“I’ll do okay, I mean,” says Forrester, “better than okay, sir.” Then both Forrester and Mr. Pryce painted the fences until J.J. was standing in the doorway.
J.J. then came into the backyard. “Hello, my good friend,” said J.J., “It’s me, J.J., don’t you remember me, Mr. Pryce?” “Hello,” says Mr. Pryce, “it’s you, J.J., I remember.”
“You know why I’m here?” asked J.J.. “Yeah,” replied Mr. Pryce, “I’ve got to get my shoes on, then I’ll take you to see him in a taxi.”
“Yippee!” said J.J. excitedly, “it has always been a dream of mine to see my favorite superhero, Captain Marvelous, and thanks to you, that dream will come true, Mr. Pryce!”
Then Mr. Pryce told Forrester to finish and go home, and then he took J.J. to see Captain Marvelous in a taxi.
When Mr. Pryce and J.J. stepped into the building together, Mr. Pryce noticed a man who stood at six-foot-two-inches tall. He was twenty-eight, medium-sized and extremely buff. And this man was from Peterman, Texas. When they found this man, the man and J.J. started a conversation.
“Good evening,” said the mysterious person, “my name would be…” Then he paused for a second.
J.J. got really jumpy and shouted, “You’re Captain Marvelous! I know you from your number one hit TV show!”
The man revealed his name. “It is I, Captain Marvelous!” he announced in a deep voice, then got swarmed immediately by fanatics.
Captain Marvelous didn’t know what to do from that point, because the flashes from the cameras were so deep in his face.
J.J. wanted to get his autograph, but it was too late. They were swarming him with floods of loud, screaming children.
After ten and a half minutes of cameras in his face, the mob of children left Captain Marvelous alone. Then J.J. had his chance to get his autograph.
J.J. got Mr. Pryce by his hand, and he led them straight toward the famous person. “Excuse me, sir?” questioned J.J., “may I please get your autograph?”
After having thought deeply enough about it, Captain Mar- velous gave it to him for free, instead of charging him £962.40. And J.J. gazed wide-eyed in wonder after his true idol gave the signature. “For you,” Captain Marvelous said, “it’ll be my honor to give it to you for free instead.”
J.J. thanked Captain Marvelous for giving it to him for free. And then Mr. Pryce took J.J. home in another taxi, as they thanked Captain Marvelous for the free autograph.
When Mr. Pryce got home, he went into his backyard and came upon all the Warm Golden Yellow-painted fences around him.
Then Mr. Pryce dialed Forrester’s parents’ number, and Forrester’s papa answered the phone. “Hello?” says Mr. Pryce. “Is this Mrs. Elizabelle Cahill? It is Mr. Pryce.”
Forrester’s papa answered, “No, this is Adolphard Cahill. Who’s calling us?” After that, he realized it wasn’t Elizabelle, and Mr. Pryce asked for Elizabelle over the phone.
“Yes?” questioned Elizabelle, “who may this be?” Mr. Pryce didn’t know what she meant, because she already knew him.
“It is I, Mr. Pryce,” he answered, “you already know me, remember?” Elizabelle remembered, and she questioned why Mr. Pryce had called her.
Mr. Pryce then answered back with the nicest respect that you’ll give to a woman. “I mean this out of respect,” Mr. Pryce says, “it’s about your son, Forrester.”
“Yeah,” Elizabelle answered, “what about my son?” Then Mr. Pryce thought of a way to answer.
“Your son is a great and skilled painter,” Mr. Pryce said, “you should seriously think of him as an artist when he grows up.” “Gee, thanks!” Elizabelle said, “you’re a wonderful influence on my boy.”
Mr. Pryce said back, “Thanks, you’re an amiable woman.” Then Mr. Pryce hung up the phone and climbed into bed, where he fell right to sleep until the next morning.
The next morning came, and Mr. Pryce woke from his slumber, felt his way, and got something to eat from his kitchen. Then J.J. left to go outside.
Mr. Pryce then felt and looked inside his greenhouse. When Mr. Pryce entered the greenhouse, he found the boys’ plant that had turned into a rose.
Mr. Pryce remembered the boys hoped for a Monte Cassino Aster or a Rose. So, it became the Rose of what J.J. hoped for.
After a while, Mr. Pryce had left his greenhouse to come back into his household because it was going to rain and he didn’t like to get wet.
It poured rain after Mr. Pryce felt his way into his house. Strangely, after thirty seconds after it poured, Mr. Pryce heard a knock coming from the outside.
So, Mr. Pryce felt his way to the door, felt the doorknob, and opened his door. “Who is it?” Mr. Pryce wondered, “I’ve got my own fists, and I’m not afraid to use them!”
The person just didn’t respond, so the person wanted Mr. Pryce to feel a certain way. Mr. Pryce yelled, “State your name!” and then wondered, “And why are you here?”
The person didn’t know the name of Mr. Pryce, so he shook and trembled with a shaky voice. “My-my-my-my,” trembled the person, “na-name is Cl-Cl-Claudius Ac-Ac-Accurius.”