind, she looked down. The shimmering waters of falls and the enchanting green forest were nothing but bravura, something out of this world. Gazing at Abanir, her admiration elevated.

In return, Abanir flew higher and faster.

It made Sophia scream, making her close her eyes in fear and excitement.

Laughing in excessive enchantment, Abanir decided to slow down the moment he felt her clasp had tightened.

They finally landed on a huge stone close to the falling water. Looking at Sophia, a white beautiful flower from behind her enthralled Abanir’s eyes. Quickly, he picked it up and handed it to her saying, “Dama-dama… just like you. Pure as white… and exquisite.” 

Taken aback, Sophia accepted it and noticed its heart-shaped leaves and four elongated petals. Then, she breathed in with its sweet fragrance, and offered him her most grateful smile.

Not long after, Abanir looked at her passionately and started to sing his heart out.

In the sky so vast,

a weary soul flew alone;

Famished and parched 

for a new path;

A new path to the 

calmness of the wind.

For very long, these weak wings 

were once broken;

Then there came you

and these wings can soar again.

Sophia could not understand his words but they sounded amazing. His voice was angelic and she did not want him to stop.

Abanir moved closer to her, his eyes constantly changing colors for another time. 

Time and again, she was stunned.

Sophia quickly dropped her gaze. She was scared, scared to fall into his spell. This is not right! She hindered herself.

For Abanir, he never skipped any second to gawk at her. 

Witnessing the burgeoning admiration the two shared, Rabel left them and returned quickly like a lightning was about to strike.

“Raha, I saw the Sulabuns heading to Kravena.” Rabel shivered while informing his raha. “And they, with them, are the Fegratus.”

Shocked by what he just heard, Abanir hastened to look at Sophia one more time and told her that he needed to take her to the place where he first saw her—the lake house—where she could be safe there. 

Sophia could not understand him.

Though desperate to let her understand, Abanir immediately carried her and flew her away from Harem Falls, making the flower of dama-dama fall from Sophia’s hands. He ordered Rabel to inform their tribe about the joined attack and that he would take Sophia first to the lake house. 

Far away, Abanir could see the Sulabuns and the Fegratus at the Samo River. Faster, he flew to the lake house.

When they were almost there, Abanir saw people moving in and out of the lake house and decided to leave Sophia nearby, so that no one would see him. 

Sophia also saw them, and assumed that they were looking for her.

Abanir hastily landed, took a passionate look at Sophia, and on the spur of the moment, kissed her steadfastly. He looked at Sophia once more and then flew away, in a blast of tempest wind. 

Sophia was left blankly staring after his white beautiful wings. She lingered, until he was already hidden by the tall trees.

Then, the stride of a person coming from behind distracted her. She turned around and saw Jericho approaching. 

Instantly, Jericho wrapped her up with his arms. 

“Thank God! You’re safe, Sophia!” Jericho held her for as long as he could.

Sophia’s mind turned vague. Her emotions were worn out, into shreds. 

Jericho! Abanir! And... Giovanni!

Seeing people at the lake house, Jericho directed Sophia there.

When Grandma Lucy, Philippe, and Elizabeth finally saw them, they ran to Sophia at high-speed. They grabbed her tightly while the cops started to arrest Jericho. 

Jericho openly surrendered himself, but Grandma Lucy rushed to slap him in the face.

Philippe sprinted, to stop his mom. 

Jericho looked down, entirely ashamed of himself, but never missed a stealing glance at Sophia.

Sophia saw what her grandma did to him, so she ran to his aid. But alas, the cops were already pushing him into the police car.

Through the hazy car windows, for the last time, Jericho bequeathed Sophia with a look of longing, as the police car sped away from her. 

Watching him go, tears completely blinded Sophia’s eyes now. 

Her parents crept closer to her and embraced her, very much relieved that Sophia was with them now, safe and sound. They led Sophia inside their car, and as they left, Sophia found herself holding the white piece of cloth around her shoulders, while staring at the wild Forest of Evergreen.