The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter VIII: Black Cloud over Shavron


Over the years, Jezerah did as she said. She changed everything in Shavron so that no one would remember if from before. There were a few citizens, who tried to fight back against her, but they were met with a horrible fate, and Jezerah made sure that no one else would dare to defy her again. Jezerah's palace was completed in three years. It was more beautiful than she could have imagined. It was designed like a cathedral with its flying buttresses flowing form its walls down to the streets. It covered so much ground that the citizens had to crowd together in slums in order to live. New officials were appointed to collect taxes and to enforce the queen‘s laws into practice.

The citizens of Shavron were no longer called citizens they were now called commoners, and they were treated as such. The queen‘s taste for wealth also affected Shavron as well. She made treaties with many other countries adopting the practices that were against the commands of the Holy One. The fox‘s wealth grew and grew. Iya had a different agenda. Whenever she wasn‘t advising Jezerah, she was participating in duels. At times should would hurt or kill those who could not defend themselves against her. Also she influenced the commoners to worship stone statues and other idols; and when she announced herself to be the priestess of Shavron, the fox had fully completed her intentions.

Barewolf was placed in a small palace that the queen gave him, actually it was one of the design the queen didn‘t like. The bear had participated in hurting his fellow citizens. He was sorry for what he did, but now he was so deep in Jezerah‘s web that he found if hard to fight back. Barewolf called for his servants and told them to fix him a meal. He ate and went to bed; tomorrow the queen needed to see him.

The next day, Barewolf proceeded to the queen‘s palace. He met her in the throne room.

"You look troubled, Barewolf, is something the matter?" said Jezerah.

"No, my queen."

"Well something is troubling me. Taxes haven‘t been abundant as usual. The commoners are holding back on me. Its disobedience and I won‘t tolerate it. I want you to make an example in the cities, through some of them out of their homes, beat a few of them if you have to."

Barewolf wasn‘t willing to carry out such a horrid deed. He spoke up for the first time.

"My queen I think it is the best interest for her majesty to show mercy towards the commoners."

The fox‘s lip twisted into a devilish grin.

"I don‘t need you to tell me what I should do with the commoners!" she said accosting him, "Mercy is for pathetic creatures. Do I look pathetic to you?" Barewolf knew that she was, but he dared not to say it to her face.

"No, my queen."

"I will show mercy to no one. The commoners are to pay a certain amount of taxes a year as I see fit."

"They have no money to give." said Barewolf wearily.

"Then you will take items of value from them until I have the right amount of money. Don‘t argue with me! Go and do as I say."

Barewolf left with a sad heart. Iya came in and was elated.

"You look cheerful today," Jezerah seeing Iya‘s glee. " You must be pleased with the temple that was built."

"I‘m enchanted by it. Everything is perfect: the high priestess chair made of gold and the sacrificial statue in all its glory. Soon the Saragonian way will flow through Shavron. I can start again."

"Do you have any converts yet?" the young vixen asked.

"Many of the commoners have shown an interest in my ways and the foreigners we allowed to live with us have accepted my practices. Soon the nation will forget about their god and follow the gods of my land."

All was going very well with Jezerah and Iya. There wasn‘t a care in the world in their minds, but something dreadful happened. Not dreadful in the sense of bad news: for it was good news for Shavron, but it was bad news for Jezerah. One of her high officials entered the throne room. He paid reverence to the queen.

"Speak." said Jezerah curtly.

"There has been some buzzing around the land of the judge‘s reentry into Shavron," said the official. "Some of the commoners are finding hope in their return."

"Hope," Iya said laughing, "Its just a rumor, theres no truth in it."

"Iya, was it not a rumor that led to our expulsion from Baldos?"

Fear came into Jezerah‘s heart. She was not going to let anything deter her from her grip on Shavron. She sat there for awhile thinking.

"What should I do?" asked the official.

"Send for my scribe and tell him to write down this into law: If a commoner is heard speaking about the judges, he or she will be executed on the spot.”

The official left.

"You know I could send a tracker to scope the land to see if one of the judges has returned." said Iya.

"Who, Samson?" asked Jezerah. " I have broken the wolfs spirit by parading him around as a fool at my parties. Deborah? That island I put her on is impossible to escape from. Gideon? That jail is his tomb; he should be dead by now. But if it pleases you, send a tracker out."

It was soon after Iya left the palace that she decided to roam the slums of Shavron to find some creature that was skilled at tracking. As she walked through the streets the building‘s roofs were so close together that if create a great canopy that hung above the land. The commoners would clear the way when Iya passed by and anyone who didn‘t, was met with a sharp blow. She continued her search finding no creatures with the ability she wanted. She decided to try one last time. Iya came to a local tavern. The moment she entered most of the creatures recognized her.

"I‘m looking for a creature worthy of a mission. I need a tracker or assassin, it doesnt matter to me. All I care about is the ability to find and to kill."

There was no answer. Iya was turning to leave when a faint voice came from the back of the tavern.

"I can be of service to you, dear fox." came a familiar voice to Iya.

The creature stood up. Iya recognized him immediately: he was the assassin she sent previously to kill Gideon. The fox ordered everyone out of the tavern, the patrons left reluctantly. The coyote leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. He wore a black shirt and sash. Around his waist was a dagger, and a bow and quiver of arrows rest beside him.

"Well Barrachus, it‘s been a long time since I‘ve seen you. Does the blood of a coward still run through your veins?"

"I had no idea the rabbit could fight, let alone carried a sword," said Barrachus. " He broke my nose."

"So you want to offer your services again?"

"I needed the money," said the coyote.

Iya walked over and took a seat.

"Can I trust you to finish the job this time?"

"I will." said the coyote.

Iya thought of who the coyote should look for: Deborah was on the island and it was more likely that the rabbit could have escaped from prison. Iya gave Barrachus his orders.

"Youll be looking for the same rabbit as before. I want you to bring me his head.

I‘ll pay you ten thousand gold pieces."

Barrachus poured some water from a pitcher into a cup.

"I want more," he said bringing the cup to his mouth.

The coyote went to take a drink, but the cold, wet water that he would have enjoyed turned into a dry, grainy substance. Iya turned the water into sand. The coyote threw the cup to the side and coughed up the sand.

"Dont test me. Go and do what I say."

"O.k." he said spitting the rest of the sand on the floor, "How much time do I have?"

"All the time in the world," she said leaving the tavern. "By the way finish up your water, you look terribly thirsty."

Meanwhile, Jezerah was planning a party to be held in the new hall in Eldos. The parties she held were elaborate and abundant. There was a party every week to display her wealth among the surrounding countries, that‘s why she demanded high taxes from the commoners. Iya returned and saw the plans that were being made.

"Another party, what is this one for?"

"The union with Chetz," said Jezerah.

"When they sign this scroll they will become apart of Shavron and Shavron will become apart of them. Then I will be the highest amongst the creatures in the world."

The party that Jezerah planned was held a week later. All the commoners were ordered to pay homage to the high commanders of Chetz. As the leopards entered through Shavron‘s country gates, the commoners were astonished by their presence. At least five hundred leopards entered. Some marched in regiments while others were carried on litters. The female leopards lead first sprinkling rose pedals on the ground. This was a pain to some of the commoners because they knew that they would have to clean it up as soon as the Chetzians left. The trip to the banquet hall was rather boorish. Some of the officers made fun of the less fortunate commoners that stood along the streets. It was quite impolite and the words used were so undignified that it made some of the commoners turn away in disgust.

Jezerah waited at the top of the hall‘s staircase. She stood along side Iya and couldn‘t wait for the signing of the scroll. The highest ranking member of the Chetzians approached Jezerah first.

"Good day your highness. I am Lugar, first in command of the emperor‘s realm. I greet you and bring you gifts from our land to seal our fate as one. May we pay you homage?"

"You may," Jezerah said with a grin.

The leopards brought all kinds of fabrics, new instruments, and fruits. Jezerah was elated to see all her presents and ordered her maidservants to take them to her room. Jezerah invited the leopards into the hall. The feast had begun. Grunting and snarling had become the table manners. This took both foxes by surprise and it quickly killed their appetite.

After the feast, the tables were removed and the group parted to create a space for the entertainers. At the clap of Jezerah‘s hands a host of musicians, jugglers, and acrobats were jumping around and dancing. The entertainment continued for five minutes, and then Jezerah held up her hands to speak.

"As you know this country had once been a nation under what they call the Holy One, but as proof of my control I have a creature who was once a leader in this land. He was a judge over this land, chosen by the Holy One, but now I own him. The judges‘ history is over; ours is just beginning. Bring him forth!"

Jezerah‘s soldier brought out a hunched over, ragged figure dressed in chains. He walked slowly at first; but after a sudden jerk of the chain, he moved a little faster. All eyes were on this creature. The Chetzians shouted insults at him. The soldiers placed him in the middle of the floor. The figure was Samson. Five years ago the wolf stood taller, but over the years Jezerah broke his spirit and now all he could do was to bend over and look at the ground. His mane, that was once full, was now cut in patches.

"This is Samson. He use to answer to the Ho