The Greenhouse (The Greenhouse Duology Series, Book #1) by Steven Bowman and Katie Christy - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

The teen fell to his knees. “Th-the reason wh-why I’m here,” he trembled more, “is-is-is I-I’ve got no-no-where to sl-sleep.”

Mr. Pryce wanted the teen to stop trembling about his words, so he invited the teen into his house, and then he felt his way to the couch to sit.

Mr. Pryce then said to the teen, “Where are you from?” He asked, “Do you have any parents?” The teen then stood, only five-feet-seven-inches tall, and told his own tale. “My name is Claudius Accurius,” said the teen. “I believe that’s my real name.”

He continued onward. “I don’t remember my parents at all, okay?” he added. “I’m sixteen, and I don’t remember my family!” Mr. Pryce told the teen not to shout out loud and questioned him some more. “What about a mother or a father?” he questioned. “Do you remember them?”

The teen, again, fell to his knees, but this time he begged to stay the night. “Sir,” questioned the teen, “may I please withhold this nightfall, and stay here for the night?”

Mr. Pryce then thought about the teen staying, and the teen wanted no mercy. “Sure,” Mr. Pryce answered, “but it’ll cost you one night’s stay.”

“Cost,” says the teen, “I’m poor enough to be broke.” Thus, Mr. Pryce then realized that the teen was an orphan. “Claudius,” Mr. Pryce asked, “are you an orphan?”

Claudius revealed his truest self and sobbed out loud, “Yes! Yes!” he answered, “I’m an orphan. I’ve got no parents to take care of me. I’m hungry, tired, and all wet!”

The teen shocked Mr. Pryce with such sorrow, and his kind felt bad for Claudius. “How’s this?” Mr. Pryce said, “I’ll keep you for tonight’s nightfall, and I’ll feed you, and you’ll take a shower in the earliest part of the morning.”

Claudius got up on his feet and nearly jumped for joy. “Thank you, thank you,” he said respectfully, “your shelter is more than enough. My sincere thanks to you, sir.”

Mr. Pryce wanted to treat Claudius with kindness and respect, but only because he felt sorry for him. “You’re welcome,” Mr. Pryce says, “well, let’s get to it, sir.”

“Get to what?” Claudius questioned, “are we heading out in the pouring rain?” Mr. Pryce thought Claudius was crazy for saying that. “No, sir, we’re heading to bed for the night,” says Mr. Pryce.

Mr. Pryce and Claudius ate a little something, and then they went to bed that night, only to wake up early the next morning. The next morning came, and Mr. Pryce woke up earlier than usual, and he woke up to teach Claudius how to take a shower. Mr. Pryce would shout, “Claudius Accurius!” Then he would tell him, “please wake up!” After Claudius awoke, they both ate breakfast and got their showers.

After they took a shower, Mr. Pryce had to make sure Claudius knew how to get the towel wrapped around his body correctly. “Boy, do I…” Mr. Pryce said, “…know how to teach you about many things.”

“Ah,” responded Claudius, “yes, sir.” “You know many things to teach a teen like me.” “Like this,” Mr. Pryce says, “you wrap like you’re swaddling a baby child, you see?”

Claudius complied with Mr. Pryce’s teachings and wrapped himself as Mr. Pryce taught him. “Like that?” questioned Claudius, “am I correct, no?”

Mr. Pryce had to redirect Claudius instead of teaching him the way. “Here,” he said, “let me instruct you differently.”

At first, Claudius was a little feisty and wouldn’t let Mr. Pryce touch his body. But after a while, Claudius calmed down and allowed him to.

“Sir, I…” said Claudius. “…Shh!” said Mr. Pryce, as he finished Claudius’s sentence. “But sir…?” questioned Claudius. “…I must!”

“You must what?” replied Mr. Pryce. Claudius said, “I insist.” “I wanna learn your truest ways, sir.” Mr. Pryce wanted Claudius to have no trouble, so he changed his mind and went with him.

“I’ll give you…” Mr. Pryce said, “…I’ll give this a chance.” Claudius almost noticed that Mr. Pryce was only trying to make him happier and free.

“Are ya noticing…” says Claudius. “About what?” responded Mr. Pryce. And Claudius replied, “About how a teen like me could learn a lot in a lot of ways like you.” Then he added, “I’ve learned a lot since you helped me out.”

“Thank God for that, boy,” Mr. Pryce responded, “how come you’ve got no parents?” Claudius then sadly looked off into the distance and frowned.

“Sadly, I was only four, sir,” Claudius says, “and my momma was abused by my daddy, and she had to shield me from that pain.”

“Your mother,” questioned Mr. Pryce, “was she abused by your father?” Claudius almost cried, “Yes!” he yelled, “it’s true! Daddy was abusive!”

Mr. Pryce wanted Claudius to remain as calm as possible. “Daddy, no!” Claudius screamed. “Please try to calm down, young master!” Mr. Pryce wanted Claudius to calm down.

Claudius wanted to be calm, but he thought of his daddy beating on his momma he remembered. “Daddy!” shouted Claudius, “don’t you dare hit momma!”

“Ay, what did you say, boy?” Claudius remembered his father saying, “don’t you dare talk to me like that!” Then his terrible memories made him sad.

“Oh, daddy!” said Claudius, “don’t you hit me, please!” Mr. Pryce then told Claudius that it was okay for him to remember those memories.

But it’s not okay for him to say them out loud. “Don’t you want something?” Mr. Pryce asked Claudius, “don’t you want something of mine?”

Claudius scurried to his feet. “Sure, I do!” he said, “I want you to become.” “Become what?” Mr. Pryce replied.

“I wanna have you as my new daddy, please!” Mr. Pryce thought about that which Claudius asked about and gave it deep thought processes.

Then Mr. Pryce replied, “I’ll cut you some slack, boy. I don’t think so, not yet.” Claudius nearly jumped for joy before Mr. Pryce shot his wishes down.

“Okay,” Claudius said sadly, “I respect your wishes, sir.” Mr. Pryce wanted Claudius to become a son, but not of his own. Mr. Pryce thought about it and said, “Here’s the deal. I’ve got an amiable lady for you.”

“And who may that be?” Claudius said, “and what’s her name?” Mr. Pryce wanted to think of a lady who would be just right for him. “The name of the lady is Ms. Alexandria Maddox.” Mr. Pryce answered, “and she’ll be waiting for you at the right time.” “Who’s this Ms. Maddox lady?” Claudius asked, “and what’s her age?” “The lady’s name is Alexandria. And her age is forty-eight.” Mr. Pryce answered.

Mr. Pryce then talked about the lady with Claudius. Then Claudius understood what was to become of the lady that he so desperately needed. Mr. Pryce then wanted to call Alexandria after Claudius headed outside, but waited a little longer.

And then Claudius left. Then Mr. Pryce got a knock at the door. It was a woman. “Who is it?” yelled Mr. Pryce, “I’m armed, you hear me!”

Then the woman spoke. “Bonjour, mon bon monsieur !” said the woman, “my name is Angelique, and I’m from Bonnesagne, France. I’m here because I need to tell you something.”

Mr. Pryce was astonished by what the woman was saying, so he opened the door barely. “Bonjour, ravi de vous rencontrer, monsieur,” said the woman nicely. Mr. Pryce answered, “Bonjour, ravi de vous rencontrer aussi, madame.”

The woman looked at Mr. Pryce with her hand on her heart. “Eh bien, bonjour, M. Pryce,” she answered, “et vous ne pouvez m’appeler que Mme Morançais.”

Then Mr. Pryce looked out the doorway to see if anyone else was there and allowed the woman into his humble home. “S’il vous plaît, voulez-vous entrer, Mme Morançais ?” Mr. Pryce said, letting her in, “vous pouvez venir chez moi et vous asseoir sur mon canapé, madame.“

The woman entered his house and sat on the couch. “Très bien, merci de me laisser entrer, monsieur,” she said, “M. Pryce, si je peux me permettre, avez-vous du café à me proposer ?” Mr. Pryce was shocked that Madame Morançais wanted coffee.

“Non, je suis désolé, madame,” Mr. Pryce answered, “J’ai seulement du thé parce que je ne bois pas de café.“ Mr. Pryce only had tea, no coffee. “Très bien, c’est d’accord, monsieur,” Madame Morançais said calmly, “M. Pryce, connaissez-vous un endroit où je pourrais trouver du café ?” Mr. Pryce thought about that question.