The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter VII: The Vandermoles


"So he's gone?"

"Yes and so is the ruby," said Gideon.

Tiber was in extreme pain from the bite. He had to lean on Gideon just to walk.

"We'll have to find you a physician and soon. That leg of yours is starting to get infected."

The rabbits made their way through a dense forest. Neither knew which way to turn because the map was in the Temple; and as far as Gideon was concerned, the centipedes could have it. Tiber was showing the signs of the infection and Gideon was pressed for time. He moved with Tiber as fast as he could, but this only caused Tiber to become more disoriented. Gideon sat Tiber hear a tree.

"I'm going to travel just one or two miles to see if I can find help. Stay here, o.k?" said Gideon

Tiber nodded his head.

Gideon left and began his desperate search for help. He climbed down a hill and found a stream of fresh water. He took a drink and sat down.

"Lord I need some help. Tiber is hurt; he'll die if you don't do something."

Just them something unbelievable happened; not in the sense of impossible, but in the sense of amazement. A mound of dirt was creeping towards Gideon. The rabbit took hold of his sword. The mound of dirt circled him and stopped in front of his blade. Gideon got on one knee and inspected this strange sight. Suddenly a head popped out of the dirt; Gideon fell backwards in terror. The head was the head of a mole. He looked around to see if anyone was there.

"All right, who goes there?" said the mole, " Speak up, you're on private property. Speak or suffer the consequences."

"Uh… my name is Gideon. I didn't mean to trespass."

The mole popped completely out of the ground. He was wearing a dirty red jacket and carried an epee by his side.

"Is that so?" he said exposing his blade.

"Hey wait a minute," replied Gideon holding up his hands, " I‘m not here to cause trouble. I'm looking for help for my friend. He's sick."

The mole kept his guard up. "You trickster!"

"I'm not fooling you. I'll take you too him."

"Do you have a sword?"

"Yes, why?" said Gideon. "Leave it behind."

Gideon complied. He took the mole over to Tiber. The mole picked up Tiber's leg to inspect the bite mark.

"Uh…that's the wrong one," said Gideon.

The mole dropped the leg and took hold of the other one. "What do you see?"

"See?" said the mole, " I don't see anything, I'm blind."

"You're what?" replied Tiber.

"Don't worry we blind moles have other ways to figure things out. I'll use my other senses. Let me listen."

The mole placed his head up to the infection.

"Just as I thought, the infection his preventing your blood from flowing at a steady pace."

"This is insane," said Tiber.

"Just to make sure, I'm going to have to smell it." The mole took a brief whiff and quickly dropped Tiber's leg.

"For pity's sake, do you know nothing of proper hygiene?"

"That's it!" shouted Tiber, " I won't' be insult by this mole."

"Well this mole can help you. The bite isn't deadly, but it will make you sick. My home isn't far from here. My wife can fix you an elixir that can help. By the way, my name is Leopold Van Vandermole the VII."

Tiber was quickly taken to Leopold's home. His wife made the rabbit a strange brew that went down very slowly and tasted horrible. His leg was wrapped and he felt a little better. Dinner was made and they all sat to enjoy the night.

"Well what brings you two to this region?" asked Leopold. "A failed treasure hunt," Tiber said sorrowfully.

"Treasure is like the coming of the wind; it comes and it goes cheer up! What about you, Gideon?"

"Well my reasons are a little different," said Gideon. " I'm from a region called Shavron. We are a nation with the Holy One's favor, but now I fear that all is lost. A queen has expelled me and two of my friends and she will lead Shavron astray. I was a leader over the country until that fox sent me to jail for no reason but her own. It was there I met Tiber and now I'm here."

Leopold slowly lowered his mug that he had been drinking from.

"What is the name of this fox?"

"Her name is Jezerah."said Gideon.

Mrs. Vandermole placed her hand on her husband's hand.

"Did he say Jezerah?" said his wife.

"Yes he did. Gideon I believe that this fox does not travel alone. There should be another one called Iya."

"How do you know this?" asked Gideon. The mole shuffled in his chair.

"My fellow rabbit. I once lived in a land called Baldos. It was a beautiful country. Before we moved here my wife and I lived in the king's and queen's palace. I was the chief master of ceremonies and there were plenty of parties to celebrate our prosperity. Afterwards a baby fox was born, and that fox is now your queen of your country. She was a fine child, but something changed her for the worst. I still believe it was that devil fox."

"Devil fox?" said Tiber.

"Yes. Iya was the royal teacher for Jezerah. Whatever lessons she taught her wasn't about mathematics or history. As Jezerah grew up, she just went bad. When her parents died she took the throne and made Iya her surrogate mother. Jezerah ruled the land like a tyrant. Iya was the worst. She made herself a priestess and incorporated silly ideas of worshiping the sun and moon. In time the citizens had enough and we revolted against them. But what Iya did I will never forget."

Leopold sat back in his chair and bowed his head. There was a moment of silence. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," said Gideon.

"He's right, dear, what she did should not be spoken." Said Mrs. Vandermole.

Leopold raised his head and patted his wife's hand.

"I always thought that magic was extinct. She's a murderer. The resistance was at the foot of the palace's stairwell. We were willing let the two leave in peace, but Iya stood at the top…and those eyes! She raised both of her hands, and then there was a dark flash. Whatever it was it wiped out half the resistance. Iya was hurt, in a sense; she had to be carried away by a guard. You have no hope with that monster in your kingdom."

"The Lord is our hope."said the rabbit. "I hope so, my friend, I hope so."

After the meal, everyone went to bed. The Vandermoles provided two mats for the rabbits to sleep on. Outside a window, Gideon looked up to the stars.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Tiber.

"Shavron." said Gideon.

"I should have guessed. Don't worry everything will work out."

"I know. It‘s been five years…a very long five years. I just want to see Jezerah and Iya gone."

"A good attack always helps, do you have any plans?" said Tiber.

"Yes I do, but Im going to do it Gods way. It's strange, but going in all these directions must mean something. He knows what‘s he‘s doing. When the attack comes it will be the perfect time."

The two talked a little longer before falling asleep. The next day Leopold, Gideon, and Tiber took a stroll back to the stream to get Gideon‘s sword. The three sat down to talk about Jezerah.

"What I told you last night may help you." said Leopold.

"Thank you, I know it must have been hard recalling the event."

"Before I went to bed, I talked to my wife," said the mole, " I‘ve would like to help you in getting your country back. It would be an honor to follow you."

"Thank for your confidence, but it wont be I that you follow," said Gideon.

"If it is the God of Shavron and if he can stop Jezerah and Iya, then I will follow."

"He is the God of all" said Gideon confidently, " and yes, he will stop the evil there."

The three returned back to Leopold‘s home. Mr. Vandermole said good-bye to his wife. She had already packed him food, maps, and other items for the journey. He kissed his wife and turned away. The three creatures went forth on a journey unknown to them.

They made their way down the stream. Gideon was relying on the moles sense of direction; however, he was nervous because of his blindness. Leopold assured them that he was fully capable of leading them back to Shavron. The trio hiked for a few hours and then set up camp. They had no tents, so they found the softest part of the land to sleep on. Leopold prepared the meal. He was quiet skillful at using the utensils in making a delicious stew, both rabbits were impressed.

"If the attack on Shavron is to come, youll need an army."

"Not now; its not the right time." said Gideon.

"Of course its the right time. You want to see your country restored, right?"

"Yes, but I also want to succeed at it," said Gideon. "I don‘t think a group of creatures would follow a rabbit into a battle. I always had victory with the Lord, nothing else works."

"All right, but tomorrow will find a town to sleep in. I‘m not use to the outdoors." said Leopold swatting a fly away.

Continuing the journey, they found a small town that was quiet sophisticated. Inns and stores lined the streets. Gideon, Leopold, and Tiber went to the first Inn they saw.

Leopold wasn‘t pleased with the service. They had to wait twenty minutes before being addressed. They left and tried another one. The next Inn would have been perfect, but Gideon took note that the innkeeper said they had parties everyday. The hare wanted as much peace and quiet as possible if they would be in town for a few days. The third Inn wasn‘t large but it was the most expensive. Tiber and Gideon were leaving when Leopold pulled a large sack of money from his sack.

"I want three of your best rooms. Give my friends here the best fruits and juices you have. I‘ll take the same."

The innkeepers eyes grew wipe as he began to count the money.

"Yes, sir."

"Where did you get all that money from?" asked Tiber looking at the bag.

"I told you that I was in high standing in Baldos. I saved as much as I could." Gideon patted Leopold on the back. The rooms were beautiful. The floors were made of colored tiles, which could be heated during the winter. The beds were as soft as cotton.

Gideon walked back to one end of the room, ran towards the bed, and dove into the mattress. It concaved so extremely that he was almost smothered, but he didn‘t mind at all, he got cozy and took a short nap.

The next few days were relaxing. It was the best vacation Gideon had in years. When the trio departed, Gideon was reluctant to leave, but soon remember what his mission was.

Along the way, Gideon remembered the ropeway. He led his friends to the first ropeway station. Gideon thought about his first ride and was looking forward for the second. They approached the station, but they were met by this sign.


"I guess when Langlo brought us over the ropeway it was nearing the end of the season," said Tiber.

"It was a good idea, Gideon, but we‘ll be doing some more walking," said Leopold.

"Wait a second…it took us a few days to get to Saragose," said Gideon, " How long will it take to get to Shavron by walking?"

Gideon took one of Leopold‘s maps a opened it on the ground.

"Well according to the map every centimeter is ten miles. So we are here and Shavron is about forty nine centimeters away."

"There has to be another way." said Tiber.

"Afraid not," said the mole. " If we travel a good distance everyday, we‘ll be in Shavron in twenty days."

"Do we have enough supplies to last us?" said Gideon.

"We have enough to last us half the time. We‘ll stop and pick up anything else as we continue.”